use of alluxio.client.file.FileOutStream in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class LineageMasterIntegrationTest method lineageRecovery.
* Tests that a lineage job is executed when the output file for the lineage is reported as lost.
* The checkpoint interval is set high so that we are guaranteed to call reportLostFile
* before persistence is complete.
@Test(timeout = 100000)
@LocalAlluxioClusterResource.Config(confParams = { PropertyKey.Name.MASTER_LINEAGE_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL_MS, "100000" })
public void lineageRecovery() throws Exception {
final File logFile = mFolder.newFile();
// Delete the log file so that when it starts to exist we know that it was created by the
// lineage recompute job
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.Factory.get();
try (LineageMasterClient lineageClient = getLineageMasterClient()) {
lineageClient.createLineage(ImmutableList.<String>of(), ImmutableList.of("/testFile"), new CommandLineJob("echo hello world", new JobConf(logFile.getAbsolutePath())));
FileOutStream out = fs.createFile(new AlluxioURI("/testFile"));
// Wait for the log file to be created by the recompute job
CommonUtils.waitFor("the log file to be written", new Function<Void, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(Void input) {
if (!logFile.exists()) {
return false;
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(logFile))) {
String line = reader.readLine();
return line != null && line.equals("hello world");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
}, WaitForOptions.defaults().setTimeout(100 * Constants.SECOND_MS));
use of alluxio.client.file.FileOutStream in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class LineageMasterIntegrationTest method lineageCompleteAndAsyncPersist.
public void lineageCompleteAndAsyncPersist() throws Exception {
try (LineageMasterClient lineageMasterClient = getLineageMasterClient()) {
ArrayList<String> outFiles = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.addAll(outFiles, OUT_FILE);
lineageMasterClient.createLineage(new ArrayList<String>(), outFiles, mJob);
CreateFileOptions options = CreateFileOptions.defaults().setWriteType(WriteType.MUST_CACHE).setBlockSizeBytes(BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES);
LineageFileSystem fs = (LineageFileSystem) mLocalAlluxioClusterResource.get().getClient();
FileOutStream outputStream = fs.createFile(new AlluxioURI(OUT_FILE), options);
List<LineageInfo> infos = lineageMasterClient.getLineageInfoList();
AlluxioURI uri = new AlluxioURI(infos.get(0).getOutputFiles().get(0));
URIStatus status = getFileSystemMasterClient().getStatus(uri);
Assert.assertNotEquals(PersistenceState.PERSISTED.toString(), status.getPersistenceState());
IntegrationTestUtils.waitForPersist(mLocalAlluxioClusterResource, uri);
// worker notifies the master
status = getFileSystemMasterClient().getStatus(uri);
Assert.assertEquals(PersistenceState.PERSISTED.toString(), status.getPersistenceState());
use of alluxio.client.file.FileOutStream in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class LineageFileSystemTest method getNonLineageStream.
* Tests that a {@link FileOutStream} is returned.
public void getNonLineageStream() throws Exception {
AlluxioURI path = new AlluxioURI("test");
Mockito.when(mLineageMasterClient.reinitializeFile("test", TEST_BLOCK_SIZE, 0, TtlAction.DELETE)).thenThrow(new LineageDoesNotExistException("lineage does not exist"));
CreateFileOptions options = CreateFileOptions.defaults().setBlockSizeBytes(TEST_BLOCK_SIZE).setTtl(0);
FileOutStream outStream = mAlluxioLineageFileSystem.createFile(path, options);
Assert.assertTrue(outStream != null);
Assert.assertFalse(outStream instanceof LineageFileOutStream);
Assert.assertFalse(outStream instanceof DummyFileOutputStream);
// verify client is released
use of alluxio.client.file.FileOutStream in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class AlluxioFrameworkIntegrationTest method basicAlluxioTests.
private static void basicAlluxioTests() throws Exception {"Running tests");
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.Factory.get();
int listSize = fs.listStatus(new AlluxioURI("/")).size();
if (listSize != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected 1 path to exist at the root, but found " + listSize);
FileOutStream outStream = fs.createFile(new AlluxioURI("/test"));
FileInStream inStream = fs.openFile(new AlluxioURI("/test"));
String result = IOUtils.toString(inStream);
if (!result.equals("abc")) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected abc but got " + result);
}"Tests passed");