use of alluxio.grpc.table.SyncStatus in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class TableIntegrationTest method attachIgnore.
public void attachIgnore() throws Exception {
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put(CatalogProperty.DB_IGNORE_TABLES.getName(), TEST_TABLE_ERROR + ",other,");
// expect no errors if the bad table is ignored
SyncStatus status = sTableMaster.attachDatabase("hive", "thrift://" + sHmsAddress + ":" + sHmsPort, DB_NAME_ERRORS, DB_NAME_ERRORS, options, false);
assertEquals(0, status.getTablesErrorsCount());
assertEquals(1, status.getTablesIgnoredCount());
// expect no errors on a sync, if the bad table is ignored
status = sTableMaster.syncDatabase(DB_NAME_ERRORS);
assertEquals(0, status.getTablesErrorsCount());
assertEquals(1, status.getTablesIgnoredCount());