use of in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class ValueSetExpanderSimple method excludeCodes.
private void excludeCodes(ConceptSetComponent exc, List<ValueSetExpansionParameterComponent> params, String ctxt) throws FHIRException {
exc.checkNoModifiers("Compose.exclude", "expanding");
if (exc.hasSystem() && exc.getConcept().size() == 0 && exc.getFilter().size() == 0) {
if (exc.hasValueSet())
throw new Error("Processing Value set references in exclude is not yet done in " + ctxt);
// importValueSet(imp.getValue(), params, expParams);
CodeSystem cs = context.fetchCodeSystem(exc.getSystem());
if ((cs == null || cs.getContent() != CodeSystemContentMode.COMPLETE) && context.supportsSystem(exc.getSystem())) {
ValueSetExpansionOutcome vse = context.expandVS(exc, false);
ValueSet valueset = vse.getValueset();
if (valueset == null)
throw new TerminologyServiceException("Error Expanding ValueSet: " + vse.getError());
excludeCodes(valueset.getExpansion(), params);
for (ConceptReferenceComponent c : exc.getConcept()) {
excludeCode(exc.getSystem(), c.getCode());
if (exc.getFilter().size() > 0)
throw new NotImplementedException("not done yet");
use of in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class QuestionnaireBuilder method processDataType.
private void processDataType(StructureDefinition profile, QuestionnaireItemComponent group, ElementDefinition element, String path, TypeRefComponent t, List<QuestionnaireResponse.QuestionnaireResponseItemComponent> answerGroups, List<ElementDefinition> parents) throws FHIRException {
String tc = t.getWorkingCode();
if (tc.equals("code"))
addCodeQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (Utilities.existsInList(tc, "string", "id", "oid", "uuid", "markdown"))
addStringQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (Utilities.existsInList(tc, "uri", "url", "canonical"))
addUriQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("boolean"))
addBooleanQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("decimal"))
addDecimalQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("dateTime") || tc.equals("date"))
addDateTimeQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("instant"))
addInstantQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("time"))
addTimeQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("CodeableConcept"))
addCodeableConceptQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Period"))
addPeriodQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Ratio"))
addRatioQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("HumanName"))
addHumanNameQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Address"))
addAddressQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("ContactPoint"))
addContactPointQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Identifier"))
addIdentifierQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("integer") || tc.equals("positiveInt") || tc.equals("unsignedInt"))
addIntegerQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Coding"))
addCodingQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (Utilities.existsInList(tc, "Quantity", "Count", "Age", "Duration", "Distance", "Money"))
addQuantityQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Money"))
addMoneyQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Reference"))
addReferenceQuestions(group, element, path, t.getTargetProfile(), answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Duration"))
addDurationQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("base64Binary"))
addBinaryQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Attachment"))
addAttachmentQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Age"))
addAgeQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Range"))
addRangeQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Timing"))
addTimingQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Annotation"))
addAnnotationQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("SampledData"))
addSampledDataQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Extension")) {
if (t.hasProfile())
addExtensionQuestions(profile, group, element, path, t.getProfile().get(0).getValue(), answerGroups, parents);
} else if (tc.equals("SampledData"))
addSampledDataQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (!tc.equals("Narrative") && !tc.equals("Resource") && !tc.equals("Meta") && !tc.equals("Signature")) {
StructureDefinition sd = context.fetchTypeDefinition(tc);
if (sd == null)
throw new NotImplementedException("Unhandled Data Type: " + tc + " on element " + element.getPath());
buildGroup(group, sd, sd.getSnapshot().getElementFirstRep(), parents, answerGroups);
use of in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class FFHIRPathHostServices method conformsToProfile.
public boolean conformsToProfile(Object appContext, Base item, String url) throws FHIRException {
IResourceValidator val = structureMapUtilities.getWorker().newValidator();
List<ValidationMessage> valerrors = new ArrayList<ValidationMessage>();
if (item instanceof Resource) {
val.validate(appContext, valerrors, (Resource) item, url);
return noErrorValidationMessages(valerrors);
if (item instanceof Element) {
val.validate(appContext, valerrors, null, (Element) item, url);
return noErrorValidationMessages(valerrors);
throw new NotImplementedException("Not done yet (FFHIRPathHostServices.conformsToProfile), when item is not element or not resource");
use of in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class ValueSetExpanderSimple method includeCodes.
private void includeCodes(ConceptSetComponent inc, List<ValueSetExpansionParameterComponent> params, ExpansionProfile profile) throws ETooCostly, FileNotFoundException, IOException, FHIRException {
List<ValueSet> imports = new ArrayList<ValueSet>();
for (UriType imp : inc.getValueSet()) imports.add(importValueSet(imp.getValue(), params, profile));
if (!inc.hasSystem()) {
if (// though this is not supposed to be the case
ValueSet base = imports.get(0);
copyImportContains(base.getExpansion().getContains(), null, profile, imports);
} else {
CodeSystem cs = context.fetchCodeSystem(inc.getSystem());
if ((cs == null || cs.getContent() != CodeSystemContentMode.COMPLETE) && context.supportsSystem(inc.getSystem())) {
addCodes(context.expandVS(inc, canBeHeirarchy), params, profile, imports);
if (cs == null) {
if (context.isNoTerminologyServer())
throw new NoTerminologyServiceException("unable to find code system " + inc.getSystem().toString());
throw new TerminologyServiceException("unable to find code system " + inc.getSystem().toString());
if (cs.getContent() != CodeSystemContentMode.COMPLETE)
throw new TerminologyServiceException("Code system " + inc.getSystem().toString() + " is incomplete");
if (cs.hasVersion())
if (!existsInParams(params, "version", new UriType(cs.getUrl() + "|" + cs.getVersion())))
params.add(new ValueSetExpansionParameterComponent().setName("version").setValue(new UriType(cs.getUrl() + "|" + cs.getVersion())));
if (inc.getConcept().size() == 0 && inc.getFilter().size() == 0) {
// special case - add all the code system
for (ConceptDefinitionComponent def : cs.getConcept()) {
addCodeAndDescendents(cs, inc.getSystem(), def, null, profile, imports);
if (!inc.getConcept().isEmpty()) {
canBeHeirarchy = false;
for (ConceptReferenceComponent c : inc.getConcept()) {
addCode(inc.getSystem(), c.getCode(), Utilities.noString(c.getDisplay()) ? getCodeDisplay(cs, c.getCode()) : c.getDisplay(), null, convertDesignations(c.getDesignation()), profile, false, CodeSystemUtilities.isInactive(cs, c.getCode()), imports);
if (inc.getFilter().size() > 1) {
// which will bt the case if we get around to supporting this
canBeHeirarchy = false;
// need to and them, and this isn't done yet. But this shouldn't arise in non loinc and snomed value sets
throw new TerminologyServiceException("Multiple filters not handled yet");
if (inc.getFilter().size() == 1) {
ConceptSetFilterComponent fc = inc.getFilter().get(0);
if ("concept".equals(fc.getProperty()) && fc.getOp() == FilterOperator.ISA) {
// special: all codes in the target code system under the value
ConceptDefinitionComponent def = getConceptForCode(cs.getConcept(), fc.getValue());
if (def == null)
throw new TerminologyServiceException("Code '" + fc.getValue() + "' not found in system '" + inc.getSystem() + "'");
addCodeAndDescendents(cs, inc.getSystem(), def, null, profile, imports);
} else if ("concept".equals(fc.getProperty()) && fc.getOp() == FilterOperator.DESCENDENTOF) {
// special: all codes in the target code system under the value
ConceptDefinitionComponent def = getConceptForCode(cs.getConcept(), fc.getValue());
if (def == null)
throw new TerminologyServiceException("Code '" + fc.getValue() + "' not found in system '" + inc.getSystem() + "'");
for (ConceptDefinitionComponent c : def.getConcept()) addCodeAndDescendents(cs, inc.getSystem(), c, null, profile, imports);
} else if ("display".equals(fc.getProperty()) && fc.getOp() == FilterOperator.EQUAL) {
// gg; note: wtf is this: if the filter is display=v, look up the code 'v', and see if it's diplsay is 'v'?
canBeHeirarchy = false;
ConceptDefinitionComponent def = getConceptForCode(cs.getConcept(), fc.getValue());
if (def != null) {
if (isNotBlank(def.getDisplay()) && isNotBlank(fc.getValue())) {
if (def.getDisplay().contains(fc.getValue())) {
addCode(inc.getSystem(), def.getCode(), def.getDisplay(), null, def.getDesignation(), profile, CodeSystemUtilities.isNotSelectable(cs, def), CodeSystemUtilities.isInactive(cs, def), imports);
} else
throw new NotImplementedException("Search by property[" + fc.getProperty() + "] and op[" + fc.getOp() + "] is not supported yet");
use of in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class ProfileDrivenRenderer method displayLeaf.
private boolean displayLeaf(ResourceWrapper res, BaseWrapper ew, ElementDefinition defn, XhtmlNode x, String name, boolean showCodeDetails, boolean allowLinks) throws FHIRException, UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
if (ew == null)
return false;
Base e = ew.getBase();
if (e == null)
return false;
Map<String, String> displayHints = readDisplayHints(defn);
if (name.endsWith("[x]"))
name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 3);
if (!showCodeDetails && e instanceof PrimitiveType && isDefault(displayHints, ((PrimitiveType) e)))
return false;
if (e instanceof StringType) {
x.addText(name + ": " + ((StringType) e).getValue());
return true;
} else if (e instanceof CodeType) {
x.addText(name + ": " + ((CodeType) e).getValue());
return true;
} else if (e instanceof IdType) {
x.addText(name + ": " + ((IdType) e).getValue());
return true;
} else if (e instanceof UriType) {
if (Utilities.isAbsoluteUrlLinkable(((UriType) e).getValue()) && allowLinks) {
x.tx(name + ": ");
x.ah(((UriType) e).getValue()).addText(((UriType) e).getValue());
} else {
x.addText(name + ": " + ((UriType) e).getValue());
return true;
} else if (e instanceof DateTimeType) {
x.addText(name + ": " + ((DateTimeType) e).toHumanDisplay());
return true;
} else if (e instanceof InstantType) {
x.addText(name + ": " + ((InstantType) e).toHumanDisplay());
return true;
} else if (e instanceof Extension) {
// x.tx("Extensions: todo");
return false;
} else if (e instanceof org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.DateType) {
x.addText(name + ": " + ((org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.DateType) e).toHumanDisplay());
return true;
} else if (e instanceof Enumeration) {
// todo: look up a display name if there is one
x.addText(((Enumeration<?>) e).getValue().toString());
return true;
} else if (e instanceof BooleanType) {
if (((BooleanType) e).hasValue()) {
x.addText(": ");
x.addText(((BooleanType) e).getValueAsString());
return true;
} else if (e instanceof CodeableReference) {
if (((CodeableReference) e).hasReference()) {
Reference r = ((CodeableReference) e).getReference();
renderReference(res, x, r, allowLinks);
} else {
renderCodeableConcept(x, ((CodeableReference) e).getConcept(), showCodeDetails);
return true;
} else if (e instanceof CodeableConcept) {
renderCodeableConcept(x, (CodeableConcept) e, showCodeDetails);
return true;
} else if (e instanceof Coding) {
renderCoding(x, (Coding) e, showCodeDetails);
return true;
} else if (e instanceof Annotation) {
renderAnnotation(x, (Annotation) e, showCodeDetails);
return true;
} else if (e instanceof org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.IntegerType) {
x.addText(Integer.toString(((org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.IntegerType) e).getValue()));
return true;
} else if (e instanceof org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.DecimalType) {
x.addText(((org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.DecimalType) e).getValue().toString());
return true;
} else if (e instanceof Identifier) {
renderIdentifier(x, (Identifier) e);
return true;
} else if (e instanceof HumanName) {
renderHumanName(x, (HumanName) e);
return true;
} else if (e instanceof SampledData) {
renderSampledData(x, (SampledData) e);
return true;
} else if (e instanceof Address) {
renderAddress(x, (Address) e);
return true;
} else if (e instanceof ContactPoint) {
if (allowLinks) {
renderContactPoint(x, (ContactPoint) e);
} else {
displayContactPoint(x, (ContactPoint) e);
return true;
} else if (e instanceof Timing) {
renderTiming(x, (Timing) e);
return true;
} else if (e instanceof Quantity) {
renderQuantity(x, (Quantity) e, showCodeDetails);
return true;
} else if (e instanceof Ratio) {
renderQuantity(x, ((Ratio) e).getNumerator(), showCodeDetails);
renderQuantity(x, ((Ratio) e).getDenominator(), showCodeDetails);
return true;
} else if (e instanceof Period) {
Period p = (Period) e;
x.addText(name + ": ");
x.addText(!p.hasStart() ? "?ngen-2?" : p.getStartElement().toHumanDisplay());
x.tx(" --> ");
x.addText(!p.hasEnd() ? "(ongoing)" : p.getEndElement().toHumanDisplay());
return true;
} else if (e instanceof Reference) {
Reference r = (Reference) e;
if (r.hasDisplayElement())
else if (r.hasReferenceElement()) {
ResourceWithReference tr = resolveReference(res, r.getReference());
// getDisplayForReference(tr.getReference()));
x.addText(tr == null ? r.getReference() : "?ngen-3");
} else
return true;
} else if (e instanceof Narrative) {
return false;
} else if (e instanceof Resource) {
return false;
} else if (e instanceof ContactDetail) {
ContactDetail cd = (ContactDetail) e;
if (cd.hasName()) {
x.tx(cd.getName() + ": ");
boolean first = true;
for (ContactPoint c : cd.getTelecom()) {
if (first)
first = false;
if (allowLinks) {
renderContactPoint(x, c);
} else {
displayContactPoint(x, c);
return true;
} else if (e instanceof Range) {
return false;
} else if (e instanceof Meta) {
return false;
} else if (e instanceof Dosage) {
return false;
} else if (e instanceof Signature) {
return false;
} else if (e instanceof UsageContext) {
return false;
} else if (e instanceof RelatedArtifact) {
return false;
} else if (e instanceof ElementDefinition) {
return false;
} else if (e instanceof Base64BinaryType) {
return false;
} else if (!(e instanceof Attachment))
throw new NotImplementedException("type " + e.getClass().getName() + " not handled yet");
return false;