use of alluxio.wire.WorkerNetAddress in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class MultiWorkerIntegrationTest method replicateFileBlocks.
private void replicateFileBlocks(AlluxioURI filePath) throws Exception {
FileSystemContext fsContext = FileSystemContext.create(;
AlluxioBlockStore store = AlluxioBlockStore.create(fsContext);
URIStatus status = mResource.get().getClient().getStatus(filePath);
List<FileBlockInfo> blocks = status.getFileBlockInfos();
List<BlockWorkerInfo> workers = fsContext.getCachedWorkers();
for (FileBlockInfo block : blocks) {
BlockInfo blockInfo = block.getBlockInfo();
WorkerNetAddress src = blockInfo.getLocations().get(0).getWorkerAddress();
WorkerNetAddress dest = -> !candidate.getNetAddress().equals(src)).findFirst().get().getNetAddress();
try (OutputStream outStream = store.getOutStream(blockInfo.getBlockId(), blockInfo.getLength(), dest, OutStreamOptions.defaults(fsContext.getClientContext()).setBlockSizeBytes(8 * Constants.MB).setWriteType(WriteType.MUST_CACHE))) {
try (InputStream inStream = store.getInStream(blockInfo.getBlockId(), new InStreamOptions(status, {
ByteStreams.copy(inStream, outStream);
use of alluxio.wire.WorkerNetAddress in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class ServiceSocketBindIntegrationTest method connectServices.
private void connectServices() throws IOException, ConnectionFailedException {
// connect Master RPC service
mBlockMasterClient = BlockMasterClient.Factory.create(new InetSocketAddress(mLocalAlluxioCluster.getHostname(), mLocalAlluxioCluster.getMasterRpcPort()));
// connect Worker RPC service
WorkerNetAddress workerAddress = mLocalAlluxioCluster.getWorkerAddress();
mBlockWorkerClient = FileSystemContext.INSTANCE.createBlockWorkerClient(workerAddress);
// connect Worker data service
mWorkerDataService = InetSocketAddress(workerAddress.getHost(), workerAddress.getDataPort()));
// connect Master Web service
InetSocketAddress masterWebAddr = NetworkAddressUtils.getConnectAddress(ServiceType.MASTER_WEB);
mMasterWebService = (HttpURLConnection) new URL("http://" + masterWebAddr.getAddress().getHostAddress() + ":" + masterWebAddr.getPort() + "/css/custom.min.css").openConnection();
// connect Worker Web service
InetSocketAddress workerWebAddr = new InetSocketAddress(workerAddress.getHost(), workerAddress.getWebPort());
mWorkerWebService = (HttpURLConnection) new URL("http://" + workerWebAddr.getAddress().getHostAddress() + ":" + workerWebAddr.getPort() + "/css/custom.min.css").openConnection();
use of alluxio.wire.WorkerNetAddress in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class FileInStream method updateCacheStream.
* Updates {@link #mCurrentCacheStream}. When {@code mShouldCache} is true, {@code FileInStream}
* will create an {@code BlockOutStream} to cache the data read only if
* <ol>
* <li>the file is read from under storage, or</li>
* <li>the file is read from a remote worker and we have an available local worker.</li>
* </ol>
* The following preconditions are checked inside:
* <ol>
* <li>{@link #mCurrentCacheStream} is either done or null.</li>
* <li>EOF is reached or {@link #mCurrentBlockInStream} must be valid.</li>
* </ol>
* After this call, {@link #mCurrentCacheStream} is either null or freshly created.
* {@link #mCurrentCacheStream} is created only if the block is not cached in a chosen machine
* and mPos is at the beginning of a block.
* This function is only called by {@link #updateStreams()}.
* @param blockId cached result of {@link #getCurrentBlockId()}
* @throws IOException if the next cache stream cannot be created
private void updateCacheStream(long blockId) throws IOException {
// We should really only close a cache stream here. This check is to verify this.
Preconditions.checkState(mCurrentCacheStream == null || cacheStreamRemaining() == 0);
Preconditions.checkState(mCurrentCacheStream == null);
if (blockId < 0) {
// End of file.
if (!mShouldCache || isReadingFromLocalBlockWorker()) {
// If this block is read from a remote worker but we don't have a local worker, don't cache
if (isReadingFromRemoteBlockWorker() && !mContext.hasLocalWorker()) {
// middle of a block.
if (mPos % mBlockSize != 0) {
try {
WorkerNetAddress address = mCacheLocationPolicy.getWorkerForNextBlock(mBlockStore.getWorkerInfoList(), getBlockSizeAllocation(mPos));
// If we reach here, we need to cache.
mCurrentCacheStream = mBlockStore.getOutStream(blockId, getBlockSize(mPos), address, mOutStreamOptions);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (AlluxioException e) {
LOG.warn("The block with ID {} could not be cached into Alluxio storage.", blockId, e);
use of alluxio.wire.WorkerNetAddress in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class FileSystemContext method createFileSystemWorkerClient.
* Creates a new file system worker client, prioritizing local workers if available. This method
* initializes the list of worker addresses if it has not been initialized.
* @return a file system worker client to a worker in the system
* @throws IOException if an error occurs getting the list of workers in the system
public FileSystemWorkerClient createFileSystemWorkerClient() throws IOException {
WorkerNetAddress address;
synchronized (this) {
if (mWorkerAddresses == null) {
mWorkerAddresses = getWorkerAddresses();
address = mWorkerAddresses.get(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(mWorkerAddresses.size()));
InetSocketAddress rpcAddress = NetworkAddressUtils.getRpcPortSocketAddress(address);
if (!mFileSystemWorkerClientPools.containsKey(rpcAddress)) {
FileSystemWorkerThriftClientPool pool = new FileSystemWorkerThriftClientPool(mParentSubject, rpcAddress, Configuration.getInt(PropertyKey.USER_FILE_WORKER_CLIENT_POOL_SIZE_MAX), Configuration.getLong(PropertyKey.USER_FILE_WORKER_CLIENT_POOL_GC_THRESHOLD_MS));
if (mFileSystemWorkerClientPools.putIfAbsent(rpcAddress, pool) != null) {
if (!mFileSystemWorkerClientHeartbeatPools.containsKey(rpcAddress)) {
FileSystemWorkerThriftClientPool pool = new FileSystemWorkerThriftClientPool(mParentSubject, rpcAddress, Configuration.getInt(PropertyKey.USER_FILE_WORKER_CLIENT_POOL_SIZE_MAX), Configuration.getLong(PropertyKey.USER_FILE_WORKER_CLIENT_POOL_GC_THRESHOLD_MS));
if (mFileSystemWorkerClientHeartbeatPools.putIfAbsent(rpcAddress, pool) != null) {
long sessionId = IdUtils.getRandomNonNegativeLong();
return FileSystemWorkerClient.Factory.create(mFileSystemWorkerClientPools.get(rpcAddress), mFileSystemWorkerClientHeartbeatPools.get(rpcAddress), address, sessionId);
use of alluxio.wire.WorkerNetAddress in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class RoundRobinPolicy method getWorkerForNextBlock.
* The policy uses the first fetch of worker info list as the base, and visits each of them in a
* round-robin manner in the subsequent calls. The policy doesn't assume the list of worker info
* in the subsequent calls has the same order from the first, and it will skip the workers that
* are no longer active.
* @param workerInfoList the info of the active workers
* @param blockSizeBytes the size of the block in bytes
* @return the address of the worker to write to
public WorkerNetAddress getWorkerForNextBlock(Iterable<BlockWorkerInfo> workerInfoList, long blockSizeBytes) {
if (!mInitialized) {
mWorkerInfoList = Lists.newArrayList(workerInfoList);
mIndex = 0;
mInitialized = true;
// at most try all the workers
for (int i = 0; i < mWorkerInfoList.size(); i++) {
WorkerNetAddress candidate = mWorkerInfoList.get(mIndex).getNetAddress();
BlockWorkerInfo workerInfo = findBlockWorkerInfo(workerInfoList, candidate);
mIndex = (mIndex + 1) % mWorkerInfoList.size();
if (workerInfo != null && workerInfo.getCapacityBytes() >= blockSizeBytes) {
return candidate;
return null;