use of alma.ACSErr.ErrorTrace in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class AcsJExceptionTest method testJCompletion.
* Creates Completion objects from scratch, from other completion objects,
* with and without associated exception, and checks the values.
public void testJCompletion() {
// a completion without associated exception
AcsJCompletion jcompl1 = new ACSErrTestOKAcsJCompletion();
assertEquals(ACSErrTypeTest.value, jcompl1.getType());
assertEquals(ACSErrTestOK.value, jcompl1.getCode());
assertTrue(jcompl1.getTimeStamp() > 0);
Completion corbacompl = jcompl1.toCorbaCompletion();
assertEquals(ACSErrTypeTest.value, corbacompl.type);
assertEquals(ACSErrTestOK.value, corbacompl.code);
assertTrue(corbacompl.previousError.length == 0);
assertEquals(UTCUtility.utcJavaToOmg(jcompl1.getTimeStamp()), corbacompl.timeStamp);
long timeMillisBeforeExceptionCreation = System.currentTimeMillis();
// completion with associated exception,
// trying to wrap the previous completion (which has no exception that could be wrapped)
AcsJCompletion jcompl2 = new ACSErrTest1AcsJCompletion(jcompl1);
AcsJException acsjex2 = jcompl2.getAcsJException();
assertTrue(acsjex2 instanceof AcsJACSErrTest1Ex);
// completion with associated exception,
// but this time trying to wrap the plain CORBA completion instead of its AcsJ-equivalent.
AcsJCompletion jcompl2b = new ACSErrTest2AcsJCompletion(corbacompl);
AcsJException acsjex2b = jcompl2b.getAcsJException();
assertTrue(acsjex2b instanceof AcsJACSErrTest2Ex);
// now wrapping a completion with exception with another completion with exception
AcsJCompletion jcompl3 = new ACSErrTest3AcsJCompletion(jcompl2);
AcsJException acsjex3 = jcompl3.getAcsJException();
assertTrue(acsjex3 instanceof AcsJACSErrTest3Ex);
Throwable acsjex_cause = acsjex3.getCause();
Throwable acsjex_cause2 = acsjex_cause.getCause();
Completion corbacomp3 = jcompl3.toCorbaCompletion();
assertEquals(ACSErrTypeTest.value, corbacomp3.type);
assertEquals(ACSErrTest3.value, corbacomp3.code);
assertEquals(1, corbacomp3.previousError.length);
ErrorTrace trace_3_1 = corbacomp3.previousError[0];
ErrorTrace trace_3_0 = trace_3_1.previousError[0];
assertEquals(0, trace_3_0.previousError.length);
// check the various timestamps
long timeMillisAfterExceptionCreation = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertTrue(timeMillisBeforeExceptionCreation <= acsjex2.getTimestampMillis());
assertTrue(timeMillisAfterExceptionCreation >= acsjex2.getTimestampMillis());
assertTrue(timeMillisBeforeExceptionCreation <= acsjex2b.getTimestampMillis());
assertTrue(timeMillisAfterExceptionCreation >= acsjex2b.getTimestampMillis());
long corbacomp3_millis = UTCUtility.utcOmgToJava(corbacomp3.timeStamp);
assertTrue(timeMillisBeforeExceptionCreation <= corbacomp3_millis);
assertTrue(timeMillisAfterExceptionCreation >= corbacomp3_millis);
long trace_3_0_millis = UTCUtility.utcOmgToJava(trace_3_0.timeStamp);
assertTrue(timeMillisBeforeExceptionCreation <= trace_3_0_millis);
assertTrue(timeMillisAfterExceptionCreation >= trace_3_0_millis);
use of alma.ACSErr.ErrorTrace in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class AcsJException method log.
* Logs this exception and all causing exceptions.
* For each such exception, a separate log entry is created, in accordance with the ACS error logging specification.
* @param logger the JDK logger to be used for logging this exception.
public void log(Logger logger) {
Throwable thr = this;
// the common ID by which all log messages for the various ErrorTrace objects can later be assembled again
String stackID = logger.getName() + System.currentTimeMillis();
// stackLevel is a running integer counting down from the latest Throwable to the initial Throwable (index=0)
for (int stackLevel = getTraceDepth() - 1; stackLevel >= 0; stackLevel--) {
ErrorTrace et = createSingleErrorTrace(thr, m_timeMilli - 1);
LogRecord logRec = createSingleErrorTraceLogRecord(et, stackID, stackLevel);
if (stackLevel > 0) {
thr = thr.getCause();
use of alma.ACSErr.ErrorTrace in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class CorbaExceptionConverter method resurrectThrowable.
private static void resurrectThrowable(Throwable thr, ErrorTrace et) {
if (thr == null || et == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("resurrectThrowable: parameters must not be null!");
if (thr instanceof AcsJException) {
// data specific to AcsJException
AcsJException acsJEx = (AcsJException) thr;
acsJEx.m_host =;
acsJEx.m_process = et.process;
acsJEx.m_file = et.file;
acsJEx.m_method = et.routine;
acsJEx.m_line = et.lineNum;
// todo check if error type and code match
//et.errorType == acsJEx.getErrorType();
//et.errorCode == acsJEx.getErrorCode();
acsJEx.m_severity = et.severity;
acsJEx.m_threadName = et.thread;
acsJEx.m_timeMilli = UTCUtility.utcOmgToJava(et.timeStamp);
acsJEx.m_properties = ErrorTraceManipulator.getProperties(et);
// We redundantly put source information also into a fake StackTrace,
// which then looks better when logging such an AcsJException directly,
// even though the rest of a single java exception's stack trace did not get
// forwarded over corba/ErrorTrace.
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = new StackTraceElement[1];
stackTrace[0] = new StackTraceElement("---", et.routine, et.file, et.lineNum);
if (et.previousError != null && et.previousError.length > 0 && et.previousError[0] != null) {
ErrorTrace etCause = et.previousError[0];
if (etCause != null) {
// recursion
Throwable thrCause = recursiveGetThrowable(etCause);
use of alma.ACSErr.ErrorTrace in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class CorbaExceptionConverter method convertHiddenErrorTrace.
* Checks if a given Throwable is of a CORBA type generated by the ACS error system.
* If so, the embedded error trace is converted to a chain of AcsJ-style exceptions.
* <p>
* The check is based on the fact that all ACS error system exceptions derive
* from <code>org.omg.CORBA.UserException</code>, and have a field <code>errorTrace</code>
* of type <code>alma.ACSErr.ErrorTrace</code>.
* @param thr
* @return The converted Throwable, or <code>thr</code> itself if no conversion is necessary,
* or if the conversion failed with an exception.
public static Throwable convertHiddenErrorTrace(Throwable thr) {
// that does not have an associated error trace
if (thr == null) {
return null;
// all ACS error system exceptions derive from org.omg.CORBA.UserException
if (UserException.class.isAssignableFrom(thr.getClass())) {
// check if thr is of an exception class generated by the ACS error system, then use its ErrorTrace
try {
Field errorTraceField = thr.getClass().getField("errorTrace");
ErrorTrace etCause = (ErrorTrace) errorTraceField.get(thr);
thr = recursiveGetThrowable(etCause);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// ignore: we assume that thr is not an ACS-style exception
return thr;
use of alma.ACSErr.ErrorTrace in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class AcsJException method createSingleErrorTrace.
* Converts a Throwable that may not be an AcsJException to an <code>ErrorTrace</code>.
* <p>
* For example, <code>thr</code> could be a <code>NullPointerException</code> thrown in the same process and thus not yet converted
* to <code>DefaultAcsJException</code>, but wrapped by some subclass of AcsJException which contains the NPE as its cause.
* @param defaultTimeMilli Java-time (1970-based) used to estimate a time stamp if none is available,
* in order to avoid something from October 1582 in the new ErrorTrace.
* Typically the timestamp from the wrapping AcsJException.
* @see #createSingleErrorTrace()
public static ErrorTrace createSingleErrorTrace(Throwable thr, long defaultTimeMilli) {
ErrorTrace et = null;
if (thr instanceof AcsJException) {
et = ((AcsJException) thr).createSingleErrorTrace();
return et;
et = new ErrorTrace();
StackTraceElement[] stTrElems = thr.getStackTrace();
if (stTrElems != null && stTrElems[0] != null) {
StackTraceElement stTrEl = stTrElems[0];
et.file = stTrEl.getFileName();
et.routine = stTrEl.getMethodName();
et.lineNum = stTrEl.getLineNumber();
} else {
// getStackTrace() only make its best-effort,
// we might end up without the data...
et.file = et.routine = "unknown";
et.lineNum = -1;
// the non-ACS exception we are converting does not contain data for the following fields of ErrorTrace,
// so we have to use defaults or smart guessing = s_thisHost;
et.process = s_thisProcess;
et.sourceObject = ContextFinder.getSourceObject();
et.thread = "NA";
et.timeStamp = UTCUtility.utcJavaToOmg(defaultTimeMilli);
// = ACSErrTypeJavaNative.value; this code is hardcoded otherwise we'll have problem with bulding and duplication of code
et.errorType = 9;
et.errorCode = -1;
et.shortDescription = thr.getClass().getName();
et.severity = Severity.Error; = new NameValue[0];
addExceptionProperties(thr, et);
return et;