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Example 26 with FaultFamily

use of alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultFamily in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class AlarmManager method deleteFaultCode.

	 * Deletes a Fault Code of a given Fault Family. The Fault Code to be 
	 * deleted is checked against the existing Reduction Rules in order to 
	 * preserve the consistency of the application (i.e., a Fault Code cannot 
	 * be deleted if it is currently present in a Reduction Rule).
	 * @param ff The Fault Family of the Fault Code to be deleted
	 * @param fc The Fault Code to be deleted
	 * @return True if it deletes the given Fault Code, false otherwise
	 * @throws NullPointerException If the given Fault Family or Fault Code 
	 * is null
	 * @throws IllegalOperationException If the Fault Code is part of an 
	 * existing Reduction Rule
public boolean deleteFaultCode(FaultFamily ff, FaultCode fc) throws NullPointerException, IllegalOperationException {
    if (ff == null || ff.getName() == null)
        throw new NullPointerException("The Fault Family (or its name) owner of the Fault Code to be deleted is null");
    if (fc == null)
        throw new NullPointerException("The Fault Code to be deleted is null");
    List<ReductionRule> rrL = _reductionManager.getNodeReductionRules();
    for (ReductionRule rr : rrL) {
        String[] tr = rr.getParent().getAlarmId().split(":");
        if (tr[0].compareTo(ff.getName()) == 0 && Integer.parseInt(tr[2]) == fc.getValue())
            throw new IllegalOperationException("The Fault Code is currently associated to a Reduction Rule");
    for (Iterator<FaultFamily> iterator = _ffList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
        FaultFamily fft = (FaultFamily);
        if (fft.getName().compareTo(ff.getName()) == 0) {
            for (Iterator<FaultCode> iterator2 = Arrays.asList(fft.getFaultCode()).iterator(); iterator2.hasNext(); ) {
                FaultCode fct = (FaultCode);
                if (fct.getValue() == fc.getValue()) {
                    ObjectState os = _objState.get(fft.getName());
                    if (os == null)
                        throw new IllegalOperationException("There is no ObjectState associated with the given Fault Family");
                    Vector<FaultFamily> ffs = new Vector<FaultFamily>();
                    ((ACSAlarmDAOImpl) _alarmDAO).removeAlarmsMap(ffs);
                    ((ACSAlarmDAOImpl) _alarmDAO).generateAlarmsMap(ffs);
                    return true;
    return false;
Also used : FaultCode(alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultCode) FaultFamily(alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultFamily) Vector(java.util.Vector) ACSAlarmDAOImpl(cl.utfsm.acs.acg.dao.ACSAlarmDAOImpl)

Example 27 with FaultFamily

use of alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultFamily in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class AlarmManager method setFaultMemberDefault.

public boolean setFaultMemberDefault(FaultFamily ff, FaultMemberDefault fmd) throws NullPointerException, IllegalOperationException {
    if (ff == null || ff.getName() == null)
        throw new NullPointerException("The Fault Family (or its name) owner of the Fault Member to be deleted is null");
    List<ReductionRule> rrL = _reductionManager.getNodeReductionRules();
    for (ReductionRule rr : rrL) {
        String[] tr = rr.getParent().getAlarmId().split(":");
        if (tr[0].compareTo(ff.getName()) == 0 && tr[1].compareTo("*") == 0)
            throw new IllegalOperationException("The Fault Member is currently associated to a Reduction Rule");
    for (Iterator<FaultFamily> iterator = _ffList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
        FaultFamily fft = (FaultFamily);
        if (fft.getName().compareTo(ff.getName()) == 0) {
            FaultMemberDefault tfmd = fft.getFaultMemberDefault();
            ObjectState os = _objState.get(fft.getName());
            if (os == null)
                throw new IllegalOperationException("There is no ObjectState associated with the given Fault Family");
            if ((tfmd == null && fmd != null) || (tfmd != null && fmd == null)) {
                Vector<FaultFamily> ffs = new Vector<FaultFamily>();
                ((ACSAlarmDAOImpl) _alarmDAO).removeAlarmsMap(ffs);
                ((ACSAlarmDAOImpl) _alarmDAO).generateAlarmsMap(ffs);
            return true;
    return false;
Also used : FaultMemberDefault(alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultMemberDefault) FaultFamily(alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultFamily) Vector(java.util.Vector) ACSAlarmDAOImpl(cl.utfsm.acs.acg.dao.ACSAlarmDAOImpl)

Example 28 with FaultFamily

use of alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultFamily in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class ACSAlarmDAOImpl method loadAlarms.

	 * Load alarms from CDB.
	 * Read the alarms by the alarm definitions file of the CDB.
	 * The initialization of the alarms is not complete at this stage.
	 * In fact the categories are assigned to alarms when reading the
	 * categories from the CDB by ACSCategoryDAOImpl
	 * @throws Exception In case of error while parsing XML definition files
	 * @see ACSCategoryDAOImpl
public List<FaultFamily> loadAlarms() throws Exception {
    if (conf == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Missing dal");
    String xml;
    try {
        xml = conf.getConfiguration(ALARM_DEFINITION_PATH);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't read alarm XML: " + ALARM_DEFINITION_PATH, t);
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder builder;
    try {
        builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new Exception("Error building the DocumentBuilder from the DocumentBuilderFactory", e);
    StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(xml);
    InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(stringReader);
    Document doc;
    try {
        doc = builder.parse(inputSource);
        if (doc == null) {
            throw new Exception("The builder returned a null Document after parsing");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new Exception("Error parsing XML: " + xml, e);
    NodeList docChilds = doc.getChildNodes();
    if (docChilds == null || docChilds.getLength() != 1) {
        throw new Exception("Malformed xml: only one node (AlarmDefinitions) expected");
    Node alarmDefNode = docChilds.item(0);
    if (alarmDefNode == null || alarmDefNode.getNodeName() != XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE) {
        throw new Exception("Malformed xml: " + XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE + " not found");
    NodeList alarmDefsNodes = alarmDefNode.getChildNodes();
    Unmarshaller FF_unmarshaller = new Unmarshaller(FaultFamily.class);
    Vector<FaultFamily> cdbFamilies = new Vector<FaultFamily>();
    for (int t = 0; t < alarmDefsNodes.getLength(); t++) {
        Node alarmDef = alarmDefsNodes.item(t);
        try {
            FaultFamily family = (FaultFamily) FF_unmarshaller.unmarshal(alarmDef);
            if (family == null) {
                throw new Exception("Error unmarshalling a family node");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new Exception("Error parsing " + alarmDef.getNodeName(), e);
    return cdbFamilies;
Also used : InputSource(org.xml.sax.InputSource) DocumentBuilderFactory(javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory) NodeList(org.w3c.dom.NodeList) Node(org.w3c.dom.Node) Document(org.w3c.dom.Document) LaserObjectNotFoundException( MalformedURLException( FaultFamily(alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultFamily) DocumentBuilder(javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder) StringReader( Unmarshaller(org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller) Vector(java.util.Vector)

Example 29 with FaultFamily

use of alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultFamily in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class CDBSender method readAlarmsFromCDB.

	 * Read alarms from the TM/CDB with the help of {@link ACSAlarmDAOImpl}.
	 * <P>
	 * This method can be quite slow so it would be better to run 
	 * in a dedicated thread.
	 * @throws Exception
private void readAlarmsFromCDB() throws Exception {
    ConfigurationAccessor conf;
    conf = ConfigurationAccessorFactory.getInstance(contSvcs);
    ACSAlarmDAOImpl alarmDAO = new ACSAlarmDAOImpl(contSvcs.getLogger());
    List<FaultFamily> FFs = alarmDAO.loadAlarms();
    synchronized (alarms) {
        for (FaultFamily ff : FFs) {
            String faultFamily = ff.getName();
            for (FaultMember fm : ff.getFaultMember()) {
                for (FaultCode fc : ff.getFaultCode()) {
                    alarms.add(new AlarmRead(faultFamily + "," + fm.getName() + "," + fc.getValue(), null));
            // Has this FF a default fault member?
            if (ff.getFaultMemberDefault() != null) {
                System.out.println("Found a default fault member for " + ff.getName());
                for (FaultCode fc : ff.getFaultCode()) {
                    alarms.add(new AlarmRead(faultFamily + ",*," + fc.getValue(), null));
Also used : ConfigurationAccessor(com.cosylab.acs.laser.dao.ConfigurationAccessor) FaultMember(alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultMember) FaultCode(alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultCode) FaultFamily(alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultFamily) ACSAlarmDAOImpl(com.cosylab.acs.laser.dao.ACSAlarmDAOImpl)

Example 30 with FaultFamily

use of alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultFamily in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class CategoryManager method deleteCategory.

	 * Deletes a category. The category to be deleted is checked against the existing
	 * Fault Families in order to preserve the consistency of the application
	 * (i.e., a category cannot be deleted if it currently being used
	 *  by a Fault Family). 
	 * @param c The category to be deleted
	 * @return True if it deletes the given category, false otherwise
	 * @throws NullPointerException If the given category is null
	 * @throws IllegalOperationException If the category is part of a existing Fault Family
public boolean deleteCategory(Category c) throws NullPointerException, IllegalOperationException {
    if (c == null || c.getPath() == null)
        throw new NullPointerException("The category to be deleted (or its name) is null");
    // Check the category FFs with the existing FFs
    AlarmManager alarmManager = AlarmSystemManager.getInstance().getAlarmManager();
    List<FaultFamily> ffList = alarmManager.getAllAlarms();
    if (c.getAlarms() != null) {
        String[] categoryFFs = c.getAlarms().getFaultFamily();
        for (FaultFamily ff : ffList) for (int i = 0; i != categoryFFs.length; i++) if (categoryFFs[i].compareTo(ff.getName()) == 0)
            throw new IllegalOperationException("The Category can't be removed since it has a FaultFamily assigned");
    for (Iterator<Category> iterator = _categoryList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
        Category ct = (Category);
        if (ct.getPath().compareTo(c.getPath()) == 0) {
            ObjectState os = _objState.get(c.getPath());
            if (os == null)
                throw new IllegalOperationException("There is no ObjectState associated with the given Category");
            return true;
    return false;
Also used : Category(alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.Category) FaultFamily(alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultFamily)


FaultFamily (alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultFamily)47 FaultCode (alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultCode)19 FaultMember (alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultMember)19 Vector (java.util.Vector)14 ACSAlarmDAOImpl (cl.utfsm.acs.acg.dao.ACSAlarmDAOImpl)11 Contact (alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.Contact)7 FaultMemberDefault (alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.FaultMemberDefault)7 Point ( Alarm ( MalformedURLException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 ValidationException (org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException)5 Category (alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.Category)4 Location (alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.Location)4 LaserObjectNotFoundException ( Source ( Alarms (alma.acs.alarmsystem.generated.Alarms)3 Triplet ( IllegalOperationException (cl.utfsm.acs.acg.core.IllegalOperationException)3 ReductionRule (cl.utfsm.acs.acg.core.ReductionRule)3