use of alma.alarmsystem.source.ACSAlarmSystemInterface in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class ProxyTest method testAlarmsCollection.
* Test the push of a collection of alarms
* @throws Exception
public void testAlarmsCollection() throws Exception {
String FF1 = "TestFamily - 1";
String FM1 = "TestMember - 1";
int FC1 = 0;
ACSFaultState fs1 = ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory.createFaultState(FF1, FM1, FC1);
assertNotNull("Error creating a FS", fs1);
fs1.setDescriptor("Description of Al1");
String FF2 = "TestFamily - 2";
String FM2 = "TestMember - 2";
int FC2 = 1;
ACSFaultState fs2 = ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory.createFaultState(FF2, FM2, FC2);
assertNotNull("Error creating a FS", fs2);
fs2.setDescriptor("Description of Al2");
String FF3 = "TestFamily - 3";
String FM3 = "TestMember - 3";
int FC3 = 2;
ACSFaultState fs3 = ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory.createFaultState(FF3, FM3, FC3);
assertNotNull("Error creating a FS", fs3);
fs3.setDescriptor("Description of Al3");
Collection alarms = new Vector();
assertEquals("Wrong collection size", alarms.size(), 3);
ACSAlarmSystemInterface source = ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory.createSource();
assertNotNull("Error creating the Alarm source", source);
use of alma.alarmsystem.source.ACSAlarmSystemInterface in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class ProxyTest method testPushAlarm.
* Test the push of an alarm
* @throws Exception
public void testPushAlarm() throws Exception {
String FF = "TestFamily";
String FM = "TestMember";
int FC = 1;
String descriptor = "Alarm for test";
ACSFaultState fs = ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory.createFaultState(FF, FM, FC);
assertNotNull("Error creating the FaultState", fs);
ACSAlarmSystemInterface source = ACSAlarmSystemInterfaceFactory.createSource();
assertNotNull("Error creating the Alarm Source", source);