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Example 21 with CallSuper

use of android.annotation.CallSuper in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class View method onVisibilityAggregated.

     * Called when the user-visibility of this View is potentially affected by a change
     * to this view itself, an ancestor view or the window this view is attached to.
     * @param isVisible true if this view and all of its ancestors are {@link #VISIBLE}
     *                  and this view's window is also visible
public void onVisibilityAggregated(boolean isVisible) {
    if (isVisible && mAttachInfo != null) {
    final Drawable dr = mBackground;
    if (dr != null && isVisible != dr.isVisible()) {
        dr.setVisible(isVisible, false);
    final Drawable fg = mForegroundInfo != null ? mForegroundInfo.mDrawable : null;
    if (fg != null && isVisible != fg.isVisible()) {
        fg.setVisible(isVisible, false);
Also used : ColorDrawable( Drawable( ScrollBarDrawable(android.widget.ScrollBarDrawable) CallSuper(android.annotation.CallSuper)

Example 22 with CallSuper

use of android.annotation.CallSuper in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class Activity method onPostResume.

     * Called when activity resume is complete (after {@link #onResume} has
     * been called). Applications will generally not implement this method;
     * it is intended for system classes to do final setup after application
     * resume code has run.
     * <p><em>Derived classes must call through to the super class's
     * implementation of this method.  If they do not, an exception will be
     * thrown.</em></p>
     * @see #onResume
protected void onPostResume() {
    final Window win = getWindow();
    if (win != null)
    if (mActionBar != null)
    mCalled = true;
Also used : PhoneWindow( Window(android.view.Window) CallSuper(android.annotation.CallSuper)

Example 23 with CallSuper

use of android.annotation.CallSuper in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class Fragment method onCreate.

     * Called to do initial creation of a fragment.  This is called after
     * {@link #onAttach(Activity)} and before
     * {@link #onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)}, but is not called if the fragment
     * instance is retained across Activity re-creation (see {@link #setRetainInstance(boolean)}).
     * <p>Note that this can be called while the fragment's activity is
     * still in the process of being created.  As such, you can not rely
     * on things like the activity's content view hierarchy being initialized
     * at this point.  If you want to do work once the activity itself is
     * created, see {@link #onActivityCreated(Bundle)}.
     * <p>If your app's <code>targetSdkVersion</code> is {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#M}
     * or lower, child fragments being restored from the savedInstanceState are restored after
     * <code>onCreate</code> returns. When targeting {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#N} or
     * above and running on an N or newer platform version
     * they are restored by <code>Fragment.onCreate</code>.</p>
     * @param savedInstanceState If the fragment is being re-created from
     * a previous saved state, this is the state.
public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    mCalled = true;
    final Context context = getContext();
    final int version = context != null ? context.getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion : 0;
    if (version >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
        restoreChildFragmentState(savedInstanceState, true);
        if (mChildFragmentManager != null && !mChildFragmentManager.isStateAtLeast(Fragment.CREATED)) {
Also used : Context(android.content.Context) CallSuper(android.annotation.CallSuper)

Example 24 with CallSuper

use of android.annotation.CallSuper in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class Fragment method onInflate.

     * Called when a fragment is being created as part of a view layout
     * inflation, typically from setting the content view of an activity.  This
     * may be called immediately after the fragment is created from a <fragment>
     * tag in a layout file.  Note this is <em>before</em> the fragment's
     * {@link #onAttach(Activity)} has been called; all you should do here is
     * parse the attributes and save them away.
     * <p>This is called every time the fragment is inflated, even if it is
     * being inflated into a new instance with saved state.  It typically makes
     * sense to re-parse the parameters each time, to allow them to change with
     * different configurations.</p>
     * <p>Here is a typical implementation of a fragment that can take parameters
     * both through attributes supplied here as well from {@link #getArguments()}:</p>
     * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/
     *      fragment}
     * <p>Note that parsing the XML attributes uses a "styleable" resource.  The
     * declaration for the styleable used here is:</p>
     * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/res/values/attrs.xml fragment_arguments}
     * <p>The fragment can then be declared within its activity's content layout
     * through a tag like this:</p>
     * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/res/layout/fragment_arguments.xml from_attributes}
     * <p>This fragment can also be created dynamically from arguments given
     * at runtime in the arguments Bundle; here is an example of doing so at
     * creation of the containing activity:</p>
     * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/
     *      create}
     * @param context The Context that is inflating this fragment.
     * @param attrs The attributes at the tag where the fragment is
     * being created.
     * @param savedInstanceState If the fragment is being re-created from
     * a previous saved state, this is the state.
public void onInflate(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    onInflate(attrs, savedInstanceState);
    mCalled = true;
    TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,;
    mEnterTransition = loadTransition(context, a, mEnterTransition, null,;
    mReturnTransition = loadTransition(context, a, mReturnTransition, USE_DEFAULT_TRANSITION,;
    mExitTransition = loadTransition(context, a, mExitTransition, null,;
    mReenterTransition = loadTransition(context, a, mReenterTransition, USE_DEFAULT_TRANSITION,;
    mSharedElementEnterTransition = loadTransition(context, a, mSharedElementEnterTransition, null,;
    mSharedElementReturnTransition = loadTransition(context, a, mSharedElementReturnTransition, USE_DEFAULT_TRANSITION,;
    if (mAllowEnterTransitionOverlap == null) {
        mAllowEnterTransitionOverlap = a.getBoolean(, true);
    if (mAllowReturnTransitionOverlap == null) {
        mAllowReturnTransitionOverlap = a.getBoolean(, true);
    final Activity hostActivity = mHost == null ? null : mHost.getActivity();
    if (hostActivity != null) {
        mCalled = false;
        onInflate(hostActivity, attrs, savedInstanceState);
Also used : TypedArray(android.content.res.TypedArray) CallSuper(android.annotation.CallSuper)

Example 25 with CallSuper

use of android.annotation.CallSuper in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class NumberPicker method drawableStateChanged.

protected void drawableStateChanged() {
    final Drawable selectionDivider = mSelectionDivider;
    if (selectionDivider != null && selectionDivider.isStateful() && selectionDivider.setState(getDrawableState())) {
Also used : Drawable( CallSuper(android.annotation.CallSuper)


CallSuper (android.annotation.CallSuper)89 IBinder (android.os.IBinder)20 View (android.view.View)15 TextView (android.widget.TextView)15 Point ( Drawable ( Context (android.content.Context)10 ImageView (android.widget.ImageView)10 ListView (android.widget.ListView)10 Paint ( ColorDrawable ( InputMethodManager (android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager)8 ScrollBarDrawable (android.widget.ScrollBarDrawable)8 MainThread (android.annotation.MainThread)5 TypedArray (android.content.res.TypedArray)5 Uri ( Parcelable (android.os.Parcelable)5 DocumentsContract.buildDocumentUri (android.provider.DocumentsContract.buildDocumentUri)5 DocumentsContract.buildTreeDocumentUri (android.provider.DocumentsContract.buildTreeDocumentUri)5 DocumentsContract.isTreeUri (android.provider.DocumentsContract.isTreeUri)5