Search in sources :

Example 11 with NonNull

use of android.annotation.NonNull in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class ManagedServices method loadComponentNamesFromSetting.

protected ArraySet<ComponentName> loadComponentNamesFromSetting(String settingName, int userId) {
    final ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver();
    String settingValue = Settings.Secure.getStringForUser(cr, settingName, userId);
    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(settingValue))
        return new ArraySet<>();
    String[] restored = settingValue.split(ENABLED_SERVICES_SEPARATOR);
    ArraySet<ComponentName> result = new ArraySet<>(restored.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < restored.length; i++) {
        ComponentName value = ComponentName.unflattenFromString(restored[i]);
        if (null != value) {
    return result;
Also used : ArraySet(android.util.ArraySet) ComponentName(android.content.ComponentName) ContentResolver(android.content.ContentResolver) NonNull(android.annotation.NonNull)

Example 12 with NonNull

use of android.annotation.NonNull in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class Resources_Delegate method resolveReference.

private static String resolveReference(Resources resources, @NonNull String ref, boolean forceFrameworkOnly) {
    if (ref.startsWith(SdkConstants.PREFIX_RESOURCE_REF) || ref.startsWith(SdkConstants.PREFIX_THEME_REF)) {
        ResourceValue rv = resources.mContext.getRenderResources().findResValue(ref, forceFrameworkOnly);
        rv = resources.mContext.getRenderResources().resolveResValue(rv);
        if (rv != null) {
            return rv.getValue();
        } else {
            Bridge.getLog().error(LayoutLog.TAG_RESOURCES_RESOLVE, "Unable to resolve resource " + ref, null);
    // Not a reference.
    return ref;
Also used : DensityBasedResourceValue( ResourceValue( ArrayResourceValue( NonNull(android.annotation.NonNull)

Example 13 with NonNull

use of android.annotation.NonNull in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class FontFamily_Delegate method deriveFont.

     * Try to derive a font from {@code srcFont} for the style in {@code outFont}.
     * <p/>
     * {@code outFont} is updated to reflect the style of the derived font.
     * @param srcFont the source font
     * @param outFont contains the desired font style. Updated to contain the derived font and
     *                its style
     * @return outFont
private FontInfo deriveFont(@NonNull FontInfo srcFont, @NonNull FontInfo outFont) {
    int desiredWeight = outFont.mWeight;
    int srcWeight = srcFont.mWeight;
    assert srcFont.mFont != null;
    Font derivedFont = srcFont.mFont;
    // Embolden the font if required.
    if (desiredWeight >= BOLD_FONT_WEIGHT && desiredWeight - srcWeight > BOLD_FONT_WEIGHT_DELTA / 2) {
        derivedFont = derivedFont.deriveFont(Font.BOLD);
        srcWeight += BOLD_FONT_WEIGHT_DELTA;
    // Italicize the font if required.
    if (outFont.mIsItalic && !srcFont.mIsItalic) {
        derivedFont = derivedFont.deriveFont(Font.ITALIC);
    } else if (outFont.mIsItalic != srcFont.mIsItalic) {
        // The desired font is plain, but the src font is italics. We can't convert it back. So
        // we update the value to reflect the true style of the font we're deriving.
        outFont.mIsItalic = srcFont.mIsItalic;
    outFont.mFont = derivedFont;
    outFont.mWeight = srcWeight;
    // No need to update mIsItalics, as it's already been handled above.
    return outFont;
Also used : Font(java.awt.Font) NonNull(android.annotation.NonNull)

Example 14 with NonNull

use of android.annotation.NonNull in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class Typeface_Delegate method getFonts.

     * Return a list of fonts that match the style and variant. The list is ordered according to
     * preference of fonts.
     * The list may contain null when the font failed to load. If null is reached when trying to
     * render with this list of fonts, then a warning should be logged letting the user know that
     * some font failed to load.
     * @param variant The variant preferred. Can only be {@link FontVariant#COMPACT} or
     *                {@link FontVariant#ELEGANT}
public List<Font> getFonts(FontVariant variant) {
    assert variant != FontVariant.NONE;
    // Calculate the required weight based on style and weight of this typeface.
    int weight = mWeight + ((mStyle & Font.BOLD) == 0 ? 0 : FontFamily_Delegate.BOLD_FONT_WEIGHT_DELTA);
    if (weight > 900) {
        weight = 900;
    final boolean isItalic = (mStyle & Font.ITALIC) != 0;
    List<Font> fonts = new ArrayList<Font>(mFontFamilies.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < mFontFamilies.length; i++) {
        FontFamily_Delegate ffd = mFontFamilies[i];
        if (ffd != null && ffd.isValid()) {
            Font font = ffd.getFont(weight, isItalic);
            if (font != null) {
                FontVariant ffdVariant = ffd.getVariant();
                if (ffdVariant == FontVariant.NONE) {
                // always appear in pairs.
                assert i < mFontFamilies.length - 1;
                FontFamily_Delegate ffd2 = mFontFamilies[++i];
                assert ffd2 != null;
                FontVariant ffd2Variant = ffd2.getVariant();
                Font font2 = ffd2.getFont(weight, isItalic);
                assert ffd2Variant != FontVariant.NONE && ffd2Variant != ffdVariant && font2 != null;
                // Add the font with the matching variant to the list.
                if (variant == ffd.getVariant()) {
                } else {
            } else {
                // The FontFamily is valid but doesn't contain any matching font. This means
                // that the font failed to load. We add null to the list of fonts. Don't throw
                // the warning just yet. If this is a non-english font, we don't want to warn
                // users who are trying to render only english text.
    return fonts;
Also used : FontVariant( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Font(java.awt.Font) NonNull(android.annotation.NonNull)

Example 15 with NonNull

use of android.annotation.NonNull in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class ImageUtils method saveImageAndAppendMessage.

     * Saves the generated thumbnail image and appends the info message to an initial message
private static String saveImageAndAppendMessage(@NonNull BufferedImage image, @NonNull String initialMessage, @NonNull String relativePath) throws IOException {
    File output = new File(getTempDir(), getName(relativePath));
    if (output.exists()) {
        boolean deleted = output.delete();
    ImageIO.write(image, "PNG", output);
    initialMessage += "Thumbnail for current rendering stored at " + output.getPath();
    // and it makes the tests pass without the code being actually checked in.
    return initialMessage;
Also used : File( NonNull(android.annotation.NonNull)


NonNull (android.annotation.NonNull)322 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)46 XmlPullParserException (org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException)45 IOException ( ComponentName (android.content.ComponentName)25 File ( XmlPullParser (org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser)20 Intent (android.content.Intent)18 EphemeralResolveInfo ( ResolveInfo ( Bundle (android.os.Bundle)15 RemoteException (android.os.RemoteException)15 FileNotFoundException ( Paint ( PackageParser ( ContentResolver (android.content.ContentResolver)10 UserInfo ( StorageManager ( VolumeInfo ( KeyCharacteristics (