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Example 86 with SystemApi

use of android.annotation.SystemApi in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class AbstractAccountAuthenticator method startAddAccountSession.

     * Starts the add account session to authenticate user to an account of the
     * specified accountType. No file I/O should be performed in this call.
     * Account should be added to device only when {@link #finishSession} is
     * called after this.
     * <p>
     * Note: when overriding this method, {@link #finishSession} should be
     * overridden too.
     * </p>
     * @param response to send the result back to the AccountManager, will never
     *            be null
     * @param accountType the type of account to authenticate with, will never
     *            be null
     * @param authTokenType the type of auth token to retrieve after
     *            authenticating with the account, may be null
     * @param requiredFeatures a String array of authenticator-specific features
     *            that the account authenticated with must support, may be null
     * @param options a Bundle of authenticator-specific options, may be null
     * @return a Bundle result or null if the result is to be returned via the
     *         response. The result will contain either:
     *         <ul>
     *         <li>{@link AccountManager#KEY_INTENT}, or
     *         <li>{@link AccountManager#KEY_ACCOUNT_SESSION_BUNDLE} for adding
     *         the account to device later, and if account is authenticated,
     *         optional {@link AccountManager#KEY_PASSWORD} and
     *         {@link AccountManager#KEY_ACCOUNT_STATUS_TOKEN} for checking the
     *         status of the account, or
     *         <li>{@link AccountManager#KEY_ERROR_CODE} and
     *         {@link AccountManager#KEY_ERROR_MESSAGE} to indicate an error
     *         </ul>
     * @throws NetworkErrorException if the authenticator could not honor the
     *             request due to a network error
     * @see #finishSession(AccountAuthenticatorResponse, String, Bundle)
     * @hide
public Bundle startAddAccountSession(final AccountAuthenticatorResponse response, final String accountType, final String authTokenType, final String[] requiredFeatures, final Bundle options) throws NetworkErrorException {
    new Thread(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            Bundle sessionBundle = new Bundle();
            sessionBundle.putString(KEY_AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE, authTokenType);
            sessionBundle.putStringArray(KEY_REQUIRED_FEATURES, requiredFeatures);
            sessionBundle.putBundle(KEY_OPTIONS, options);
            Bundle result = new Bundle();
            result.putBundle(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_SESSION_BUNDLE, sessionBundle);
    return null;
Also used : Bundle(android.os.Bundle) SystemApi(android.annotation.SystemApi)

Example 87 with SystemApi

use of android.annotation.SystemApi in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class AbstractAccountAuthenticator method finishSession.

     * Finishes the session started by #startAddAccountSession or
     * #startUpdateCredentials by installing the account to device with
     * AccountManager, or updating the local credentials. File I/O may be
     * performed in this call.
     * <p>
     * Note: when overriding this method, {@link #startAddAccountSession} and
     * {@link #startUpdateCredentialsSession} should be overridden too.
     * </p>
     * @param response to send the result back to the AccountManager, will never
     *            be null
     * @param accountType the type of account to authenticate with, will never
     *            be null
     * @param sessionBundle a bundle of session data created by
     *            {@link #startAddAccountSession} used for adding account to
     *            device, or by {@link #startUpdateCredentialsSession} used for
     *            updating local credentials.
     * @return a Bundle result or null if the result is to be returned via the
     *         response. The result will contain either:
     *         <ul>
     *         <li>{@link AccountManager#KEY_INTENT}, or
     *         <li>{@link AccountManager#KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME} and
     *         {@link AccountManager#KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE} of the account that was
     *         added or local credentials were updated, or
     *         <li>{@link AccountManager#KEY_ERROR_CODE} and
     *         {@link AccountManager#KEY_ERROR_MESSAGE} to indicate an error
     *         </ul>
     * @throws NetworkErrorException if the authenticator could not honor the request due to a
     *             network error
     * @see #startAddAccountSession and #startUpdateCredentialsSession
     * @hide
public Bundle finishSession(final AccountAuthenticatorResponse response, final String accountType, final Bundle sessionBundle) throws NetworkErrorException {
    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(accountType)) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Account type cannot be empty.");
        Bundle result = new Bundle();
        result.putInt(AccountManager.KEY_ERROR_CODE, AccountManager.ERROR_CODE_BAD_ARGUMENTS);
        result.putString(AccountManager.KEY_ERROR_MESSAGE, "accountType cannot be empty.");
        return result;
    if (sessionBundle == null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Session bundle cannot be null.");
        Bundle result = new Bundle();
        result.putInt(AccountManager.KEY_ERROR_CODE, AccountManager.ERROR_CODE_BAD_ARGUMENTS);
        result.putString(AccountManager.KEY_ERROR_MESSAGE, "sessionBundle cannot be null.");
        return result;
    if (!sessionBundle.containsKey(KEY_AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE)) {
        // We cannot handle Session bundle not created by default startAddAccountSession(...)
        // nor startUpdateCredentialsSession(...) implementation. Return error.
        Bundle result = new Bundle();
        result.putInt(AccountManager.KEY_ERROR_CODE, AccountManager.ERROR_CODE_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION);
        result.putString(AccountManager.KEY_ERROR_MESSAGE, "Authenticator must override finishSession if startAddAccountSession" + " or startUpdateCredentialsSession is overridden.");
        return result;
    String authTokenType = sessionBundle.getString(KEY_AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE);
    Bundle options = sessionBundle.getBundle(KEY_OPTIONS);
    String[] requiredFeatures = sessionBundle.getStringArray(KEY_REQUIRED_FEATURES);
    Account account = sessionBundle.getParcelable(KEY_ACCOUNT);
    boolean containsKeyAccount = sessionBundle.containsKey(KEY_ACCOUNT);
    // Actual options passed to add account or update credentials flow.
    Bundle sessionOptions = new Bundle(sessionBundle);
    // Remove redundant extras in session bundle before passing it to addAccount(...) or
    // updateCredentials(...).
    if (options != null) {
        // options may contains old system info such as
        // AccountManager.KEY_ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME required by the add account flow or update
        // credentials flow, we should replace with the new values of the current call added
        // to sessionBundle by AccountManager or AccountManagerService.
        sessionOptions = options;
    // contain KEY_ACCOUNT.
    if (containsKeyAccount) {
        return updateCredentials(response, account, authTokenType, options);
    // Otherwise, session bundle was created by startAddAccountSession default implementation.
    return addAccount(response, accountType, authTokenType, requiredFeatures, sessionOptions);
Also used : Bundle(android.os.Bundle) SystemApi(android.annotation.SystemApi)

Example 88 with SystemApi

use of android.annotation.SystemApi in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class AbstractAccountAuthenticator method startUpdateCredentialsSession.

     * Asks user to re-authenticate for an account but defers updating the
     * locally stored credentials. No file I/O should be performed in this call.
     * Local credentials should be updated only when {@link #finishSession} is
     * called after this.
     * <p>
     * Note: when overriding this method, {@link #finishSession} should be
     * overridden too.
     * </p>
     * @param response to send the result back to the AccountManager, will never
     *            be null
     * @param account the account whose credentials are to be updated, will
     *            never be null
     * @param authTokenType the type of auth token to retrieve after updating
     *            the credentials, may be null
     * @param options a Bundle of authenticator-specific options, may be null
     * @return a Bundle result or null if the result is to be returned via the
     *         response. The result will contain either:
     *         <ul>
     *         <li>{@link AccountManager#KEY_INTENT}, or
     *         <li>{@link AccountManager#KEY_ACCOUNT_SESSION_BUNDLE} for
     *         updating the locally stored credentials later, and if account is
     *         re-authenticated, optional {@link AccountManager#KEY_PASSWORD}
     *         and {@link AccountManager#KEY_ACCOUNT_STATUS_TOKEN} for checking
     *         the status of the account later, or
     *         <li>{@link AccountManager#KEY_ERROR_CODE} and
     *         {@link AccountManager#KEY_ERROR_MESSAGE} to indicate an error
     *         </ul>
     * @throws NetworkErrorException if the authenticator could not honor the
     *             request due to a network error
     * @see #finishSession(AccountAuthenticatorResponse, String, Bundle)
     * @hide
public Bundle startUpdateCredentialsSession(final AccountAuthenticatorResponse response, final Account account, final String authTokenType, final Bundle options) throws NetworkErrorException {
    new Thread(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            Bundle sessionBundle = new Bundle();
            sessionBundle.putString(KEY_AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE, authTokenType);
            sessionBundle.putParcelable(KEY_ACCOUNT, account);
            sessionBundle.putBundle(KEY_OPTIONS, options);
            Bundle result = new Bundle();
            result.putBundle(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_SESSION_BUNDLE, sessionBundle);
    return null;
Also used : Bundle(android.os.Bundle) SystemApi(android.annotation.SystemApi)

Example 89 with SystemApi

use of android.annotation.SystemApi in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class AbstractAccountAuthenticator method isCredentialsUpdateSuggested.

     * Checks if update of the account credentials is suggested.
     * @param response to send the result back to the AccountManager, will never be null.
     * @param account the account to check, will never be null
     * @param statusToken a String of token to check if update of credentials is suggested.
     * @return a Bundle result or null if the result is to be returned via the response. The result
     *         will contain either:
     *         <ul>
     *         <li>{@link AccountManager#KEY_BOOLEAN_RESULT}, true if update of account's
     *         credentials is suggested, false otherwise
     *         <li>{@link AccountManager#KEY_ERROR_CODE} and
     *         {@link AccountManager#KEY_ERROR_MESSAGE} to indicate an error
     *         </ul>
     * @throws NetworkErrorException if the authenticator could not honor the request due to a
     *             network error
     * @hide
public Bundle isCredentialsUpdateSuggested(final AccountAuthenticatorResponse response, Account account, String statusToken) throws NetworkErrorException {
    Bundle result = new Bundle();
    result.putBoolean(AccountManager.KEY_BOOLEAN_RESULT, false);
    return result;
Also used : Bundle(android.os.Bundle) SystemApi(android.annotation.SystemApi)

Example 90 with SystemApi

use of android.annotation.SystemApi in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class AccountManager method finishSessionAsUser.

     * @see #finishSession
     * @hide
public AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> finishSessionAsUser(final Bundle sessionBundle, final Activity activity, final UserHandle userHandle, AccountManagerCallback<Bundle> callback, Handler handler) {
    if (sessionBundle == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("sessionBundle is null");
    /* Add information required by add account flow */
    final Bundle appInfo = new Bundle();
    appInfo.putString(KEY_ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME, mContext.getPackageName());
    return new AmsTask(activity, handler, callback) {

        public void doWork() throws RemoteException {
            mService.finishSessionAsUser(mResponse, sessionBundle, activity != null, appInfo, userHandle.getIdentifier());
Also used : Bundle(android.os.Bundle) RemoteException(android.os.RemoteException) SystemApi(android.annotation.SystemApi)


SystemApi (android.annotation.SystemApi)96 Bundle (android.os.Bundle)36 RemoteException (android.os.RemoteException)33 INotificationManager ( RequiresPermission (android.annotation.RequiresPermission)6 ComponentName (android.content.ComponentName)6 NonNull (android.annotation.NonNull)5 Notification ( AudioFormat ( AudioRecord ( AudioTrack ( Parcel (android.os.Parcel)5 TextPaint (android.text.TextPaint)5 FileWriter ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 ITelecomService ( ICarrierConfigLoader ( ITelephony ( Implementation (org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation)3