use of in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.
the class NitzStateMachineImplTest method test_emptyCountryStringUsTime_nitzReceivedFirst.
public void test_emptyCountryStringUsTime_nitzReceivedFirst() throws Exception {
Scenario scenario = UNIQUE_US_ZONE_SCENARIO1;
TimestampedValue<NitzData> nitzSignal = scenario.createNitzSignal(mFakeDeviceState.elapsedRealtime());
Script script = new Script().initializeSystemClock(ARBITRARY_SYSTEM_CLOCK_TIME).networkAvailable();
// Simulate receiving the NITZ signal.
// Verify the state machine did the right thing.
// No time zone should be set. A NITZ signal by itself is not enough.
TelephonyTimeSuggestion expectedTimeSuggestion = createTimeSuggestionFromNitzSignal(SLOT_INDEX, nitzSignal);
script.verifyTimeAndTimeZoneSuggestedAndReset(expectedTimeSuggestion, EMPTY_TIME_ZONE_SUGGESTION);
// Check NitzStateMachine exposed state.
assertEquals(nitzSignal.getValue(), mNitzStateMachineImpl.getCachedNitzData());
// Simulate an empty country being set.
// Capture output from the real suggester and confirm it meets the test's needs /
// expectations.
TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion expectedTimeZoneSuggestion = mRealTimeZoneSuggester.getTimeZoneSuggestion(SLOT_INDEX, "", /* countryIsoCode */
assertEquals(MATCH_TYPE_TEST_NETWORK_OFFSET_ONLY, expectedTimeZoneSuggestion.getMatchType());
assertEquals(QUALITY_MULTIPLE_ZONES_WITH_SAME_OFFSET, expectedTimeZoneSuggestion.getQuality());
// Verify the state machine did the right thing.
// Check NitzStateMachine exposed state.
assertEquals(nitzSignal.getValue(), mNitzStateMachineImpl.getCachedNitzData());
use of in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.
the class TimeServiceHelperImpl method maybeSuggestDeviceTimeZone.
public void maybeSuggestDeviceTimeZone(@NonNull TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion newSuggestion) {
TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion oldSuggestion = mLastSuggestedTimeZone;
if (shouldSendNewTimeZoneSuggestion(oldSuggestion, newSuggestion)) {
mTimeZoneLog.log("Suggesting time zone update: " + newSuggestion);
mLastSuggestedTimeZone = newSuggestion;
use of in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.
the class TimeZoneSuggesterImpl method findTimeZoneForTestNetwork.
* Creates a {@link TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion} using only NITZ. This happens when the device
* is attached to a test cell with an unrecognized MCC. In these cases we try to return a
* suggestion for an arbitrary time zone that matches the NITZ offset information.
private TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion findTimeZoneForTestNetwork(int slotIndex, @NonNull TimestampedValue<NitzData> nitzSignal) {
NitzData nitzData = Objects.requireNonNull(nitzSignal.getValue());
TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion.Builder suggestionBuilder = new TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion.Builder(slotIndex);
suggestionBuilder.addDebugInfo("findTimeZoneForTestNetwork: nitzSignal=" + nitzSignal);
OffsetResult lookupResult = mTimeZoneLookupHelper.lookupByNitz(nitzData);
if (lookupResult == null) {
suggestionBuilder.addDebugInfo("findTimeZoneForTestNetwork: No zone found");
} else {
int quality = lookupResult.isOnlyMatch() ? TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion.QUALITY_SINGLE_ZONE : TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion.QUALITY_MULTIPLE_ZONES_WITH_SAME_OFFSET;
suggestionBuilder.addDebugInfo("findTimeZoneForTestNetwork: lookupResult=" + lookupResult);
use of in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.
the class TimeZoneSuggesterImpl method getTimeZoneSuggestion.
public TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion getTimeZoneSuggestion(int slotIndex, @Nullable String countryIsoCode, @Nullable TimestampedValue<NitzData> nitzSignal) {
try {
// Check for overriding NITZ-based signals from Android running in an emulator.
TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion overridingSuggestion = null;
if (nitzSignal != null) {
NitzData nitzData = nitzSignal.getValue();
if (nitzData.getEmulatorHostTimeZone() != null) {
TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion.Builder builder = new TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion.Builder(slotIndex).setZoneId(nitzData.getEmulatorHostTimeZone().getID()).setMatchType(TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion.MATCH_TYPE_EMULATOR_ZONE_ID).setQuality(TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion.QUALITY_SINGLE_ZONE).addDebugInfo("Emulator time zone override: " + nitzData);
overridingSuggestion =;
TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion suggestion;
if (overridingSuggestion != null) {
suggestion = overridingSuggestion;
} else if (countryIsoCode == null) {
if (nitzSignal == null) {
suggestion = createEmptySuggestion(slotIndex, "getTimeZoneSuggestion: nitzSignal=null, countryIsoCode=null");
} else {
// NITZ only - wait until we have a country.
suggestion = createEmptySuggestion(slotIndex, "getTimeZoneSuggestion:" + " nitzSignal=" + nitzSignal + ", countryIsoCode=null");
} else {
// countryIsoCode != null
if (nitzSignal == null) {
if (countryIsoCode.isEmpty()) {
// This is assumed to be a test network with no NITZ data to go on.
suggestion = createEmptySuggestion(slotIndex, "getTimeZoneSuggestion: nitzSignal=null, countryIsoCode=\"\"");
} else {
// Country only
suggestion = findTimeZoneFromNetworkCountryCode(slotIndex, countryIsoCode, mDeviceState.currentTimeMillis());
} else {
// nitzSignal != null
if (countryIsoCode.isEmpty()) {
// We have been told we have a country code but it's empty. This is most
// likely because we're on a test network that's using a bogus MCC
// (eg, "001"). Obtain a TimeZone based only on the NITZ parameters: without
// a country it will be arbitrary, but it should at least have the correct
// offset.
suggestion = findTimeZoneForTestNetwork(slotIndex, nitzSignal);
} else {
// We have both NITZ and Country code.
suggestion = findTimeZoneFromCountryAndNitz(slotIndex, countryIsoCode, nitzSignal);
// Ensure the return value is never null.
return suggestion;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// This would suggest a coding error. Log at a high level and try to avoid leaving the
// device in a bad state by making an "empty" suggestion.
String message = "getTimeZoneSuggestion: Error during lookup: " + " countryIsoCode=" + countryIsoCode + ", nitzSignal=" + nitzSignal + ", e=" + e.getMessage();
TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion errorSuggestion = createEmptySuggestion(slotIndex, message);
Rlog.w(LOG_TAG, message, e);
return errorSuggestion;