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Example 71 with BluetoothAdapter

use of android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter in project robolectric by robolectric.

the class ShadowBluetoothAdapterTest method canGetAndSetAddress.

public void canGetAndSetAddress() throws Exception {
    BluetoothAdapter adapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
Also used : BluetoothAdapter(android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 72 with BluetoothAdapter

use of android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class ScanFilterTest method setUp.

protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    byte[] scanRecord = new byte[] { // advertising flags
    0x02, // advertising flags
    0x01, // advertising flags
    0x1a, // 16 bit service uuids
    0x05, // 16 bit service uuids
    0x02, // 16 bit service uuids
    0x0b, // 16 bit service uuids
    0x11, // 16 bit service uuids
    0x0a, // 16 bit service uuids
    0x11, // setName
    0x04, // setName
    0x09, // setName
    0x50, // setName
    0x65, // setName
    0x64, // tx power level
    0x02, // tx power level
    0x0A, // tx power level
    (byte) 0xec, // service data
    0x05, // service data
    0x16, // service data
    0x0b, // service data
    0x11, // service data
    0x50, // service data
    0x64, // manufacturer specific data
    0x05, // manufacturer specific data
    (byte) 0xff, // manufacturer specific data
    (byte) 0xe0, // manufacturer specific data
    0x00, // manufacturer specific data
    0x02, // manufacturer specific data
    0x15, // an unknown data type won't cause trouble
    0x03, // an unknown data type won't cause trouble
    0x50, // an unknown data type won't cause trouble
    0x01, // an unknown data type won't cause trouble
    0x02 };
    BluetoothAdapter adapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
    BluetoothDevice device = adapter.getRemoteDevice(DEVICE_MAC);
    mScanResult = new ScanResult(device, ScanRecord.parseFromBytes(scanRecord), -10, 1397545200000000L);
    mFilterBuilder = new ScanFilter.Builder();
Also used : BluetoothDevice(android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice) ScanFilter(android.bluetooth.le.ScanFilter) BluetoothAdapter(android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter)

Example 73 with BluetoothAdapter

use of android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter in project Resurrection_packages_apps_Settings by ResurrectionRemix.

the class DevelopmentSettings method writeBtHciSnoopLogOptions.

private void writeBtHciSnoopLogOptions() {
    BluetoothAdapter adapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
    Settings.Secure.putInt(getActivity().getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.BLUETOOTH_HCI_LOG, mBtHciSnoopLog.isChecked() ? 1 : 0);
Also used : BluetoothAdapter(android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter)

Example 74 with BluetoothAdapter

use of android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter in project Resurrection_packages_apps_Settings by ResurrectionRemix.

the class TetherSettings method updateBluetoothState.

private void updateBluetoothState(String[] available, String[] tethered, String[] errored) {
    boolean bluetoothErrored = false;
    for (String s : errored) {
        for (String regex : mBluetoothRegexs) {
            if (s.matches(regex))
                bluetoothErrored = true;
    BluetoothAdapter adapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
    if (adapter == null) {
    int btState = adapter.getState();
    if (btState == BluetoothAdapter.STATE_TURNING_OFF) {
    } else if (btState == BluetoothAdapter.STATE_TURNING_ON) {
    } else {
        BluetoothPan bluetoothPan = mBluetoothPan.get();
        if (btState == BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON && bluetoothPan != null && bluetoothPan.isTetheringOn()) {
            int bluetoothTethered = bluetoothPan.getConnectedDevices().size();
            if (bluetoothTethered > 1) {
                String summary = getString(R.string.bluetooth_tethering_devices_connected_subtext, bluetoothTethered);
            } else if (bluetoothTethered == 1) {
            } else if (bluetoothErrored) {
            } else {
        } else {
Also used : BluetoothAdapter(android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter) BluetoothPan(android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan)

Example 75 with BluetoothAdapter

use of android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class BatteryStatsService method updateExternalStatsSync.

     * Fetches data from external sources (WiFi controller, bluetooth chipset) and updates
     * batterystats with that information.
     * We first grab a lock specific to this method, then once all the data has been collected,
     * we grab the mStats lock and update the data.
     * @param reason The reason why this collection was requested. Useful for debugging.
     * @param updateFlags Which external stats to update. Can be a combination of
     *                    {@link BatteryStatsImpl.ExternalStatsSync#UPDATE_CPU},
     *                    {@link BatteryStatsImpl.ExternalStatsSync#UPDATE_RADIO},
     *                    {@link BatteryStatsImpl.ExternalStatsSync#UPDATE_WIFI},
     *                    and {@link BatteryStatsImpl.ExternalStatsSync#UPDATE_BT}.
void updateExternalStatsSync(final String reason, int updateFlags) {
    SynchronousResultReceiver wifiReceiver = null;
    SynchronousResultReceiver bluetoothReceiver = null;
    SynchronousResultReceiver modemReceiver = null;
    synchronized (mExternalStatsLock) {
        if (mContext == null) {
            // Don't do any work yet.
        if ((updateFlags & BatteryStatsImpl.ExternalStatsSync.UPDATE_WIFI) != 0) {
            if (mWifiManager == null) {
                mWifiManager = IWifiManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE));
            if (mWifiManager != null) {
                try {
                    wifiReceiver = new SynchronousResultReceiver();
                } catch (RemoteException e) {
                // Oh well.
        if ((updateFlags & BatteryStatsImpl.ExternalStatsSync.UPDATE_BT) != 0) {
            final BluetoothAdapter adapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
            if (adapter != null) {
                bluetoothReceiver = new SynchronousResultReceiver();
        if ((updateFlags & BatteryStatsImpl.ExternalStatsSync.UPDATE_RADIO) != 0) {
            if (mTelephony == null) {
                mTelephony = TelephonyManager.from(mContext);
            if (mTelephony != null) {
                modemReceiver = new SynchronousResultReceiver();
        WifiActivityEnergyInfo wifiInfo = null;
        BluetoothActivityEnergyInfo bluetoothInfo = null;
        ModemActivityInfo modemInfo = null;
        try {
            wifiInfo = awaitControllerInfo(wifiReceiver);
        } catch (TimeoutException e) {
            Slog.w(TAG, "Timeout reading wifi stats");
        try {
            bluetoothInfo = awaitControllerInfo(bluetoothReceiver);
        } catch (TimeoutException e) {
            Slog.w(TAG, "Timeout reading bt stats");
        try {
            modemInfo = awaitControllerInfo(modemReceiver);
        } catch (TimeoutException e) {
            Slog.w(TAG, "Timeout reading modem stats");
        synchronized (mStats) {
            mStats.addHistoryEventLocked(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(), SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), BatteryStats.HistoryItem.EVENT_COLLECT_EXTERNAL_STATS, reason, 0);
            if (wifiInfo != null) {
                if (wifiInfo.isValid()) {
                } else {
                    Slog.e(TAG, "wifi info is invalid: " + wifiInfo);
            if (bluetoothInfo != null) {
                if (bluetoothInfo.isValid()) {
                } else {
                    Slog.e(TAG, "bluetooth info is invalid: " + bluetoothInfo);
            if (modemInfo != null) {
                if (modemInfo.isValid()) {
                    mStats.updateMobileRadioStateLocked(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(), modemInfo);
                } else {
                    Slog.e(TAG, "modem info is invalid: " + modemInfo);
Also used : SynchronousResultReceiver(android.os.SynchronousResultReceiver) WifiActivityEnergyInfo( ModemActivityInfo(android.telephony.ModemActivityInfo) RemoteException(android.os.RemoteException) BluetoothAdapter(android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter) BluetoothActivityEnergyInfo(android.bluetooth.BluetoothActivityEnergyInfo) TimeoutException(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)


BluetoothAdapter (android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter)87 Intent (android.content.Intent)15 Location (android.location.Location)12 LocationListener (android.location.LocationListener)12 LocationManager (android.location.LocationManager)12 Bundle (android.os.Bundle)12 BluetoothDevice (android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice)11 IntentFilter (android.content.IntentFilter)7 Handler (android.os.Handler)6 TextToSpeech (android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech)6 ArrayAdapter (android.widget.ArrayAdapter)6 TextView (android.widget.TextView)6 BluetoothActivityEnergyInfo (android.bluetooth.BluetoothActivityEnergyInfo)5 BluetoothProfile (android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile)5 ServiceListener (android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile.ServiceListener)5 ScanFilter (android.bluetooth.le.ScanFilter)5 WifiActivityEnergyInfo ( RemoteException (android.os.RemoteException)5 SynchronousResultReceiver (android.os.SynchronousResultReceiver)5 ModemActivityInfo (android.telephony.ModemActivityInfo)5