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Example 81 with SyncAdapterType

use of android.content.SyncAdapterType in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class SyncManager method computeSyncable.

public int computeSyncable(Account account, int userId, String authority, boolean checkAccountAccess) {
    final int status = getIsSyncable(account, userId, authority);
    if (status == AuthorityInfo.NOT_SYNCABLE) {
        return AuthorityInfo.NOT_SYNCABLE;
    final SyncAdapterType type = SyncAdapterType.newKey(authority, account.type);
    final RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<SyncAdapterType> syncAdapterInfo = mSyncAdapters.getServiceInfo(type, userId);
    if (syncAdapterInfo == null) {
        return AuthorityInfo.NOT_SYNCABLE;
    final int owningUid = syncAdapterInfo.uid;
    final String owningPackage = syncAdapterInfo.componentName.getPackageName();
    try {
        if (ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().getAppStartMode(owningUid, owningPackage) == ActivityManager.APP_START_MODE_DISABLED) {
            Slog.w(TAG, "Not scheduling job " + syncAdapterInfo.uid + ":" + syncAdapterInfo.componentName + " -- package not allowed to start");
            return AuthorityInfo.NOT_SYNCABLE;
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
    /* ignore - local call */
    if (checkAccountAccess && !canAccessAccount(account, owningPackage, owningUid)) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Access to " + account + " denied for package " + owningPackage + " in UID " + syncAdapterInfo.uid);
        return AuthorityInfo.SYNCABLE_NO_ACCOUNT_ACCESS;
    return status;
Also used : SyncAdapterType(android.content.SyncAdapterType) RemoteException(android.os.RemoteException) EndPoint( RegisteredServicesCache(

Example 82 with SyncAdapterType

use of android.content.SyncAdapterType in project Resurrection_packages_apps_Settings by ResurrectionRemix.

the class ManageAccountsSettings method requestOrCancelSyncForAccounts.

private void requestOrCancelSyncForAccounts(boolean sync) {
    final int userId = mUserHandle.getIdentifier();
    SyncAdapterType[] syncAdapters = ContentResolver.getSyncAdapterTypesAsUser(userId);
    Bundle extras = new Bundle();
    extras.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_MANUAL, true);
    int count = getPreferenceScreen().getPreferenceCount();
    // For each account
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        Preference pref = getPreferenceScreen().getPreference(i);
        if (pref instanceof AccountPreference) {
            Account account = ((AccountPreference) pref).getAccount();
            // For all available sync authorities, sync those that are enabled for the account
            for (int j = 0; j < syncAdapters.length; j++) {
                SyncAdapterType sa = syncAdapters[j];
                if (syncAdapters[j].accountType.equals(mAccountType) && ContentResolver.getSyncAutomaticallyAsUser(account, sa.authority, userId)) {
                    if (sync) {
                        ContentResolver.requestSyncAsUser(account, sa.authority, userId, extras);
                    } else {
                        ContentResolver.cancelSyncAsUser(account, sa.authority, userId);
Also used : Account(android.accounts.Account) AccountPreference( Preference( Bundle(android.os.Bundle) SyncAdapterType(android.content.SyncAdapterType) AccountPreference(

Example 83 with SyncAdapterType

use of android.content.SyncAdapterType in project Resurrection_packages_apps_Settings by ResurrectionRemix.

the class ManageAccountsSettings method showSyncState.

     * Shows the sync state of the accounts. Note: it must be called after the accounts have been
     * loaded, @see #showAccountsIfNeeded().
private void showSyncState() {
    // Catch any delayed delivery of update messages
    if (getActivity() == null || getActivity().isFinishing())
    final int userId = mUserHandle.getIdentifier();
    // iterate over all the preferences, setting the state properly for each
    List<SyncInfo> currentSyncs = ContentResolver.getCurrentSyncsAsUser(userId);
    // true if sync on any account failed
    boolean anySyncFailed = false;
    Date date = new Date();
    // only track userfacing sync adapters when deciding if account is synced or not
    final SyncAdapterType[] syncAdapters = ContentResolver.getSyncAdapterTypesAsUser(userId);
    HashSet<String> userFacing = new HashSet<String>();
    for (int k = 0, n = syncAdapters.length; k < n; k++) {
        final SyncAdapterType sa = syncAdapters[k];
        if (sa.isUserVisible()) {
    for (int i = 0, count = getPreferenceScreen().getPreferenceCount(); i < count; i++) {
        Preference pref = getPreferenceScreen().getPreference(i);
        if (!(pref instanceof AccountPreference)) {
        AccountPreference accountPref = (AccountPreference) pref;
        Account account = accountPref.getAccount();
        int syncCount = 0;
        long lastSuccessTime = 0;
        boolean syncIsFailing = false;
        final ArrayList<String> authorities = accountPref.getAuthorities();
        boolean syncingNow = false;
        if (authorities != null) {
            for (String authority : authorities) {
                SyncStatusInfo status = ContentResolver.getSyncStatusAsUser(account, authority, userId);
                boolean syncEnabled = isSyncEnabled(userId, account, authority);
                boolean authorityIsPending = ContentResolver.isSyncPending(account, authority);
                boolean activelySyncing = isSyncing(currentSyncs, account, authority);
                boolean lastSyncFailed = status != null && syncEnabled && status.lastFailureTime != 0 && status.getLastFailureMesgAsInt(0) != ContentResolver.SYNC_ERROR_SYNC_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS;
                if (lastSyncFailed && !activelySyncing && !authorityIsPending) {
                    syncIsFailing = true;
                    anySyncFailed = true;
                syncingNow |= activelySyncing;
                if (status != null && lastSuccessTime < status.lastSuccessTime) {
                    lastSuccessTime = status.lastSuccessTime;
                syncCount += syncEnabled && userFacing.contains(authority) ? 1 : 0;
        } else {
            if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
                Log.v(TAG, "no syncadapters found for " + account);
        if (syncIsFailing) {
            accountPref.setSyncStatus(AccountPreference.SYNC_ERROR, true);
        } else if (syncCount == 0) {
            accountPref.setSyncStatus(AccountPreference.SYNC_DISABLED, true);
        } else if (syncCount > 0) {
            if (syncingNow) {
                accountPref.setSyncStatus(AccountPreference.SYNC_IN_PROGRESS, true);
            } else {
                accountPref.setSyncStatus(AccountPreference.SYNC_ENABLED, true);
                if (lastSuccessTime > 0) {
                    accountPref.setSyncStatus(AccountPreference.SYNC_ENABLED, false);
                    final String timeString = formatSyncDate(date);
                    accountPref.setSummary(getResources().getString(R.string.last_synced, timeString));
        } else {
            accountPref.setSyncStatus(AccountPreference.SYNC_DISABLED, true);
    mErrorInfoView.setVisibility(anySyncFailed ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
Also used : Account(android.accounts.Account) SyncStatusInfo(android.content.SyncStatusInfo) SyncAdapterType(android.content.SyncAdapterType) Date(java.util.Date) AccountPreference( Preference( SyncInfo(android.content.SyncInfo) AccountPreference( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 84 with SyncAdapterType

use of android.content.SyncAdapterType in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class AuthenticatorHelper method buildAccountTypeToAuthoritiesMap.

private void buildAccountTypeToAuthoritiesMap() {
    SyncAdapterType[] syncAdapters = ContentResolver.getSyncAdapterTypesAsUser(mUserHandle.getIdentifier());
    for (int i = 0, n = syncAdapters.length; i < n; i++) {
        final SyncAdapterType sa = syncAdapters[i];
        ArrayList<String> authorities = mAccountTypeToAuthorities.get(sa.accountType);
        if (authorities == null) {
            authorities = new ArrayList<String>();
            mAccountTypeToAuthorities.put(sa.accountType, authorities);
        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
            Log.v(TAG, "Added authority " + sa.authority + " to accountType " + sa.accountType);
Also used : SyncAdapterType(android.content.SyncAdapterType)

Example 85 with SyncAdapterType

use of android.content.SyncAdapterType in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class SyncManager method scheduleSync.

     * @param minDelayMillis The sync can't land before this delay expires.
private void scheduleSync(Account requestedAccount, int userId, int reason, String requestedAuthority, Bundle extras, int targetSyncState, final long minDelayMillis) {
    final boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE);
    if (extras == null) {
        extras = new Bundle();
    if (isLoggable) {
        Log.d(TAG, "one-time sync for: " + requestedAccount + " " + extras.toString() + " " + requestedAuthority);
    AccountAndUser[] accounts = null;
    if (requestedAccount != null) {
        if (userId != UserHandle.USER_ALL) {
            accounts = new AccountAndUser[] { new AccountAndUser(requestedAccount, userId) };
        } else {
            for (AccountAndUser runningAccount : mRunningAccounts) {
                if (requestedAccount.equals(runningAccount.account)) {
                    accounts = ArrayUtils.appendElement(AccountAndUser.class, accounts, runningAccount);
    } else {
        accounts = mRunningAccounts;
    if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(accounts)) {
        if (isLoggable) {
            Slog.v(TAG, "scheduleSync: no accounts configured, dropping");
    final boolean uploadOnly = extras.getBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_UPLOAD, false);
    final boolean manualSync = extras.getBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_MANUAL, false);
    if (manualSync) {
        extras.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_BACKOFF, true);
        extras.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_SETTINGS, true);
    final boolean ignoreSettings = extras.getBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_SETTINGS, false);
    int source;
    if (uploadOnly) {
        source = SyncStorageEngine.SOURCE_LOCAL;
    } else if (manualSync) {
        source = SyncStorageEngine.SOURCE_USER;
    } else if (requestedAuthority == null) {
        source = SyncStorageEngine.SOURCE_POLL;
    } else {
        // This isn't strictly server, since arbitrary callers can (and do) request
        // a non-forced two-way sync on a specific url.
        source = SyncStorageEngine.SOURCE_SERVER;
    for (AccountAndUser account : accounts) {
        // If userId is specified, do not sync accounts of other users
        if (userId >= UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM && account.userId >= UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM && userId != account.userId) {
        // Compile a list of authorities that have sync adapters.
        // For each authority sync each account that matches a sync adapter.
        final HashSet<String> syncableAuthorities = new HashSet<String>();
        for (RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<SyncAdapterType> syncAdapter : mSyncAdapters.getAllServices(account.userId)) {
        // syncable.
        if (requestedAuthority != null) {
            final boolean hasSyncAdapter = syncableAuthorities.contains(requestedAuthority);
            if (hasSyncAdapter)
        for (String authority : syncableAuthorities) {
            int isSyncable = computeSyncable(account.account, account.userId, authority);
            if (isSyncable == AuthorityInfo.NOT_SYNCABLE) {
            final RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<SyncAdapterType> syncAdapterInfo = mSyncAdapters.getServiceInfo(SyncAdapterType.newKey(authority, account.account.type), account.userId);
            if (syncAdapterInfo == null) {
            final int owningUid = syncAdapterInfo.uid;
            if (isSyncable == AuthorityInfo.SYNCABLE_NO_ACCOUNT_ACCESS) {
                if (isLoggable) {
                    Slog.v(TAG, "    Not scheduling sync operation: " + "isSyncable == SYNCABLE_NO_ACCOUNT_ACCESS");
                Bundle finalExtras = new Bundle(extras);
                String packageName = syncAdapterInfo.componentName.getPackageName();
                // If the app did not run and has no account access, done
                if (!mPackageManagerInternal.wasPackageEverLaunched(packageName, userId)) {
                mAccountManagerInternal.requestAccountAccess(account.account, packageName, userId, new RemoteCallback((Bundle result) -> {
                    if (result != null && result.getBoolean(AccountManager.KEY_BOOLEAN_RESULT)) {
                        scheduleSync(account.account, userId, reason, authority, finalExtras, targetSyncState, minDelayMillis);
            final boolean allowParallelSyncs = syncAdapterInfo.type.allowParallelSyncs();
            final boolean isAlwaysSyncable = syncAdapterInfo.type.isAlwaysSyncable();
            if (isSyncable < 0 && isAlwaysSyncable) {
                mSyncStorageEngine.setIsSyncable(account.account, account.userId, authority, AuthorityInfo.SYNCABLE);
                isSyncable = AuthorityInfo.SYNCABLE;
            if (targetSyncState != AuthorityInfo.UNDEFINED && targetSyncState != isSyncable) {
            if (!syncAdapterInfo.type.supportsUploading() && uploadOnly) {
            boolean syncAllowed = // Always allow if the isSyncable state is unknown.
            (isSyncable < 0) || ignoreSettings || (mSyncStorageEngine.getMasterSyncAutomatically(account.userId) && mSyncStorageEngine.getSyncAutomatically(account.account, account.userId, authority));
            if (!syncAllowed) {
                if (isLoggable) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "scheduleSync: sync of " + account + ", " + authority + " is not allowed, dropping request");
            SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint info = new SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint(account.account, authority, account.userId);
            long delayUntil = mSyncStorageEngine.getDelayUntilTime(info);
            final String owningPackage = syncAdapterInfo.componentName.getPackageName();
            if (isSyncable == AuthorityInfo.NOT_INITIALIZED) {
                // Initialisation sync.
                Bundle newExtras = new Bundle();
                newExtras.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_INITIALIZE, true);
                if (isLoggable) {
                    Slog.v(TAG, "schedule initialisation Sync:" + ", delay until " + delayUntil + ", run by " + 0 + ", flexMillis " + 0 + ", source " + source + ", account " + account + ", authority " + authority + ", extras " + newExtras);
                postScheduleSyncMessage(new SyncOperation(account.account, account.userId, owningUid, owningPackage, reason, source, authority, newExtras, allowParallelSyncs), minDelayMillis);
            } else if (targetSyncState == AuthorityInfo.UNDEFINED || targetSyncState == isSyncable) {
                if (isLoggable) {
                    Slog.v(TAG, "scheduleSync:" + " delay until " + delayUntil + ", source " + source + ", account " + account + ", authority " + authority + ", extras " + extras);
                postScheduleSyncMessage(new SyncOperation(account.account, account.userId, owningUid, owningPackage, reason, source, authority, extras, allowParallelSyncs), minDelayMillis);
Also used : Bundle(android.os.Bundle) SyncAdapterType(android.content.SyncAdapterType) EndPoint( RemoteCallback(android.os.RemoteCallback) EndPoint( EndPoint( AccountAndUser(android.accounts.AccountAndUser) RegisteredServicesCache( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


SyncAdapterType (android.content.SyncAdapterType)132 Test (org.junit.Test)50 RegisteredServicesCache ( EndPoint ( UserInfo ( Account (android.accounts.Account)13 PackageManager ( UserHandle (android.os.UserHandle)13 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 AccountAndUser (android.accounts.AccountAndUser)12 RemoteException (android.os.RemoteException)11 AuthenticatorDescription (android.accounts.AuthenticatorDescription)9 Bundle (android.os.Bundle)8 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)8 SyncStatusInfo (android.content.SyncStatusInfo)7 Preference ( PackageInfo ( List (java.util.List)6 RemoteCallback (android.os.RemoteCallback)5 VisibleForTesting (