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Example 21 with ResolveInfo

use of in project atlas by alibaba.

the class ExternalComponentIntentResolver method newResult.

protected ResolveInfo newResult(IntentFilter info, int match) {
    try {
        Object activity = AtlasHacks.PackageParser$ActivityIntentInfo_activity.get(info);
        ActivityInfo ai = (ActivityInfo) activity.getClass().getField("info").get(activity);
        if (ai == null) {
            return null;
        final ResolveInfo res = new ResolveInfo();
        res.activityInfo = ai;
        if ((mFlags & PackageManager.GET_RESOLVED_FILTER) != 0) {
            res.filter = (IntentFilter) info;
        res.priority = ((IntentFilter) info).getPriority();
        res.preferredOrder = 0;
        //System.out.println("Result: " + res.activityInfo.className +
        //                   " = " + res.priority);
        res.match = match;
        res.isDefault = true;
        res.labelRes = 0;
        res.nonLocalizedLabel = null;
        res.icon = 0;
        return res;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;
Also used : ResolveInfo( ActivityInfo( InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)

Example 22 with ResolveInfo

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class UsbResolverActivity method onCreate.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Intent intent = getIntent();
    Parcelable targetParcelable = intent.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_INTENT);
    if (!(targetParcelable instanceof Intent)) {
        Log.w("UsbResolverActivity", "Target is not an intent: " + targetParcelable);
    Intent target = (Intent) targetParcelable;
    ArrayList<ResolveInfo> rList = intent.getParcelableArrayListExtra(EXTRA_RESOLVE_INFOS);
    CharSequence title = getResources().getText(;
    super.onCreate(savedInstanceState, target, title, null, rList, true);
    CheckBox alwaysUse = (CheckBox) findViewById(;
    if (alwaysUse != null) {
        if (mDevice == null) {
        } else {
    mDevice = (UsbDevice) target.getParcelableExtra(UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE);
    if (mDevice != null) {
        mDisconnectedReceiver = new UsbDisconnectedReceiver(this, mDevice);
    } else {
        mAccessory = (UsbAccessory) target.getParcelableExtra(UsbManager.EXTRA_ACCESSORY);
        if (mAccessory == null) {
            Log.e(TAG, "no device or accessory");
        mDisconnectedReceiver = new UsbDisconnectedReceiver(this, mAccessory);
Also used : ResolveInfo( CheckBox(android.widget.CheckBox) Intent(android.content.Intent) Parcelable(android.os.Parcelable)

Example 23 with ResolveInfo

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class PhoneWindowManager method createHomeDockIntent.

     * Return an Intent to launch the currently active dock app as home.  Returns
     * null if the standard home should be launched, which is the case if any of the following is
     * true:
     * <ul>
     *  <li>The device is not in either car mode or desk mode
     *  <li>The device is in car mode but ENABLE_CAR_DOCK_HOME_CAPTURE is false
     *  <li>The device is in desk mode but ENABLE_DESK_DOCK_HOME_CAPTURE is false
     *  <li>The device is in car mode but there's no CAR_DOCK app with METADATA_DOCK_HOME
     *  <li>The device is in desk mode but there's no DESK_DOCK app with METADATA_DOCK_HOME
     * </ul>
     * @return
Intent createHomeDockIntent() {
    Intent intent = null;
    // of whether we are actually in a car dock.
    if (mUiMode == Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_CAR) {
            intent = mCarDockIntent;
    } else if (mUiMode == Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_DESK) {
            intent = mDeskDockIntent;
    if (intent == null) {
        return null;
    ActivityInfo ai = null;
    ResolveInfo info = mContext.getPackageManager().resolveActivityAsUser(intent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY, UserHandle.USER_CURRENT);
    if (info != null) {
        ai = info.activityInfo;
    if (ai != null && ai.metaData != null && ai.metaData.getBoolean(Intent.METADATA_DOCK_HOME)) {
        intent = new Intent(intent);
        return intent;
    return null;
Also used : ResolveInfo( ActivityInfo( Intent(android.content.Intent)

Example 24 with ResolveInfo

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class KeyguardActivityLauncher method wouldLaunchResolverActivity.

private boolean wouldLaunchResolverActivity(Intent intent) {
    PackageManager packageManager = getContext().getPackageManager();
    ResolveInfo resolved = packageManager.resolveActivityAsUser(intent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY, getLockPatternUtils().getCurrentUser());
    List<ResolveInfo> appList = packageManager.queryIntentActivitiesAsUser(intent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY, getLockPatternUtils().getCurrentUser());
    return wouldLaunchResolverActivity(resolved, appList);
Also used : ResolveInfo( PackageManager(

Example 25 with ResolveInfo

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class AppWidgetServiceImpl method loadAppWidgetListLocked.

void loadAppWidgetListLocked() {
    Intent intent = new Intent(AppWidgetManager.ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE);
    try {
        List<ResolveInfo> broadcastReceivers = mPm.queryIntentReceivers(intent, intent.resolveTypeIfNeeded(mContext.getContentResolver()), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA, mUserId);
        final int N = broadcastReceivers == null ? 0 : broadcastReceivers.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            ResolveInfo ri = broadcastReceivers.get(i);
    } catch (RemoteException re) {
    // Shouldn't happen, local call
Also used : ResolveInfo( PendingIntent( Intent(android.content.Intent) RemoteException(android.os.RemoteException) Point(


ResolveInfo ( Intent (android.content.Intent)1476 PackageManager ( ComponentName (android.content.ComponentName)637 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)515 ActivityInfo ( Test (org.junit.Test)282 ServiceInfo ( PendingIntent ( ApplicationInfo ( RemoteException (android.os.RemoteException)170 Context (android.content.Context)101 Bundle (android.os.Bundle)97 NameNotFoundException ( IOException ( PackageInfo ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)65 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)63 ActivityNotFoundException (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException)59 EphemeralResolveInfo (