Search in sources :

Example 46 with AssetManager

use of android.content.res.AssetManager in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class PackageParser method parseClusterPackage.

     * Parse all APKs contained in the given directory, treating them as a
     * single package. This also performs sanity checking, such as requiring
     * identical package name and version codes, a single base APK, and unique
     * split names.
     * <p>
     * Note that this <em>does not</em> perform signature verification; that
     * must be done separately in {@link #collectCertificates(Package, int)}.
private Package parseClusterPackage(File packageDir, int flags) throws PackageParserException {
    final PackageLite lite = parseClusterPackageLite(packageDir, 0);
    // When mOnlyPowerOffAlarmApps is true, only parse power off alarm packages
    if (mOnlyPowerOffAlarmApps) {
        if (!isPowerOffAlarmPackage(lite.packageName)) {
            throw new PackageParserException(INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED, "Not a powerOffAlarmApp: " + packageDir);
    if (!mOnlyPowerOffAlarmApps && mOnlyCoreApps && !lite.coreApp) {
        throw new PackageParserException(INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED, "Not a coreApp: " + packageDir);
    final AssetManager assets = new AssetManager();
    try {
        // Load the base and all splits into the AssetManager
        // so that resources can be overriden when parsing the manifests.
        loadApkIntoAssetManager(assets, lite.baseCodePath, flags);
        if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(lite.splitCodePaths)) {
            for (String path : lite.splitCodePaths) {
                loadApkIntoAssetManager(assets, path, flags);
        final File baseApk = new File(lite.baseCodePath);
        final Package pkg = parseBaseApk(baseApk, assets, flags);
        if (pkg == null) {
            throw new PackageParserException(INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NOT_APK, "Failed to parse base APK: " + baseApk);
        if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(lite.splitNames)) {
            final int num = lite.splitNames.length;
            pkg.splitNames = lite.splitNames;
            pkg.splitCodePaths = lite.splitCodePaths;
            pkg.splitRevisionCodes = lite.splitRevisionCodes;
            pkg.splitFlags = new int[num];
            pkg.splitPrivateFlags = new int[num];
            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
                parseSplitApk(pkg, i, assets, flags);
        return pkg;
    } finally {
Also used : AssetManager(android.content.res.AssetManager) StrictJarFile(android.util.jar.StrictJarFile) File(

Example 47 with AssetManager

use of android.content.res.AssetManager in project SeeSik by GHHM.

the class DataBase method createTable.

//테이블 생성(user info, dailyList, intakeList)
public void createTable() {
    //To create userInfo, intakeList in database
    if (first) {
        // Create userInfo table
        userDB.execSQL("create table if not exists userInfo (age integer, gender integer);");
        // Create intakeList table
        userDB.execSQL("create table if not exists dailyList(date text,times integer,foodName text ,sugar int,na int,chol int,fat int );");
        userDB.execSQL("create table if not exists intakeList(date text, sugar int, na int, chol int, fat int, highestIngredient int);");
        File folder = new File("data/data/org.androidtown.myapplication/databases/");
        if (!folder.exists())
        File file = new File("data/data/org.androidtown.myapplication/databases/foodList.db");
        AssetManager assetManager = context.getAssets();
        try {
            InputStream is ="foodList.db");
            long filesize = is.available();
            byte[] tempdata = new byte[(int) filesize];
            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
            first = false;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Toast.makeText(context, "오류가 났어....", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        foodDB = context.openOrCreateDatabase("foodList.db", MODE_PRIVATE, null);
        first = false;
        foodDB = context.openOrCreateDatabase("foodList.db", MODE_PRIVATE, null);
    } else
Also used : AssetManager(android.content.res.AssetManager) InputStream( FileOutputStream( File(

Example 48 with AssetManager

use of android.content.res.AssetManager in project bdcodehelper by boredream.

the class AssetsDatabaseManager method copyAssetsToFilesystem.

private boolean copyAssetsToFilesystem(String assetsSrc, String des) {
    Log.i(tag, "Copy " + assetsSrc + " to " + des);
    InputStream istream = null;
    OutputStream ostream = null;
    try {
        AssetManager am = context.getAssets();
        istream =;
        ostream = new FileOutputStream(des);
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
        int length;
        while ((length = > 0) {
            ostream.write(buffer, 0, length);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            if (istream != null)
            if (ostream != null)
        } catch (Exception ee) {
        return false;
    return true;
Also used : AssetManager(android.content.res.AssetManager) InputStream( OutputStream( FileOutputStream( FileOutputStream(

Example 49 with AssetManager

use of android.content.res.AssetManager in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class Font method createFromAsset.

     * @deprecated in API 16
public static Font createFromAsset(RenderScript rs, Resources res, String path, float pointSize) {
    AssetManager mgr = res.getAssets();
    int dpi = res.getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi;
    long fontId = rs.nFontCreateFromAsset(mgr, path, pointSize, dpi);
    if (fontId == 0) {
        throw new RSRuntimeException("Unable to create font from asset " + path);
    Font rsFont = new Font(fontId, rs);
    return rsFont;
Also used : AssetManager(android.content.res.AssetManager)

Example 50 with AssetManager

use of android.content.res.AssetManager in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class PackageManagerShellCommand method getResources.

private Resources getResources(PackageItemInfo pii) throws RemoteException {
    Resources res = mResourceCache.get(pii.packageName);
    if (res != null)
        return res;
    ApplicationInfo ai = mInterface.getApplicationInfo(pii.packageName, 0, 0);
    AssetManager am = new AssetManager();
    res = new Resources(am, null, null);
    mResourceCache.put(pii.packageName, res);
    return res;
Also used : AssetManager(android.content.res.AssetManager) ApplicationInfo( Resources(android.content.res.Resources)


AssetManager (android.content.res.AssetManager)346 IOException ( InputStream ( Resources (android.content.res.Resources)75 File ( FileOutputStream ( XmlResourceParser (android.content.res.XmlResourceParser)32 DisplayMetrics (android.util.DisplayMetrics)31 Bitmap ( Configuration (android.content.res.Configuration)21 BufferedReader ( InputStreamReader ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)20 FileInputStream ( OutputStream ( Context (android.content.Context)16 Intent (android.content.Intent)16 JsonParser ( ByteArrayInputStream ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)16