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Example 21 with Config

use of in project weiui by kuaifan.

the class SizeConfigStrategy method decrementBitmapOfSize.

private void decrementBitmapOfSize(Integer size, Bitmap removed) {
    Bitmap.Config config = removed.getConfig();
    NavigableMap<Integer, Integer> sizes = getSizesForConfig(config);
    Integer current = sizes.get(size);
    if (current == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Tried to decrement empty size" + ", size: " + size + ", removed: " + logBitmap(removed) + ", this: " + this);
    if (current == 1) {
    } else {
        sizes.put(size, current - 1);
Also used : Bitmap( Config(

Example 22 with Config

use of in project GomoTest by suReZj.

the class PhotoProcessing method rotate.

public static Bitmap rotate(Bitmap bitmap, int angle) {
    int width = bitmap.getWidth();
    int height = bitmap.getHeight();
    Config config = bitmap.getConfig();
    nativeInitBitmap(width, height);
    if (angle == 90) {
        bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(height, width, config);
        bitmap = getBitmapFromNative(bitmap);
    } else if (angle == 180) {
        bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, config);
        bitmap = getBitmapFromNative(bitmap);
    } else if (angle == 270) {
        bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(height, width, config);
        bitmap = getBitmapFromNative(bitmap);
    return bitmap;
Also used : Config(

Example 23 with Config

use of in project LibreraReader by foobnix.

the class Bitmaps method reuse.

public boolean reuse(final String nodeId, final BitmapRef orig, final Rect bitmapBounds, final boolean invert) {
    try {
        final Bitmap origBitmap = orig.getBitmap();
        final Config cfg = useDefaultBitmapType ? DEF_BITMAP_TYPE : origBitmap.getConfig();
        if (cfg != this.config) {
            return false;
        if (BitmapManager.partSize != this.partSize) {
            return false;
        final BitmapRef[] oldBitmaps = this.bitmaps;
        final int oldBitmapsLength = LengthUtils.length(oldBitmaps);
        this.bounds = bitmapBounds;
        this.columns = (int) Math.ceil(bitmapBounds.width() / (float) partSize);
        this.rows = (int) Math.ceil(bitmapBounds.height() / (float) partSize);
        this.bitmaps = new BitmapRef[columns * rows];
        final int newsize = this.columns * this.rows;
        int i = 0;
        for (; i < newsize; i++) {
            if (i < oldBitmapsLength) {
                this.bitmaps[i] = oldBitmaps[i];
                if (this.bitmaps[i] != null && this.bitmaps[i].isRecycled()) {
                    this.bitmaps[i] = null;
            if (this.bitmaps[i] == null) {
                this.bitmaps[i] = BitmapManager.getBitmap(nodeId + ":reuse:" + i, partSize, partSize, config);
        for (; i < oldBitmapsLength; i++) {
        final boolean hasAlpha = origBitmap.hasAlpha();
        RawBitmap slice = threadSlices.get();
        if (slice == null || slice.pixels.length < partSize * partSize || slice.hasAlpha != hasAlpha) {
            slice = new RawBitmap(partSize, partSize, hasAlpha);
        int top = 0;
        for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++, top += partSize) {
            int left = 0;
            for (int col = 0; col < columns; col++, left += partSize) {
                final int index = row * columns + col;
                final BitmapRef b = bitmaps[index];
                final Bitmap bmp = b.getBitmap();
                if (row == rows - 1 || col == columns - 1) {
                    final int right = Math.min(left + partSize, bounds.width());
                    final int bottom = Math.min(top + partSize, bounds.height());
                    bmp.eraseColor(invert ? PagePaint.NIGHT.fillPaint.getColor() : PagePaint.DAY.fillPaint.getColor());
                    slice.retrieve(origBitmap, left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
                } else {
                    slice.retrieve(origBitmap, left, top, partSize, partSize);
                if (invert) {
        return true;
    } finally {
Also used : Bitmap( Config( PagePaint(org.ebookdroid.core.PagePaint)

Example 24 with Config

use of in project weiui by kuaifan.

the class TransformationUtils method fitCenter.

 * An expensive operation to resize the given Bitmap down so that it fits within the given
 * dimensions maintain the original proportions.
 * @param pool   The BitmapPool obtain a bitmap from.
 * @param inBitmap  The Bitmap to shrink.
 * @param width  The width in pixels the final image will fit within.
 * @param height The height in pixels the final image will fit within.
 * @return A new Bitmap shrunk to fit within the given dimensions, or toFit if toFit's width or
 * height matches the given dimensions and toFit fits within the given dimensions
public static Bitmap fitCenter(@NonNull BitmapPool pool, @NonNull Bitmap inBitmap, int width, int height) {
    if (inBitmap.getWidth() == width && inBitmap.getHeight() == height) {
        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
            Log.v(TAG, "requested target size matches input, returning input");
        return inBitmap;
    final float widthPercentage = width / (float) inBitmap.getWidth();
    final float heightPercentage = height / (float) inBitmap.getHeight();
    final float minPercentage = Math.min(widthPercentage, heightPercentage);
    // Round here in case we've decoded exactly the image we want, but take the floor below to
    // avoid a line of garbage or blank pixels in images.
    int targetWidth = Math.round(minPercentage * inBitmap.getWidth());
    int targetHeight = Math.round(minPercentage * inBitmap.getHeight());
    if (inBitmap.getWidth() == targetWidth && inBitmap.getHeight() == targetHeight) {
        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
            Log.v(TAG, "adjusted target size matches input, returning input");
        return inBitmap;
    // Take the floor of the target width/height, not round. If the matrix
    // passed into drawBitmap rounds differently, we want to slightly
    // overdraw, not underdraw, to avoid artifacts from bitmap reuse.
    targetWidth = (int) (minPercentage * inBitmap.getWidth());
    targetHeight = (int) (minPercentage * inBitmap.getHeight());
    Bitmap.Config config = getNonNullConfig(inBitmap);
    Bitmap toReuse = pool.get(targetWidth, targetHeight, config);
    // We don't add or remove alpha, so keep the alpha setting of the Bitmap we were given.
    TransformationUtils.setAlpha(inBitmap, toReuse);
    if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
        Log.v(TAG, "request: " + width + "x" + height);
        Log.v(TAG, "toFit:   " + inBitmap.getWidth() + "x" + inBitmap.getHeight());
        Log.v(TAG, "toReuse: " + toReuse.getWidth() + "x" + toReuse.getHeight());
        Log.v(TAG, "minPct:   " + minPercentage);
    Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
    matrix.setScale(minPercentage, minPercentage);
    applyMatrix(inBitmap, toReuse, matrix);
    return toReuse;
Also used : Bitmap( Matrix( Paint( Config(

Example 25 with Config

use of in project weiui by kuaifan.

the class TransformationUtils method rotateImageExif.

 * Rotate and/or flip the image to match the given exif orientation.
 * @param pool            A pool that may or may not contain an image of the necessary
 *                        dimensions.
 * @param inBitmap        The bitmap to rotate/flip.
 * @param exifOrientation the exif orientation [1-8].
 * @return The rotated and/or flipped image or toOrient if no rotation or flip was necessary.
public static Bitmap rotateImageExif(@NonNull BitmapPool pool, @NonNull Bitmap inBitmap, int exifOrientation) {
    if (!isExifOrientationRequired(exifOrientation)) {
        return inBitmap;
    final Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
    initializeMatrixForRotation(exifOrientation, matrix);
    // From Bitmap.createBitmap.
    final RectF newRect = new RectF(0, 0, inBitmap.getWidth(), inBitmap.getHeight());
    final int newWidth = Math.round(newRect.width());
    final int newHeight = Math.round(newRect.height());
    Bitmap.Config config = getNonNullConfig(inBitmap);
    Bitmap result = pool.get(newWidth, newHeight, config);
    applyMatrix(inBitmap, result, matrix);
    return result;
Also used : RectF( Bitmap( Matrix( Paint( Config(


Config ( Bitmap ( Paint ( Canvas ( Matrix ( TargetApi (android.annotation.TargetApi)2 BitmapFactory ( Rect ( RectF ( Nullable ( NullBitmapException (org.andengine.util.exception.NullBitmapException)2 SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)1 Resources (android.content.res.Resources)1 PaintFlagsDrawFilter ( Point ( TIntArrayList (gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList)1 TLongArrayList (gnu.trove.list.array.TLongArrayList)1 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)1 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1