use of android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationDuration in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.
the class CameraMetadataNative method getStreamConfigurationMap.
private StreamConfigurationMap getStreamConfigurationMap() {
StreamConfiguration[] configurations = getBase(CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_AVAILABLE_STREAM_CONFIGURATIONS);
StreamConfigurationDuration[] minFrameDurations = getBase(CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_AVAILABLE_MIN_FRAME_DURATIONS);
StreamConfigurationDuration[] stallDurations = getBase(CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_AVAILABLE_STALL_DURATIONS);
StreamConfiguration[] depthConfigurations = getBase(CameraCharacteristics.DEPTH_AVAILABLE_DEPTH_STREAM_CONFIGURATIONS);
StreamConfigurationDuration[] depthMinFrameDurations = getBase(CameraCharacteristics.DEPTH_AVAILABLE_DEPTH_MIN_FRAME_DURATIONS);
StreamConfigurationDuration[] depthStallDurations = getBase(CameraCharacteristics.DEPTH_AVAILABLE_DEPTH_STALL_DURATIONS);
HighSpeedVideoConfiguration[] highSpeedVideoConfigurations = getBase(CameraCharacteristics.CONTROL_AVAILABLE_HIGH_SPEED_VIDEO_CONFIGURATIONS);
ReprocessFormatsMap inputOutputFormatsMap = getBase(CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_AVAILABLE_INPUT_OUTPUT_FORMATS_MAP);
int[] capabilities = getBase(CameraCharacteristics.REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES);
boolean listHighResolution = false;
for (int capability : capabilities) {
if (capability == CameraCharacteristics.REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES_BURST_CAPTURE) {
listHighResolution = true;
return new StreamConfigurationMap(configurations, minFrameDurations, stallDurations, depthConfigurations, depthMinFrameDurations, depthStallDurations, highSpeedVideoConfigurations, inputOutputFormatsMap, listHighResolution);
use of android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationDuration in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.
the class CameraMetadataTest method testReadWriteStreamConfigurationDuration.
public void testReadWriteStreamConfigurationDuration() {
// Avoid sign extending ints when converting to a long
final long MASK_UNSIGNED_INT = 0x00000000ffffffffL;
// int64 x 4 x n
checkKeyMarshal("android.scaler.availableMinFrameDurations", new StreamConfigurationDuration[] { new StreamConfigurationDuration(ImageFormat.YUV_420_888, 640, 480, /*duration*/
123L), new StreamConfigurationDuration(ImageFormat.RGB_565, 320, 240, /*duration*/
345L) }, toByteArray(ImageFormat.YUV_420_888 & MASK_UNSIGNED_INT, 640L, 480L, /*duration*/
123L, ImageFormat.RGB_565 & MASK_UNSIGNED_INT, 320L, 240L, /*duration*/
use of android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationDuration in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.
the class CameraMetadataTest method testOverrideStreamConfigurationMap.
* Set the raw native value of the available stream configurations; ensure that
* the read-out managed value is consistent with what we write in.
public void testOverrideStreamConfigurationMap() {
* First, write all the raw values:
* - availableStreamConfigurations
* - availableMinFrameDurations
* - availableStallDurations
* Then, read this out as a synthetic multi-key 'streamConfigurationMap'
* Finally, validate that the map was unmarshaled correctly
* and is converting the internal formats to public formats properly.
// android.scaler.availableStreamConfigurations (int x n x 4 array)
final int OUTPUT = 0;
final int INPUT = 1;
int[] rawAvailableStreamConfigs = new int[] { // RAW16
0x20, // RAW16
3280, // RAW16
2464, // RAW16
OUTPUT, // YCbCr_420_888
0x23, // YCbCr_420_888
3264, // YCbCr_420_888
2448, // YCbCr_420_888
OUTPUT, // YCbCr_420_888
0x23, // YCbCr_420_888
3200, // YCbCr_420_888
2400, // YCbCr_420_888
0x21, // BLOB
3264, // BLOB
2448, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
3200, // BLOB
2400, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
2592, // BLOB
1944, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
2048, // BLOB
1536, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
1920, // BLOB
1080, // BLOB
0x20, // RAW16
320, // RAW16
240, // RAW16
Key<StreamConfiguration[]> configKey = CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_AVAILABLE_STREAM_CONFIGURATIONS.getNativeKey();
mMetadata.writeValues(configKey.getTag(), toByteArray(rawAvailableStreamConfigs));
// android.scaler.availableMinFrameDurations (int x n x 4 array)
long[] expectedAvailableMinDurations = new long[] { // RAW16
0x20, // RAW16
3280, // RAW16
2464, // RAW16
33333331, // YCbCr_420_888
0x23, // YCbCr_420_888
3264, // YCbCr_420_888
2448, // YCbCr_420_888
33333332, // YCbCr_420_888
0x23, // YCbCr_420_888
3200, // YCbCr_420_888
2400, // YCbCr_420_888
33333333, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
3264, // ImageFormat.JPEG
2448, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333334, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
3200, // ImageFormat.JPEG
2400, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333335, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
2592, // ImageFormat.JPEG
1944, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333336, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
2048, // ImageFormat.JPEG
1536, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333337, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
1920, // ImageFormat.JPEG
1080, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333338 };
long[] rawAvailableMinDurations = new long[] { // RAW16
0x20, // RAW16
3280, // RAW16
2464, // RAW16
33333331, // YCbCr_420_888
0x23, // YCbCr_420_888
3264, // YCbCr_420_888
2448, // YCbCr_420_888
33333332, // YCbCr_420_888
0x23, // YCbCr_420_888
3200, // YCbCr_420_888
2400, // YCbCr_420_888
33333333, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
3264, // BLOB
2448, // BLOB
33333334, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
3200, // BLOB
2400, // BLOB
33333335, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
2592, // BLOB
1944, // BLOB
33333336, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
2048, // BLOB
1536, // BLOB
33333337, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
1920, // BLOB
1080, // BLOB
33333338 };
Key<StreamConfigurationDuration[]> durationKey = CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_AVAILABLE_MIN_FRAME_DURATIONS.getNativeKey();
mMetadata.writeValues(durationKey.getTag(), toByteArray(rawAvailableMinDurations));
// android.scaler.availableStallDurations (int x n x 4 array)
long[] expectedAvailableStallDurations = new long[] { // RAW16
0x20, // RAW16
3280, // RAW16
2464, // RAW16
0, // YCbCr_420_888
0x23, // YCbCr_420_888
3264, // YCbCr_420_888
2448, // YCbCr_420_888
0, // YCbCr_420_888
0x23, // YCbCr_420_888
3200, // YCbCr_420_888
2400, // YCbCr_420_888
0, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
3264, // ImageFormat.JPEG
2448, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333334, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
3200, // ImageFormat.JPEG
2400, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333335, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
2592, // ImageFormat.JPEG
1944, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333336, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
2048, // ImageFormat.JPEG
1536, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333337, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
1920, // ImageFormat.JPEG
1080, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333338 };
// Note: RAW16 and YUV_420_888 omitted intentionally; omitted values should default to 0
long[] rawAvailableStallDurations = new long[] { // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
3264, // BLOB
2448, // BLOB
33333334, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
3200, // BLOB
2400, // BLOB
33333335, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
2592, // BLOB
1944, // BLOB
33333336, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
2048, // BLOB
1536, // BLOB
33333337, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
1920, // BLOB
1080, // BLOB
33333338 };
Key<StreamConfigurationDuration[]> stallDurationKey = CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_AVAILABLE_STALL_DURATIONS.getNativeKey();
mMetadata.writeValues(stallDurationKey.getTag(), toByteArray(rawAvailableStallDurations));
// android.scaler.streamConfigurationMap (synthetic as StreamConfigurationMap)
StreamConfigurationMap streamConfigMap = mMetadata.get(CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP);
// Inputs
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR, 320, 240, /*output*/
// Outputs
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED, 640, 480, /*output*/
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, ImageFormat.JPEG, 1920, 1080, /*output*/
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, ImageFormat.JPEG, 2048, 1536, /*output*/
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, ImageFormat.JPEG, 2592, 1944, /*output*/
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, ImageFormat.JPEG, 3200, 2400, /*output*/
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, ImageFormat.YUV_420_888, 3200, 2400, /*output*/
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, ImageFormat.YUV_420_888, 3264, 2448, /*output*/
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR, 3280, 2464, /*output*/
// Min Frame Durations
final int DURATION_TUPLE_SIZE = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < expectedAvailableMinDurations.length; i += DURATION_TUPLE_SIZE) {
checkStreamConfigurationMapDurationByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, (int) expectedAvailableMinDurations[i], (int) expectedAvailableMinDurations[i + 1], (int) expectedAvailableMinDurations[i + 2], Duration.MinFrame, expectedAvailableMinDurations[i + 3]);
for (int i = 0; i < expectedAvailableStallDurations.length; i += DURATION_TUPLE_SIZE) {
checkStreamConfigurationMapDurationByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, (int) expectedAvailableStallDurations[i], (int) expectedAvailableStallDurations[i + 1], (int) expectedAvailableStallDurations[i + 2], Duration.Stall, expectedAvailableStallDurations[i + 3]);
use of android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationDuration in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.
the class CameraMetadataTest method testOverrideStreamConfigurationMap.
* Set the raw native value of the available stream configurations; ensure that
* the read-out managed value is consistent with what we write in.
public void testOverrideStreamConfigurationMap() {
* First, write all the raw values:
* - availableStreamConfigurations
* - availableMinFrameDurations
* - availableStallDurations
* Then, read this out as a synthetic multi-key 'streamConfigurationMap'
* Finally, validate that the map was unmarshaled correctly
* and is converting the internal formats to public formats properly.
// android.scaler.availableStreamConfigurations (int x n x 4 array)
final int OUTPUT = 0;
final int INPUT = 1;
int[] rawAvailableStreamConfigs = new int[] { // RAW16
0x20, // RAW16
3280, // RAW16
2464, // RAW16
OUTPUT, // YCbCr_420_888
0x23, // YCbCr_420_888
3264, // YCbCr_420_888
2448, // YCbCr_420_888
OUTPUT, // YCbCr_420_888
0x23, // YCbCr_420_888
3200, // YCbCr_420_888
2400, // YCbCr_420_888
0x21, // BLOB
3264, // BLOB
2448, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
3200, // BLOB
2400, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
2592, // BLOB
1944, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
2048, // BLOB
1536, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
1920, // BLOB
1080, // BLOB
0x20, // RAW16
320, // RAW16
240, // RAW16
Key<StreamConfiguration[]> configKey = CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_AVAILABLE_STREAM_CONFIGURATIONS.getNativeKey();
mMetadata.writeValues(configKey.getTag(), toByteArray(rawAvailableStreamConfigs));
// android.scaler.availableMinFrameDurations (int x n x 4 array)
long[] expectedAvailableMinDurations = new long[] { // RAW16
0x20, // RAW16
3280, // RAW16
2464, // RAW16
33333331, // YCbCr_420_888
0x23, // YCbCr_420_888
3264, // YCbCr_420_888
2448, // YCbCr_420_888
33333332, // YCbCr_420_888
0x23, // YCbCr_420_888
3200, // YCbCr_420_888
2400, // YCbCr_420_888
33333333, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
3264, // ImageFormat.JPEG
2448, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333334, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
3200, // ImageFormat.JPEG
2400, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333335, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
2592, // ImageFormat.JPEG
1944, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333336, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
2048, // ImageFormat.JPEG
1536, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333337, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
1920, // ImageFormat.JPEG
1080, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333338 };
long[] rawAvailableMinDurations = new long[] { // RAW16
0x20, // RAW16
3280, // RAW16
2464, // RAW16
33333331, // YCbCr_420_888
0x23, // YCbCr_420_888
3264, // YCbCr_420_888
2448, // YCbCr_420_888
33333332, // YCbCr_420_888
0x23, // YCbCr_420_888
3200, // YCbCr_420_888
2400, // YCbCr_420_888
33333333, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
3264, // BLOB
2448, // BLOB
33333334, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
3200, // BLOB
2400, // BLOB
33333335, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
2592, // BLOB
1944, // BLOB
33333336, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
2048, // BLOB
1536, // BLOB
33333337, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
1920, // BLOB
1080, // BLOB
33333338 };
Key<StreamConfigurationDuration[]> durationKey = CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_AVAILABLE_MIN_FRAME_DURATIONS.getNativeKey();
mMetadata.writeValues(durationKey.getTag(), toByteArray(rawAvailableMinDurations));
// android.scaler.availableStallDurations (int x n x 4 array)
long[] expectedAvailableStallDurations = new long[] { // RAW16
0x20, // RAW16
3280, // RAW16
2464, // RAW16
0, // YCbCr_420_888
0x23, // YCbCr_420_888
3264, // YCbCr_420_888
2448, // YCbCr_420_888
0, // YCbCr_420_888
0x23, // YCbCr_420_888
3200, // YCbCr_420_888
2400, // YCbCr_420_888
0, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
3264, // ImageFormat.JPEG
2448, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333334, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
3200, // ImageFormat.JPEG
2400, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333335, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
2592, // ImageFormat.JPEG
1944, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333336, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
2048, // ImageFormat.JPEG
1536, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333337, // ImageFormat.JPEG
0x100, // ImageFormat.JPEG
1920, // ImageFormat.JPEG
1080, // ImageFormat.JPEG
33333338 };
// Note: RAW16 and YUV_420_888 omitted intentionally; omitted values should default to 0
long[] rawAvailableStallDurations = new long[] { // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
3264, // BLOB
2448, // BLOB
33333334, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
3200, // BLOB
2400, // BLOB
33333335, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
2592, // BLOB
1944, // BLOB
33333336, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
2048, // BLOB
1536, // BLOB
33333337, // BLOB
0x21, // BLOB
1920, // BLOB
1080, // BLOB
33333338 };
Key<StreamConfigurationDuration[]> stallDurationKey = CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_AVAILABLE_STALL_DURATIONS.getNativeKey();
mMetadata.writeValues(stallDurationKey.getTag(), toByteArray(rawAvailableStallDurations));
// android.scaler.streamConfigurationMap (synthetic as StreamConfigurationMap)
StreamConfigurationMap streamConfigMap = mMetadata.get(CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP);
// Inputs
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR, 320, 240, /*output*/
// Outputs
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED, 640, 480, /*output*/
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, ImageFormat.JPEG, 1920, 1080, /*output*/
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, ImageFormat.JPEG, 2048, 1536, /*output*/
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, ImageFormat.JPEG, 2592, 1944, /*output*/
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, ImageFormat.JPEG, 3200, 2400, /*output*/
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, ImageFormat.YUV_420_888, 3200, 2400, /*output*/
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, ImageFormat.YUV_420_888, 3264, 2448, /*output*/
checkStreamConfigurationMapByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR, 3280, 2464, /*output*/
// Min Frame Durations
final int DURATION_TUPLE_SIZE = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < expectedAvailableMinDurations.length; i += DURATION_TUPLE_SIZE) {
checkStreamConfigurationMapDurationByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, (int) expectedAvailableMinDurations[i], (int) expectedAvailableMinDurations[i + 1], (int) expectedAvailableMinDurations[i + 2], Duration.MinFrame, expectedAvailableMinDurations[i + 3]);
for (int i = 0; i < expectedAvailableStallDurations.length; i += DURATION_TUPLE_SIZE) {
checkStreamConfigurationMapDurationByFormatSize(streamConfigMap, (int) expectedAvailableStallDurations[i], (int) expectedAvailableStallDurations[i + 1], (int) expectedAvailableStallDurations[i + 2], Duration.Stall, expectedAvailableStallDurations[i + 3]);
use of android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationDuration in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class LegacyMetadataMapper method mapScalerStreamConfigs.
private static void mapScalerStreamConfigs(CameraMetadataNative m, Camera.Parameters p) {
ArrayList<StreamConfiguration> availableStreamConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
* Implementation-defined (preview, recording, etc) -> use camera1 preview sizes
* YUV_420_888 cpu callbacks -> use camera1 preview sizes
* Other preview callbacks (CPU) -> use camera1 preview sizes
* JPEG still capture -> use camera1 still capture sizes
* Use platform-internal format constants here, since StreamConfigurationMap does the
* remapping to public format constants.
List<Camera.Size> previewSizes = p.getSupportedPreviewSizes();
List<Camera.Size> jpegSizes = p.getSupportedPictureSizes();
* Work-around for b/17589233:
* - Some HALs's largest preview size aspect ratio does not match the largest JPEG size AR
* - This causes a large amount of problems with focus/metering because it's relative to
* preview, making the difference between the JPEG and preview viewport inaccessible
* - This boils down to metering or focusing areas being "arbitrarily" cropped
* in the capture result.
* - Work-around the HAL limitations by removing all of the largest preview sizes
* until we get one with the same aspect ratio as the jpeg size.
SizeAreaComparator areaComparator = new SizeAreaComparator();
// Sort preview to min->max
Collections.sort(previewSizes, areaComparator);
Camera.Size maxJpegSize = SizeAreaComparator.findLargestByArea(jpegSizes);
float jpegAspectRatio = maxJpegSize.width * 1.0f / maxJpegSize.height;
if (DEBUG) {
Log.v(TAG, String.format("mapScalerStreamConfigs - largest JPEG area %dx%d, AR=%f", maxJpegSize.width, maxJpegSize.height, jpegAspectRatio));
// Now remove preview sizes from the end (largest->smallest) until aspect ratio matches
while (!previewSizes.isEmpty()) {
// max is always at the end
int index = previewSizes.size() - 1;
Camera.Size size = previewSizes.get(index);
float previewAspectRatio = size.width * 1.0f / size.height;
if (Math.abs(jpegAspectRatio - previewAspectRatio) >= PREVIEW_ASPECT_RATIO_TOLERANCE) {
// Assume removing from end is O(1)
if (DEBUG) {
Log.v(TAG, String.format("mapScalerStreamConfigs - removed preview size %dx%d, AR=%f " + "was not the same", size.width, size.height, previewAspectRatio));
} else {
if (previewSizes.isEmpty()) {
// Fall-back to the original faulty behavior, but at least work
Log.w(TAG, "mapScalerStreamConfigs - failed to find any preview size matching " + "JPEG aspect ratio " + jpegAspectRatio);
previewSizes = p.getSupportedPreviewSizes();
// Sort again, this time in descending order max->min
Collections.sort(previewSizes, Collections.reverseOrder(areaComparator));
appendStreamConfig(availableStreamConfigs, HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED, previewSizes);
appendStreamConfig(availableStreamConfigs, ImageFormat.YUV_420_888, previewSizes);
for (int format : p.getSupportedPreviewFormats()) {
if (ImageFormat.isPublicFormat(format) && format != ImageFormat.NV21) {
appendStreamConfig(availableStreamConfigs, format, previewSizes);
} else if (DEBUG) {
* Do not add any formats unknown to us
* (since it would fail runtime checks in StreamConfigurationMap)
Log.v(TAG, String.format("mapStreamConfigs - Skipping format %x", format));
appendStreamConfig(availableStreamConfigs, HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BLOB, p.getSupportedPictureSizes());
* scaler.availableStreamConfigurations
m.set(SCALER_AVAILABLE_STREAM_CONFIGURATIONS, availableStreamConfigs.toArray(new StreamConfiguration[0]));
* scaler.availableMinFrameDurations
// No frame durations available
m.set(SCALER_AVAILABLE_MIN_FRAME_DURATIONS, new StreamConfigurationDuration[0]);
StreamConfigurationDuration[] jpegStalls = new StreamConfigurationDuration[jpegSizes.size()];
int i = 0;
long longestStallDuration = -1;
for (Camera.Size s : jpegSizes) {
long stallDuration = calculateJpegStallDuration(s);
jpegStalls[i++] = new StreamConfigurationDuration(HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BLOB, s.width, s.height, stallDuration);
if (longestStallDuration < stallDuration) {
longestStallDuration = stallDuration;
* scaler.availableStallDurations
// Set stall durations for jpeg, other formats use default stall duration
m.set(SENSOR_INFO_MAX_FRAME_DURATION, longestStallDuration);