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Example 46 with Collator

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class CollationMonkeyTest method TestCollationKey.

public void TestCollationKey() {
    if (source.length() == 0) {
        errln("CollationMonkeyTest.TestCollationKey(): source is empty - ICU_DATA not set or data missing?");
    Collator myCollator;
    try {
        myCollator = Collator.getInstance(new Locale("en", "US"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        warnln("ERROR: in creation of collator of ENGLISH locale");
    // use test framework's random seed
    Random rand = createRandom();
    int s = rand.nextInt(0x7fff) % source.length();
    int t = rand.nextInt(0x7fff) % source.length();
    int slen = Math.abs(rand.nextInt(0x7fff) % source.length() - source.length()) % source.length();
    int tlen = Math.abs(rand.nextInt(0x7fff) % source.length() - source.length()) % source.length();
    String subs = source.substring(Math.min(s, slen), Math.min(s + slen, source.length()));
    String subt = source.substring(Math.min(t, tlen), Math.min(t + tlen, source.length()));
    CollationKey collationKey1, collationKey2;
    collationKey1 = myCollator.getCollationKey(subs);
    collationKey2 = myCollator.getCollationKey(subt);
    // Tertiary
    int result = collationKey1.compareTo(collationKey2);
    // Tertiary
    int revResult = collationKey2.compareTo(collationKey1);
    report(subs, subt, result, revResult);
    collationKey1 = myCollator.getCollationKey(subs);
    collationKey2 = myCollator.getCollationKey(subt);
    // Secondary
    result = collationKey1.compareTo(collationKey2);
    // Secondary
    revResult = collationKey2.compareTo(collationKey1);
    report(subs, subt, result, revResult);
    collationKey1 = myCollator.getCollationKey(subs);
    collationKey2 = myCollator.getCollationKey(subt);
    // Primary
    result = collationKey1.compareTo(collationKey2);
    // Primary
    revResult = collationKey2.compareTo(collationKey1);
    report(subs, subt, result, revResult);
    String msg = "";
    String addOne = subs + String.valueOf(0xE000);
    collationKey1 = myCollator.getCollationKey(subs);
    collationKey2 = myCollator.getCollationKey(addOne);
    result = collationKey1.compareTo(collationKey2);
    if (result != -1) {
        msg += "CollationKey(";
        msg += subs;
        msg += ") .LT. CollationKey(";
        msg += addOne;
        msg += ") Failed.";
    msg = "";
    result = collationKey2.compareTo(collationKey1);
    if (result != 1) {
        msg += "CollationKey(";
        msg += addOne;
        msg += ") .GT. CollationKey(";
        msg += subs;
        msg += ") Failed.";
Also used : Locale(java.util.Locale) Random(java.util.Random) CollationKey( RuleBasedCollator( Collator( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 47 with Collator

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class CollationServiceTest method TestRegisterFactory.

public void TestRegisterFactory() {
    class CollatorInfo {

        ULocale locale;

        Collator collator;

        // locale -> string
        Map displayNames;

        CollatorInfo(ULocale locale, Collator collator, Map displayNames) {
            this.locale = locale;
            this.collator = collator;
            this.displayNames = displayNames;

        String getDisplayName(ULocale displayLocale) {
            String name = null;
            if (displayNames != null) {
                name = (String) displayNames.get(displayLocale);
            if (name == null) {
                name = locale.getDisplayName(displayLocale);
            return name;
    class TestFactory extends CollatorFactory {

        private Map map;

        private Set ids;

        TestFactory(CollatorInfo[] info) {
            map = new HashMap();
            for (int i = 0; i < info.length; ++i) {
                CollatorInfo ci = info[i];
                map.put(ci.locale, ci);

        public Collator createCollator(ULocale loc) {
            CollatorInfo ci = (CollatorInfo) map.get(loc);
            if (ci != null) {
                return ci.collator;
            return null;

        public String getDisplayName(ULocale objectLocale, ULocale displayLocale) {
            CollatorInfo ci = (CollatorInfo) map.get(objectLocale);
            if (ci != null) {
                return ci.getDisplayName(displayLocale);
            return null;

        public Set getSupportedLocaleIDs() {
            if (ids == null) {
                HashSet set = new HashSet();
                Iterator iter = map.keySet().iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    ULocale locale = (ULocale);
                    String id = locale.toString();
                ids = Collections.unmodifiableSet(set);
            return ids;
    class TestFactoryWrapper extends CollatorFactory {

        CollatorFactory delegate;

        TestFactoryWrapper(CollatorFactory delegate) {
            this.delegate = delegate;

        public Collator createCollator(ULocale loc) {
            return delegate.createCollator(loc);

        // use CollatorFactory getDisplayName(ULocale, ULocale) for coverage
        public Set getSupportedLocaleIDs() {
            return delegate.getSupportedLocaleIDs();
    ULocale fu_FU = new ULocale("fu_FU");
    ULocale fu_FU_FOO = new ULocale("fu_FU_FOO");
    Map fuFUNames = new HashMap();
    fuFUNames.put(fu_FU, "ze leetle bunny Fu-Fu");
    fuFUNames.put(fu_FU_FOO, "zee leetel bunny Foo-Foo");
    fuFUNames.put(ULocale.US, "little bunny Foo Foo");
    Collator frcol = Collator.getInstance(ULocale.FRANCE);
    /* Collator uscol = */
    Collator gecol = Collator.getInstance(ULocale.GERMANY);
    Collator jpcol = Collator.getInstance(ULocale.JAPAN);
    Collator fucol = Collator.getInstance(fu_FU);
    CollatorInfo[] info = { new CollatorInfo(ULocale.US, frcol, null), new CollatorInfo(ULocale.FRANCE, gecol, null), new CollatorInfo(fu_FU, jpcol, fuFUNames) };
    TestFactory factory = null;
    try {
        factory = new TestFactory(info);
    } catch (MissingResourceException ex) {
        warnln("Could not load locale data.");
    // coverage
        // in java, gc lets us easily multiply reference!
        TestFactoryWrapper wrapper = new TestFactoryWrapper(factory);
        Object key = Collator.registerFactory(wrapper);
        String name = null;
        try {
            name = Collator.getDisplayName(fu_FU, fu_FU_FOO);
        } catch (MissingResourceException ex) {
            warnln("Could not load locale data.");
        logln("*** default name: " + name);
        ULocale bar_BAR = new ULocale("bar_BAR");
        Collator col = Collator.getInstance(bar_BAR);
        ULocale valid = col.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE);
        String validName = valid.getName();
        if (validName.length() != 0 && !validName.equals("root")) {
            errln("Collation from bar_BAR is really \"" + validName + "\" but should be root");
    int n1 = checkAvailable("before registerFactory");
        Object key = Collator.registerFactory(factory);
        int n2 = checkAvailable("after registerFactory");
        Collator ncol = Collator.getInstance(ULocale.US);
        if (!frcol.equals(ncol)) {
            errln("frcoll for en_US failed");
        ncol = Collator.getInstance(fu_FU_FOO);
        if (!jpcol.equals(ncol)) {
            errln("jpcol for fu_FU_FOO failed, got: " + ncol);
        ULocale[] locales = Collator.getAvailableULocales();
        boolean found = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; ++i) {
            if (locales[i].equals(fu_FU)) {
                found = true;
        if (!found) {
            errln("new locale fu_FU not reported as supported locale");
        String name = Collator.getDisplayName(fu_FU);
        if (!"little bunny Foo Foo".equals(name)) {
            errln("found " + name + " for fu_FU");
        name = Collator.getDisplayName(fu_FU, fu_FU_FOO);
        if (!"zee leetel bunny Foo-Foo".equals(name)) {
            errln("found " + name + " for fu_FU in fu_FU_FOO");
        if (!Collator.unregister(key)) {
            errln("failed to unregister factory");
        int n3 = checkAvailable("after unregister");
        assertTrue("register increases count", n2 > n1);
        assertTrue("unregister restores count", n3 == n1);
        ncol = Collator.getInstance(fu_FU);
        if (!fucol.equals(ncol)) {
            errln("collator after unregister does not match original fu_FU");
Also used : ULocale( Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) MissingResourceException(java.util.MissingResourceException) Collator( Iterator(java.util.Iterator) CollatorFactory( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 48 with Collator

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class CollationTest method TestTailoredElements.

public void TestTailoredElements() {
    CollationData root = CollationRoot.getData();
    CollationRootElements rootElements = new CollationRootElements(root.rootElements);
    Set<String> prevLocales = new HashSet<String>();
    long[] ces;
    ULocale[] locales = Collator.getAvailableULocales();
    String localeID = "root";
    int locIdx = 0;
    for (; locIdx < locales.length; localeID = locales[locIdx++].getName()) {
        ULocale locale = new ULocale(localeID);
        String[] types = Collator.getKeywordValuesForLocale("collation", locale, false);
        for (int typeIdx = 0; typeIdx < types.length; ++typeIdx) {
            // first: default type
            String type = types[typeIdx];
            if (type.startsWith("private-")) {
                errln("Collator.getKeywordValuesForLocale(" + localeID + ") returns private collation keyword: " + type);
            ULocale localeWithType = locale.setKeywordValue("collation", type);
            Collator coll = Collator.getInstance(localeWithType);
            ULocale actual = coll.getLocale(ULocale.ACTUAL_LOCALE);
            if (prevLocales.contains(actual.getName())) {
            logln("TestTailoredElements(): requested " + localeWithType.getName() + " -> actual " + actual.getName());
            if (!(coll instanceof RuleBasedCollator)) {
            RuleBasedCollator rbc = (RuleBasedCollator) coll;
            // Note: It would be better to get tailored strings such that we can
            // identify the prefix, and only get the CEs for the prefix+string,
            // not also for the prefix.
            // There is currently no API for that.
            // It would help in an unusual case where a contraction starting in the prefix
            // extends past its end, and we do not see the intended mapping.
            // For example, for a mapping p|st, if there is also a contraction ps,
            // then we get CEs(ps)+CEs(t), rather than CEs(p|st).
            UnicodeSet tailored = coll.getTailoredSet();
            UnicodeSetIterator iter = new UnicodeSetIterator(tailored);
            while ( {
                String s = iter.getString();
                ces = rbc.internalGetCEs(s);
                for (int i = 0; i < ces.length; ++i) {
                    long ce = ces[i];
                    if (!isValidCE(rootElements, root, ce)) {
                        errln("invalid tailored CE 0x" + Utility.hex(ce, 16) + " at CE index " + i + " from string:");
Also used : RuleBasedCollator( ULocale( UnicodeSet( Collator( RuleBasedCollator( CollationRootElements( UnicodeSetIterator( CollationData( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 49 with Collator

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class GlobalizationPreferencesTest method TestDefault.

public void TestDefault() {
    GlobalizationPreferences gp = new GlobalizationPreferences();
    ULocale defLocale = new ULocale("en_US");
    ULocale defFallbackLocale = new ULocale("en");
    if (!defLocale.equals(ULocale.getDefault())) {
        // Locale.US is always used as the default locale in the test environment
        // If not, some test cases will fail...
        errln("FAIL: The default locale of the test environment must be en_US");
    logln("Default locale: " + defLocale.toString());
    // First locale is en_US
    ULocale gpLocale0 = gp.getLocale(0);
    logln("Primary locale: " + gpLocale0.toString());
    if (!gpLocale0.equals(defLocale)) {
        errln("FAIL: The primary locale is not en_US");
    // Second locale is en
    ULocale gpLocale1 = gp.getLocale(1);
    logln("Secondary locale: " + gpLocale1.toString());
    if (!gpLocale1.equals(defFallbackLocale)) {
        errln("FAIL: The secondary locale is not en");
    // Third locale is null
    ULocale gpLocale2 = gp.getLocale(2);
    if (gpLocale2 != null) {
        errln("FAIL: Number of locales must be 2");
    // Calendar locale
    Calendar cal = gp.getCalendar();
    ULocale calLocale = cal.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE);
    logln("Calendar locale: " + calLocale.toString());
    if (!calLocale.equals(defLocale)) {
        errln("FAIL: The calendar locale must match with the default JVM locale");
    // Collator locale
    Collator coll = gp.getCollator();
    ULocale collLocale = coll.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE);
    logln("Collator locale: " + collLocale.toString());
    if (!collLocale.equals(defLocale)) {
        errln("FAIL: The collator locale must match with the default JVM locale");
    // BreakIterator locale
    BreakIterator brk = gp.getBreakIterator(GlobalizationPreferences.BI_CHARACTER);
    ULocale brkLocale = brk.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE);
    logln("BreakIterator locale: " + brkLocale.toString());
    if (!brkLocale.equals(defLocale)) {
        errln("FAIL: The break iterator locale must match with the default JVM locale");
    /* Skip - Bug#5209
        // DateFormat locale
        DateFormat df = gp.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_FULL, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE);
        ULocale dfLocale = df.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE);
        logln("DateFormat locale: " + dfLocale.toString());
        if (!dfLocale.equals(defLocale)) {
            errln("FAIL: The date format locale must match with the default JVM locale");
    // NumberFormat locale
    NumberFormat nf = gp.getNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_NUMBER);
    ULocale nfLocale = nf.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE);
    logln("NumberFormat locale: " + nfLocale.toString());
    if (!nfLocale.equals(defLocale)) {
        errln("FAIL: The number format locale must match with the default JVM locale");
Also used : GlobalizationPreferences( ULocale( IslamicCalendar( GregorianCalendar( BuddhistCalendar( Calendar( JapaneseCalendar( Collator( BreakIterator( NumberFormat( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 50 with Collator

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class SearchTest method assertEqualWithAttribute.

boolean assertEqualWithAttribute(SearchData search, boolean canonical, boolean overlap) {
    Collator collator = getCollator(search.collator);
    BreakIterator breaker = getBreakIterator(search.breaker);
    StringSearch strsrch;
    String text = search.text;
    String pattern = search.pattern;
    if (breaker != null) {
    try {
        strsrch = new StringSearch(pattern, new StringCharacterIterator(text), (RuleBasedCollator) collator, breaker);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        errln("Error opening string search " + e.getMessage());
        return false;
    if (!assertEqualWithStringSearch(strsrch, search)) {
        return false;
    return true;
Also used : StringCharacterIterator(java.text.StringCharacterIterator) RuleBasedCollator( StringSearch( Collator( RuleBasedCollator( BreakIterator(


Collator ( Test (org.junit.Test)72 RuleBasedCollator ( Locale (java.util.Locale)25 ULocale ( CollationKey ( MissingResourceException (java.util.MissingResourceException)11 RawCollationKey ( ParseException (java.text.ParseException)6 Random (java.util.Random)6 BreakIterator ( StringCharacterIterator (java.text.StringCharacterIterator)5 LocaleDisplayNames ( StringSearch ( CollationElementIterator ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 UnicodeSet ( GlobalizationPreferences ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)2