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Example 61 with DateFormat

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class DateFormatTest method TestMonthPatterns.

public void TestMonthPatterns() {
    class ChineseCalTestDate {

        public int era;

        public int year;

        // here 1-based
        public int month;

        public int isLeapMonth;

        public int day;

        // Simple constructor
        public ChineseCalTestDate(int e, int y, int m, int il, int d) {
            era = e;
            year = y;
            month = m;
            isLeapMonth = il;
            day = d;
    final ChineseCalTestDate[] dates = { // (in chinese era 78) gregorian 2012-4-22
    new ChineseCalTestDate(78, 29, 4, 0, 2), // (in chinese era 78) gregorian 2012-5-22
    new ChineseCalTestDate(78, 29, 4, 1, 2), // (in chinese era 78) gregorian 2012-6-20
    new ChineseCalTestDate(78, 29, 5, 0, 2) };
    class MonthPatternItem {

        public String locale;

        public int style;

        public String[] dateString;

        // Simple constructor
        public MonthPatternItem(String loc, int styl, String dateStr0, String dateStr1, String dateStr2) {
            locale = loc;
            style = styl;
            dateString = new String[3];
            dateString[0] = dateStr0;
            dateString[1] = dateStr1;
            dateString[2] = dateStr2;
    final MonthPatternItem[] items = { new MonthPatternItem("root@calendar=chinese", DateFormat.LONG, "2012(ren-chen) M04 2", "2012(ren-chen) M04bis 2", "2012(ren-chen) M05 2"), new MonthPatternItem("root@calendar=chinese", DateFormat.SHORT, "2012-04-02", "2012-04bis-02", "2012-05-02"), new MonthPatternItem("root@calendar=chinese", -1, "29-4-2", "29-4bis-2", "29-5-2"), new MonthPatternItem("root@calendar=chinese", -2, "78x29-4-2", "78x29-4bis-2", "78x29-5-2"), new MonthPatternItem("root@calendar=chinese", -3, "ren-chen-4-2", "ren-chen-4bis-2", "ren-chen-5-2"), new MonthPatternItem("root@calendar=chinese", -4, "ren-chen M04 2", "ren-chen M04bis 2", "ren-chen M05 2"), new MonthPatternItem("en@calendar=gregorian", -3, "2012-4-22", "2012-5-22", "2012-6-20"), new MonthPatternItem("en@calendar=chinese", DateFormat.LONG, "Fourth Month 2, 2012(ren-chen)", "Fourth Monthbis 2, 2012(ren-chen)", "Fifth Month 2, 2012(ren-chen)"), new MonthPatternItem("en@calendar=chinese", DateFormat.SHORT, "4/2/2012", "4bis/2/2012", "5/2/2012"), new MonthPatternItem("zh@calendar=chinese", DateFormat.LONG, "2012\u58EC\u8FB0\u5E74\u56DB\u6708\u521D\u4E8C", "2012\u58EC\u8FB0\u5E74\u95F0\u56DB\u6708\u521D\u4E8C", "2012\u58EC\u8FB0\u5E74\u4E94\u6708\u521D\u4E8C"), new MonthPatternItem("zh@calendar=chinese", DateFormat.SHORT, "2012/4/2", "2012/\u95F04/2", "2012/5/2"), new MonthPatternItem("zh@calendar=chinese", -3, "\u58EC\u8FB0-4-2", "\u58EC\u8FB0-\u95F04-2", "\u58EC\u8FB0-5-2"), new MonthPatternItem("zh@calendar=chinese", -4, "\u58EC\u8FB0 \u56DB\u6708 2", "\u58EC\u8FB0 \u95F0\u56DB\u6708 2", "\u58EC\u8FB0 \u4E94\u6708 2"), new MonthPatternItem("zh_Hant@calendar=chinese", DateFormat.LONG, "2012\u58EC\u8FB0\u5E74\u56DB\u6708\u521D\u4E8C", "2012\u58EC\u8FB0\u5E74\u958F\u56DB\u6708\u521D\u4E8C", "2012\u58EC\u8FB0\u5E74\u4E94\u6708\u521D\u4E8C"), new MonthPatternItem("zh_Hant@calendar=chinese", DateFormat.SHORT, "2012/4/2", "2012/\u958F4/2", "2012/5/2"), new MonthPatternItem("fr@calendar=chinese", DateFormat.LONG, "2 s\u00ECyu\u00E8 ren-chen", "2 s\u00ECyu\u00E8bis ren-chen", "2 w\u01D4yu\u00E8 ren-chen"), new MonthPatternItem("fr@calendar=chinese", DateFormat.SHORT, "2/4/29", "2/4bis/29", "2/5/29"), new MonthPatternItem("en@calendar=dangi", DateFormat.LONG, "Third Monthbis 2, 2012(ren-chen)", "Fourth Month 2, 2012(ren-chen)", "Fifth Month 1, 2012(ren-chen)"), new MonthPatternItem("en@calendar=dangi", DateFormat.SHORT, "3bis/2/2012", "4/2/2012", "5/1/2012"), new MonthPatternItem("en@calendar=dangi", -2, "78x29-3bis-2", "78x29-4-2", "78x29-5-1"), new MonthPatternItem("ko@calendar=dangi", DateFormat.LONG, "\uC784\uC9C4\uB144 \uC7243\uC6D4 2\uC77C", "\uC784\uC9C4\uB144 4\uC6D4 2\uC77C", "\uC784\uC9C4\uB144 5\uC6D4 1\uC77C"), new MonthPatternItem("ko@calendar=dangi", DateFormat.SHORT, "29. \uC7243. 2.", "29. 4. 2.", "29. 5. 1.") };
    // style: -1        -2            -3       -4
    // previously G and l for chinese cal only handled by ChineseDateFormat
    final String[] customPatterns = { "y-Ml-d", "G'x'y-Ml-d", "U-M-d", "U MMM d" };
    Calendar rootChineseCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(new ULocale("root@calendar=chinese"));
    for (MonthPatternItem item : items) {
        ULocale locale = new ULocale(item.locale);
        DateFormat dfmt = ( >= 0) ? DateFormat.getDateInstance(, locale) : new SimpleDateFormat(customPatterns[ - 1], locale);
        int idate = 0;
        for (ChineseCalTestDate date : dates) {
            rootChineseCalendar.set(Calendar.ERA, date.era);
            rootChineseCalendar.set(date.year, date.month - 1,;
            rootChineseCalendar.set(Calendar.IS_LEAP_MONTH, date.isLeapMonth);
            StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
            FieldPosition fpos = new FieldPosition(0);
            dfmt.format(rootChineseCalendar, result, fpos);
            if (result.toString().compareTo(item.dateString[idate]) != 0) {
                errln("FAIL: Chinese calendar format for locale " + item.locale + ", style " + + ", expected \"" + item.dateString[idate] + "\", got \"" + result + "\"");
            } else {
                // formatted OK, try parse
                ParsePosition ppos = new ParsePosition(0);
                // ensure we are really parsing the fields we should be
                rootChineseCalendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, 1);
                rootChineseCalendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, 0);
                rootChineseCalendar.set(Calendar.IS_LEAP_MONTH, 0);
                rootChineseCalendar.set(Calendar.DATE, 1);
                dfmt.parse(result.toString(), rootChineseCalendar, ppos);
                int era = rootChineseCalendar.get(Calendar.ERA);
                int year = rootChineseCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
                int month = rootChineseCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
                int isLeapMonth = rootChineseCalendar.get(Calendar.IS_LEAP_MONTH);
                int day = rootChineseCalendar.get(Calendar.DATE);
                if (ppos.getIndex() < result.length() || year != date.year || month != date.month || isLeapMonth != date.isLeapMonth || day != {
                    errln("FAIL: Chinese calendar parse for locale " + item.locale + ", style " + + ", string \"" + result + "\", expected " + date.year + "-" + date.month + "(" + date.isLeapMonth + ")-" + + ", got pos " + ppos.getIndex() + " era(" + era + ")-" + year + "-" + month + "(" + isLeapMonth + ")-" + day);
Also used : ULocale( BuddhistCalendar( HebrewCalendar( IslamicCalendar( ChineseCalendar( GregorianCalendar( Calendar( JapaneseCalendar( FieldPosition(java.text.FieldPosition) DateFormat( ChineseDateFormat( SimpleDateFormat( SimpleDateFormat( ParsePosition(java.text.ParsePosition) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 62 with DateFormat

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class DateFormatTest method TestTwoDigitYear.

 * Test the parsing of two-digit years.
public void TestTwoDigitYear() {
    DateFormat fmt = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.US);
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    cal.set(130 + 1900, Calendar.JUNE, 5);
    parse2DigitYear(fmt, "6/5/30", cal.getTime());
    cal.set(50 + 1900, Calendar.JUNE, 4);
    parse2DigitYear(fmt, "6/4/50", cal.getTime());
Also used : DateFormat( ChineseDateFormat( SimpleDateFormat( BuddhistCalendar( HebrewCalendar( IslamicCalendar( ChineseCalendar( GregorianCalendar( Calendar( JapaneseCalendar( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 63 with DateFormat

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class DateFormatTest method Test10632.

// A regression test case for ticket#10632.
// Make sure RELATIVE style works for getInstance overloads taking
// Calendar instance.
public void Test10632() {
    Date[] testDates = new Date[3];
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    // today
    testDates[0] = cal.getTime();
    // tomorrow
    cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
    testDates[1] = cal.getTime();
    // yesterday
    cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -2);
    testDates[2] = cal.getTime();
    // Relative styles for testing
    int[] dateStylesList = { DateFormat.RELATIVE_FULL, DateFormat.RELATIVE_LONG, DateFormat.RELATIVE_MEDIUM, DateFormat.RELATIVE_SHORT };
    Calendar fmtCal = DateFormat.getInstance().getCalendar();
    for (int i = 0; i < dateStylesList.length; i++) {
        DateFormat fmt0 = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(dateStylesList[i], DateFormat.DEFAULT);
        DateFormat fmt1 = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(fmtCal, dateStylesList[i], DateFormat.DEFAULT);
        for (int j = 0; j < testDates.length; j++) {
            String s0 = fmt0.format(testDates[j]);
            String s1 = fmt1.format(testDates[j]);
            if (!s0.equals(s1)) {
                errln("FAIL: Different results returned by two equivalent relative formatters: s0=" + s0 + ", s1=" + s1);
Also used : BuddhistCalendar( HebrewCalendar( IslamicCalendar( ChineseCalendar( GregorianCalendar( Calendar( JapaneseCalendar( DateFormat( ChineseDateFormat( SimpleDateFormat( Date(java.util.Date) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 64 with DateFormat

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class DateFormatTest method TestCzechMonths459.

 * Verify the handling of Czech June and July, which have the unique attribute that
 * one is a proper prefix substring of the other.
public void TestCzechMonths459() {
    DateFormat fmt = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, new Locale("cs", "", ""));
    logln("Pattern " + ((SimpleDateFormat) fmt).toPattern());
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    cal.set(1997, Calendar.JUNE, 15);
    Date june = cal.getTime();
    cal.set(1997, Calendar.JULY, 15);
    Date july = cal.getTime();
    String juneStr = fmt.format(june);
    String julyStr = fmt.format(july);
    try {
        logln("format(June 15 1997) = " + juneStr);
        Date d = fmt.parse(juneStr);
        String s = fmt.format(d);
        int month, yr, day;
        yr = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
        month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
        day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        logln("  . parse . " + s + " (month = " + month + ")");
        if (month != Calendar.JUNE)
            errln("FAIL: Month should be June");
        if (yr != 1997)
            errln("FAIL: Year should be 1997");
        if (day != 15)
            errln("FAIL: day should be 15");
        logln("format(July 15 1997) = " + julyStr);
        d = fmt.parse(julyStr);
        s = fmt.format(d);
        yr = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1900;
        month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
        day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
        logln("  . parse . " + s + " (month = " + month + ")");
        if (month != Calendar.JULY)
            errln("FAIL: Month should be July");
    } catch (ParseException e) {
Also used : Locale(java.util.Locale) ULocale( DateFormat( ChineseDateFormat( SimpleDateFormat( BuddhistCalendar( HebrewCalendar( IslamicCalendar( ChineseCalendar( GregorianCalendar( Calendar( JapaneseCalendar( ParseException(java.text.ParseException) SimpleDateFormat( Date(java.util.Date) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 65 with DateFormat

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class DateFormatTest method TestParseLeniencyAPIs.

public void TestParseLeniencyAPIs() {
    DateFormat fmt = DateFormat.getInstance();
    assertTrue("isLenient default", fmt.isLenient());
    assertTrue("isCalendarLenient default", fmt.isCalendarLenient());
    assertTrue("ALLOW_WHITESPACE default", fmt.getBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_WHITESPACE));
    assertTrue("ALLOW_NUMERIC default", fmt.getBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_NUMERIC));
    assertTrue("PARTIAL_MATCH default", fmt.getBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute.PARSE_PARTIAL_LITERAL_MATCH));
    assertTrue("MULTIPLE_PATTERNS default", fmt.getBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute.PARSE_MULTIPLE_PATTERNS_FOR_MATCH));
    // Set calendar to strict
    assertFalse("isLeninent after setCalendarLenient(FALSE)", fmt.isLenient());
    assertFalse("isCalendarLenient after setCalendarLenient(FALSE)", fmt.isCalendarLenient());
    assertTrue("ALLOW_WHITESPACE after setCalendarLenient(FALSE)", fmt.getBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_WHITESPACE));
    assertTrue("ALLOW_NUMERIC  after setCalendarLenient(FALSE)", fmt.getBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_NUMERIC));
    // Set to strict
    assertFalse("isLeninent after setLenient(FALSE)", fmt.isLenient());
    assertFalse("isCalendarLenient after setLenient(FALSE)", fmt.isCalendarLenient());
    assertFalse("ALLOW_WHITESPACE after setLenient(FALSE)", fmt.getBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_WHITESPACE));
    assertFalse("ALLOW_NUMERIC  after setLenient(FALSE)", fmt.getBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_NUMERIC));
    // These two boolean attributes are NOT affected according to the API specification
    assertTrue("PARTIAL_MATCH after setLenient(FALSE)", fmt.getBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute.PARSE_PARTIAL_LITERAL_MATCH));
    assertTrue("MULTIPLE_PATTERNS after setLenient(FALSE)", fmt.getBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute.PARSE_MULTIPLE_PATTERNS_FOR_MATCH));
    // Allow white space leniency
    fmt.setBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_WHITESPACE, true);
    assertFalse("isLeninent after ALLOW_WHITESPACE/TRUE", fmt.isLenient());
    assertFalse("isCalendarLenient after ALLOW_WHITESPACE/TRUE", fmt.isCalendarLenient());
    assertTrue("ALLOW_WHITESPACE after ALLOW_WHITESPACE/TRUE", fmt.getBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_WHITESPACE));
    assertFalse("ALLOW_NUMERIC  after ALLOW_WHITESPACE/TRUE", fmt.getBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_NUMERIC));
    // Set to lenient
    assertTrue("isLenient after setLenient(TRUE)", fmt.isLenient());
    assertTrue("isCalendarLenient after setLenient(TRUE)", fmt.isCalendarLenient());
    assertTrue("ALLOW_WHITESPACE after setLenient(TRUE)", fmt.getBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_WHITESPACE));
    assertTrue("ALLOW_NUMERIC after setLenient(TRUE)", fmt.getBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_NUMERIC));
Also used : DateFormat( ChineseDateFormat( SimpleDateFormat( Test(org.junit.Test)


DateFormat ( SimpleDateFormat ( Test (org.junit.Test)78 Date (java.util.Date)67 GregorianCalendar ( ChineseDateFormat ( Calendar ( ULocale ( JapaneseCalendar ( IslamicCalendar ( ChineseCalendar ( ParseException (java.text.ParseException)21 BuddhistCalendar ( TimeZone ( HebrewCalendar ( Locale (java.util.Locale)17 ParsePosition (java.text.ParsePosition)15 FieldPosition (java.text.FieldPosition)13 IOException ( SimpleTimeZone (