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the class DateIntervalFormatTest method TestGetIntervalPattern.
/* Tests the method
* public PatternInfo getIntervalPattern(String skeleton, int field)
public void TestGetIntervalPattern() {
// Tests when "if ( field > MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_CALENDAR_FIELD )" is true
DateIntervalInfo dii = new DateIntervalInfo();
try {
dii.getIntervalPattern("", Calendar.SECOND + 1);
errln("DateIntervalInfo.getIntervalPattern(String,int) was suppose " + "to return an exception for the 'int field' parameter " + "when it exceeds MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_CALENDAR_FIELD.");
} catch (Exception e) {
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the class DateIntervalFormatTest method TestTicket11583.
public void TestTicket11583() {
ULocale[] locales = { ULocale.ENGLISH, SPANISH, LA_SPANISH };
String[] skeletons = { "yMMMMd", "yMMMM", "MMMM", "yMMMd", "yMMM", "MMM", "yMMd", "yMMdd", "yMM", "MM", "yMdd", "yMd", "yM", "M" };
final long startDate = 1232364615000L;
final long endDate = 1240399815000L;
// "yMMM";
String filterPattern = null;
for (ULocale locale : locales) {
for (String skeleton : skeletons) {
if (filterPattern != null && !skeleton.equals(filterPattern)) {
DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getPatternInstance(skeleton, locale);
String dateFormatPattern = ((SimpleDateFormat) dateFormat).toPattern();
DateIntervalFormat intervalFormat = DateIntervalFormat.getInstance(skeleton, locale);
DateIntervalInfo intervalInfo = intervalFormat.getDateIntervalInfo();
if (skeleton.equals(filterPattern)) {
logln(filterPattern + " => " + intervalInfo.getRawPatterns().get(filterPattern));
DateInterval date_interval = new DateInterval(startDate, endDate);
String interval = intervalFormat.format(date_interval);
String formattedStart = dateFormat.format(startDate);
String formattedEnd = dateFormat.format(endDate);
PatternInfo patternInfo = intervalFormat.getRawPatterns().get("M");
String firstPart = patternInfo.getFirstPart();
String secondPart = patternInfo.getSecondPart();
if (!matches(dateFormatPattern, firstPart, secondPart)) {
if (logKnownIssue("11585", "incompatible pattern between date format and date interval format")) {
logln("For skeleton " + skeleton + "/locale " + locale + ": mismatch between date format «" + dateFormatPattern + "» and date interval format «" + firstPart + secondPart + "».");
} else {
errln("For skeleton " + skeleton + "/locale " + locale + ": mismatch between date format «" + dateFormatPattern + "» and date interval format «" + firstPart + secondPart + "».");
logln(locale + "\tskeleton: «" + skeleton + "»\tpattern: «" + dateFormatPattern + "»\tintervalPattern1: «" + firstPart + "»\tintervalPattern2: «" + secondPart + "»\tstartDate: «" + formattedStart + "»\tendDate: «" + formattedEnd + "»\tinterval: «" + interval + "»");
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the class DateIntervalFormatTest method testGetInstance_String_Locale_DateIntervalInfo.
public void testGetInstance_String_Locale_DateIntervalInfo() {
DateIntervalInfo dateIntervalInfo = new DateIntervalInfo(new ULocale("ca"));
DateIntervalFormat dateIntervalFormat = DateIntervalFormat.getInstance(DateFormat.YEAR_MONTH, Locale.GERMAN, dateIntervalInfo);
Calendar from = Calendar.getInstance();
from.set(2000, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 12, 0);
Calendar to = Calendar.getInstance();
to.set(2001, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 1, 12, 0);
DateInterval interval = new DateInterval(from.getTimeInMillis(), to.getTimeInMillis());
// Month names are German, format is Catalan
assertEquals("Wrong date interval", "Januar de 2000 – Februar de 2001", dateIntervalFormat.format(interval));
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the class DateIntervalFormatTest method TestIsFrozen.
/* Tests the method
* public boolean isFrozen()
public void TestIsFrozen() {
DateIntervalInfo dii = new DateIntervalInfo();
if (dii.isFrozen() != false) {
errln("DateIntervalInfo.isFrozen() is suppose to return false.");
if (dii.isFrozen() != true) {
errln("DateIntervalInfo.isFrozen() is suppose to return true.");
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class DateIntervalFormatTest method TestTicket9919GetInstance.
public void TestTicket9919GetInstance() {
// Creating a DateIntervalFormat with a custom DateIntervalInfo
// object used to corrupt the cache.
DateIntervalFormat dif = DateIntervalFormat.getInstance("yMd", ULocale.ENGLISH);
Calendar from = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar to = Calendar.getInstance();
from.set(2013, 3, 26);
to.set(2013, 3, 28);
// Save. This is the correct answer
String expected = dif.format(from, to, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)).toString();
// Now create a DateIntervalFormat with same skeleton and
// locale, but with a custom DateIntervalInfo. This used
// to corrupt the cache.
DateIntervalInfo dateIntervalInfo = new DateIntervalInfo(ULocale.ENGLISH);
dateIntervalInfo.setIntervalPattern("yMd", Calendar.DATE, "M/d/y \u2013 d");
DateIntervalFormat.getInstance("yMd", ULocale.ENGLISH, dateIntervalInfo);
// Now create a DateIntervalFormat with same skeleton and
// locale, but with default DateIntervalInfo. The cache should
// not be corrupted, and we should get the same answer as before.
dif = DateIntervalFormat.getInstance("yMd", ULocale.ENGLISH);
assertEquals("Custom DateIntervalInfo objects should not mess up cache", expected, dif.format(from, to, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)).toString());