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the class StringTokenizerTest method TestMatches.
/* Tests the method
* public int matches(Replaceable text, int[] offset, int limit, boolean incremental)
public void TestMatches() {
// Tests when "return incremental ? U_PARTIAL_MATCH : U_MATCH;" is true and false
ReplaceableString rs = new ReplaceableString("dummy");
// Create a large Unicode set
UnicodeSet us = new UnicodeSet(0, 100000);
int[] offset = { 0 };
int limit = 0;
if (us.matches(null, offset, limit, true) != UnicodeSet.U_PARTIAL_MATCH) {
errln("UnicodeSet.matches is suppose to return " + UnicodeSet.U_PARTIAL_MATCH + " but got " + us.matches(null, offset, limit, true));
if (us.matches(null, offset, limit, false) != UnicodeSet.U_MATCH) {
errln("UnicodeSet.matches is suppose to return " + UnicodeSet.U_MATCH + " but got " + us.matches(null, offset, limit, false));
// Tests when "int maxLen = forward ? limit-offset[0] : offset[0]-limit;" is true and false
try {
// Takes the letter "d"
offset[0] = 0;
us.matches(rs, offset, 1, true);
// Takes the letter "y"
offset[0] = 4;
us.matches(rs, offset, 1, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("UnicodeSet.matches is not suppose to return an exception");
// TODO: Tests when "if (forward && length < highWaterLength)" is true
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the class CompoundTransliteratorTest method TestTransliterate.
public void TestTransliterate() {
logln("Testing the handleTransliterate() API of CompoundTransliterator");
Transliterator ct1 = null;
try {
ct1 = Transliterator.getInstance("Any-Hex;Hex-Any");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
errln("FAIL: construction using CompoundTransliterator(String ID) failed for " + "Any-Hex;Hex-Any");
throw iae;
String s = "abcabc";
expect(ct1, s, s);
Transliterator.Position index = new Transliterator.Position();
ReplaceableString rsource2 = new ReplaceableString(s);
String expectedResult = s;
ct1.transliterate(rsource2, index);
ct1.finishTransliteration(rsource2, index);
String result = rsource2.toString();
expectAux(ct1.getID() + ":ReplaceableString, index(0,0,0,0)", s + "->" + rsource2, result.equals(expectedResult), expectedResult);
Transliterator.Position index2 = new Transliterator.Position(1, 3, 2, 3);
ReplaceableString rsource3 = new ReplaceableString(s);
ct1.transliterate(rsource3, index2);
ct1.finishTransliteration(rsource3, index2);
result = rsource3.toString();
expectAux(ct1.getID() + ":String, index2(1,2,2,3)", s + "->" + rsource3, result.equals(expectedResult), expectedResult);
String[] Data = { // ID, input string, transliterated string
"Any-Hex;Hex-Any;Any-Hex", "hello", "\\u0068\\u0065\\u006C\\u006C\\u006F", "Any-Hex;Hex-Any", "hello! How are you?", "hello! How are you?", // quotes lost
"Devanagari-Latin;Latin-Devanagari", // quotes lost
"\u092D\u0948'\u0930'\u0935", // quotes lost
"\u092D\u0948\u0930\u0935", "Latin-Cyrillic;Cyrillic-Latin", "a'b'k'd'e'f'g'h'i'j'Shch'shch'zh'h", "a'b'k'd'e'f'g'h'i'j'Shch'shch'zh'h", "Latin-Greek;Greek-Latin", "ABGabgAKLMN", "ABGabgAKLMN", // "Latin-Arabic;Arabic-Latin", "Ad'r'a'b'i'k'dh'dd'gh", "Adrabikdhddgh",
"Hiragana-Katakana", "\u3041\u308f\u3099\u306e\u304b\u3092\u3099", "\u30A1\u30f7\u30ce\u30ab\u30fa", "Hiragana-Katakana;Katakana-Hiragana", "\u3041\u308f\u3099\u306e\u304b\u3051", "\u3041\u308f\u3099\u306e\u304b\u3051", "Katakana-Hiragana;Hiragana-Katakana", "\u30A1\u30f7\u30ce\u30f5\u30f6", "\u30A1\u30f7\u30ce\u30ab\u30b1", "Latin-Katakana;Katakana-Latin", "vavivuvevohuzizuzoninunasesuzezu", "vavivuvevohuzizuzoninunasesuzezu" };
Transliterator ct2 = null;
for (int i = 0; i < Data.length; i += 3) {
try {
ct2 = Transliterator.getInstance(Data[i + 0]);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae2) {
errln("FAIL: CompoundTransliterator construction failed for " + Data[i + 0]);
throw iae2;
expect(ct2, Data[i + 1], Data[i + 2]);
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the class TransliteratorTest method keyboardAux.
private void keyboardAux(Transliterator t, String[] DATA) {
Transliterator.Position index = new Transliterator.Position();
ReplaceableString s = new ReplaceableString();
for (int i = 0; i < DATA.length; i += 2) {
StringBuffer log;
if (DATA[i] != null) {
log = new StringBuffer(s.toString() + " + " + DATA[i] + " -> ");
t.transliterate(s, index, DATA[i]);
} else {
log = new StringBuffer(s.toString() + " => ");
t.finishTransliteration(s, index);
UtilityExtensions.formatInput(log, s, index);
if (s.toString().equals(DATA[i + 1])) {
} else {
errln("FAIL: " + log.toString() + ", expected " + DATA[i + 1]);
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the class TransliteratorTest method CheckIncrementalAux.
public void CheckIncrementalAux(Transliterator t, String input) {
Replaceable test = new ReplaceableString(input);
Transliterator.Position pos = new Transliterator.Position(0, test.length(), 0, test.length());
t.transliterate(test, pos);
boolean gotError = false;
if (pos.start == 0 && pos.limit != 0 && !t.getID().equals("Hex-Any/Unicode")) {
errln("No Progress, " + t.getID() + ": " + UtilityExtensions.formatInput(test, pos));
gotError = true;
} else {
logln("PASS Progress, " + t.getID() + ": " + UtilityExtensions.formatInput(test, pos));
t.finishTransliteration(test, pos);
if (pos.start != pos.limit) {
errln("Incomplete, " + t.getID() + ": " + UtilityExtensions.formatInput(test, pos));
gotError = true;
if (!gotError) {
// errln("FAIL: Did not get expected error");
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the class TransliteratorTest method TestPositionHandling.
* Confirm that the contextStart, contextLimit, start, and limit
* behave correctly.
public void TestPositionHandling() {
// Array of 3n items
// Each item is <rules>, <input>, <expected output>
String[] DATA = { "a{t} > SS ; {t}b > UU ; {t} > TT ;", // pos 0,9,0,9
"xtat txtb", "xTTaSS TTxUUb", "a{t} > SS ; {t}b > UU ; {t} > TT ;", // pos 2,9,3,8
"xtat txtb", "xtaSS TTxUUb", "a{t} > SS ; {t}b > UU ; {t} > TT ;", // pos 3,8,3,8
"xtat txtb", "xtaTT TTxTTb" };
// Array of 4n positions -- these go with the DATA array
// They are: contextStart, contextLimit, start, limit
int[] POS = { 0, 9, 0, 9, 2, 9, 3, 8, 3, 8, 3, 8 };
int n = DATA.length / 3;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Transliterator t = Transliterator.createFromRules("<ID>", DATA[3 * i], Transliterator.FORWARD);
Transliterator.Position pos = new Transliterator.Position(POS[4 * i], POS[4 * i + 1], POS[4 * i + 2], POS[4 * i + 3]);
ReplaceableString rsource = new ReplaceableString(DATA[3 * i + 1]);
t.transliterate(rsource, pos);
t.finishTransliteration(rsource, pos);
String result = rsource.toString();
String exp = DATA[3 * i + 2];
expectAux(Utility.escape(DATA[3 * i]), DATA[3 * i + 1], result, result.equals(exp), exp);