use of in project j2objc by google.
the class ChineseTest method Test6510.
public void Test6510() {
Calendar gregorianCalendar;
ChineseCalendar chineseCalendar, chineseCalendar2;
ChineseDateFormat dateFormat;
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat;
simpleDateFormat = new"MM/dd/yyyy G 'at' HH:mm:ss vvvv", Locale.US);
dateFormat = new"MM/dd/yyyy(G) HH:mm:ss", Locale.CHINA);
// lunar to gregorian
chineseCalendar = new ChineseCalendar(77, 26, Calendar.JANUARY, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0);
// coverage
assertEquals("equivalent ChineseCalendar() constructors", chineseCalendar, new ChineseCalendar(77, 26, Calendar.JANUARY, 0, 6));
gregorianCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US);
// gregorian to lunar
chineseCalendar2 = new ChineseCalendar();
// validate roundtrip
if (chineseCalendar.getTimeInMillis() != chineseCalendar2.getTimeInMillis()) {
errln("time1: " + chineseCalendar.getTimeInMillis());
errln("time2: " + chineseCalendar2.getTimeInMillis());
errln("Lunar [MM/dd/y(G) HH:mm:ss] " + dateFormat.format(chineseCalendar));
errln("**PROBLEM Grego [MM/dd/y(G) HH:mm:ss] " + simpleDateFormat.format(gregorianCalendar));
errln("Grego [MM/dd/y(G) HH:mm:ss] " + simpleDateFormat.format(gregorianCalendar));
errln("Lunar [MM/dd/y(G) HH:mm:ss] " + dateFormat.format(chineseCalendar2));
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the class JapaneseTest method Test3860.
public void Test3860() {
ULocale loc = new ULocale("ja_JP@calendar=japanese");
Calendar cal = new JapaneseCalendar(loc);
DateFormat enjformat = cal.getDateTimeFormat(0, 0, new ULocale("en_JP@calendar=japanese"));
DateFormat format = cal.getDateTimeFormat(0, 0, loc);
// Note: just 'y' doesn't work here.
((SimpleDateFormat) format).applyPattern("y.M.d");
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
// after the start of heisei accession. Jan 1, 1H wouldn't work because it is actually showa 64
Date aDate = format.parse("1.1.9", pos);
String inEn = enjformat.format(aDate);
int gotYear = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int gotEra = cal.get(Calendar.ERA);
int expectYear = 1;
int expectEra = JapaneseCalendar.CURRENT_ERA;
if ((gotYear != expectYear) || (gotEra != expectEra)) {
errln("Expected year " + expectYear + ", era " + expectEra + ", but got year " + gotYear + " and era " + gotEra + ", == " + inEn);
} else {
logln("Got year " + gotYear + " and era " + gotEra + ", == " + inEn);
// Test parse with missing era (should default to current era, heisei)
// Test parse with incomplete information
logln("Testing parse w/ just year...");
Calendar cal2 = new JapaneseCalendar(loc);
SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("y", loc);
SimpleDateFormat fmt2 = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.S MMMM d, yyyy G", new ULocale("en_US@calendar=gregorian"));
String samplestr = "1";
logln("Test Year: " + samplestr);
try {
aDate = fmt.parse(samplestr);
} catch (ParseException pe) {
errln("Error parsing " + samplestr);
ParsePosition pp = new ParsePosition(0);
fmt.parse(samplestr, cal2, pp);
logln("cal2 after 1 parse:");
String str = fmt2.format(aDate);
logln("as Gregorian Calendar: " + str);
gotYear = cal2.get(Calendar.YEAR);
gotEra = cal2.get(Calendar.ERA);
expectYear = 1;
expectEra = JapaneseCalendar.CURRENT_ERA;
if ((gotYear != 1) || (gotEra != expectEra)) {
errln("parse " + samplestr + " of 'y' as Japanese Calendar, expected year " + expectYear + " and era " + expectEra + ", but got year " + gotYear + " and era " + gotEra + " (Gregorian:" + str + ")");
} else {
logln(" year: " + gotYear + ", era: " + gotEra);
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class JapaneseTest method Test5345parse.
public void Test5345parse() {
// Test parse with incomplete information
// DateFormat.LONG, Locale.US);
DateFormat fmt2 = DateFormat.getDateInstance();
JapaneseCalendar c = new JapaneseCalendar(TimeZone.getDefault(), new ULocale("en_US"));
SimpleDateFormat fmt = (SimpleDateFormat) c.getDateTimeFormat(1, 1, new ULocale("en_US@calendar=japanese"));
fmt.applyPattern("G y");
logln("fmt's locale = " + fmt.getLocale(ULocale.ACTUAL_LOCALE));
// SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("G y", new Locale("en_US@calendar=japanese"));
// 1868-09-08 00:00 Pacific Time (GMT-07:52:58)
long aDateLong = -3197117222000L;
if (TimeZone.getDefaultTimeZoneType() == TimeZone.TIMEZONE_JDK) {
// Java time zone implementation does not support LMTs
// 1868-09-08 00:00 Pacific Time (GMT-08:00)
aDateLong = -3197116800000L;
Date aDate = new Date(aDateLong);
logln("aDate: " + aDate.toString() + ", from " + aDateLong);
String str;
str = fmt2.format(aDate);
logln("Test Date: " + str);
str = fmt.format(aDate);
logln("as Japanese Calendar: " + str);
String expected = "Meiji 1";
if (!str.equals(expected)) {
errln("FAIL: Expected " + expected + " but got " + str);
Date otherDate;
try {
otherDate = fmt.parse(expected);
if (!otherDate.equals(aDate)) {
String str3;
// ParsePosition pp;
Date dd = fmt.parse(expected);
str3 = fmt.format(otherDate);
long oLong = otherDate.getTime();
long aLong = otherDate.getTime();
errln("FAIL: Parse incorrect of " + expected + ": wanted " + aDate + " (" + aLong + "), but got " + " " + otherDate + " (" + oLong + ") = " + str3 + " not " + dd.toString());
} else {
logln("Parsed OK: " + expected);
} catch (java.text.ParseException pe) {
errln("FAIL: ParseException: " + pe.toString());
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the class DateFormatRegressionTest method Test4104522.
* @bug 4104522
* According to the bug report, this test should throw a
* StringIndexOutOfBoundsException during the second parse. However,
* this is not seen.
public void Test4104522() {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat();
String pattern = "'time' hh:mm";
logln("pattern: \"" + pattern + "\"");
// works correctly
ParsePosition pp = new ParsePosition(0);
String text = "time ";
Date dt = sdf.parse(text, pp);
logln(" text: \"" + text + "\"" + " date: " + dt);
// works wrong
text = "time";
dt = sdf.parse(text, pp);
logln(" text: \"" + text + "\"" + " date: " + dt);
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class DateFormatRegressionTest method Test4182066.
* DateFormat shouldn't parse year "-1" as a two-digit year (e.g., "-1" . 1999).
public void Test4182066() {
SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy", Locale.US);
SimpleDateFormat dispFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss GG", Locale.US);
/* We expect 2-digit year formats to put 2-digit years in the right
* window. Out of range years, that is, anything less than "00" or
* greater than "99", are treated as literal years. So "1/2/3456"
* becomes 3456 AD. Likewise, "1/2/-3" becomes -3 AD == 2 BC.
final String[] STRINGS = { "02/29/00", "01/23/01", "04/05/-1", "01/23/-9", "11/12/1314", "10/31/1", "09/12/+1", "09/12/001" };
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
Date FAIL_DATE = cal.getTime();
cal.set(2000, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 29);
Date d0 = cal.getTime();
cal.set(2001, Calendar.JANUARY, 23);
Date d1 = cal.getTime();
cal.set(-1, Calendar.APRIL, 5);
Date d2 = cal.getTime();
cal.set(-9, Calendar.JANUARY, 23);
Date d3 = cal.getTime();
cal.set(1314, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 12);
Date d4 = cal.getTime();
cal.set(1, Calendar.OCTOBER, 31);
Date d5 = cal.getTime();
cal.set(1, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 12);
Date d7 = cal.getTime();
Date[] DATES = { d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, FAIL_DATE, d7 };
String out = "";
boolean pass = true;
for (int i = 0; i < STRINGS_COUNT; ++i) {
String str = STRINGS[i];
Date expected = DATES[i];
Date actual = null;
try {
actual = fmt.parse(str);
} catch (ParseException e) {
actual = FAIL_DATE;
String actStr = "";
if ((actual.getTime()) == FAIL_DATE.getTime()) {
actStr += "null";
} else {
// Yuck: See j25
actStr = ((DateFormat) dispFmt).format(actual);
if (expected.getTime() == (actual.getTime())) {
out += str + " => " + actStr + "\n";
} else {
String expStr = "";
if (expected.getTime() == FAIL_DATE.getTime()) {
expStr += "null";
} else {
// Yuck: See j25
expStr = ((DateFormat) dispFmt).format(expected);
out += "FAIL: " + str + " => " + actStr + ", expected " + expStr + "\n";
pass = false;
if (pass) {
} else {