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the class TransliteratorTest method TestToRules.
public void TestToRules() {
String RBT = "rbt";
String SET = "set";
String[] DATA = { RBT, "$a=\\u4E61; [$a] > A;", "[\\u4E61] > A;", RBT, "$white=[[:Zs:][:Zl:]]; $white{a} > A;", "[[:Zs:][:Zl:]]{a} > A;", SET, "[[:Zs:][:Zl:]]", "[[:Zs:][:Zl:]]", SET, "[:Ps:]", "[:Ps:]", SET, "[:L:]", "[:L:]", SET, "[[:L:]-[A]]", "[[:L:]-[A]]", SET, "[~[:Lu:][:Ll:]]", "[~[:Lu:][:Ll:]]", SET, "[~[a-z]]", "[~[a-z]]", RBT, "$white=[:Zs:]; $black=[^$white]; $black{a} > A;", "[^[:Zs:]]{a} > A;", RBT, "$a=[:Zs:]; $b=[[a-z]-$a]; $b{a} > A;", "[[a-z]-[:Zs:]]{a} > A;", RBT, "$a=[:Zs:]; $b=[$a&[a-z]]; $b{a} > A;", "[[:Zs:]&[a-z]]{a} > A;", RBT, "$a=[:Zs:]; $b=[x$a]; $b{a} > A;", "[x[:Zs:]]{a} > A;", RBT, "$accentMinus = [ [\\u0300-\\u0345] & [:M:] - [\\u0338]] ;" + "$macron = \\u0304 ;" + "$evowel = [aeiouyAEIOUY] ;" + "$iotasub = \\u0345 ;" + "($evowel $macron $accentMinus *) i > | $1 $iotasub ;", "([AEIOUYaeiouy]\\u0304[[\\u0300-\\u0345]&[:M:]-[\\u0338]]*)i > | $1 \\u0345;", RBT, "([AEIOUYaeiouy]\\u0304[[:M:]-[\\u0304\\u0345]]*)i > | $1 \\u0345;", "([AEIOUYaeiouy]\\u0304[[:M:]-[\\u0304\\u0345]]*)i > | $1 \\u0345;" };
for (int d = 0; d < DATA.length; d += 3) {
if (DATA[d] == RBT) {
// Transliterator test
Transliterator t = Transliterator.createFromRules("ID", DATA[d + 1], Transliterator.FORWARD);
if (t == null) {
errln("FAIL: createFromRules failed");
String rules, escapedRules;
rules = t.toRules(false);
escapedRules = t.toRules(true);
String expRules = Utility.unescape(DATA[d + 2]);
String expEscapedRules = DATA[d + 2];
if (rules.equals(expRules)) {
logln("Ok: " + DATA[d + 1] + " => " + Utility.escape(rules));
} else {
errln("FAIL: " + DATA[d + 1] + " => " + Utility.escape(rules + ", exp " + expRules));
if (escapedRules.equals(expEscapedRules)) {
logln("Ok: " + DATA[d + 1] + " => " + escapedRules);
} else {
errln("FAIL: " + DATA[d + 1] + " => " + escapedRules + ", exp " + expEscapedRules);
} else {
// UnicodeSet test
String pat = DATA[d + 1];
String expToPat = DATA[d + 2];
UnicodeSet set = new UnicodeSet(pat);
// Adjust spacing etc. as necessary.
String toPat;
toPat = set.toPattern(true);
if (expToPat.equals(toPat)) {
logln("Ok: " + pat + " => " + toPat);
} else {
errln("FAIL: " + pat + " => " + Utility.escape(toPat) + ", exp " + Utility.escape(pat));
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class TransliteratorTest method TestVariableRange.
* Test the use variable range pragma, making sure that use of
* variable range characters is detected and flagged as an error.
public void TestVariableRange() {
String rule = "use variable range 0x70 0x72; a > A; b > B; q > Q;";
try {
Transliterator t = Transliterator.createFromRules("ID", rule, Transliterator.FORWARD);
if (t != null) {
errln("FAIL: Did not get the expected exception");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
logln("Ok: " + e.getMessage());
errln("FAIL: No syntax error");
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class TransliteratorTest method TestNFDChainRBT.
* Test NFD chaining with RBT
public void TestNFDChainRBT() {
Transliterator t = Transliterator.createFromRules("TEST", "::NFD; aa > Q; a > q;", Transliterator.FORWARD);
expect(t, "aa", "Q");
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class TransliteratorTest method TestArbitraryVariableValues.
* Test zero length and > 1 char length variable values. Test
* use of variable refs in UnicodeSets.
public void TestArbitraryVariableValues() {
// Array of 3n items
// Each item is <rules>, <input>, <expected output>
String[] DATA = { "$abe = ab;" + "$pat = x[yY]z;" + "$ll = 'a-z';" + "$llZ = [$ll];" + "$llY = [$ll$pat];" + "$emp = ;" + "$abe > ABE;" + "$pat > END;" + "$llZ > 1;" + "$llY > 2;" + "7$emp 8 > 9;" + "", "ab xYzxyz stY78", "ABE ENDEND 1129" };
for (int i = 0; i < DATA.length; i += 3) {
logln("Pattern: " + Utility.escape(DATA[i]));
Transliterator t = Transliterator.createFromRules("<ID>", DATA[i], Transliterator.FORWARD);
expect(t, DATA[i + 1], DATA[i + 2]);
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class TransliteratorTest method TestSimpleRules.
public void TestSimpleRules() {
/* Example: rules 1. ab>x|y
* 2. yc>z
* []|eabcd start - no match, copy e to tranlated buffer
* [e]|abcd match rule 1 - copy output & adjust cursor
* [ex|y]cd match rule 2 - copy output & adjust cursor
* [exz]|d no match, copy d to transliterated buffer
* [exzd]| done
expect("ab>x|y;" + "yc>z", "eabcd", "exzd");
/* Another set of rules:
* 1. ab>x|yzacw
* 2. za>q
* 3. qc>r
* 4. cw>n
* []|ab Rule 1
* [x|yzacw] No match
* [xy|zacw] Rule 2
* [xyq|cw] Rule 4
* [xyqn]| Done
expect("ab>x|yzacw;" + "za>q;" + "qc>r;" + "cw>n", "ab", "xyqn");
/* Test categories
Transliterator t = Transliterator.createFromRules("<ID>", "$dummy=\uE100;" + "$vowel=[aeiouAEIOU];" + "$lu=[:Lu:];" + "$vowel } $lu > '!';" + "$vowel > '&';" + "'!' { $lu > '^';" + "$lu > '*';" + "a>ERROR", Transliterator.FORWARD);
expect(t, "abcdefgABCDEFGU", "&bcd&fg!^**!^*&");