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the class CollationMiscTest method TestImport.
public void TestImport() {
try {
RuleBasedCollator vicoll = (RuleBasedCollator) Collator.getInstance(new ULocale("vi"));
RuleBasedCollator escoll = (RuleBasedCollator) Collator.getInstance(new ULocale("es"));
RuleBasedCollator viescoll = new RuleBasedCollator(vicoll.getRules() + escoll.getRules());
RuleBasedCollator importviescoll = new RuleBasedCollator("[import vi][import es]");
UnicodeSet tailoredSet = viescoll.getTailoredSet();
UnicodeSet importTailoredSet = importviescoll.getTailoredSet();
if (!tailoredSet.equals(importTailoredSet)) {
warnln("Tailored set not equal");
for (UnicodeSetIterator it = new UnicodeSetIterator(tailoredSet);; ) {
String t = it.getString();
CollationKey sk1 = viescoll.getCollationKey(t);
CollationKey sk2 = importviescoll.getCollationKey(t);
if (!sk1.equals(sk2)) {
warnln("Collation key's not equal for " + t);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Android patch: Add --omitCollationRules to genrb.
logln("ERROR: in creation of rule based collator");
// Android patch end.
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class AlphabeticIndexTest method TestFirstCharacters.
public void TestFirstCharacters() {
AlphabeticIndex alphabeticIndex = new AlphabeticIndex(Locale.ENGLISH);
RuleBasedCollator collator = alphabeticIndex.getCollator();
Collection<String> firsts = alphabeticIndex.getFirstCharactersInScripts();
// Verify that each script is represented exactly once.
// Exclude pseudo-scripts like Common (no letters).
// Exclude scripts like Braille and Sutton SignWriting
// because they only have symbols, not letters.
UnicodeSet missingScripts = new UnicodeSet("[^[:inherited:][:unknown:][:common:][:Braille:][:SignWriting:]]");
String last = "";
for (String index : firsts) {
if (, index) >= 0) {
errln("Characters not in order: " + last + " !< " + index);
int script = getFirstRealScript(index);
if (script == UScript.UNKNOWN) {
UnicodeSet s = new UnicodeSet().applyIntPropertyValue(UProperty.SCRIPT, script);
if (missingScripts.containsNone(s)) {
errln("2nd character in script: " + index + "\t" + new UnicodeSet(missingScripts).retainAll(s).toPattern(false));
if (missingScripts.size() != 0) {
String missingScriptNames = "";
UnicodeSet missingChars = new UnicodeSet(missingScripts);
for (; ; ) {
int c = missingChars.charAt(0);
if (c < 0) {
int script = UScript.getScript(c);
missingScriptNames += " " + UCharacter.getPropertyValueName(UProperty.SCRIPT, script, UProperty.NameChoice.SHORT);
missingChars.removeAll(new UnicodeSet().applyIntPropertyValue(UProperty.SCRIPT, script));
errln("Missing character from:" + missingScriptNames + " -- " + missingScripts);
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class UnicodeSetTest method TestComparison.
public void TestComparison() {
UnicodeSet set1 = new UnicodeSet("[a-b d-g {ch} {zh}]").freeze();
UnicodeSet set2 = new UnicodeSet("[c-e {ch}]").freeze();
UnicodeSet set3 = new UnicodeSet("[d m-n z {dh}]").freeze();
// compareTo(UnicodeSet)
// do indirectly, by sorting
List<UnicodeSet> unsorted = Arrays.asList(set3, set2, set1);
List<UnicodeSet> goalShortest = Arrays.asList(set2, set3, set1);
List<UnicodeSet> goalLongest = Arrays.asList(set1, set3, set2);
List<UnicodeSet> goalLex = Arrays.asList(set1, set2, set3);
List<UnicodeSet> sorted = new ArrayList(new TreeSet<UnicodeSet>(unsorted));
assertNotEquals("compareTo-shorter-first", unsorted, sorted);
assertEquals("compareTo-shorter-first", goalShortest, sorted);
TreeSet<UnicodeSet> sorted1 = new TreeSet<UnicodeSet>(new Comparator<UnicodeSet>() {
public int compare(UnicodeSet o1, UnicodeSet o2) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return o1.compareTo(o2, ComparisonStyle.LONGER_FIRST);
sorted = new ArrayList(sorted1);
assertNotEquals("compareTo-longer-first", unsorted, sorted);
assertEquals("compareTo-longer-first", goalLongest, sorted);
sorted1 = new TreeSet<UnicodeSet>(new Comparator<UnicodeSet>() {
public int compare(UnicodeSet o1, UnicodeSet o2) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return o1.compareTo(o2, ComparisonStyle.LEXICOGRAPHIC);
sorted = new ArrayList(sorted1);
assertNotEquals("compareTo-lex", unsorted, sorted);
assertEquals("compareTo-lex", goalLex, sorted);
// compare(String, int)
// make a list of interesting combinations
List<String> sources = Arrays.asList("\u0000", "a", "b", "\uD7FF", "\uD800", "\uDBFF", "\uDC00", "\uDFFF", "\uE000", "\uFFFD", "\uFFFF");
TreeSet<String> target = new TreeSet<String>();
for (String s : sources) {
for (String t : sources) {
target.add(s + t);
for (String u : sources) {
target.add(s + t + u);
// now compare all the combinations. If any of them is a code point, use it.
int maxErrorCount = 0;
compare: for (String last : target) {
for (String curr : target) {
int lastCount = Character.codePointCount(last, 0, last.length());
int currCount = Character.codePointCount(curr, 0, curr.length());
int comparison;
if (lastCount == 1) {
comparison =, curr);
} else if (currCount == 1) {
comparison =, curr.codePointAt(0));
} else {
if (comparison != last.compareTo(curr)) {
// repeat for debugging
if (lastCount == 1) {
comparison =, curr);
} else if (currCount == 1) {
comparison =, curr.codePointAt(0));
if (maxErrorCount++ > 10) {
errln(maxErrorCount + " Failure in comparing " + last + " & " + curr + "\tOmitting others...");
break compare;
errln(maxErrorCount + " Failure in comparing " + last + " & " + curr);
// compare(Iterable<T>, Iterable<T>)
int max = 10;
List<String> test1 = new ArrayList<String>(max);
List<String> test2 = new ArrayList<String>(max);
for (int i = 0; i <= max; ++i) {
test1.add("a" + i);
// add in reverse order
test2.add("a" + (max - i));
assertNotEquals("compare iterable test", test1, test2);
TreeSet<CharSequence> sortedTest1 = new TreeSet<CharSequence>(test1);
TreeSet<CharSequence> sortedTest2 = new TreeSet<CharSequence>(test2);
assertEquals("compare iterable test", sortedTest1, sortedTest2);
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the class UnicodeSetTest method TestPropertyAccess.
public void TestPropertyAccess() {
int count = 0;
// test to see that all of the names work
for (int propNum = UProperty.BINARY_START; propNum < UProperty.INT_LIMIT; ++propNum) {
// Skipping tests in the non-exhaustive mode to shorten the test time ticket#6475
if (TestFmwk.getExhaustiveness() <= 5 && count % 5 != 0) {
if (propNum >= UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT && propNum < UProperty.INT_START) {
// skip the gap
propNum = UProperty.INT_START;
for (int nameChoice = UProperty.NameChoice.SHORT; nameChoice <= UProperty.NameChoice.LONG; ++nameChoice) {
String propName;
try {
propName = UCharacter.getPropertyName(propNum, nameChoice);
if (propName == null) {
// allow non-existent short names
if (nameChoice == UProperty.NameChoice.SHORT)
throw new NullPointerException();
} catch (RuntimeException e1) {
errln("Can't get property name for: " + "Property (" + propNum + ")" + ", NameChoice: " + nameChoice + ", " + e1.getClass().getName());
logln("Property (" + propNum + "): " + propName);
for (int valueNum = UCharacter.getIntPropertyMinValue(propNum); valueNum <= UCharacter.getIntPropertyMaxValue(propNum); ++valueNum) {
String valueName;
try {
valueName = UCharacter.getPropertyValueName(propNum, valueNum, nameChoice);
if (valueName == null) {
// allow non-existent short names
if (nameChoice == UProperty.NameChoice.SHORT)
if ((propNum == UProperty.CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS || propNum == UProperty.LEAD_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS || propNum == UProperty.TRAIL_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS) && !isCccValue(valueNum)) {
// Otherwise they are just integer values.
} else {
throw new NullPointerException();
} catch (RuntimeException e1) {
errln("Can't get property value name for: " + "Property (" + propNum + "): " + propName + ", " + "Value (" + valueNum + ") " + ", NameChoice: " + nameChoice + ", " + e1.getClass().getName());
logln("Value (" + valueNum + "): " + valueName);
UnicodeSet testSet;
try {
testSet = new UnicodeSet("[:" + propName + "=" + valueName + ":]");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
errln("Can't create UnicodeSet for: " + "Property (" + propNum + "): " + propName + ", " + "Value (" + valueNum + "): " + valueName + ", " + e.getClass().getName());
UnicodeSet collectedErrors = new UnicodeSet();
for (UnicodeSetIterator it = new UnicodeSetIterator(testSet);; ) {
int value = UCharacter.getIntPropertyValue(it.codepoint, propNum);
if (value != valueNum) {
if (collectedErrors.size() != 0) {
errln("Property Value Differs: " + "Property (" + propNum + "): " + propName + ", " + "Value (" + valueNum + "): " + valueName + ", " + "Differing values: " + collectedErrors.toPattern(true));
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the class UnicodeSetTest method testForSpanGaps.
public void testForSpanGaps() {
String[] items = { "a", "b", "c", "{ab}", "{bc}", "{cd}", "{abc}", "{bcd}" };
final int limit = 1 << items.length;
// build long string for testing
StringBuilder longBuffer = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 1; i < limit; ++i) {
longBuffer.append(getCombinations(items, i));
String longString = longBuffer.toString();
longString = longString.replace("{", "").replace("}", "");
long start = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 1; i < limit; ++i) {
UnicodeSet us = new UnicodeSet("[" + getCombinations(items, i) + "]");
int problemFound = checkSpan(longString, us, SpanCondition.SIMPLE);
if (problemFound >= 0) {
assertEquals("Testing " + longString + ", found gap at", -1, problemFound);
long end = System.nanoTime();
logln("Time for SIMPLE :\t" + (end - start));
start = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 1; i < limit; ++i) {
UnicodeSet us = new UnicodeSet("[" + getCombinations(items, i) + "]");
int problemFound = checkSpan(longString, us, SpanCondition.CONTAINED);
if (problemFound >= 0) {
assertEquals("Testing " + longString + ", found gap at", -1, problemFound);
end = System.nanoTime();
logln("Time for CONTAINED:\t" + (end - start));