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the class UnicodeSetTest method checkCodePoints.
private void checkCodePoints(String a, String b, CountMethod quantifier, SpanCondition spanCondition, String expectedReplaced, int expectedCount) {
final String ab = a + b;
UnicodeSetSpanner m = new UnicodeSetSpanner(new UnicodeSet("[{" + a + "}]"));
assertEquals("new UnicodeSetSpanner(\"[{" + a + "}]\").countIn(\"" + ab + "\")", expectedCount, callCountIn(m, ab, quantifier, spanCondition));
if (expectedReplaced == null) {
expectedReplaced = "-" + b;
assertEquals("new UnicodeSetSpanner(\"[{" + a + "}]\").replaceFrom(\"" + ab + "\", \"-\")", expectedReplaced, m.replaceFrom(ab, "-", quantifier));
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the class TestUScript method TestScriptMetadata.
public void TestScriptMetadata() {
UnicodeSet rtl = new UnicodeSet("[[:bc=R:][:bc=AL:]-[:Cn:]-[:sc=Common:]]");
// So far, sample characters are uppercase.
// Georgian is special.
UnicodeSet cased = new UnicodeSet("[[:Lu:]-[:sc=Common:]-[:sc=Geor:]]");
for (int sc = 0; sc < UScript.CODE_LIMIT; ++sc) {
String sn = UScript.getShortName(sc);
ScriptUsage usage = UScript.getUsage(sc);
String sample = UScript.getSampleString(sc);
UnicodeSet scriptSet = new UnicodeSet();
scriptSet.applyIntPropertyValue(UProperty.SCRIPT, sc);
if (usage == ScriptUsage.NOT_ENCODED) {
// Java 6: sample.isEmpty()
assertTrue(sn + " not encoded, no sample", sample.length() == 0);
assertFalse(sn + " not encoded, not RTL", UScript.isRightToLeft(sc));
assertFalse(sn + " not encoded, not LB letters", UScript.breaksBetweenLetters(sc));
assertFalse(sn + " not encoded, not cased", UScript.isCased(sc));
assertTrue(sn + " not encoded, no characters", scriptSet.isEmpty());
} else {
// Java 6: sample.isEmpty()
assertFalse(sn + " encoded, has a sample character", sample.length() == 0);
int firstChar = sample.codePointAt(0);
int charScript = getCharScript(sc);
assertEquals(sn + " script(sample(script))", charScript, UScript.getScript(firstChar));
assertEquals(sn + " RTL vs. set", rtl.contains(firstChar), UScript.isRightToLeft(sc));
assertEquals(sn + " cased vs. set", cased.contains(firstChar), UScript.isCased(sc));
assertEquals(sn + " encoded, has characters", sc == charScript, !scriptSet.isEmpty());
if (UScript.isRightToLeft(sc)) {
if (UScript.isCased(sc)) {
assertEquals("no remaining RTL characters", "[]", rtl.toPattern(true));
assertEquals("no remaining cased characters", "[]", cased.toPattern(true));
assertTrue("Hani breaks between letters", UScript.breaksBetweenLetters(UScript.HAN));
assertTrue("Thai breaks between letters", UScript.breaksBetweenLetters(UScript.THAI));
assertFalse("Latn does not break between letters", UScript.breaksBetweenLetters(UScript.LATIN));
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the class UnicodeSetTest method expectEqual.
void expectEqual(String name, String pat1, String pat2) {
UnicodeSet set1, set2;
try {
set1 = new UnicodeSet(pat1);
set2 = new UnicodeSet(pat2);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
errln("FAIL: Couldn't create UnicodeSet from pattern for \"" + name + "\": " + e.getMessage());
if (!set1.equals(set2)) {
errln("FAIL: Sets built from patterns differ for \"" + name + "\"");
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the class UnicodeSetTest method TestClone.
* Test cloning of UnicodeSet
public void TestClone() {
UnicodeSet s = new UnicodeSet("[abcxyz]");
UnicodeSet t = (UnicodeSet) s.clone();
expectContainment(t, "abc", "def");
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the class UnicodeSetTest method TestCloseOver.
* Test closure API.
public void TestCloseOver() {
String CASE = String.valueOf(UnicodeSet.CASE);
String[] DATA = { // selector, input, output
CASE, "[aq\u00DF{Bc}{bC}{Fi}]", // U+1E9E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SHARP S is new in Unicode 5.1
"[aAqQ\u00DF\u1E9E\uFB01{ss}{bc}{fi}]", CASE, // 'DZ'
"[\u01F1]", "[\u01F1\u01F2\u01F3]", CASE, "[\u1FB4]", "[\u1FB4{\u03AC\u03B9}]", CASE, "[{F\uFB01}]", "[\uFB03{ffi}]", CASE, "[a-z]", "[A-Za-z\u017F\u212A]", CASE, "[abc]", "[A-Ca-c]", CASE, "[ABC]", "[A-Ca-c]" };
UnicodeSet s = new UnicodeSet();
UnicodeSet t = new UnicodeSet();
for (int i = 0; i < DATA.length; i += 3) {
int selector = Integer.parseInt(DATA[i]);
String pat = DATA[i + 1];
String exp = DATA[i + 2];
if (s.equals(t)) {
logln("Ok: " + pat + ".closeOver(" + selector + ") => " + exp);
} else {
errln("FAIL: " + pat + ".closeOver(" + selector + ") => " + s.toPattern(true) + ", expected " + exp);
// Test the pattern API
s.applyPattern("[abc]", UnicodeSet.CASE);
expectContainment(s, "abcABC", "defDEF");
s = new UnicodeSet("[^abc]", UnicodeSet.CASE);
expectContainment(s, "defDEF", "abcABC");