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Example 16 with WebAddress

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class BrowserFrame method maybeSavePassword.

     * If this looks like a POST request (form submission) containing a username
     * and password, give the user the option of saving them. Will either do
     * nothing, or block until the UI interaction is complete.
     * Called directly by WebKit.
     * @param postData The data about to be sent as the body of a POST request.
     * @param username The username entered by the user (sniffed from the DOM).
     * @param password The password entered by the user (sniffed from the DOM).
private void maybeSavePassword(byte[] postData, String username, String password) {
    if (postData == null || username == null || username.isEmpty() || password == null || password.isEmpty()) {
        // No password to save.
    if (!mSettings.getSavePassword()) {
        // User doesn't want to save passwords.
    try {
        if (DebugFlags.BROWSER_FRAME) {
        WebAddress uri = new WebAddress(mCallbackProxy.getBackForwardList().getCurrentItem().getUrl());
        String schemePlusHost = uri.getScheme() + uri.getHost();
        // Check to see if the username & password appear in
        // the post data (there could be another form on the
        // page and that was posted instead.
        String postString = new String(postData);
        if (postString.contains(URLEncoder.encode(username)) && postString.contains(URLEncoder.encode(password))) {
            String[] saved = mDatabase.getUsernamePassword(schemePlusHost);
            if (saved != null) {
                // save password
                if (saved[0] != null) {
                    // non-null username implies that user has
                    // chosen to save password, so update the
                    // recorded password
                    mDatabase.setUsernamePassword(schemePlusHost, username, password);
            } else {
                // CallbackProxy will handle creating the resume
                // message
                mCallbackProxy.onSavePassword(schemePlusHost, username, password, null);
    } catch (ParseException ex) {
    // if it is bad uri, don't save its password
Also used : WebAddress( ParseException(

Example 17 with WebAddress

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class WebAddressTest method testPathWithoutLeadingSlash.

// http://b/1011602
public void testPathWithoutLeadingSlash() {
    WebAddress webAddress = new WebAddress("");
    assertEquals("", webAddress.getHost());
    assertEquals("/?si=1", webAddress.getPath());
Also used : WebAddress( SmallTest(android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest)

Example 18 with WebAddress

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class WebAddressTest method testHostWithTrailingDot.

// http://b/2337042
public void testHostWithTrailingDot() {
    WebAddress webAddress = new WebAddress("");
    assertEquals("", webAddress.getHost());
    assertEquals("/b/c/g", webAddress.getPath());
Also used : WebAddress( SmallTest(android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest)

Example 19 with WebAddress

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class WebAddressTest method testPathWithoutLeadingSlash.

// http://b/1011602
public void testPathWithoutLeadingSlash() {
    WebAddress webAddress = new WebAddress("");
    assertEquals("", webAddress.getHost());
    assertEquals("/?si=1", webAddress.getPath());
Also used : WebAddress( SmallTest(android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest)

Example 20 with WebAddress

use of in project XobotOS by xamarin.

the class BrowserFrame method maybeSavePassword.

     * If this looks like a POST request (form submission) containing a username
     * and password, give the user the option of saving them. Will either do
     * nothing, or block until the UI interaction is complete.
     * Called by startLoadingResource when using the Apache HTTP stack.
     * Called directly by WebKit when using the Chrome HTTP stack.
     * @param postData The data about to be sent as the body of a POST request.
     * @param username The username entered by the user (sniffed from the DOM).
     * @param password The password entered by the user (sniffed from the DOM).
private void maybeSavePassword(byte[] postData, String username, String password) {
    if (postData == null || username == null || username.isEmpty() || password == null || password.isEmpty()) {
        // No password to save.
    if (!mSettings.getSavePassword()) {
        // User doesn't want to save passwords.
    try {
        if (DebugFlags.BROWSER_FRAME) {
        WebAddress uri = new WebAddress(mCallbackProxy.getBackForwardList().getCurrentItem().getUrl());
        String schemePlusHost = uri.getScheme() + uri.getHost();
        // Check to see if the username & password appear in
        // the post data (there could be another form on the
        // page and that was posted instead.
        String postString = new String(postData);
        if (postString.contains(URLEncoder.encode(username)) && postString.contains(URLEncoder.encode(password))) {
            String[] saved = mDatabase.getUsernamePassword(schemePlusHost);
            if (saved != null) {
                // save password
                if (saved[0] != null) {
                    // non-null username implies that user has
                    // chosen to save password, so update the
                    // recorded password
                    mDatabase.setUsernamePassword(schemePlusHost, username, password);
            } else {
                // CallbackProxy will handle creating the resume
                // message
                mCallbackProxy.onSavePassword(schemePlusHost, username, password, null);
    } catch (ParseException ex) {
    // if it is bad uri, don't save its password
Also used : WebAddress( ParseException(


WebAddress ( ParseException ( SmallTest (android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest)12