use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.
the class WifiTrackerTest method generateTestNetworks.
private String[] generateTestNetworks(List<WifiConfiguration> wifiConfigs, List<ScanResult> scanResults, boolean connectedIsEphemeral) {
String[] expectedSsids = new String[NUM_NETWORKS];
// First is just saved;
addConfig(wifiConfigs, TEST_SSIDS[0]);
// This should come last since its not available.
expectedSsids[4] = TEST_SSIDS[0];
// Second is saved and available.
addConfig(wifiConfigs, TEST_SSIDS[1]);
addResult(scanResults, TEST_SSIDS[1], 0);
// This one is going to have a couple extra results, to verify de-duplication.
addResult(scanResults, TEST_SSIDS[1], 2);
addResult(scanResults, TEST_SSIDS[1], 1);
// This should come second since it is available and saved but not connected.
expectedSsids[1] = TEST_SSIDS[1];
// Third is just available, but higher rssi.
addResult(scanResults, TEST_SSIDS[2], 3);
// This comes after the next one since it has a lower rssi.
expectedSsids[3] = TEST_SSIDS[2];
// Fourth also just available but with even higher rssi.
addResult(scanResults, TEST_SSIDS[3], 4);
// This is the highest rssi but not saved so it should be after the saved+availables.
expectedSsids[2] = TEST_SSIDS[3];
// Last is going to be connected.
int netId = WifiConfiguration.INVALID_NETWORK_ID;
if (!connectedIsEphemeral) {
netId = addConfig(wifiConfigs, TEST_SSIDS[4]);
addResult(scanResults, TEST_SSIDS[4], 2);
// Setup wifi connection to be this one.
WifiInfo wifiInfo = Mockito.mock(WifiInfo.class);
// This should come first since it is connected.
expectedSsids[0] = TEST_SSIDS[4];
return expectedSsids;
use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.
the class AccessPointTest method testOnAccessPointChangedCallback.
public void testOnAccessPointChangedCallback() {
WifiInfo wifiInfo = Mockito.mock(WifiInfo.class);
mAccessPoint.update(wifiInfo, null);
mAccessPoint.update(null, null);
ScanResult result = new ScanResult();
result.capabilities = "";
result.SSID = TEST_SSID;
use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.
the class NetworkControllerWifiTest method setWifiState.
protected void setWifiState(boolean connected, String ssid) {
Intent i = new Intent(WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION);
NetworkInfo networkInfo = Mockito.mock(NetworkInfo.class);
WifiInfo wifiInfo = Mockito.mock(WifiInfo.class);
i.putExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO, networkInfo);
i.putExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_WIFI_INFO, wifiInfo);
mNetworkController.onReceive(mContext, i);
use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.
the class NetworkMonitor method sendNetworkConditionsBroadcast.
* @param responseReceived - whether or not we received a valid HTTP response to our request.
* If false, isCaptivePortal and responseTimestampMs are ignored
* TODO: This should be moved to the transports. The latency could be passed to the transports
* along with the captive portal result. Currently the TYPE_MOBILE broadcasts appear unused so
* perhaps this could just be added to the WiFi transport only.
private void sendNetworkConditionsBroadcast(boolean responseReceived, boolean isCaptivePortal, long requestTimestampMs, long responseTimestampMs) {
if (Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.WIFI_SCAN_ALWAYS_AVAILABLE, 0) == 0) {
if (systemReady == false)
Intent latencyBroadcast = new Intent(ACTION_NETWORK_CONDITIONS_MEASURED);
switch(mNetworkAgentInfo.networkInfo.getType()) {
case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI:
WifiInfo currentWifiInfo = mWifiManager.getConnectionInfo();
if (currentWifiInfo != null) {
// NOTE: getSSID()'s behavior changed in API 17; before that, SSIDs were not
// surrounded by double quotation marks (thus violating the Javadoc), but this
// was changed to match the Javadoc in API 17. Since clients may have started
// sanitizing the output of this method since API 17 was released, we should
// not change it here as it would become impossible to tell whether the SSID is
// simply being surrounded by quotes due to the API, or whether those quotes
// are actually part of the SSID.
latencyBroadcast.putExtra(EXTRA_SSID, currentWifiInfo.getSSID());
latencyBroadcast.putExtra(EXTRA_BSSID, currentWifiInfo.getBSSID());
} else {
if (VDBG)
logw("network info is TYPE_WIFI but no ConnectionInfo found");
case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE:
latencyBroadcast.putExtra(EXTRA_NETWORK_TYPE, mTelephonyManager.getNetworkType());
List<CellInfo> info = mTelephonyManager.getAllCellInfo();
if (info == null)
int numRegisteredCellInfo = 0;
for (CellInfo cellInfo : info) {
if (cellInfo.isRegistered()) {
if (numRegisteredCellInfo > 1) {
if (VDBG)
logw("more than one registered CellInfo." + " Can't tell which is active. Bailing.");
if (cellInfo instanceof CellInfoCdma) {
CellIdentityCdma cellId = ((CellInfoCdma) cellInfo).getCellIdentity();
latencyBroadcast.putExtra(EXTRA_CELL_ID, cellId);
} else if (cellInfo instanceof CellInfoGsm) {
CellIdentityGsm cellId = ((CellInfoGsm) cellInfo).getCellIdentity();
latencyBroadcast.putExtra(EXTRA_CELL_ID, cellId);
} else if (cellInfo instanceof CellInfoLte) {
CellIdentityLte cellId = ((CellInfoLte) cellInfo).getCellIdentity();
latencyBroadcast.putExtra(EXTRA_CELL_ID, cellId);
} else if (cellInfo instanceof CellInfoWcdma) {
CellIdentityWcdma cellId = ((CellInfoWcdma) cellInfo).getCellIdentity();
latencyBroadcast.putExtra(EXTRA_CELL_ID, cellId);
} else {
if (VDBG)
logw("Registered cellinfo is unrecognized");
latencyBroadcast.putExtra(EXTRA_CONNECTIVITY_TYPE, mNetworkAgentInfo.networkInfo.getType());
latencyBroadcast.putExtra(EXTRA_RESPONSE_RECEIVED, responseReceived);
latencyBroadcast.putExtra(EXTRA_REQUEST_TIMESTAMP_MS, requestTimestampMs);
if (responseReceived) {
latencyBroadcast.putExtra(EXTRA_IS_CAPTIVE_PORTAL, isCaptivePortal);
latencyBroadcast.putExtra(EXTRA_RESPONSE_TIMESTAMP_MS, responseTimestampMs);
mContext.sendBroadcastAsUser(latencyBroadcast, UserHandle.CURRENT, PERMISSION_ACCESS_NETWORK_CONDITIONS);
use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.
the class WifiNetworkAdapter method getActiveWifiConfig.
public WifiConfiguration getActiveWifiConfig() {
WifiInfo wifiInfo = getConnectionInfo();
if (wifiInfo == null) {
return null;
WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
for (WifiConfiguration config : wifiManager.getConfiguredNetworks()) {
if (config.networkId == wifiInfo.getNetworkId()) {
return config;
return null;