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Example 41 with WifiManager

use of in project FileExplorer by MiCode.

the class FTPServerService method getWifiIp.

     * Gets the IP address of the wifi connection.
     * @return The integer IP address if wifi enabled, or null if not.
public static InetAddress getWifiIp() {
    Context myContext = Globals.getContext();
    if (myContext == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Global context is null");
    WifiManager wifiMgr = (WifiManager) myContext.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
    if (isWifiEnabled()) {
        int ipAsInt = wifiMgr.getConnectionInfo().getIpAddress();
        if (ipAsInt == 0) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return Util.intToInet(ipAsInt);
    } else {
        return null;
Also used : Context(android.content.Context) WifiManager(

Example 42 with WifiManager

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class WifiAssociationTestRunner method setFrequencyBand.

private void setFrequencyBand(String band) {
    WifiManager mWifiManager = (WifiManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
    if (band.equals("2.4")) {
        Log.v(TAG, "set frequency band to 2.4");
        mBand = WifiManager.WIFI_FREQUENCY_BAND_2GHZ;
    } else if (band.equals("5.0")) {
        Log.v(TAG, "set frequency band to 5.0");
        mBand = WifiManager.WIFI_FREQUENCY_BAND_5GHZ;
    } else if (band.equals("auto")) {
        Log.v(TAG, "set frequency band to auto");
        mBand = WifiManager.WIFI_FREQUENCY_BAND_AUTO;
    } else {"invalid frequency band");
    int currentFreq = mWifiManager.getFrequencyBand();
    if (mBand == currentFreq) {
        Log.v(TAG, "frequency band has been set");
    mWifiManager.setFrequencyBand(mBand, true);
Also used : WifiManager(

Example 43 with WifiManager

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class DownloadManagerBaseTest method setWiFiStateOn.

     * Enables or disables WiFi.
     * Note: Needs the following permissions:
     *  android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
     *  android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE
     * @param enable true if it should be enabled, false if it should be disabled
protected void setWiFiStateOn(boolean enable) throws Exception {
    Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Setting WiFi State to: " + enable);
    WifiManager manager = (WifiManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
    String timeoutMessage = "Timed out waiting for Wifi to be " + (enable ? "enabled!" : "disabled!");
    WiFiChangedReceiver receiver = new WiFiChangedReceiver(mContext);
    mContext.registerReceiver(receiver, new IntentFilter(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION));
    synchronized (receiver) {
        long timeoutTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_TIME;
        boolean timedOut = false;
        while (receiver.getWiFiIsOn() != enable && !timedOut) {
            try {
                if (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() > timeoutTime) {
                    timedOut = true;
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // ignore InterruptedExceptions
        if (timedOut) {
    assertEquals(enable, receiver.getWiFiIsOn());
Also used : WifiManager( IntentFilter(android.content.IntentFilter)

Example 44 with WifiManager

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class DownloadManagerBaseTest method setWiFiStateOn.

     * Enables or disables WiFi.
     * Note: Needs the following permissions:
     *  android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
     *  android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE
     * @param enable true if it should be enabled, false if it should be disabled
protected void setWiFiStateOn(boolean enable) throws Exception {
    Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Setting WiFi State to: " + enable);
    WifiManager manager = (WifiManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
    String timeoutMessage = "Timed out waiting for Wifi to be " + (enable ? "enabled!" : "disabled!");
    WiFiChangedReceiver receiver = new WiFiChangedReceiver(mContext);
    mContext.registerReceiver(receiver, new IntentFilter(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION));
    synchronized (receiver) {
        long timeoutTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_TIME;
        boolean timedOut = false;
        while (receiver.getWiFiIsOn() != enable && !timedOut) {
            try {
                if (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() > timeoutTime) {
                    timedOut = true;
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // ignore InterruptedExceptions
        if (timedOut) {
    assertEquals(enable, receiver.getWiFiIsOn());
Also used : WifiManager( IntentFilter(android.content.IntentFilter)

Example 45 with WifiManager

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class SettingsBackupAgent method onCreate.

public void onCreate() {
        Log.d(TAG, "onCreate() invoked");
    mSettingsHelper = new SettingsHelper(this);
    WifiManager mWfm = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
    if (mWfm != null)
        mWifiConfigFile = mWfm.getConfigFile();
Also used : WifiManager(


WifiManager ( WifiInfo ( WifiConfiguration ( IOException ( IntentFilter (android.content.IntentFilter)13 WifiEnterpriseConfig ( Context (android.content.Context)9 ConnectivityManager ( NetworkInfo ( Test (org.junit.Test)8 Intent (android.content.Intent)7 File ( SAXException (org.xml.sax.SAXException)6 SharedPreferences (android.content.SharedPreferences)5 PowerManager (android.os.PowerManager)5 TelephonyManager (android.telephony.TelephonyManager)5 X509Certificate ( BufferedReader ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( FileReader (