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Example 6 with Allocation

use of android.renderscript.Allocation in project bilibili-android-client by HotBitmapGG.

the class ImageBlurUtil method blur.

   * 图片高斯模糊具体实现方法
public static Bitmap blur(Context context, Bitmap image, float radius) {
    // 计算图片缩小后的长宽
    int width = Math.round(image.getWidth() * BITMAP_SCALE);
    int height = Math.round(image.getHeight() * BITMAP_SCALE);
    // 将缩小后的图片做为预渲染的图片。
    Bitmap inputBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(image, width, height, false);
    // 创建一张渲染后的输出图片。
    Bitmap outputBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(inputBitmap);
    // 创建RenderScript内核对象
    RenderScript rs = RenderScript.create(context);
    // 创建一个模糊效果的RenderScript的工具对象
    ScriptIntrinsicBlur blurScript = ScriptIntrinsicBlur.create(rs, Element.U8_4(rs));
    // 由于RenderScript并没有使用VM来分配内存,所以需要使用Allocation类来创建和分配内存空间。
    // 创建Allocation对象的时候其实内存是空的,需要使用copyTo()将数据填充进去。
    Allocation tmpIn = Allocation.createFromBitmap(rs, inputBitmap);
    Allocation tmpOut = Allocation.createFromBitmap(rs, outputBitmap);
    // 设置渲染的模糊程度, 25f是最大模糊度
    // 设置blurScript对象的输入内存
    // 将输出数据保存到输出内存中
    // 将数据填充到Allocation中
    return outputBitmap;
Also used : Bitmap( RenderScript(android.renderscript.RenderScript) ScriptIntrinsicBlur(android.renderscript.ScriptIntrinsicBlur) Allocation(android.renderscript.Allocation)

Example 7 with Allocation

use of android.renderscript.Allocation in project UltimateAndroid by cymcsg.

the class Blur method apply.

public static Bitmap apply(Context context, Bitmap sentBitmap, int radius) {
    final Bitmap bitmap = sentBitmap.copy(sentBitmap.getConfig(), true);
    final RenderScript rs = RenderScript.create(context);
    final Allocation input = Allocation.createFromBitmap(rs, sentBitmap, Allocation.MipmapControl.MIPMAP_NONE, Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT);
    final Allocation output = Allocation.createTyped(rs, input.getType());
    final ScriptIntrinsicBlur script = ScriptIntrinsicBlur.create(rs, Element.U8_4(rs));
    return bitmap;
Also used : Bitmap( RenderScript(android.renderscript.RenderScript) Allocation(android.renderscript.Allocation) ScriptIntrinsicBlur(android.renderscript.ScriptIntrinsicBlur)

Example 8 with Allocation

use of android.renderscript.Allocation in project UltimateAndroid by cymcsg.

the class Blur method fastblur.

public static Bitmap fastblur(Context context, Bitmap sentBitmap, int radius, boolean canReuseInBitmap) {
    if (VERSION.SDK_INT > 16) {
        Bitmap bitmap = sentBitmap.copy(sentBitmap.getConfig(), true);
        final RenderScript rs = RenderScript.create(context);
        final Allocation input = Allocation.createFromBitmap(rs, sentBitmap, Allocation.MipmapControl.MIPMAP_NONE, Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT);
        final Allocation output = Allocation.createTyped(rs, input.getType());
        final ScriptIntrinsicBlur script = ScriptIntrinsicBlur.create(rs, Element.U8_4(rs));
        return bitmap;
    // Stack Blur Algorithm by Mario Klingemann <>
    Bitmap bitmap;
    if (canReuseInBitmap) {
        bitmap = sentBitmap;
    } else {
        bitmap = sentBitmap.copy(sentBitmap.getConfig(), true);
    if (radius < 1) {
        return (null);
    int w = bitmap.getWidth();
    int h = bitmap.getHeight();
    int[] pix = new int[w * h];
    bitmap.getPixels(pix, 0, w, 0, 0, w, h);
    int wm = w - 1;
    int hm = h - 1;
    int wh = w * h;
    int div = radius + radius + 1;
    int[] r = new int[wh];
    int[] g = new int[wh];
    int[] b = new int[wh];
    int rsum, gsum, bsum, x, y, i, p, yp, yi, yw;
    int[] vmin = new int[Math.max(w, h)];
    int divsum = (div + 1) >> 1;
    divsum *= divsum;
    int[] dv = new int[256 * divsum];
    for (i = 0; i < 256 * divsum; i++) {
        dv[i] = (i / divsum);
    yw = yi = 0;
    int[][] stack = new int[div][3];
    int stackpointer;
    int stackstart;
    int[] sir;
    int rbs;
    int r1 = radius + 1;
    int routsum, goutsum, boutsum;
    int rinsum, ginsum, binsum;
    for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
        rinsum = ginsum = binsum = routsum = goutsum = boutsum = rsum = gsum = bsum = 0;
        for (i = -radius; i <= radius; i++) {
            p = pix[yi + Math.min(wm, Math.max(i, 0))];
            sir = stack[i + radius];
            sir[0] = (p & 0xff0000) >> 16;
            sir[1] = (p & 0x00ff00) >> 8;
            sir[2] = (p & 0x0000ff);
            rbs = r1 - Math.abs(i);
            rsum += sir[0] * rbs;
            gsum += sir[1] * rbs;
            bsum += sir[2] * rbs;
            if (i > 0) {
                rinsum += sir[0];
                ginsum += sir[1];
                binsum += sir[2];
            } else {
                routsum += sir[0];
                goutsum += sir[1];
                boutsum += sir[2];
        stackpointer = radius;
        for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
            r[yi] = dv[rsum];
            g[yi] = dv[gsum];
            b[yi] = dv[bsum];
            rsum -= routsum;
            gsum -= goutsum;
            bsum -= boutsum;
            stackstart = stackpointer - radius + div;
            sir = stack[stackstart % div];
            routsum -= sir[0];
            goutsum -= sir[1];
            boutsum -= sir[2];
            if (y == 0) {
                vmin[x] = Math.min(x + radius + 1, wm);
            p = pix[yw + vmin[x]];
            sir[0] = (p & 0xff0000) >> 16;
            sir[1] = (p & 0x00ff00) >> 8;
            sir[2] = (p & 0x0000ff);
            rinsum += sir[0];
            ginsum += sir[1];
            binsum += sir[2];
            rsum += rinsum;
            gsum += ginsum;
            bsum += binsum;
            stackpointer = (stackpointer + 1) % div;
            sir = stack[(stackpointer) % div];
            routsum += sir[0];
            goutsum += sir[1];
            boutsum += sir[2];
            rinsum -= sir[0];
            ginsum -= sir[1];
            binsum -= sir[2];
        yw += w;
    for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
        rinsum = ginsum = binsum = routsum = goutsum = boutsum = rsum = gsum = bsum = 0;
        yp = -radius * w;
        for (i = -radius; i <= radius; i++) {
            yi = Math.max(0, yp) + x;
            sir = stack[i + radius];
            sir[0] = r[yi];
            sir[1] = g[yi];
            sir[2] = b[yi];
            rbs = r1 - Math.abs(i);
            rsum += r[yi] * rbs;
            gsum += g[yi] * rbs;
            bsum += b[yi] * rbs;
            if (i > 0) {
                rinsum += sir[0];
                ginsum += sir[1];
                binsum += sir[2];
            } else {
                routsum += sir[0];
                goutsum += sir[1];
                boutsum += sir[2];
            if (i < hm) {
                yp += w;
        yi = x;
        stackpointer = radius;
        for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
            // Preserve alpha channel: ( 0xff000000 & pix[yi] )
            pix[yi] = (0xff000000 & pix[yi]) | (dv[rsum] << 16) | (dv[gsum] << 8) | dv[bsum];
            rsum -= routsum;
            gsum -= goutsum;
            bsum -= boutsum;
            stackstart = stackpointer - radius + div;
            sir = stack[stackstart % div];
            routsum -= sir[0];
            goutsum -= sir[1];
            boutsum -= sir[2];
            if (x == 0) {
                vmin[y] = Math.min(y + r1, hm) * w;
            p = x + vmin[y];
            sir[0] = r[p];
            sir[1] = g[p];
            sir[2] = b[p];
            rinsum += sir[0];
            ginsum += sir[1];
            binsum += sir[2];
            rsum += rinsum;
            gsum += ginsum;
            bsum += binsum;
            stackpointer = (stackpointer + 1) % div;
            sir = stack[stackpointer];
            routsum += sir[0];
            goutsum += sir[1];
            boutsum += sir[2];
            rinsum -= sir[0];
            ginsum -= sir[1];
            binsum -= sir[2];
            yi += w;
    bitmap.setPixels(pix, 0, w, 0, 0, w, h);
    return (bitmap);
Also used : Bitmap( RenderScript(android.renderscript.RenderScript) Allocation(android.renderscript.Allocation) ScriptIntrinsicBlur(android.renderscript.ScriptIntrinsicBlur) SuppressLint(android.annotation.SuppressLint) SuppressLint(android.annotation.SuppressLint)

Example 9 with Allocation

use of android.renderscript.Allocation in project UltimateAndroid by cymcsg.

the class Blur method fastblur.

public static Bitmap fastblur(Context context, Bitmap sentBitmap, int radius) throws Exception {
    if (VERSION.SDK_INT > 16) {
        Bitmap bitmap = sentBitmap.copy(sentBitmap.getConfig(), true);
        final RenderScript rs = RenderScript.create(context);
        final Allocation input = Allocation.createFromBitmap(rs, sentBitmap, Allocation.MipmapControl.MIPMAP_NONE, Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT);
        final Allocation output = Allocation.createTyped(rs, input.getType());
        final ScriptIntrinsicBlur script = ScriptIntrinsicBlur.create(rs, Element.U8_4(rs));
        return bitmap;
    // Stack Blur v1.0 from
    // Java Author: Mario Klingemann <mario at>
    // created Feburary 29, 2004
    // Android port : Yahel Bouaziz <yahel at>
    // ported april 5th, 2012
    // This is a compromise between Gaussian Blur and Box blur
    // It creates much better looking blurs than Box Blur, but is
    // 7x faster than my Gaussian Blur implementation.
    // I called it Stack Blur because this describes best how this
    // filter works internally: it creates a kind of moving stack
    // of colors whilst scanning through the image. Thereby it
    // just has to add one new block of color to the right side
    // of the stack and remove the leftmost color. The remaining
    // colors on the topmost layer of the stack are either added on
    // or reduced by one, depending on if they are on the right or
    // on the left side of the stack.
    // If you are using this algorithm in your code please add
    // the following line:
    // Stack Blur Algorithm by Mario Klingemann <>
    Bitmap bitmap = sentBitmap.copy(sentBitmap.getConfig(), true);
    if (radius < 1) {
        return (null);
    int w = bitmap.getWidth();
    int h = bitmap.getHeight();
    int[] pix = new int[w * h];
    Log.e("pix", w + " " + h + " " + pix.length);
    bitmap.getPixels(pix, 0, w, 0, 0, w, h);
    int wm = w - 1;
    int hm = h - 1;
    int wh = w * h;
    int div = radius + radius + 1;
    int[] r = new int[wh];
    int[] g = new int[wh];
    int[] b = new int[wh];
    int rsum, gsum, bsum, x, y, i, p, yp, yi, yw;
    int[] vmin = new int[Math.max(w, h)];
    int divsum = (div + 1) >> 1;
    divsum *= divsum;
    int[] dv = new int[256 * divsum];
    for (i = 0; i < 256 * divsum; i++) {
        dv[i] = (i / divsum);
    yw = yi = 0;
    int[][] stack = new int[div][3];
    int stackpointer;
    int stackstart;
    int[] sir;
    int rbs;
    int r1 = radius + 1;
    int routsum, goutsum, boutsum;
    int rinsum, ginsum, binsum;
    for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
        rinsum = ginsum = binsum = routsum = goutsum = boutsum = rsum = gsum = bsum = 0;
        for (i = -radius; i <= radius; i++) {
            p = pix[yi + Math.min(wm, Math.max(i, 0))];
            sir = stack[i + radius];
            sir[0] = (p & 0xff0000) >> 16;
            sir[1] = (p & 0x00ff00) >> 8;
            sir[2] = (p & 0x0000ff);
            rbs = r1 - Math.abs(i);
            rsum += sir[0] * rbs;
            gsum += sir[1] * rbs;
            bsum += sir[2] * rbs;
            if (i > 0) {
                rinsum += sir[0];
                ginsum += sir[1];
                binsum += sir[2];
            } else {
                routsum += sir[0];
                goutsum += sir[1];
                boutsum += sir[2];
        stackpointer = radius;
        for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
            r[yi] = dv[rsum];
            g[yi] = dv[gsum];
            b[yi] = dv[bsum];
            rsum -= routsum;
            gsum -= goutsum;
            bsum -= boutsum;
            stackstart = stackpointer - radius + div;
            sir = stack[stackstart % div];
            routsum -= sir[0];
            goutsum -= sir[1];
            boutsum -= sir[2];
            if (y == 0) {
                vmin[x] = Math.min(x + radius + 1, wm);
            p = pix[yw + vmin[x]];
            sir[0] = (p & 0xff0000) >> 16;
            sir[1] = (p & 0x00ff00) >> 8;
            sir[2] = (p & 0x0000ff);
            rinsum += sir[0];
            ginsum += sir[1];
            binsum += sir[2];
            rsum += rinsum;
            gsum += ginsum;
            bsum += binsum;
            stackpointer = (stackpointer + 1) % div;
            sir = stack[(stackpointer) % div];
            routsum += sir[0];
            goutsum += sir[1];
            boutsum += sir[2];
            rinsum -= sir[0];
            ginsum -= sir[1];
            binsum -= sir[2];
        yw += w;
    for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
        rinsum = ginsum = binsum = routsum = goutsum = boutsum = rsum = gsum = bsum = 0;
        yp = -radius * w;
        for (i = -radius; i <= radius; i++) {
            yi = Math.max(0, yp) + x;
            sir = stack[i + radius];
            sir[0] = r[yi];
            sir[1] = g[yi];
            sir[2] = b[yi];
            rbs = r1 - Math.abs(i);
            rsum += r[yi] * rbs;
            gsum += g[yi] * rbs;
            bsum += b[yi] * rbs;
            if (i > 0) {
                rinsum += sir[0];
                ginsum += sir[1];
                binsum += sir[2];
            } else {
                routsum += sir[0];
                goutsum += sir[1];
                boutsum += sir[2];
            if (i < hm) {
                yp += w;
        yi = x;
        stackpointer = radius;
        for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
            // Preserve alpha channel: ( 0xff000000 & pix[yi] )
            pix[yi] = (0xff000000 & pix[yi]) | (dv[rsum] << 16) | (dv[gsum] << 8) | dv[bsum];
            rsum -= routsum;
            gsum -= goutsum;
            bsum -= boutsum;
            stackstart = stackpointer - radius + div;
            sir = stack[stackstart % div];
            routsum -= sir[0];
            goutsum -= sir[1];
            boutsum -= sir[2];
            if (x == 0) {
                vmin[y] = Math.min(y + r1, hm) * w;
            p = x + vmin[y];
            sir[0] = r[p];
            sir[1] = g[p];
            sir[2] = b[p];
            rinsum += sir[0];
            ginsum += sir[1];
            binsum += sir[2];
            rsum += rinsum;
            gsum += ginsum;
            bsum += binsum;
            stackpointer = (stackpointer + 1) % div;
            sir = stack[stackpointer];
            routsum += sir[0];
            goutsum += sir[1];
            boutsum += sir[2];
            rinsum -= sir[0];
            ginsum -= sir[1];
            binsum -= sir[2];
            yi += w;
    Log.e("pix", w + " " + h + " " + pix.length);
    bitmap.setPixels(pix, 0, w, 0, 0, w, h);
    return (bitmap);
Also used : Bitmap( RenderScript(android.renderscript.RenderScript) Allocation(android.renderscript.Allocation) ScriptIntrinsicBlur(android.renderscript.ScriptIntrinsicBlur) SuppressLint(android.annotation.SuppressLint) SuppressLint(android.annotation.SuppressLint)

Example 10 with Allocation

use of android.renderscript.Allocation in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class Camera method createPreviewAllocation.

     * <p>Create a {@link android.renderscript RenderScript}
     * {@link android.renderscript.Allocation Allocation} to use as a
     * destination of preview callback frames. Use
     * {@link #setPreviewCallbackAllocation setPreviewCallbackAllocation} to use
     * the created Allocation as a destination for camera preview frames.</p>
     * <p>The Allocation will be created with a YUV type, and its contents must
     * be accessed within Renderscript with the {@code rsGetElementAtYuv_*}
     * accessor methods. Its size will be based on the current
     * {@link Parameters#getPreviewSize preview size} configured for this
     * camera.</p>
     * @param rs the RenderScript context for this Allocation.
     * @param usage additional usage flags to set for the Allocation. The usage
     *   flag {@link android.renderscript.Allocation#USAGE_IO_INPUT} will always
     *   be set on the created Allocation, but additional flags may be provided
     *   here.
     * @return a new YUV-type Allocation with dimensions equal to the current
     *   preview size.
     * @throws RSIllegalArgumentException if the usage flags are not compatible
     *   with an YUV Allocation.
     * @see #setPreviewCallbackAllocation
     * @hide
public final Allocation createPreviewAllocation(RenderScript rs, int usage) throws RSIllegalArgumentException {
    Parameters p = getParameters();
    Size previewSize = p.getPreviewSize();
    Type.Builder yuvBuilder = new Type.Builder(rs, Element.createPixel(rs, Element.DataType.UNSIGNED_8, Element.DataKind.PIXEL_YUV));
    // Use YV12 for wide compatibility. Changing this requires also
    // adjusting camera service's format selection.
    Allocation a = Allocation.createTyped(rs, yuvBuilder.create(), usage | Allocation.USAGE_IO_INPUT);
    return a;
Also used : Type(android.renderscript.Type) SdkConstantType(android.annotation.SdkConstant.SdkConstantType) Allocation(android.renderscript.Allocation)


Allocation (android.renderscript.Allocation)71 Bitmap ( RenderScript (android.renderscript.RenderScript)42 ScriptIntrinsicBlur (android.renderscript.ScriptIntrinsicBlur)41 SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)14 RequiresApi ( TargetApi (android.annotation.TargetApi)10 Type (android.renderscript.Type)6 SdkConstantType (android.annotation.SdkConstant.SdkConstantType)5 Paint ( BitmapDrawable ( BitmapFactory ( ByteArrayInputStream ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( Canvas ( Point ( Element (android.renderscript.Element)2 Script (android.renderscript.Script)2 RequiresApi (androidx.annotation.RequiresApi)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2