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Example 6 with WindowInsetsCompat

use of in project iosched by google.

the class AppBarLayout method onWindowInsetChanged.

WindowInsetsCompat onWindowInsetChanged(final WindowInsetsCompat insets) {
    WindowInsetsCompat newInsets = null;
    if (ViewCompat.getFitsSystemWindows(this)) {
        // If we're set to fit system windows, keep the insets
        newInsets = insets;
    // If our insets have changed, keep them and invalidate the scroll ranges...
    if (!objectEquals(mLastInsets, newInsets)) {
        mLastInsets = newInsets;
    return insets;
Also used : WindowInsetsCompat(

Example 7 with WindowInsetsCompat

use of in project material-intro-screen by TangoAgency.

the class CustomViewPager method initViewPager.

void initViewPager() {
    final Context context = getContext();
    mScroller = new Scroller(context, sInterpolator);
    final ViewConfiguration configuration = ViewConfiguration.get(context);
    final float density = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
    mTouchSlop = configuration.getScaledPagingTouchSlop();
    mMinimumVelocity = (int) (MIN_FLING_VELOCITY * density);
    mMaximumVelocity = configuration.getScaledMaximumFlingVelocity();
    mLeftEdge = new EdgeEffectCompat(context);
    mRightEdge = new EdgeEffectCompat(context);
    mFlingDistance = (int) (MIN_DISTANCE_FOR_FLING * density);
    mCloseEnough = (int) (CLOSE_ENOUGH * density);
    mDefaultGutterSize = (int) (DEFAULT_GUTTER_SIZE * density);
    ViewCompat.setAccessibilityDelegate(this, new MyAccessibilityDelegate());
    if (ViewCompat.getImportantForAccessibility(this) == ViewCompat.IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO) {
        ViewCompat.setImportantForAccessibility(this, ViewCompat.IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_YES);
    ViewCompat.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(this, new {

        private final Rect mTempRect = new Rect();

        public WindowInsetsCompat onApplyWindowInsets(final View v, final WindowInsetsCompat originalInsets) {
            // First let the ViewPager itself try and consume them...
            final WindowInsetsCompat applied = ViewCompat.onApplyWindowInsets(v, originalInsets);
            if (applied.isConsumed()) {
                // If the ViewPager consumed all insets, return now
                return applied;
            // Now we'll manually dispatch the insets to our children. Since ViewPager
            // children are always full-height, we do not want to use the standard
            // ViewGroup dispatchApplyWindowInsets since if child 0 consumes them,
            // the rest of the children will not receive any insets. To workaround this
            // we manually dispatch the applied insets, not allowing children to
            // consume them from each other. We do however keep track of any insets
            // which are consumed, returning the union of our children's consumption
            final Rect res = mTempRect;
            res.left = applied.getSystemWindowInsetLeft();
   = applied.getSystemWindowInsetTop();
            res.right = applied.getSystemWindowInsetRight();
            res.bottom = applied.getSystemWindowInsetBottom();
            for (int i = 0, count = getChildCount(); i < count; i++) {
                final WindowInsetsCompat childInsets = ViewCompat.dispatchApplyWindowInsets(getChildAt(i), applied);
                // Now keep track of any consumed by tracking each dimension's min
                // value
                res.left = Math.min(childInsets.getSystemWindowInsetLeft(), res.left);
       = Math.min(childInsets.getSystemWindowInsetTop(),;
                res.right = Math.min(childInsets.getSystemWindowInsetRight(), res.right);
                res.bottom = Math.min(childInsets.getSystemWindowInsetBottom(), res.bottom);
            // Now return a new WindowInsets, using the consumed window insets
            return applied.replaceSystemWindowInsets(res.left,, res.right, res.bottom);
Also used : Context(android.content.Context) Rect( View(android.view.View) ViewConfiguration(android.view.ViewConfiguration) EdgeEffectCompat( Scroller(android.widget.Scroller)

Example 8 with WindowInsetsCompat

use of in project material-components-android by material-components.

the class CollapsingToolbarLayout method onWindowInsetChanged.

WindowInsetsCompat onWindowInsetChanged(final WindowInsetsCompat insets) {
    WindowInsetsCompat newInsets = null;
    if (ViewCompat.getFitsSystemWindows(this)) {
        // If we're set to fit system windows, keep the insets
        newInsets = insets;
    // If our insets have changed, keep them and invalidate the scroll ranges...
    if (!objectEquals(mLastInsets, newInsets)) {
        mLastInsets = newInsets;
    // get the default padding functionality from View
    return insets.consumeSystemWindowInsets();
Also used : WindowInsetsCompat(

Example 9 with WindowInsetsCompat

use of in project remusic by aa112901.

the class RoundViewPager method initViewPager.

void initViewPager() {
    final Context context = getContext();
    mScroller = new Scroller(context, sInterpolator);
    final ViewConfiguration configuration = ViewConfiguration.get(context);
    final float density = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
    mTouchSlop = ViewConfigurationCompat.getScaledPagingTouchSlop(configuration);
    mMinimumVelocity = (int) (MIN_FLING_VELOCITY * density);
    mMaximumVelocity = configuration.getScaledMaximumFlingVelocity();
    mLeftEdge = new EdgeEffectCompat(context);
    mRightEdge = new EdgeEffectCompat(context);
    mFlingDistance = (int) (MIN_DISTANCE_FOR_FLING * density);
    mCloseEnough = (int) (CLOSE_ENOUGH * density);
    mDefaultGutterSize = (int) (DEFAULT_GUTTER_SIZE * density);
    ViewCompat.setAccessibilityDelegate(this, new MyAccessibilityDelegate());
    if (ViewCompat.getImportantForAccessibility(this) == ViewCompat.IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO) {
        ViewCompat.setImportantForAccessibility(this, ViewCompat.IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_YES);
    ViewCompat.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(this, new {

        private final Rect mTempRect = new Rect();

        public WindowInsetsCompat onApplyWindowInsets(final View v, final WindowInsetsCompat originalInsets) {
            // First let the ViewPager itself try and consume them...
            final WindowInsetsCompat applied = ViewCompat.onApplyWindowInsets(v, originalInsets);
            if (applied.isConsumed()) {
                // If the ViewPager consumed all insets, return now
                return applied;
            // Now we'll manually dispatch the insets to our children. Since ViewPager
            // children are always full-height, we do not want to use the standard
            // ViewGroup dispatchApplyWindowInsets since if child 0 consumes them,
            // the rest of the children will not receive any insets. To workaround this
            // we manually dispatch the applied insets, not allowing children to
            // consume them from each other. We do however keep track of any insets
            // which are consumed, returning the union of our children's consumption
            final Rect res = mTempRect;
            res.left = applied.getSystemWindowInsetLeft();
   = applied.getSystemWindowInsetTop();
            res.right = applied.getSystemWindowInsetRight();
            res.bottom = applied.getSystemWindowInsetBottom();
            for (int i = 0, count = getChildCount(); i < count; i++) {
                final WindowInsetsCompat childInsets = ViewCompat.dispatchApplyWindowInsets(getChildAt(i), applied);
                // Now keep track of any consumed by tracking each dimension's min
                // value
                res.left = Math.min(childInsets.getSystemWindowInsetLeft(), res.left);
       = Math.min(childInsets.getSystemWindowInsetTop(),;
                res.right = Math.min(childInsets.getSystemWindowInsetRight(), res.right);
                res.bottom = Math.min(childInsets.getSystemWindowInsetBottom(), res.bottom);
            // Now return a new WindowInsets, using the consumed window insets
            return applied.replaceSystemWindowInsets(res.left,, res.right, res.bottom);
    isRotating = false;
Also used : Context(android.content.Context) Rect( View(android.view.View) WindowInsetsCompat( ViewConfiguration(android.view.ViewConfiguration) EdgeEffectCompat( Scroller(android.widget.Scroller)

Example 10 with WindowInsetsCompat

use of in project material-components-android by material-components.

the class AppBarLayout method onWindowInsetChanged.

WindowInsetsCompat onWindowInsetChanged(final WindowInsetsCompat insets) {
    WindowInsetsCompat newInsets = null;
    if (ViewCompat.getFitsSystemWindows(this)) {
        // If we're set to fit system windows, keep the insets
        newInsets = insets;
    // If our insets have changed, keep them and invalidate the scroll ranges...
    if (!objectEquals(mLastInsets, newInsets)) {
        mLastInsets = newInsets;
    return insets;
Also used : WindowInsetsCompat(


WindowInsetsCompat ( View (android.view.View)8 Rect ( Context (android.content.Context)4 EdgeEffectCompat ( ViewConfiguration (android.view.ViewConfiguration)4 Scroller (android.widget.Scroller)4 TargetApi (android.annotation.TargetApi)1 ActivityNotFoundException (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException)1 Intent (android.content.Intent)1 SharedPreferences (android.content.SharedPreferences)1 ColorDrawable ( MediumTest ( OnApplyWindowInsetsListener ( DefaultItemAnimator ( GridLayoutManager ( RecyclerView ( Toolbar ( ViewTreeObserver (android.view.ViewTreeObserver)1 Button (android.widget.Button)1