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Example 96 with LEFT

use of in project AndFrameWorks by scwang90.

the class RecycleViewDivider method drawHorizontal.

// 绘制横向 item 分割线
private void drawHorizontal(Canvas canvas, RecyclerView parent) {
    final int left = parent.getPaddingLeft();
    final int right = parent.getMeasuredWidth() - parent.getPaddingRight();
    final int childSize = parent.getChildCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < childSize; i++) {
        final View child = parent.getChildAt(i);
        RecyclerView.LayoutParams layoutParams = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
        final int top = child.getBottom() + layoutParams.bottomMargin;
        final int bottom = top + mDividerHeight;
        if (mDivider != null) {
            mDivider.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom);
        if (mPaint != null) {
            canvas.drawRect(left, top, right, bottom, mPaint);
Also used : RecyclerView( RecyclerView( View(android.view.View) Paint(

Example 97 with LEFT

use of in project KL2 by jweihao.

the class SpaceItemDecorationUtil method drawLinear.

private void drawLinear(int orientation, Canvas c, RecyclerView parent) {
    if (orientation == LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL) {
        final int left = parent.getPaddingLeft();
        final int right = parent.getWidth() - parent.getPaddingRight();
        final int childCount = parent.getChildCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            final View child = parent.getChildAt(i);
            final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
            final int top = child.getBottom() + params.bottomMargin + Math.round(ViewCompat.getTranslationY(child));
            final int bottom = top + mSpace;
            c.drawRect(left, top, right, bottom, mDividerPaint);
    } else if (orientation == LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL) {
        final int top = parent.getPaddingTop();
        final int bottom = parent.getHeight() - parent.getPaddingBottom();
        final int childCount = parent.getChildCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            final View child = parent.getChildAt(i);
            final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
            final int left = child.getRight() + params.rightMargin + Math.round(ViewCompat.getTranslationX(child));
            final int right = left + mSpace;
            c.drawRect(left, top, right, bottom, mDividerPaint);
Also used : RecyclerView( RecyclerView( View(android.view.View) Paint(

Example 98 with LEFT

use of in project MusicLake by caiyonglong.

the class DividerItemDecoration method drawVertical.

public void drawVertical(Canvas c, RecyclerView parent) {
    final int left = parent.getPaddingLeft();
    final int right = parent.getWidth() - parent.getPaddingRight();
    final int childCount = parent.getChildCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
        final View child = parent.getChildAt(i);
        final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
        final int top = child.getBottom() + params.bottomMargin;
        final int bottom = top + mDivider.getIntrinsicHeight();
        mDivider.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom);
Also used : RecyclerView( RecyclerView( View(android.view.View)

Example 99 with LEFT

use of in project NightSkyGuide by MTBehnke.

the class ItemDivider method onDrawOver.

// draws the list item dividers onto the RecyclerView
public void onDrawOver(Canvas c, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) {
    super.onDrawOver(c, parent, state);
    // calculate left/right x-coordinates for all dividers
    int left = parent.getPaddingLeft();
    int right = parent.getWidth() - parent.getPaddingRight();
    // for every item but the last, draw a line below it
    for (int i = 0; i < parent.getChildCount() - 1; ++i) {
        // get ith list item
        View item = parent.getChildAt(i);
        // calculate top/bottom y-coordinates for current divider
        int top = item.getBottom() + ((RecyclerView.LayoutParams) item.getLayoutParams()).bottomMargin;
        int bottom = top + divider.getIntrinsicHeight();
        // draw the divider with the calculated bounds
        divider.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom);
Also used : RecyclerView( RecyclerView( View(android.view.View)

Example 100 with LEFT

use of in project RecyclerViewPager by lsjwzh.

the class VerticalPagerActivity method initViewPager.

protected void initViewPager() {
    mRecyclerView = (RecyclerViewPager) findViewById(;
    LinearLayoutManager layout = new LinearLayoutManager(this, LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL, false);
    mRecyclerView.setAdapter(new LayoutAdapter(this, mRecyclerView));
    mRecyclerView.setOnScrollListener(new RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() {

        public void onScrollStateChanged(RecyclerView recyclerView, int scrollState) {

        public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int i, int i2) {
            // mPositionText.setText("First: " + mRecyclerViewPager.getFirstVisiblePosition());
            int childCount = mRecyclerView.getChildCount();
            int width = mRecyclerView.getChildAt(0).getWidth();
            int padding = (mRecyclerView.getWidth() - width) / 2;
            for (int j = 0; j < childCount; j++) {
                View v = recyclerView.getChildAt(j);
                // 往左 从 padding 到 -(v.getWidth()-padding) 的过程中,由大到小
                float rate = 0;
                if (v.getTop() <= padding) {
                    if (v.getTop() >= padding - v.getHeight()) {
                        rate = (padding - v.getTop()) * 1f / v.getHeight();
                    } else {
                        rate = 1;
                    v.setScaleX(1 - rate * 0.1f);
                    v.setScaleY(1 - rate * 0.1f);
                } else {
                    // 往右 从 padding 到 recyclerView.getHeight()-padding 的过程中,由大到小
                    if (v.getTop() <= recyclerView.getHeight() - padding) {
                        rate = (recyclerView.getHeight() - padding - v.getTop()) * 1f / v.getHeight();
                    v.setScaleX(0.9f + rate * 0.1f);
                    v.setScaleY(0.9f + rate * 0.1f);
    mRecyclerView.addOnLayoutChangeListener(new View.OnLayoutChangeListener() {

        public void onLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) {
            if (mRecyclerView.getChildCount() < 3) {
                if (mRecyclerView.getChildAt(1) != null) {
                    View v1 = mRecyclerView.getChildAt(1);
            } else {
                if (mRecyclerView.getChildAt(0) != null) {
                    View v0 = mRecyclerView.getChildAt(0);
                if (mRecyclerView.getChildAt(2) != null) {
                    View v2 = mRecyclerView.getChildAt(2);
Also used : RecyclerView( LinearLayoutManager( RecyclerView( View(android.view.View)


View (android.view.View)291 RecyclerView ( Paint ( TextView (android.widget.TextView)36 LinearLayoutManager ( ImageView (android.widget.ImageView)20 Rect ( Intent (android.content.Intent)9 SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)8 OnLayoutChangeListener (android.view.View.OnLayoutChangeListener)8 OrientationHelperEx ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 AlertDialog ( Toolbar ( ViewGroup (android.view.ViewGroup)7 GridLayoutManager ( Button (android.widget.Button)6 Animator (android.animation.Animator)5 TargetApi (android.annotation.TargetApi)5 Activity (