use of android.system.ErrnoException in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class PackageInstallerService method prepareStageDir.
static void prepareStageDir(File stageDir) throws IOException {
if (stageDir.exists()) {
throw new IOException("Session dir already exists: " + stageDir);
try {
Os.mkdir(stageDir.getAbsolutePath(), 0755);
Os.chmod(stageDir.getAbsolutePath(), 0755);
} catch (ErrnoException e) {
// This purposefully throws if directory already exists
throw new IOException("Failed to prepare session dir: " + stageDir, e);
if (!SELinux.restorecon(stageDir)) {
throw new IOException("Failed to restorecon session dir: " + stageDir);
use of android.system.ErrnoException in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class PackageInstallerSession method openReadInternal.
private ParcelFileDescriptor openReadInternal(String name) throws IOException {
try {
if (!FileUtils.isValidExtFilename(name)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid name: " + name);
final File target = new File(resolveStageDir(), name);
final FileDescriptor targetFd =, O_RDONLY, 0);
return new ParcelFileDescriptor(targetFd);
} catch (ErrnoException e) {
throw e.rethrowAsIOException();
use of android.system.ErrnoException in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class PackageInstallerSession method createRemoveSplitMarker.
private void createRemoveSplitMarker(String splitName) throws IOException {
try {
final String markerName = splitName + REMOVE_SPLIT_MARKER_EXTENSION;
if (!FileUtils.isValidExtFilename(markerName)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid marker: " + markerName);
final File target = new File(resolveStageDir(), markerName);
Os.chmod(target.getAbsolutePath(), 0);
} catch (ErrnoException e) {
throw e.rethrowAsIOException();
use of android.system.ErrnoException in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class PackageInstallerSession method openWriteInternal.
private ParcelFileDescriptor openWriteInternal(String name, long offsetBytes, long lengthBytes) throws IOException {
// Quick sanity check of state, and allocate a pipe for ourselves. We
// then do heavy disk allocation outside the lock, but this open pipe
// will block any attempted install transitions.
final FileBridge bridge;
synchronized (mLock) {
bridge = new FileBridge();
try {
// Use installer provided name for now; we always rename later
if (!FileUtils.isValidExtFilename(name)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid name: " + name);
final File target;
final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
target = new File(resolveStageDir(), name);
} finally {
// TODO: this should delegate to DCS so the system process avoids
// holding open FDs into containers.
final FileDescriptor targetFd =, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0644);
Os.chmod(target.getAbsolutePath(), 0644);
// cache space to grow, if needed.
if (lengthBytes > 0) {
final StructStat stat = Libcore.os.fstat(targetFd);
final long deltaBytes = lengthBytes - stat.st_size;
// Only need to free up space when writing to internal stage
if (stageDir != null && deltaBytes > 0) {
mPm.freeStorage(params.volumeUuid, deltaBytes);
Libcore.os.posix_fallocate(targetFd, 0, lengthBytes);
if (offsetBytes > 0) {
Libcore.os.lseek(targetFd, offsetBytes, OsConstants.SEEK_SET);
return new ParcelFileDescriptor(bridge.getClientSocket());
} catch (ErrnoException e) {
throw e.rethrowAsIOException();
use of android.system.ErrnoException in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class ApfFilter method maybeStartFilter.
* Attempt to start listening for RAs and, if RAs are received, generating and installing
* filters to ignore useless RAs.
void maybeStartFilter() {
FileDescriptor socket;
try {
mHardwareAddress = mNetworkInterface.getHardwareAddress();
synchronized (this) {
// Install basic filters
socket = Os.socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, ETH_P_IPV6);
PacketSocketAddress addr = new PacketSocketAddress((short) ETH_P_IPV6, mNetworkInterface.getIndex());
Os.bind(socket, addr);
NetworkUtils.attachRaFilter(socket, mApfCapabilities.apfPacketFormat);
} catch (SocketException | ErrnoException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error starting filter", e);
mReceiveThread = new ReceiveThread(socket);