use of android.telephony.CellIdentityCdma in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.
the class Phone method privatizeCellInfoList.
* Clear CDMA base station lat/long values if location setting is disabled.
* @param cellInfoList the original cell info list from the RIL
* @return the original list with CDMA lat/long cleared if necessary
private List<CellInfo> privatizeCellInfoList(List<CellInfo> cellInfoList) {
if (cellInfoList == null)
return null;
int mode = Settings.Secure.getInt(getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.LOCATION_MODE, Settings.Secure.LOCATION_MODE_OFF);
if (mode == Settings.Secure.LOCATION_MODE_OFF) {
ArrayList<CellInfo> privateCellInfoList = new ArrayList<CellInfo>(cellInfoList.size());
// clear lat/lon values for location privacy
for (CellInfo c : cellInfoList) {
if (c instanceof CellInfoCdma) {
CellInfoCdma cellInfoCdma = (CellInfoCdma) c;
CellIdentityCdma cellIdentity = cellInfoCdma.getCellIdentity();
CellIdentityCdma maskedCellIdentity = new CellIdentityCdma(cellIdentity.getNetworkId(), cellIdentity.getSystemId(), cellIdentity.getBasestationId(), Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
CellInfoCdma privateCellInfoCdma = new CellInfoCdma(cellInfoCdma);
} else {
cellInfoList = privateCellInfoList;
return cellInfoList;
use of android.telephony.CellIdentityCdma in project Resurrection_packages_apps_Settings by ResurrectionRemix.
the class CellInfoUtil method wrapCellInfoWithCellIdentity.
* Wrap a CellIdentity into a CellInfo.
public static CellInfo wrapCellInfoWithCellIdentity(CellIdentity cellIdentity) {
if (cellIdentity instanceof CellIdentityLte) {
CellInfoLte cellInfo = new CellInfoLte();
cellInfo.setCellIdentity((CellIdentityLte) cellIdentity);
return cellInfo;
} else if (cellIdentity instanceof CellIdentityCdma) {
CellInfoCdma cellInfo = new CellInfoCdma();
cellInfo.setCellIdentity((CellIdentityCdma) cellIdentity);
return cellInfo;
} else if (cellIdentity instanceof CellIdentityWcdma) {
CellInfoWcdma cellInfo = new CellInfoWcdma();
cellInfo.setCellIdentity((CellIdentityWcdma) cellIdentity);
return cellInfo;
} else if (cellIdentity instanceof CellIdentityGsm) {
CellInfoGsm cellInfo = new CellInfoGsm();
cellInfo.setCellIdentity((CellIdentityGsm) cellIdentity);
return cellInfo;
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Invalid CellInfo type");
return null;
use of android.telephony.CellIdentityCdma in project DataLogger by sussexwearlab.
the class CellsInfoDataCollector method getCellInfoString.
private String getCellInfoString(List<CellInfo> cellsInfo) {
// Timestamp in system nanoseconds since boot, including time spent in sleep.
long nanoTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() + mNanosOffset;
// System local time in millis
long currentMillis = (new Date()).getTime();
String message = String.format("%s", currentMillis) + ";" + String.format("%s", nanoTime) + ";" + String.format("%s", mNanosOffset) + ";" + Integer.toString(cellsInfo.size());
// The list can include one or more CellInfoGsm, CellInfoCdma, CellInfoLte, and CellInfoWcdma objects, in any combination.
for (final CellInfo cellInfo : cellsInfo) {
if (cellInfo instanceof CellInfoGsm) {
// True if this cell is registered to the mobile network.
// 0, 1 or more CellInfo objects may return isRegistered() true.
int isRegistered = (cellInfo.isRegistered()) ? 1 : 0;
final CellSignalStrengthGsm gsmStrength = ((CellInfoGsm) cellInfo).getCellSignalStrength();
// Get the signal level as an asu value between 0..31, 99 is unknown Asu is calculated based on 3GPP RSRP.
int asuLevel = gsmStrength.getAsuLevel();
// Get the signal strength as dBm
int dBm = gsmStrength.getDbm();
// Get signal level as an int from 0..4
int level = gsmStrength.getLevel();
final CellIdentityGsm gsmId = ((CellInfoGsm) cellInfo).getCellIdentity();
// CID Either 16-bit GSM Cell Identity described in TS 27.007, 0..65535, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
int cid = gsmId.getCid();
// 16-bit Location Area Code, 0..65535, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
int lac = gsmId.getLac();
// 3-digit Mobile Country Code, 0..999, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
int mcc = gsmId.getMcc();
// 2 or 3-digit Mobile Network Code, 0..999, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
int mnc = gsmId.getMnc();
message += ";GSM;" + isRegistered + ";" + cid + ";" + lac + ";" + mcc + ";" + mnc + ";" + asuLevel + ";" + dBm + ";" + level;
} else if (cellInfo instanceof CellInfoCdma) {
// True if this cell is registered to the mobile network.
// 0, 1 or more CellInfo objects may return isRegistered() true.
int isRegistered = (cellInfo.isRegistered()) ? 1 : 0;
final CellSignalStrengthCdma cdmaStength = ((CellInfoCdma) cellInfo).getCellSignalStrength();
// Get the signal level as an asu value between 0..97, 99 is unknown
int asuLevel = cdmaStength.getAsuLevel();
// Get the CDMA RSSI value in dBm
int cdmaDbm = cdmaStength.getCdmaDbm();
// Get the CDMA Ec/Io value in dB*10
int cdmaEcio = cdmaStength.getCdmaEcio();
// Get cdma as level 0..4
int cdmaLevel = cdmaStength.getCdmaLevel();
// Get the signal strength as dBm
int dBm = cdmaStength.getDbm();
// Get the EVDO RSSI value in dBm
int evdoDbm = cdmaStength.getEvdoDbm();
// Get the EVDO Ec/Io value in dB*10
int evdoEcio = cdmaStength.getEvdoEcio();
// Get Evdo as level 0..4
int evdoLevel = cdmaStength.getEvdoLevel();
// Get the signal to noise ratio.
int evdoSnr = cdmaStength.getEvdoSnr();
// Get signal level as an int from 0..4
int level = cdmaStength.getLevel();
final CellIdentityCdma cdmaId = ((CellInfoCdma) cellInfo).getCellIdentity();
// Base Station Id 0..65535, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
int basestationId = cdmaId.getBasestationId();
// Base station latitude, which is a decimal number as specified in 3GPP2 C.S0005-A v6.0.
// It is represented in units of 0.25 seconds and ranges from -1296000 to 1296000, both
// values inclusive (corresponding to a range of -90 to +90 degrees). Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown.
int latitude = cdmaId.getLatitude();
// Base station longitude, which is a decimal number as specified in 3GPP2 C.S0005-A v6.0.
// It is represented in units of 0.25 seconds and ranges from -2592000 to 2592000, both
// values inclusive (corresponding to a range of -180 to +180 degrees). Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown.
int longitude = cdmaId.getLongitude();
// Network Id 0..65535, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
int networkId = cdmaId.getNetworkId();
// System Id 0..32767, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
int systemId = cdmaId.getSystemId();
message += ";CDMA;" + isRegistered + ";" + basestationId + ";" + latitude + ";" + longitude + ";" + networkId + ";" + systemId + ";" + asuLevel + ";" + cdmaDbm + ";" + cdmaEcio + ";" + cdmaLevel + ";" + dBm + ";" + evdoDbm + ";" + evdoEcio + ";" + evdoLevel + ";" + evdoSnr + ";" + level;
} else if (cellInfo instanceof CellInfoLte) {
// True if this cell is registered to the mobile network.
// 0, 1 or more CellInfo objects may return isRegistered() true.
int isRegistered = (cellInfo.isRegistered()) ? 1 : 0;
final CellSignalStrengthLte lteStrength = ((CellInfoLte) cellInfo).getCellSignalStrength();
// Get the LTE signal level as an asu value between 0..97, 99 is unknown Asu is calculated based on 3GPP RSRP.
// Represents a normalized version of the signal strength as dBm
int asuLevel = lteStrength.getAsuLevel();
// Get the signal strength as dBm
// Returns RSRP – Reference Signal Received Power
int dBm = lteStrength.getDbm();
// Get signal level as an int from 0..4
int level = lteStrength.getLevel();
final CellIdentityLte lteId = ((CellInfoLte) cellInfo).getCellIdentity();
// 28-bit Cell Identity, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
int ci = lteId.getCi();
// 3-digit Mobile Country Code, 0..999, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
int mcc = lteId.getMcc();
// 2 or 3-digit Mobile Network Code, 0..999, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
int mnc = lteId.getMnc();
// Physical Cell Id 0..503, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
int pci = lteId.getPci();
// 16-bit Tracking Area Code, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
int tac = lteId.getTac();
message += ";LTE;" + isRegistered + ";" + ci + ";" + mcc + ";" + mnc + ";" + pci + ";" + tac + ";" + asuLevel + ";" + dBm + ";" + level;
// 13 129108338 114 -1
// LTE;129108338;234;10;384;144;39;-101;3
} else if (cellInfo instanceof CellInfoWcdma) {
// True if this cell is registered to the mobile network.
// 0, 1 or more CellInfo objects may return isRegistered() true.
int isRegistered = (cellInfo.isRegistered()) ? 1 : 0;
final CellSignalStrengthWcdma wcdmaStrength = ((CellInfoWcdma) cellInfo).getCellSignalStrength();
// Get the signal level as an asu value between 0..31, 99 is unknown Asu is calculated based on 3GPP RSRP.
int asuLevel = wcdmaStrength.getAsuLevel();
// Get the signal strength as dBm
int dBm = wcdmaStrength.getDbm();
// Get signal level as an int from 0..4
int level = wcdmaStrength.getLevel();
final CellIdentityWcdma wcdmaId = ((CellInfoWcdma) cellInfo).getCellIdentity();
// CID 28-bit UMTS Cell Identity described in TS 25.331, 0..268435455, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
int cid = wcdmaId.getCid();
// 16-bit Location Area Code, 0..65535, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
int lac = wcdmaId.getLac();
// 3-digit Mobile Country Code, 0..999, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
int mcc = wcdmaId.getMcc();
// 2 or 3-digit Mobile Network Code, 0..999, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
int mnc = wcdmaId.getMnc();
// 9-bit UMTS Primary Scrambling Code described in TS 25.331, 0..511, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
int psc = wcdmaId.getPsc();
message += ";WCDMA;" + isRegistered + ";" + cid + ";" + lac + ";" + mcc + ";" + mnc + ";" + psc + ";" + asuLevel + ";" + dBm + ";" + level;
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Unknown type of cell signal");
return message;
use of android.telephony.CellIdentityCdma in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.
the class CellIdentityTest method testGetMccMncString.
public void testGetMccMncString() {
List<CellIdentity> identities = new ArrayList<>(5);
CellIdentityGsm gsm = new CellIdentityGsm(MAX_LAC, MAX_CID, MAX_ARFCN, MAX_BSIC, MCC_STR, MNC_STR, null, null, Collections.emptyList());
CellIdentity lte = new CellIdentityLte(CI, PCI, TAC, EARFCN, BANDS, BANDWIDTH, MCC_STR, MNC_STR, ALPHA_LONG, ALPHA_SHORT, Collections.emptyList(), null);
CellIdentityWcdma wcdma = new CellIdentityWcdma(MAX_LAC, MAX_CID, PSC, UARFCN, MCC_STR, MNC_STR, ALPHA_LONG, ALPHA_SHORT, Collections.emptyList(), null);
CellIdentityTdscdma tdscdma = new CellIdentityTdscdma(MCC_STR, MNC_STR, MAX_LAC, MAX_CID, CPID, UARFCN, ALPHA_LONG, ALPHA_SHORT, Collections.emptyList(), null);
CellIdentityNr nr = new CellIdentityNr(PCI, TAC, EARFCN, BANDS, MCC_STR, MNC_STR, CI, ALPHA_LONG, ALPHA_SHORT, Collections.emptyList());
for (CellIdentity identity : identities) {
final String mccStr = identity.getMccString();
final String mncStr = identity.getMncString();
if (identity instanceof CellIdentityCdma) {
} else {
assertEquals(MCC_STR, mccStr);
assertEquals(MNC_STR, mncStr);
use of android.telephony.CellIdentityCdma in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.
the class CellIdentityCdmaTest method testConstructor.
public void testConstructor() {
assertEquals(NETWORK_ID, ci.getNetworkId());
assertEquals(LATITUDE, ci.getLatitude());
assertEquals(LONGITUDE, ci.getLongitude());
assertEquals(ALPHA_LONG, ci.getOperatorAlphaLong());
assertEquals(ALPHA_SHORT, ci.getOperatorAlphaShort());
String globalCi = Integer.toString(SYSTEM_ID, 16) + Integer.toString(NETWORK_ID, 16) + Integer.toString(BASESTATION_ID, 16);
assertEquals(globalCi, ci.getGlobalCellId());