use of android.telephony.CellIdentityGsm in project satstat by mvglasow.
the class CellTowerListGsm method update.
* Adds or updates a cell tower.
* <p>
* If the cell tower is already in the list, its data is updated; if not, a
* new entry is created.
* <p>
* This method will set the cell's identity data, its signal strength and
* whether it is the currently serving cell. If the API level is 18 or
* higher, it will also set the generation.
* @return The new or updated entry.
public CellTowerGsm update(CellInfoGsm cell) {
return null;
CellIdentityGsm cid = cell.getCellIdentity();
CellTowerGsm result = null;
CellTowerGsm cand = this.get(cid.getMcc(), cid.getMnc(), cid.getLac(), cid.getCid());
if ((cand != null) && CellTower.matches(cid.getPsc(), cand.getPsc()))
result = cand;
if (result == null) {
cand = this.get(cid.getPsc());
if ((cand != null) && ((cid.getMcc() == Integer.MAX_VALUE) || CellTower.matches(cid.getMcc(), cand.getMcc())) && ((cid.getMnc() == Integer.MAX_VALUE) || CellTower.matches(cid.getMnc(), cand.getMnc())) && ((cid.getLac() == Integer.MAX_VALUE) || CellTower.matches(cid.getLac(), cand.getLac())) && ((cid.getCid() == Integer.MAX_VALUE) || CellTower.matches(cid.getCid(), cand.getCid())))
result = cand;
if (result == null)
result = new CellTowerGsm(cid.getMcc(), cid.getMnc(), cid.getLac(), cid.getCid(), cid.getPsc());
if (result.getMcc() == CellTower.UNKNOWN)
if (result.getMnc() == CellTower.UNKNOWN)
if (result.getLac() == CellTower.UNKNOWN)
if (result.getCid() == CellTower.UNKNOWN)
if (result.getPsc() == CellTower.UNKNOWN)
this.put(result.getText(), result);
this.put(result.getAltText(), result);
if ((result.getText() == null) && (result.getAltText() == null))
Log.d(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), String.format("Added %d G cell with no data from CellInfoGsm", result.getGeneration()));
return result;
use of android.telephony.CellIdentityGsm in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.
the class RILTest method testConvertHalCellInfoList_1_2ForGSM.
public void testConvertHalCellInfoList_1_2ForGSM() {
ArrayList<CellInfo> ret = getCellInfoListForGSM(MCC_STR, MNC_STR, ALPHA_LONG, ALPHA_SHORT);
assertEquals(1, ret.size());
CellInfoGsm cellInfoGsm = (CellInfoGsm) ret.get(0);
CellInfoGsm expected = new CellInfoGsm();
CellIdentityGsm ci = new CellIdentityGsm(LAC, CID, ARFCN, BSIC, MCC_STR, MNC_STR, ALPHA_LONG, ALPHA_SHORT, Collections.emptyList());
CellSignalStrengthGsm cs = new CellSignalStrengthGsm(RSSI, BIT_ERROR_RATE, TIMING_ADVANCE);
// override the timestamp
assertEquals(expected, cellInfoGsm);
use of android.telephony.CellIdentityGsm in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.
the class ServiceStateTrackerTest method testGetCidFromCellIdentity.
public void testGetCidFromCellIdentity() throws Exception {
CellIdentity gsmCi = new CellIdentityGsm(0, 1, 0, 0, "", "", "", "", Collections.emptyList());
CellIdentity wcdmaCi = new CellIdentityWcdma(0, 2, 0, 0, "", "", "", "", Collections.emptyList(), null);
CellIdentity tdscdmaCi = new CellIdentityTdscdma("", "", 0, 3, 0, 0, "", "", Collections.emptyList(), null);
CellIdentity lteCi = new CellIdentityLte(0, 0, 4, 0, 0);
CellIdentity nrCi = new CellIdentityNr(0, 0, 0, new int[] {}, "", "", 5, "", "", Collections.emptyList());
Method method = ServiceStateTracker.class.getDeclaredMethod("getCidFromCellIdentity", CellIdentity.class);
assertEquals(1, (long) method.invoke(mSST, gsmCi));
assertEquals(2, (long) method.invoke(mSST, wcdmaCi));
assertEquals(3, (long) method.invoke(mSST, tdscdmaCi));
assertEquals(4, (long) method.invoke(mSST, lteCi));
assertEquals(5, (long) method.invoke(mSST, nrCi));
use of android.telephony.CellIdentityGsm in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.
the class ServiceStateTrackerTest method testRatRatchetWithCellChangeBeforeRatChange.
// TODO(nharold): This actually seems like broken behavior; rather than preserve it, we should
// probably remove it.
// GSM, Edge, GPRS are grouped under the same family where Edge > GPRS > GSM.
// Expect no rat update from E to G immediately following cell id change.
// Expect ratratchet (from G to E) for the following rat update within the cell location.
public void testRatRatchetWithCellChangeBeforeRatChange() throws Exception {
// cell ID update
CellIdentityGsm cellIdentity = new CellIdentityGsm(0, 1, 900, 5, "001", "01", "test", "tst", Collections.emptyList());
changeRegState(1, cellIdentity, 16, 2);
assertEquals(ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE, sst.getCurrentDataConnectionState());
assertEquals(ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_EDGE, sst.mSS.getRilDataRadioTechnology());
// RAT: EDGE -> GPRS, cell ID unchanged. Expect no rat ratchet following cell Id change.
changeRegState(1, cellIdentity, 16, 1);
assertEquals(ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_GPRS, sst.mSS.getRilDataRadioTechnology());
// RAT: GPRS -> EDGE should ratchet.
changeRegState(1, cellIdentity, 16, 2);
assertEquals(ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_EDGE, sst.mSS.getRilDataRadioTechnology());
use of android.telephony.CellIdentityGsm in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.
the class ServiceStateTrackerTest method testRatRatchetWithCellChange.
// Edge and GPRS are grouped under the same family and Edge has higher rate than GPRS.
// Bypass rat rachet when cell id changed. Expect rat update from E to G
public void testRatRatchetWithCellChange() throws Exception {
CellIdentityGsm cellIdentity = new CellIdentityGsm(0, 1, 900, 5, "001", "01", "test", "tst", Collections.emptyList());
// update data reg state to be in service
changeRegState(1, cellIdentity, 16, 2);
assertEquals(ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE, sst.getCurrentDataConnectionState());
assertEquals(ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_GSM, sst.mSS.getRilVoiceRadioTechnology());
assertEquals(ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_EDGE, sst.mSS.getRilDataRadioTechnology());
// RAT: EDGE -> GPRS cell ID: 1 -> 2
cellIdentity = new CellIdentityGsm(0, 2, 900, 5, "001", "01", "test", "tst", Collections.emptyList());
changeRegState(1, cellIdentity, 16, 1);
assertEquals(ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_GPRS, sst.mSS.getRilDataRadioTechnology());