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Example 11 with LeadingMarginSpan2

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class StaticLayout method generate.

/* package */
void generate(Builder b, boolean includepad, boolean trackpad) {
    CharSequence source = b.mText;
    int bufStart = b.mStart;
    int bufEnd = b.mEnd;
    TextPaint paint = b.mPaint;
    int outerWidth = b.mWidth;
    TextDirectionHeuristic textDir = b.mTextDir;
    float spacingmult = b.mSpacingMult;
    float spacingadd = b.mSpacingAdd;
    float ellipsizedWidth = b.mEllipsizedWidth;
    TextUtils.TruncateAt ellipsize = b.mEllipsize;
    // TODO: move to builder to avoid allocation costs
    LineBreaks lineBreaks = new LineBreaks();
    // store span end locations
    int[] spanEndCache = new int[4];
    // store fontMetrics per span range
    // must be a multiple of 4 (and > 0) (store top, bottom, ascent, and descent per range)
    int[] fmCache = new int[4 * 4];
    // TODO: also respect LocaleSpan within the text
    mLineCount = 0;
    int v = 0;
    boolean needMultiply = (spacingmult != 1 || spacingadd != 0);
    Paint.FontMetricsInt fm = b.mFontMetricsInt;
    int[] chooseHtv = null;
    MeasuredText measured = b.mMeasuredText;
    Spanned spanned = null;
    if (source instanceof Spanned)
        spanned = (Spanned) source;
    int paraEnd;
    for (int paraStart = bufStart; paraStart <= bufEnd; paraStart = paraEnd) {
        paraEnd = TextUtils.indexOf(source, CHAR_NEW_LINE, paraStart, bufEnd);
        if (paraEnd < 0)
            paraEnd = bufEnd;
        int firstWidthLineCount = 1;
        int firstWidth = outerWidth;
        int restWidth = outerWidth;
        LineHeightSpan[] chooseHt = null;
        if (spanned != null) {
            LeadingMarginSpan[] sp = getParagraphSpans(spanned, paraStart, paraEnd, LeadingMarginSpan.class);
            for (int i = 0; i < sp.length; i++) {
                LeadingMarginSpan lms = sp[i];
                firstWidth -= sp[i].getLeadingMargin(true);
                restWidth -= sp[i].getLeadingMargin(false);
                // leading margin spans, not just this particular one
                if (lms instanceof LeadingMarginSpan2) {
                    LeadingMarginSpan2 lms2 = (LeadingMarginSpan2) lms;
                    firstWidthLineCount = Math.max(firstWidthLineCount, lms2.getLeadingMarginLineCount());
            chooseHt = getParagraphSpans(spanned, paraStart, paraEnd, LineHeightSpan.class);
            if (chooseHt.length == 0) {
                // So that out() would not assume it has any contents
                chooseHt = null;
            } else {
                if (chooseHtv == null || chooseHtv.length < chooseHt.length) {
                    chooseHtv = ArrayUtils.newUnpaddedIntArray(chooseHt.length);
                for (int i = 0; i < chooseHt.length; i++) {
                    int o = spanned.getSpanStart(chooseHt[i]);
                    if (o < paraStart) {
                        // starts in this layout, before the
                        // current paragraph
                        chooseHtv[i] = getLineTop(getLineForOffset(o));
                    } else {
                        // starts in this paragraph
                        chooseHtv[i] = v;
        measured.setPara(source, paraStart, paraEnd, textDir, b);
        char[] chs = measured.mChars;
        float[] widths = measured.mWidths;
        byte[] chdirs = measured.mLevels;
        int dir = measured.mDir;
        boolean easy = measured.mEasy;
        // tab stop locations
        int[] variableTabStops = null;
        if (spanned != null) {
            TabStopSpan[] spans = getParagraphSpans(spanned, paraStart, paraEnd, TabStopSpan.class);
            if (spans.length > 0) {
                int[] stops = new int[spans.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
                    stops[i] = spans[i].getTabStop();
                Arrays.sort(stops, 0, stops.length);
                variableTabStops = stops;
        nSetupParagraph(b.mNativePtr, chs, paraEnd - paraStart, firstWidth, firstWidthLineCount, restWidth, variableTabStops, TAB_INCREMENT, b.mBreakStrategy, b.mHyphenationFrequency);
        if (mLeftIndents != null || mRightIndents != null) {
            // TODO(raph) performance: it would be better to do this once per layout rather
            // than once per paragraph, but that would require a change to the native
            // interface.
            int leftLen = mLeftIndents == null ? 0 : mLeftIndents.length;
            int rightLen = mRightIndents == null ? 0 : mRightIndents.length;
            int indentsLen = Math.max(1, Math.max(leftLen, rightLen) - mLineCount);
            int[] indents = new int[indentsLen];
            for (int i = 0; i < indentsLen; i++) {
                int leftMargin = mLeftIndents == null ? 0 : mLeftIndents[Math.min(i + mLineCount, leftLen - 1)];
                int rightMargin = mRightIndents == null ? 0 : mRightIndents[Math.min(i + mLineCount, rightLen - 1)];
                indents[i] = leftMargin + rightMargin;
            nSetIndents(b.mNativePtr, indents);
        // measurement has to be done before performing line breaking
        // but we don't want to recompute fontmetrics or span ranges the
        // second time, so we cache those and then use those stored values
        int fmCacheCount = 0;
        int spanEndCacheCount = 0;
        for (int spanStart = paraStart, spanEnd; spanStart < paraEnd; spanStart = spanEnd) {
            if (fmCacheCount * 4 >= fmCache.length) {
                int[] grow = new int[fmCacheCount * 4 * 2];
                System.arraycopy(fmCache, 0, grow, 0, fmCacheCount * 4);
                fmCache = grow;
            if (spanEndCacheCount >= spanEndCache.length) {
                int[] grow = new int[spanEndCacheCount * 2];
                System.arraycopy(spanEndCache, 0, grow, 0, spanEndCacheCount);
                spanEndCache = grow;
            if (spanned == null) {
                spanEnd = paraEnd;
                int spanLen = spanEnd - spanStart;
                measured.addStyleRun(paint, spanLen, fm);
            } else {
                spanEnd = spanned.nextSpanTransition(spanStart, paraEnd, MetricAffectingSpan.class);
                int spanLen = spanEnd - spanStart;
                MetricAffectingSpan[] spans = spanned.getSpans(spanStart, spanEnd, MetricAffectingSpan.class);
                spans = TextUtils.removeEmptySpans(spans, spanned, MetricAffectingSpan.class);
                measured.addStyleRun(paint, spans, spanLen, fm);
            // the order of storage here (top, bottom, ascent, descent) has to match the code below
            // where these values are retrieved
            fmCache[fmCacheCount * 4 + 0] =;
            fmCache[fmCacheCount * 4 + 1] = fm.bottom;
            fmCache[fmCacheCount * 4 + 2] = fm.ascent;
            fmCache[fmCacheCount * 4 + 3] = fm.descent;
            spanEndCache[spanEndCacheCount] = spanEnd;
        nGetWidths(b.mNativePtr, widths);
        int breakCount = nComputeLineBreaks(b.mNativePtr, lineBreaks, lineBreaks.breaks, lineBreaks.widths, lineBreaks.flags, lineBreaks.breaks.length);
        int[] breaks = lineBreaks.breaks;
        float[] lineWidths = lineBreaks.widths;
        int[] flags = lineBreaks.flags;
        final int remainingLineCount = mMaximumVisibleLineCount - mLineCount;
        final boolean ellipsisMayBeApplied = ellipsize != null && (ellipsize == TextUtils.TruncateAt.END || (mMaximumVisibleLineCount == 1 && ellipsize != TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE));
        if (remainingLineCount > 0 && remainingLineCount < breakCount && ellipsisMayBeApplied) {
            // Calculate width and flag.
            float width = 0;
            int flag = 0;
            for (int i = remainingLineCount - 1; i < breakCount; i++) {
                if (i == breakCount - 1) {
                    width += lineWidths[i];
                } else {
                    for (int j = (i == 0 ? 0 : breaks[i - 1]); j < breaks[i]; j++) {
                        width += widths[j];
                flag |= flags[i] & TAB_MASK;
            // Treat the last line and overflowed lines as a single line.
            breaks[remainingLineCount - 1] = breaks[breakCount - 1];
            lineWidths[remainingLineCount - 1] = width;
            flags[remainingLineCount - 1] = flag;
            breakCount = remainingLineCount;
        // here is the offset of the starting character of the line we are currently measuring
        int here = paraStart;
        int fmTop = 0, fmBottom = 0, fmAscent = 0, fmDescent = 0;
        int fmCacheIndex = 0;
        int spanEndCacheIndex = 0;
        int breakIndex = 0;
        for (int spanStart = paraStart, spanEnd; spanStart < paraEnd; spanStart = spanEnd) {
            // retrieve end of span
            spanEnd = spanEndCache[spanEndCacheIndex++];
            // retrieve cached metrics, order matches above
   = fmCache[fmCacheIndex * 4 + 0];
            fm.bottom = fmCache[fmCacheIndex * 4 + 1];
            fm.ascent = fmCache[fmCacheIndex * 4 + 2];
            fm.descent = fmCache[fmCacheIndex * 4 + 3];
            if ( < fmTop) {
                fmTop =;
            if (fm.ascent < fmAscent) {
                fmAscent = fm.ascent;
            if (fm.descent > fmDescent) {
                fmDescent = fm.descent;
            if (fm.bottom > fmBottom) {
                fmBottom = fm.bottom;
            // skip breaks ending before current span range
            while (breakIndex < breakCount && paraStart + breaks[breakIndex] < spanStart) {
            while (breakIndex < breakCount && paraStart + breaks[breakIndex] <= spanEnd) {
                int endPos = paraStart + breaks[breakIndex];
                boolean moreChars = (endPos < bufEnd);
                v = out(source, here, endPos, fmAscent, fmDescent, fmTop, fmBottom, v, spacingmult, spacingadd, chooseHt, chooseHtv, fm, flags[breakIndex], needMultiply, chdirs, dir, easy, bufEnd, includepad, trackpad, chs, widths, paraStart, ellipsize, ellipsizedWidth, lineWidths[breakIndex], paint, moreChars);
                if (endPos < spanEnd) {
                    // preserve metrics for current span
                    fmTop =;
                    fmBottom = fm.bottom;
                    fmAscent = fm.ascent;
                    fmDescent = fm.descent;
                } else {
                    fmTop = fmBottom = fmAscent = fmDescent = 0;
                here = endPos;
                if (mLineCount >= mMaximumVisibleLineCount) {
        if (paraEnd == bufEnd)
    if ((bufEnd == bufStart || source.charAt(bufEnd - 1) == CHAR_NEW_LINE) && mLineCount < mMaximumVisibleLineCount) {
        // Log.e("text", "output last " + bufEnd);
        measured.setPara(source, bufEnd, bufEnd, textDir, b);
        v = out(source, bufEnd, bufEnd, fm.ascent, fm.descent,, fm.bottom, v, spacingmult, spacingadd, null, null, fm, 0, needMultiply, measured.mLevels, measured.mDir, measured.mEasy, bufEnd, includepad, trackpad, null, null, bufStart, ellipsize, ellipsizedWidth, 0, paint, false);
Also used : LineHeightSpan( TabStopSpan( Paint( Paint( LeadingMarginSpan2( LeadingMarginSpan( MetricAffectingSpan(

Example 12 with LeadingMarginSpan2

use of in project XobotOS by xamarin.

the class Layout method draw.

     * Draw this Layout on the specified canvas, with the highlight path drawn
     * between the background and the text.
     * @param c the canvas
     * @param highlight the path of the highlight or cursor; can be null
     * @param highlightPaint the paint for the highlight
     * @param cursorOffsetVertical the amount to temporarily translate the
     *        canvas while rendering the highlight
public void draw(Canvas c, Path highlight, Paint highlightPaint, int cursorOffsetVertical) {
    int dtop, dbottom;
    synchronized (sTempRect) {
        if (!c.getClipBounds(sTempRect)) {
        dtop =;
        dbottom = sTempRect.bottom;
    int top = 0;
    int bottom = getLineTop(getLineCount());
    if (dtop > top) {
        top = dtop;
    if (dbottom < bottom) {
        bottom = dbottom;
    int first = getLineForVertical(top);
    int last = getLineForVertical(bottom);
    int previousLineBottom = getLineTop(first);
    int previousLineEnd = getLineStart(first);
    TextPaint paint = mPaint;
    CharSequence buf = mText;
    int width = mWidth;
    boolean spannedText = mSpannedText;
    ParagraphStyle[] spans = NO_PARA_SPANS;
    int spanEnd = 0;
    int textLength = 0;
    // They are evaluated at each line.
    if (spannedText) {
        Spanned sp = (Spanned) buf;
        textLength = buf.length();
        for (int i = first; i <= last; i++) {
            int start = previousLineEnd;
            int end = getLineStart(i + 1);
            previousLineEnd = end;
            int ltop = previousLineBottom;
            int lbottom = getLineTop(i + 1);
            previousLineBottom = lbottom;
            int lbaseline = lbottom - getLineDescent(i);
            if (start >= spanEnd) {
                // These should be infrequent, so we'll use this so that
                // we don't have to check as often.
                spanEnd = sp.nextSpanTransition(start, textLength, LineBackgroundSpan.class);
                // All LineBackgroundSpans on a line contribute to its
                // background.
                spans = getParagraphSpans(sp, start, end, LineBackgroundSpan.class);
            for (int n = 0; n < spans.length; n++) {
                LineBackgroundSpan back = (LineBackgroundSpan) spans[n];
                back.drawBackground(c, paint, 0, width, ltop, lbaseline, lbottom, buf, start, end, i);
        // reset to their original values
        spanEnd = 0;
        previousLineBottom = getLineTop(first);
        previousLineEnd = getLineStart(first);
        spans = NO_PARA_SPANS;
    // a non-spanned transformation of a spanned editing buffer.
    if (highlight != null) {
        if (cursorOffsetVertical != 0) {
            c.translate(0, cursorOffsetVertical);
        c.drawPath(highlight, highlightPaint);
        if (cursorOffsetVertical != 0) {
            c.translate(0, -cursorOffsetVertical);
    Alignment paraAlign = mAlignment;
    TabStops tabStops = null;
    boolean tabStopsIsInitialized = false;
    TextLine tl = TextLine.obtain();
    // line's descent.
    for (int i = first; i <= last; i++) {
        int start = previousLineEnd;
        previousLineEnd = getLineStart(i + 1);
        int end = getLineVisibleEnd(i, start, previousLineEnd);
        int ltop = previousLineBottom;
        int lbottom = getLineTop(i + 1);
        previousLineBottom = lbottom;
        int lbaseline = lbottom - getLineDescent(i);
        int dir = getParagraphDirection(i);
        int left = 0;
        int right = mWidth;
        if (spannedText) {
            Spanned sp = (Spanned) buf;
            boolean isFirstParaLine = (start == 0 || buf.charAt(start - 1) == '\n');
            // our problem.
            if (start >= spanEnd && (i == first || isFirstParaLine)) {
                spanEnd = sp.nextSpanTransition(start, textLength, ParagraphStyle.class);
                spans = getParagraphSpans(sp, start, spanEnd, ParagraphStyle.class);
                paraAlign = mAlignment;
                for (int n = spans.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
                    if (spans[n] instanceof AlignmentSpan) {
                        paraAlign = ((AlignmentSpan) spans[n]).getAlignment();
                tabStopsIsInitialized = false;
            // Draw all leading margin spans.  Adjust left or right according
            // to the paragraph direction of the line.
            final int length = spans.length;
            for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) {
                if (spans[n] instanceof LeadingMarginSpan) {
                    LeadingMarginSpan margin = (LeadingMarginSpan) spans[n];
                    boolean useFirstLineMargin = isFirstParaLine;
                    if (margin instanceof LeadingMarginSpan2) {
                        int count = ((LeadingMarginSpan2) margin).getLeadingMarginLineCount();
                        int startLine = getLineForOffset(sp.getSpanStart(margin));
                        useFirstLineMargin = i < startLine + count;
                    if (dir == DIR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
                        margin.drawLeadingMargin(c, paint, right, dir, ltop, lbaseline, lbottom, buf, start, end, isFirstParaLine, this);
                        right -= margin.getLeadingMargin(useFirstLineMargin);
                    } else {
                        margin.drawLeadingMargin(c, paint, left, dir, ltop, lbaseline, lbottom, buf, start, end, isFirstParaLine, this);
                        left += margin.getLeadingMargin(useFirstLineMargin);
        boolean hasTabOrEmoji = getLineContainsTab(i);
        // Can't tell if we have tabs for sure, currently
        if (hasTabOrEmoji && !tabStopsIsInitialized) {
            if (tabStops == null) {
                tabStops = new TabStops(TAB_INCREMENT, spans);
            } else {
                tabStops.reset(TAB_INCREMENT, spans);
            tabStopsIsInitialized = true;
        // Determine whether the line aligns to normal, opposite, or center.
        Alignment align = paraAlign;
        if (align == Alignment.ALIGN_LEFT) {
            align = (dir == DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) ? Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL : Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE;
        } else if (align == Alignment.ALIGN_RIGHT) {
            align = (dir == DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) ? Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE : Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL;
        int x;
        if (align == Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL) {
            if (dir == DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) {
                x = left;
            } else {
                x = right;
        } else {
            int max = (int) getLineExtent(i, tabStops, false);
            if (align == Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE) {
                if (dir == DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) {
                    x = right - max;
                } else {
                    x = left - max;
            } else {
                // Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER
                max = max & ~1;
                x = (right + left - max) >> 1;
        Directions directions = getLineDirections(i);
        if (directions == DIRS_ALL_LEFT_TO_RIGHT && !spannedText && !hasTabOrEmoji) {
            // XXX: assumes there's nothing additional to be done
            c.drawText(buf, start, end, x, lbaseline, paint);
        } else {
            tl.set(paint, buf, start, end, dir, directions, hasTabOrEmoji, tabStops);
            tl.draw(c, x, ltop, lbaseline, lbottom);
Also used : AlignmentSpan( ParagraphStyle( Paint( LeadingMarginSpan2( LeadingMarginSpan( LineBackgroundSpan(

Example 13 with LeadingMarginSpan2

use of in project XobotOS by xamarin.

the class Layout method getParagraphLeadingMargin.

     * Returns the effective leading margin (unsigned) for this line,
     * taking into account LeadingMarginSpan and LeadingMarginSpan2.
     * @param line the line index
     * @return the leading margin of this line
private int getParagraphLeadingMargin(int line) {
    if (!mSpannedText) {
        return 0;
    Spanned spanned = (Spanned) mText;
    int lineStart = getLineStart(line);
    int lineEnd = getLineEnd(line);
    int spanEnd = spanned.nextSpanTransition(lineStart, lineEnd, LeadingMarginSpan.class);
    LeadingMarginSpan[] spans = getParagraphSpans(spanned, lineStart, spanEnd, LeadingMarginSpan.class);
    if (spans.length == 0) {
        // no leading margin span;
        return 0;
    int margin = 0;
    boolean isFirstParaLine = lineStart == 0 || spanned.charAt(lineStart - 1) == '\n';
    for (int i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
        LeadingMarginSpan span = spans[i];
        boolean useFirstLineMargin = isFirstParaLine;
        if (span instanceof LeadingMarginSpan2) {
            int spStart = spanned.getSpanStart(span);
            int spanLine = getLineForOffset(spStart);
            int count = ((LeadingMarginSpan2) span).getLeadingMarginLineCount();
            useFirstLineMargin = line < spanLine + count;
        margin += span.getLeadingMargin(useFirstLineMargin);
    return margin;
Also used : LeadingMarginSpan2( LeadingMarginSpan( Paint(

Example 14 with LeadingMarginSpan2

use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class StaticLayout method generate.

/* package */
void generate(Builder b, boolean includepad, boolean trackpad) {
    CharSequence source = b.mText;
    int bufStart = b.mStart;
    int bufEnd = b.mEnd;
    TextPaint paint = b.mPaint;
    int outerWidth = b.mWidth;
    TextDirectionHeuristic textDir = b.mTextDir;
    float spacingmult = b.mSpacingMult;
    float spacingadd = b.mSpacingAdd;
    float ellipsizedWidth = b.mEllipsizedWidth;
    TextUtils.TruncateAt ellipsize = b.mEllipsize;
    // TODO: move to builder to avoid allocation costs
    LineBreaks lineBreaks = new LineBreaks();
    // store span end locations
    int[] spanEndCache = new int[4];
    // store fontMetrics per span range
    // must be a multiple of 4 (and > 0) (store top, bottom, ascent, and descent per range)
    int[] fmCache = new int[4 * 4];
    // TODO: also respect LocaleSpan within the text
    mLineCount = 0;
    int v = 0;
    boolean needMultiply = (spacingmult != 1 || spacingadd != 0);
    Paint.FontMetricsInt fm = b.mFontMetricsInt;
    int[] chooseHtv = null;
    MeasuredText measured = b.mMeasuredText;
    Spanned spanned = null;
    if (source instanceof Spanned)
        spanned = (Spanned) source;
    int paraEnd;
    for (int paraStart = bufStart; paraStart <= bufEnd; paraStart = paraEnd) {
        paraEnd = TextUtils.indexOf(source, CHAR_NEW_LINE, paraStart, bufEnd);
        if (paraEnd < 0)
            paraEnd = bufEnd;
        int firstWidthLineCount = 1;
        int firstWidth = outerWidth;
        int restWidth = outerWidth;
        LineHeightSpan[] chooseHt = null;
        if (spanned != null) {
            LeadingMarginSpan[] sp = getParagraphSpans(spanned, paraStart, paraEnd, LeadingMarginSpan.class);
            for (int i = 0; i < sp.length; i++) {
                LeadingMarginSpan lms = sp[i];
                firstWidth -= sp[i].getLeadingMargin(true);
                restWidth -= sp[i].getLeadingMargin(false);
                // leading margin spans, not just this particular one
                if (lms instanceof LeadingMarginSpan2) {
                    LeadingMarginSpan2 lms2 = (LeadingMarginSpan2) lms;
                    firstWidthLineCount = Math.max(firstWidthLineCount, lms2.getLeadingMarginLineCount());
            chooseHt = getParagraphSpans(spanned, paraStart, paraEnd, LineHeightSpan.class);
            if (chooseHt.length == 0) {
                // So that out() would not assume it has any contents
                chooseHt = null;
            } else {
                if (chooseHtv == null || chooseHtv.length < chooseHt.length) {
                    chooseHtv = ArrayUtils.newUnpaddedIntArray(chooseHt.length);
                for (int i = 0; i < chooseHt.length; i++) {
                    int o = spanned.getSpanStart(chooseHt[i]);
                    if (o < paraStart) {
                        // starts in this layout, before the
                        // current paragraph
                        chooseHtv[i] = getLineTop(getLineForOffset(o));
                    } else {
                        // starts in this paragraph
                        chooseHtv[i] = v;
        measured.setPara(source, paraStart, paraEnd, textDir, b);
        char[] chs = measured.mChars;
        float[] widths = measured.mWidths;
        byte[] chdirs = measured.mLevels;
        int dir = measured.mDir;
        boolean easy = measured.mEasy;
        // tab stop locations
        int[] variableTabStops = null;
        if (spanned != null) {
            TabStopSpan[] spans = getParagraphSpans(spanned, paraStart, paraEnd, TabStopSpan.class);
            if (spans.length > 0) {
                int[] stops = new int[spans.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
                    stops[i] = spans[i].getTabStop();
                Arrays.sort(stops, 0, stops.length);
                variableTabStops = stops;
        nSetupParagraph(b.mNativePtr, chs, paraEnd - paraStart, firstWidth, firstWidthLineCount, restWidth, variableTabStops, TAB_INCREMENT, b.mBreakStrategy, b.mHyphenationFrequency);
        if (mLeftIndents != null || mRightIndents != null) {
            // TODO(raph) performance: it would be better to do this once per layout rather
            // than once per paragraph, but that would require a change to the native
            // interface.
            int leftLen = mLeftIndents == null ? 0 : mLeftIndents.length;
            int rightLen = mRightIndents == null ? 0 : mRightIndents.length;
            int indentsLen = Math.max(1, Math.max(leftLen, rightLen) - mLineCount);
            int[] indents = new int[indentsLen];
            for (int i = 0; i < indentsLen; i++) {
                int leftMargin = mLeftIndents == null ? 0 : mLeftIndents[Math.min(i + mLineCount, leftLen - 1)];
                int rightMargin = mRightIndents == null ? 0 : mRightIndents[Math.min(i + mLineCount, rightLen - 1)];
                indents[i] = leftMargin + rightMargin;
            nSetIndents(b.mNativePtr, indents);
        // measurement has to be done before performing line breaking
        // but we don't want to recompute fontmetrics or span ranges the
        // second time, so we cache those and then use those stored values
        int fmCacheCount = 0;
        int spanEndCacheCount = 0;
        for (int spanStart = paraStart, spanEnd; spanStart < paraEnd; spanStart = spanEnd) {
            if (fmCacheCount * 4 >= fmCache.length) {
                int[] grow = new int[fmCacheCount * 4 * 2];
                System.arraycopy(fmCache, 0, grow, 0, fmCacheCount * 4);
                fmCache = grow;
            if (spanEndCacheCount >= spanEndCache.length) {
                int[] grow = new int[spanEndCacheCount * 2];
                System.arraycopy(spanEndCache, 0, grow, 0, spanEndCacheCount);
                spanEndCache = grow;
            if (spanned == null) {
                spanEnd = paraEnd;
                int spanLen = spanEnd - spanStart;
                measured.addStyleRun(paint, spanLen, fm);
            } else {
                spanEnd = spanned.nextSpanTransition(spanStart, paraEnd, MetricAffectingSpan.class);
                int spanLen = spanEnd - spanStart;
                MetricAffectingSpan[] spans = spanned.getSpans(spanStart, spanEnd, MetricAffectingSpan.class);
                spans = TextUtils.removeEmptySpans(spans, spanned, MetricAffectingSpan.class);
                measured.addStyleRun(paint, spans, spanLen, fm);
            // the order of storage here (top, bottom, ascent, descent) has to match the code below
            // where these values are retrieved
            fmCache[fmCacheCount * 4 + 0] =;
            fmCache[fmCacheCount * 4 + 1] = fm.bottom;
            fmCache[fmCacheCount * 4 + 2] = fm.ascent;
            fmCache[fmCacheCount * 4 + 3] = fm.descent;
            spanEndCache[spanEndCacheCount] = spanEnd;
        nGetWidths(b.mNativePtr, widths);
        int breakCount = nComputeLineBreaks(b.mNativePtr, lineBreaks, lineBreaks.breaks, lineBreaks.widths, lineBreaks.flags, lineBreaks.breaks.length);
        int[] breaks = lineBreaks.breaks;
        float[] lineWidths = lineBreaks.widths;
        int[] flags = lineBreaks.flags;
        final int remainingLineCount = mMaximumVisibleLineCount - mLineCount;
        final boolean ellipsisMayBeApplied = ellipsize != null && (ellipsize == TextUtils.TruncateAt.END || (mMaximumVisibleLineCount == 1 && ellipsize != TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE));
        if (remainingLineCount > 0 && remainingLineCount < breakCount && ellipsisMayBeApplied) {
            // Calculate width and flag.
            float width = 0;
            int flag = 0;
            for (int i = remainingLineCount - 1; i < breakCount; i++) {
                if (i == breakCount - 1) {
                    width += lineWidths[i];
                } else {
                    for (int j = (i == 0 ? 0 : breaks[i - 1]); j < breaks[i]; j++) {
                        width += widths[j];
                flag |= flags[i] & TAB_MASK;
            // Treat the last line and overflowed lines as a single line.
            breaks[remainingLineCount - 1] = breaks[breakCount - 1];
            lineWidths[remainingLineCount - 1] = width;
            flags[remainingLineCount - 1] = flag;
            breakCount = remainingLineCount;
        // here is the offset of the starting character of the line we are currently measuring
        int here = paraStart;
        int fmTop = 0, fmBottom = 0, fmAscent = 0, fmDescent = 0;
        int fmCacheIndex = 0;
        int spanEndCacheIndex = 0;
        int breakIndex = 0;
        for (int spanStart = paraStart, spanEnd; spanStart < paraEnd; spanStart = spanEnd) {
            // retrieve end of span
            spanEnd = spanEndCache[spanEndCacheIndex++];
            // retrieve cached metrics, order matches above
   = fmCache[fmCacheIndex * 4 + 0];
            fm.bottom = fmCache[fmCacheIndex * 4 + 1];
            fm.ascent = fmCache[fmCacheIndex * 4 + 2];
            fm.descent = fmCache[fmCacheIndex * 4 + 3];
            if ( < fmTop) {
                fmTop =;
            if (fm.ascent < fmAscent) {
                fmAscent = fm.ascent;
            if (fm.descent > fmDescent) {
                fmDescent = fm.descent;
            if (fm.bottom > fmBottom) {
                fmBottom = fm.bottom;
            // skip breaks ending before current span range
            while (breakIndex < breakCount && paraStart + breaks[breakIndex] < spanStart) {
            while (breakIndex < breakCount && paraStart + breaks[breakIndex] <= spanEnd) {
                int endPos = paraStart + breaks[breakIndex];
                boolean moreChars = (endPos < bufEnd);
                v = out(source, here, endPos, fmAscent, fmDescent, fmTop, fmBottom, v, spacingmult, spacingadd, chooseHt, chooseHtv, fm, flags[breakIndex], needMultiply, chdirs, dir, easy, bufEnd, includepad, trackpad, chs, widths, paraStart, ellipsize, ellipsizedWidth, lineWidths[breakIndex], paint, moreChars);
                if (endPos < spanEnd) {
                    // preserve metrics for current span
                    fmTop =;
                    fmBottom = fm.bottom;
                    fmAscent = fm.ascent;
                    fmDescent = fm.descent;
                } else {
                    fmTop = fmBottom = fmAscent = fmDescent = 0;
                here = endPos;
                if (mLineCount >= mMaximumVisibleLineCount) {
        if (paraEnd == bufEnd)
    if ((bufEnd == bufStart || source.charAt(bufEnd - 1) == CHAR_NEW_LINE) && mLineCount < mMaximumVisibleLineCount) {
        // Log.e("text", "output last " + bufEnd);
        measured.setPara(source, bufEnd, bufEnd, textDir, b);
        v = out(source, bufEnd, bufEnd, fm.ascent, fm.descent,, fm.bottom, v, spacingmult, spacingadd, null, null, fm, 0, needMultiply, measured.mLevels, measured.mDir, measured.mEasy, bufEnd, includepad, trackpad, null, null, bufStart, ellipsize, ellipsizedWidth, 0, paint, false);
Also used : LineHeightSpan( TabStopSpan( Paint( Paint( LeadingMarginSpan2( LeadingMarginSpan( MetricAffectingSpan(

Example 15 with LeadingMarginSpan2

use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class Layout method getParagraphLeadingMargin.

     * Returns the effective leading margin (unsigned) for this line,
     * taking into account LeadingMarginSpan and LeadingMarginSpan2.
     * @param line the line index
     * @return the leading margin of this line
private int getParagraphLeadingMargin(int line) {
    if (!mSpannedText) {
        return 0;
    Spanned spanned = (Spanned) mText;
    int lineStart = getLineStart(line);
    int lineEnd = getLineEnd(line);
    int spanEnd = spanned.nextSpanTransition(lineStart, lineEnd, LeadingMarginSpan.class);
    LeadingMarginSpan[] spans = getParagraphSpans(spanned, lineStart, spanEnd, LeadingMarginSpan.class);
    if (spans.length == 0) {
        // no leading margin span;
        return 0;
    int margin = 0;
    boolean isFirstParaLine = lineStart == 0 || spanned.charAt(lineStart - 1) == '\n';
    boolean useFirstLineMargin = isFirstParaLine;
    for (int i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
        if (spans[i] instanceof LeadingMarginSpan2) {
            int spStart = spanned.getSpanStart(spans[i]);
            int spanLine = getLineForOffset(spStart);
            int count = ((LeadingMarginSpan2) spans[i]).getLeadingMarginLineCount();
            // if there is more than one LeadingMarginSpan2, use the count that is greatest
            useFirstLineMargin |= line < spanLine + count;
    for (int i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
        LeadingMarginSpan span = spans[i];
        margin += span.getLeadingMargin(useFirstLineMargin);
    return margin;
Also used : LeadingMarginSpan2( LeadingMarginSpan( Paint(


Paint ( LeadingMarginSpan ( LeadingMarginSpan2 ( AlignmentSpan ( LineHeightSpan ( MetricAffectingSpan ( ParagraphStyle ( TabStopSpan ( Bitmap ( LineBackgroundSpan (