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Example 56 with StrikethroughSpan

use of in project matrix-android-sdk by matrix-org.

the class HtmlTagHandler method handleTag.

public void handleTag(final boolean opening, final String tag, Editable output, final XMLReader xmlReader) {
    if (opening) {
        if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("ul")) {
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("ol")) {
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("li")) {
            if (output.length() > 0 && output.charAt(output.length() - 1) != '\n') {
            String parentList = lists.peek();
            if (parentList.equalsIgnoreCase("ol")) {
                start(output, new Ol());
                output.append(olNextIndex.peek().toString()).append(". ");
                olNextIndex.push(olNextIndex.pop() + 1);
            } else if (parentList.equalsIgnoreCase("ul")) {
                start(output, new Ul());
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("code")) {
            start(output, new Code());
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("center")) {
            start(output, new Center());
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("s") || tag.equalsIgnoreCase("strike")) {
            start(output, new Strike());
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("table")) {
            start(output, new Table());
            if (tableTagLevel == 0) {
                tableHtmlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                // We need some text for the table to be replaced by the span because
                // the other tags will remove their text when their text is extracted
                output.append("table placeholder");
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("tr")) {
            start(output, new Tr());
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("th")) {
            start(output, new Th());
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("td")) {
            start(output, new Td());
    } else {
        if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("ul")) {
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("ol")) {
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("li")) {
            if (lists.peek().equalsIgnoreCase("ul")) {
                if (output.length() > 0 && output.charAt(output.length() - 1) != '\n') {
                // Nested BulletSpans increases distance between bullet and text, so we must prevent it.
                int bulletMargin = indent;
                if (lists.size() > 1) {
                    bulletMargin = indent - bullet.getLeadingMargin(true);
                    if (lists.size() > 2) {
                        // This get's more complicated when we add a LeadingMarginSpan into the same line:
                        // we have also counter it's effect to BulletSpan
                        bulletMargin -= (lists.size() - 2) * listItemIndent;
                BulletSpan newBullet = new BulletSpan(bulletMargin);
                end(output, Ul.class, false, new LeadingMarginSpan.Standard(listItemIndent * (lists.size() - 1)), newBullet);
            } else if (lists.peek().equalsIgnoreCase("ol")) {
                if (output.length() > 0 && output.charAt(output.length() - 1) != '\n') {
                int numberMargin = listItemIndent * (lists.size() - 1);
                if (lists.size() > 2) {
                    // Same as in ordered lists: counter the effect of nested Spans
                    numberMargin -= (lists.size() - 2) * listItemIndent;
                end(output, Ol.class, false, new LeadingMarginSpan.Standard(numberMargin));
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("code")) {
            if (-1 == mCodeBlockBackgroundColor) {
                mCodeBlockBackgroundColor = ContextCompat.getColor(mContext, android.R.color.darker_gray);
            end(output, Code.class, false, new BackgroundColorSpan(mCodeBlockBackgroundColor), new TypefaceSpan("monospace"));
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("center")) {
            end(output, Center.class, true, new AlignmentSpan.Standard(Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER));
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("s") || tag.equalsIgnoreCase("strike")) {
            end(output, Strike.class, false, new StrikethroughSpan());
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("table")) {
            // When we're back at the root-level table
            end(output, Table.class, false);
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("tr")) {
            end(output, Tr.class, false);
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("th")) {
            end(output, Th.class, false);
        } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("td")) {
            end(output, Td.class, false);
    storeTableTags(opening, tag);
Also used : AlignmentSpan( BulletSpan( LeadingMarginSpan( BackgroundColorSpan( TypefaceSpan( StrikethroughSpan(

Example 57 with StrikethroughSpan

use of in project MyDiary by erttyy8821.

the class MemoAdapter method setMemoContent.

private void setMemoContent(MemoViewHolder holder, final int position) {
    if (memoList.get(position).isChecked()) {
        SpannableString spannableContent = new SpannableString(memoList.get(position).getContent());
        spannableContent.setSpan(new StrikethroughSpan(), 0, spannableContent.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
    } else {
Also used : SpannableString(android.text.SpannableString) StrikethroughSpan(

Example 58 with StrikethroughSpan

use of in project MarkyMark-Android by M2Mobi.

the class StrikeInlineDisplayItem method create.

public Spanned create(final InlineConverter<Spanned> pInlineConverter, final StrikeString pMarkDownString) {
    final Spannable spannable = SpannableUtils.createSpannable(pInlineConverter, pMarkDownString);
    spannable.setSpan(new StrikethroughSpan(), 0, spannable.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
    return spannable;
Also used : Spannable(android.text.Spannable) StrikethroughSpan(

Example 59 with StrikethroughSpan

use of in project ForPDA by RadiationX.

the class HtmlToSpannedConverter method endCssStyle.

private static void endCssStyle(Editable text) {
    Font font = getLast(text, Font.class);
    if (font != null) {
        if (font.mFace.equalsIgnoreCase("fontello")) {
            setSpanFromMark(text, font, new AssetsTypefaceSpan(App.getContext(), "fontello/fontello.ttf"));
    Strikethrough s = getLast(text, Strikethrough.class);
    if (s != null) {
        setSpanFromMark(text, s, new StrikethroughSpan());
    Background b = getLast(text, Background.class);
    if (b != null) {
        setSpanFromMark(text, b, new BackgroundColorSpan(b.mBackgroundColor));
    Foreground f = getLast(text, Foreground.class);
    if (f != null) {
        setSpanFromMark(text, f, new ForegroundColorSpan(f.mForegroundColor));
Also used : ForegroundColorSpan( BackgroundColorSpan( StrikethroughSpan(


StrikethroughSpan ( ForegroundColorSpan ( StyleSpan ( TypefaceSpan ( BackgroundColorSpan ( UnderlineSpan ( RelativeSizeSpan ( AbsoluteSizeSpan ( SpannableString (android.text.SpannableString)15 SubscriptSpan ( SuperscriptSpan ( URLSpan ( LeadingMarginSpan ( CharacterStyle ( ImageSpan ( SpannableStringBuilder (android.text.SpannableStringBuilder)8 TextPaint (android.text.TextPaint)7 QuoteSpan ( Application ( AlignmentSpan (