use of android.util.PrintWriterPrinter in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class InputMethodManager method doDump.
void doDump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter fout, String[] args) {
final Printer p = new PrintWriterPrinter(fout);
p.println("Input method client state for " + this + ":");
p.println(" mService=" + mService);
p.println(" mMainLooper=" + mMainLooper);
p.println(" mIInputContext=" + mIInputContext);
p.println(" mActive=" + mActive + " mHasBeenInactive=" + mHasBeenInactive + " mBindSequence=" + mBindSequence + " mCurId=" + mCurId);
p.println(" mCurMethod=" + mCurMethod);
p.println(" mCurRootView=" + mCurRootView);
p.println(" mServedView=" + mServedView);
p.println(" mNextServedView=" + mNextServedView);
p.println(" mServedConnecting=" + mServedConnecting);
if (mCurrentTextBoxAttribute != null) {
p.println(" mCurrentTextBoxAttribute:");
mCurrentTextBoxAttribute.dump(p, " ");
} else {
p.println(" mCurrentTextBoxAttribute: null");
p.println(" mServedInputConnectionWrapper=" + mServedInputConnectionWrapper);
p.println(" mCompletions=" + Arrays.toString(mCompletions));
p.println(" mCursorRect=" + mCursorRect);
p.println(" mCursorSelStart=" + mCursorSelStart + " mCursorSelEnd=" + mCursorSelEnd + " mCursorCandStart=" + mCursorCandStart + " mCursorCandEnd=" + mCursorCandEnd);
p.println(" mNextUserActionNotificationSequenceNumber=" + mNextUserActionNotificationSequenceNumber + " mLastSentUserActionNotificationSequenceNumber=" + mLastSentUserActionNotificationSequenceNumber);
use of android.util.PrintWriterPrinter in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class SpellCheckerInfo method dump.
* @hide
public void dump(final PrintWriter pw, final String prefix) {
pw.println(prefix + "mId=" + mId);
pw.println(prefix + "mSettingsActivityName=" + mSettingsActivityName);
pw.println(prefix + "Service:");
mService.dump(new PrintWriterPrinter(pw), prefix + " ");
final int N = getSubtypeCount();
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
final SpellCheckerSubtype st = getSubtypeAt(i);
pw.println(prefix + " " + "Subtype #" + i + ":");
pw.println(prefix + " " + "locale=" + st.getLocale() + " languageTag=" + st.getLanguageTag());
pw.println(prefix + " " + "extraValue=" + st.getExtraValue());
use of android.util.PrintWriterPrinter in project XobotOS by xamarin.
the class InputMethodService method dump.
* Performs a dump of the InputMethodService's internal state. Override
* to add your own information to the dump.
protected void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter fout, String[] args) {
final Printer p = new PrintWriterPrinter(fout);
p.println("Input method service state for " + this + ":");
p.println(" mWindowCreated=" + mWindowCreated + " mWindowAdded=" + mWindowAdded);
p.println(" mWindowVisible=" + mWindowVisible + " mWindowWasVisible=" + mWindowWasVisible + " mInShowWindow=" + mInShowWindow);
p.println(" Configuration=" + getResources().getConfiguration());
p.println(" mToken=" + mToken);
p.println(" mInputBinding=" + mInputBinding);
p.println(" mInputConnection=" + mInputConnection);
p.println(" mStartedInputConnection=" + mStartedInputConnection);
p.println(" mInputStarted=" + mInputStarted + " mInputViewStarted=" + mInputViewStarted + " mCandidatesViewStarted=" + mCandidatesViewStarted);
if (mInputEditorInfo != null) {
p.println(" mInputEditorInfo:");
mInputEditorInfo.dump(p, " ");
} else {
p.println(" mInputEditorInfo: null");
p.println(" mShowInputRequested=" + mShowInputRequested + " mLastShowInputRequested=" + mLastShowInputRequested + " mShowInputForced=" + mShowInputForced + " mShowInputFlags=0x" + Integer.toHexString(mShowInputFlags));
p.println(" mCandidatesVisibility=" + mCandidatesVisibility + " mFullscreenApplied=" + mFullscreenApplied + " mIsFullscreen=" + mIsFullscreen + " mExtractViewHidden=" + mExtractViewHidden);
if (mExtractedText != null) {
p.println(" mExtractedText:");
p.println(" text=" + mExtractedText.text.length() + " chars" + " startOffset=" + mExtractedText.startOffset);
p.println(" selectionStart=" + mExtractedText.selectionStart + " selectionEnd=" + mExtractedText.selectionEnd + " flags=0x" + Integer.toHexString(mExtractedText.flags));
} else {
p.println(" mExtractedText: null");
p.println(" mExtractedToken=" + mExtractedToken);
p.println(" mIsInputViewShown=" + mIsInputViewShown + " mStatusIcon=" + mStatusIcon);
p.println("Last computed insets:");
p.println(" contentTopInsets=" + mTmpInsets.contentTopInsets + " visibleTopInsets=" + mTmpInsets.visibleTopInsets + " touchableInsets=" + mTmpInsets.touchableInsets + " touchableRegion=" + mTmpInsets.touchableRegion);
use of android.util.PrintWriterPrinter in project XobotOS by xamarin.
the class BatteryStatsImpl method dumpLocked.
public void dumpLocked(PrintWriter pw) {
if (DEBUG) {
Printer pr = new PrintWriterPrinter(pw);
pr.println("*** Screen timer:");
mScreenOnTimer.logState(pr, " ");
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_BINS; i++) {
pr.println("*** Screen brightness #" + i + ":");
mScreenBrightnessTimer[i].logState(pr, " ");
pr.println("*** Input event counter:");
mInputEventCounter.logState(pr, " ");
pr.println("*** Phone timer:");
mPhoneOnTimer.logState(pr, " ");
for (int i = 0; i < SignalStrength.NUM_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_BINS; i++) {
pr.println("*** Signal strength #" + i + ":");
mPhoneSignalStrengthsTimer[i].logState(pr, " ");
pr.println("*** Signal scanning :");
mPhoneSignalScanningTimer.logState(pr, " ");
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DATA_CONNECTION_TYPES; i++) {
pr.println("*** Data connection type #" + i + ":");
mPhoneDataConnectionsTimer[i].logState(pr, " ");
pr.println("*** Wifi timer:");
mWifiOnTimer.logState(pr, " ");
pr.println("*** WifiRunning timer:");
mGlobalWifiRunningTimer.logState(pr, " ");
pr.println("*** Bluetooth timer:");
mBluetoothOnTimer.logState(pr, " ");
pr.println("*** Mobile ifaces:");
use of android.util.PrintWriterPrinter in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.
the class VoiceInteractionManagerServiceImpl method dumpLocked.
public void dumpLocked(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) {
if (!mValid) {
pw.print(" NOT VALID: ");
if (mInfo == null) {
pw.println("no info");
} else {
pw.print(" mUser=");
pw.print(" mComponent=");
pw.print(" Session service=");
pw.println(" Service info:");
mInfo.getServiceInfo().dump(new PrintWriterPrinter(pw), " ");
pw.print(" Recognition service=");
pw.print(" Settings activity=");
pw.print(" Supports assist=");
pw.print(" Supports launch from keyguard=");
if (mDisabledShowContext != 0) {
pw.print(" mDisabledShowContext=");
pw.print(" mBound=");
pw.print(" mService=");
if (mActiveSession != null) {
pw.println(" Active session:");
mActiveSession.dump(" ", pw);