use of android.util.Printer in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.
the class SQLiteConnectionPool method dump.
* Dumps debugging information about this connection pool.
* @param printer The printer to receive the dump, not null.
* @param verbose True to dump more verbose information.
public void dump(Printer printer, boolean verbose) {
Printer indentedPrinter = PrefixPrinter.create(printer, " ");
synchronized (mLock) {
printer.println("Connection pool for " + mConfiguration.path + ":");
printer.println(" Open: " + mIsOpen);
printer.println(" Max connections: " + mMaxConnectionPoolSize);
printer.println(" Available primary connection:");
if (mAvailablePrimaryConnection != null) {
mAvailablePrimaryConnection.dump(indentedPrinter, verbose);
} else {
printer.println(" Available non-primary connections:");
if (!mAvailableNonPrimaryConnections.isEmpty()) {
final int count = mAvailableNonPrimaryConnections.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
mAvailableNonPrimaryConnections.get(i).dump(indentedPrinter, verbose);
} else {
printer.println(" Acquired connections:");
if (!mAcquiredConnections.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<SQLiteConnection, AcquiredConnectionStatus> entry : mAcquiredConnections.entrySet()) {
final SQLiteConnection connection = entry.getKey();
connection.dumpUnsafe(indentedPrinter, verbose);
indentedPrinter.println(" Status: " + entry.getValue());
} else {
printer.println(" Connection waiters:");
if (mConnectionWaiterQueue != null) {
int i = 0;
final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
for (ConnectionWaiter waiter = mConnectionWaiterQueue; waiter != null; waiter = waiter.mNext, i++) {
indentedPrinter.println(i + ": waited for " + ((now - waiter.mStartTime) * 0.001f) + " ms - thread=" + waiter.mThread + ", priority=" + waiter.mPriority + ", sql='" + waiter.mSql + "'");
} else {
use of android.util.Printer in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.
the class InputMethodService method dump.
* Performs a dump of the InputMethodService's internal state. Override
* to add your own information to the dump.
protected void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter fout, String[] args) {
final Printer p = new PrintWriterPrinter(fout);
p.println("Input method service state for " + this + ":");
p.println(" mWindowCreated=" + mWindowCreated + " mWindowAdded=" + mWindowAdded);
p.println(" mWindowVisible=" + mWindowVisible + " mWindowWasVisible=" + mWindowWasVisible + " mInShowWindow=" + mInShowWindow);
p.println(" Configuration=" + getResources().getConfiguration());
p.println(" mToken=" + mToken);
p.println(" mInputBinding=" + mInputBinding);
p.println(" mInputConnection=" + mInputConnection);
p.println(" mStartedInputConnection=" + mStartedInputConnection);
p.println(" mInputStarted=" + mInputStarted + " mInputViewStarted=" + mInputViewStarted + " mCandidatesViewStarted=" + mCandidatesViewStarted);
if (mInputEditorInfo != null) {
p.println(" mInputEditorInfo:");
mInputEditorInfo.dump(p, " ");
} else {
p.println(" mInputEditorInfo: null");
p.println(" mShowInputRequested=" + mShowInputRequested + " mLastShowInputRequested=" + mLastShowInputRequested + " mShowInputFlags=0x" + Integer.toHexString(mShowInputFlags));
p.println(" mCandidatesVisibility=" + mCandidatesVisibility + " mFullscreenApplied=" + mFullscreenApplied + " mIsFullscreen=" + mIsFullscreen + " mExtractViewHidden=" + mExtractViewHidden);
if (mExtractedText != null) {
p.println(" mExtractedText:");
p.println(" text=" + mExtractedText.text.length() + " chars" + " startOffset=" + mExtractedText.startOffset);
p.println(" selectionStart=" + mExtractedText.selectionStart + " selectionEnd=" + mExtractedText.selectionEnd + " flags=0x" + Integer.toHexString(mExtractedText.flags));
} else {
p.println(" mExtractedText: null");
p.println(" mExtractedToken=" + mExtractedToken);
p.println(" mIsInputViewShown=" + mIsInputViewShown + " mStatusIcon=" + mStatusIcon);
p.println("Last computed insets:");
p.println(" contentTopInsets=" + mTmpInsets.contentTopInsets + " visibleTopInsets=" + mTmpInsets.visibleTopInsets + " touchableInsets=" + mTmpInsets.touchableInsets + " touchableRegion=" + mTmpInsets.touchableRegion);
p.println(" mShouldClearInsetOfPreviousIme=" + mShouldClearInsetOfPreviousIme);
p.println(" mSettingsObserver=" + mSettingsObserver);