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Example 71 with Rational

use of android.util.Rational in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class Utils method parseRationalRange.

static Range<Rational> parseRationalRange(Object o, Range<Rational> fallback) {
    try {
        String s = (String) o;
        int ix = s.indexOf('-');
        if (ix >= 0) {
            return Range.create(Rational.parseRational(s.substring(0, ix)), Rational.parseRational(s.substring(ix + 1)));
        Rational value = Rational.parseRational(s);
        return Range.create(value, value);
    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        return fallback;
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    Log.w(TAG, "could not parse rational range '" + o + "'");
    return fallback;
Also used : Rational(android.util.Rational)

Example 72 with Rational

use of android.util.Rational in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class RangeTest method testEquals.

public void testEquals() {
    Range<Float> oneHalf = Range.create(1.0f, 2.0f);
    Range<Float> oneHalf2 = new Range<Float>(1.0f, 2.0f);
    assertEquals(oneHalf, oneHalf2);
    assertHashCodeEquals(oneHalf, oneHalf2);
    Range<Float> twoThirds = new Range<Float>(2.0f, 3.0f);
    Range<Float> twoThirds2 = Range.create(2.0f, 3.0f);
    assertEquals(twoThirds, twoThirds2);
    assertHashCodeEquals(twoThirds, twoThirds2);
    Range<Rational> negativeOneTenthPositiveOneTenth = new Range<Rational>(new Rational(-1, 10), new Rational(1, 10));
    Range<Rational> negativeOneTenthPositiveOneTenth2 = Range.create(new Rational(-1, 10), new Rational(1, 10));
    assertEquals(negativeOneTenthPositiveOneTenth, negativeOneTenthPositiveOneTenth2);
    assertHashCodeEquals(negativeOneTenthPositiveOneTenth, negativeOneTenthPositiveOneTenth2);
Also used : Rational(android.util.Rational) Range(android.util.Range) SmallTest(android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest)

Example 73 with Rational

use of android.util.Rational in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class RationalTest method testReduction.

public void testReduction() {
    Rational moreComplicated = new Rational(5 * 78, 7 * 78);
    assertEquals(new Rational(5, 7), moreComplicated);
    assertEquals(5, moreComplicated.getNumerator());
    assertEquals(7, moreComplicated.getDenominator());
    Rational posInf = new Rational(5, 0);
    assertEquals(1, posInf.getNumerator());
    assertEquals(0, posInf.getDenominator());
    assertEquals(POSITIVE_INFINITY, posInf);
    Rational negInf = new Rational(-100, 0);
    assertEquals(-1, negInf.getNumerator());
    assertEquals(0, negInf.getDenominator());
    assertEquals(NEGATIVE_INFINITY, negInf);
    Rational zero = new Rational(0, -100);
    assertEquals(0, zero.getNumerator());
    assertEquals(1, zero.getDenominator());
    assertEquals(ZERO, zero);
    Rational flipSigns = new Rational(1, -1);
    assertEquals(-1, flipSigns.getNumerator());
    assertEquals(1, flipSigns.getDenominator());
    Rational flipAndReduce = new Rational(100, -200);
    assertEquals(-1, flipAndReduce.getNumerator());
    assertEquals(2, flipAndReduce.getDenominator());
Also used : Rational(android.util.Rational) SmallTest(android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest)

Example 74 with Rational

use of android.util.Rational in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class RationalTest method createIllegalRational.

private static Rational createIllegalRational(int numerator, int denominator) {
    Rational r = new Rational(numerator, denominator);
    mutateField(r, "mNumerator", numerator);
    mutateField(r, "mDenominator", denominator);
    return r;
Also used : Rational(android.util.Rational)

Example 75 with Rational

use of android.util.Rational in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class RationalTest method testSerialize.

public void testSerialize() throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
         * Check correct [de]serialization
    assertEqualsAfterSerializing(new Rational(100, 200));
    assertEqualsAfterSerializing(new Rational(-100, 200));
    assertEqualsAfterSerializing(new Rational(5, 1));
    assertEqualsAfterSerializing(new Rational(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE));
         * Check bad deserialization fails
    try {
        // [0, 100] , should be [0, 1]
        Rational badZero = createIllegalRational(0, 100);
        Rational results = serializeRoundTrip(badZero);
        fail("Deserializing " + results + " should not have succeeded");
    } catch (InvalidObjectException e) {
    // OK
    try {
        // [100, 0] , should be [1, 0]
        Rational badPosInfinity = createIllegalRational(100, 0);
        Rational results = serializeRoundTrip(badPosInfinity);
        fail("Deserializing " + results + " should not have succeeded");
    } catch (InvalidObjectException e) {
    // OK
    try {
        Rational badNegInfinity = // [-100, 0] , should be [-1, 0]
        createIllegalRational(-100, 0);
        Rational results = serializeRoundTrip(badNegInfinity);
        fail("Deserializing " + results + " should not have succeeded");
    } catch (InvalidObjectException e) {
    // OK
    try {
        // [2,4] , should be [1, 2]
        Rational badReduced = createIllegalRational(2, 4);
        Rational results = serializeRoundTrip(badReduced);
        fail("Deserializing " + results + " should not have succeeded");
    } catch (InvalidObjectException e) {
    // OK
    try {
        // [-2, 4] should be [-1, 2]
        Rational badReducedNeg = createIllegalRational(-2, 4);
        Rational results = serializeRoundTrip(badReducedNeg);
        fail("Deserializing " + results + " should not have succeeded");
    } catch (InvalidObjectException e) {
    // OK
Also used : Rational(android.util.Rational) InvalidObjectException( SmallTest(android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest)


Rational (android.util.Rational)96 SmallTest (android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest)50 Range (android.util.Range)15 Size (android.util.Size)6 Point ( Pair (android.util.Pair)5 InvalidObjectException ( PictureInPictureParams ( TargetApi (android.annotation.TargetApi)3 MediaWrapper ( SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)1 PendingIntent ( RemoteAction ( Intent (android.content.Intent)1 Rect ( RequiresApi (androidx.annotation.RequiresApi)1 RequiresPermission (androidx.annotation.RequiresPermission)1 CameraSelector ( StringBuilder (java.lang.StringBuilder)1 DecimalFormat (java.text.DecimalFormat)1