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Example 71 with SparseArray

use of android.util.SparseArray in project AndroidDevelop by 7449.

the class SuperViewHolder method getView.

public <T extends View> T getView(int id) {
    SparseArray<View> viewSparseArray = (SparseArray<View>) itemView.getTag();
    if (null == viewSparseArray) {
        viewSparseArray = new SparseArray<>();
    View childView = viewSparseArray.get(id);
    if (null == childView) {
        childView = itemView.findViewById(id);
        viewSparseArray.put(id, childView);
    return (T) childView;
Also used : SparseArray(android.util.SparseArray) RecyclerView( TextView(android.widget.TextView) ImageView(android.widget.ImageView) View(android.view.View)

Example 72 with SparseArray

use of android.util.SparseArray in project greedo-layout-for-android by 500px.

the class GreedoLayoutManager method preFillGrid.

     * Find first visible position, scrap all children, and then layout all visible views returning
     * the number of pixels laid out, which could be greater than the entire view (useful for scroll
     * functions).
     * @param direction The direction we are filling the grid in
     * @param dy Vertical offset, creating a gap that we need to fill
     * @param emptyTop Offset we begin filling at
     * @return Number of vertical pixels laid out
private int preFillGrid(Direction direction, int dy, int emptyTop, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) {
    int newFirstVisiblePosition = firstChildPositionForRow(mFirstVisibleRow);
    // First, detach all existing views from the layout. detachView() is a lightweight operation
    //      that we can use to quickly reorder views without a full add/remove.
    SparseArray<View> viewCache = new SparseArray<>(getChildCount());
    int startLeftOffset = getPaddingLeft();
    int startTopOffset = getPaddingTop() + emptyTop;
    if (getChildCount() != 0) {
        startTopOffset = getDecoratedTop(getChildAt(0));
        if (mFirstVisiblePosition != newFirstVisiblePosition) {
            switch(direction) {
                case // new row above may be shown
                    double previousTopRowHeight = sizeForChildAtPosition(mFirstVisiblePosition - 1).getHeight();
                    startTopOffset -= previousTopRowHeight;
                case // row may have gone off screen
                    double topRowHeight = sizeForChildAtPosition(mFirstVisiblePosition).getHeight();
                    startTopOffset += topRowHeight;
        // Cache all views by their existing position, before updating counts
        for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
            int position = mFirstVisiblePosition + i;
            final View child = getChildAt(i);
            viewCache.put(position, child);
        // Temporarily detach all cached views. Views we still need will be added back at the proper index
        for (int i = 0; i < viewCache.size(); i++) {
            final View cachedView = viewCache.valueAt(i);
    mFirstVisiblePosition = newFirstVisiblePosition;
    // Next, supply the grid of items that are deemed visible. If they were previously there,
    //      they will simply be re-attached. New views that must be created are obtained from
    //      the Recycler and added.
    int leftOffset = startLeftOffset;
    int topOffset = startTopOffset + mPendingScrollPositionOffset;
    int nextPosition = mFirstVisiblePosition;
    while (nextPosition >= 0 && nextPosition < state.getItemCount()) {
        boolean isViewCached = true;
        View view = viewCache.get(nextPosition);
        if (view == null) {
            view = recycler.getViewForPosition(nextPosition);
            isViewCached = false;
        if (mIsFirstViewHeader && nextPosition == HEADER_POSITION) {
            measureChildWithMargins(view, 0, 0);
            mHeaderViewSize = new Size(view.getMeasuredWidth(), view.getMeasuredHeight());
        // Overflow to next row if we don't fit
        Size viewSize = sizeForChildAtPosition(nextPosition);
        if ((leftOffset + viewSize.getWidth()) > getContentWidth()) {
            leftOffset = startLeftOffset;
            Size previousViewSize = sizeForChildAtPosition(nextPosition - 1);
            topOffset += previousViewSize.getHeight();
        // These next children would no longer be visible, stop here
        boolean isAtEndOfContent;
        switch(direction) {
            case DOWN:
                isAtEndOfContent = topOffset >= getContentHeight() + dy;
                isAtEndOfContent = topOffset >= getContentHeight();
        if (isAtEndOfContent)
        if (isViewCached) {
            // Re-attach the cached view at its new index
        } else {
            measureChildWithMargins(view, 0, 0);
            int right = leftOffset + viewSize.getWidth();
            int bottom = topOffset + viewSize.getHeight();
            layoutDecorated(view, leftOffset, topOffset, right, bottom);
        leftOffset += viewSize.getWidth();
    // Scrap and store views that were not re-attached (no longer visible).
    for (int i = 0; i < viewCache.size(); i++) {
        final View removingView = viewCache.valueAt(i);
    // Calculate pixels laid out during fill
    int pixelsFilled = 0;
    if (getChildCount() > 0) {
        pixelsFilled = getChildAt(getChildCount() - 1).getBottom();
    return pixelsFilled;
Also used : SparseArray(android.util.SparseArray) RecyclerView( View(android.view.View)

Example 73 with SparseArray

use of android.util.SparseArray in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class SecurityControllerImpl method updateState.

private void updateState() {
    // Find all users with an active VPN
    SparseArray<VpnConfig> vpns = new SparseArray<>();
    try {
        for (UserInfo user : mUserManager.getUsers()) {
            VpnConfig cfg = mConnectivityManagerService.getVpnConfig(;
            if (cfg == null) {
            } else if (cfg.legacy) {
                // Legacy VPNs should do nothing if the network is disconnected. Third-party
                // VPN warnings need to continue as traffic can still go to the app.
                LegacyVpnInfo legacyVpn = mConnectivityManagerService.getLegacyVpnInfo(;
                if (legacyVpn == null || legacyVpn.state != LegacyVpnInfo.STATE_CONNECTED) {
            vpns.put(, cfg);
    } catch (RemoteException rme) {
        // Roll back to previous state
        Log.e(TAG, "Unable to list active VPNs", rme);
    mCurrentVpns = vpns;
Also used : SparseArray(android.util.SparseArray) VpnConfig( LegacyVpnInfo( UserInfo( RemoteException(android.os.RemoteException)

Example 74 with SparseArray

use of android.util.SparseArray in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class MenuBuilder method dispatchSaveInstanceState.

private void dispatchSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
    if (mPresenters.isEmpty())
    SparseArray<Parcelable> presenterStates = new SparseArray<Parcelable>();
    for (WeakReference<MenuPresenter> ref : mPresenters) {
        final MenuPresenter presenter = ref.get();
        if (presenter == null) {
        } else {
            final int id = presenter.getId();
            if (id > 0) {
                final Parcelable state = presenter.onSaveInstanceState();
                if (state != null) {
                    presenterStates.put(id, state);
    outState.putSparseParcelableArray(PRESENTER_KEY, presenterStates);
Also used : SparseArray(android.util.SparseArray) Parcelable(android.os.Parcelable)

Example 75 with SparseArray

use of android.util.SparseArray in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class ScanRecord method parseFromBytes.

     * Parse scan record bytes to {@link ScanRecord}.
     * <p>
     * The format is defined in Bluetooth 4.1 specification, Volume 3, Part C, Section 11 and 18.
     * <p>
     * All numerical multi-byte entities and values shall use little-endian <strong>byte</strong>
     * order.
     * @param scanRecord The scan record of Bluetooth LE advertisement and/or scan response.
     * @hide
public static ScanRecord parseFromBytes(byte[] scanRecord) {
    if (scanRecord == null) {
        return null;
    int currentPos = 0;
    int advertiseFlag = -1;
    List<ParcelUuid> serviceUuids = new ArrayList<ParcelUuid>();
    String localName = null;
    int txPowerLevel = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    SparseArray<byte[]> manufacturerData = new SparseArray<byte[]>();
    Map<ParcelUuid, byte[]> serviceData = new ArrayMap<ParcelUuid, byte[]>();
    try {
        while (currentPos < scanRecord.length) {
            // length is unsigned int.
            int length = scanRecord[currentPos++] & 0xFF;
            if (length == 0) {
            // Note the length includes the length of the field type itself.
            int dataLength = length - 1;
            // fieldType is unsigned int.
            int fieldType = scanRecord[currentPos++] & 0xFF;
            switch(fieldType) {
                case DATA_TYPE_FLAGS:
                    advertiseFlag = scanRecord[currentPos] & 0xFF;
                case DATA_TYPE_SERVICE_UUIDS_16_BIT_PARTIAL:
                    parseServiceUuid(scanRecord, currentPos, dataLength, BluetoothUuid.UUID_BYTES_16_BIT, serviceUuids);
                case DATA_TYPE_SERVICE_UUIDS_32_BIT_PARTIAL:
                    parseServiceUuid(scanRecord, currentPos, dataLength, BluetoothUuid.UUID_BYTES_32_BIT, serviceUuids);
                case DATA_TYPE_SERVICE_UUIDS_128_BIT_PARTIAL:
                case DATA_TYPE_SERVICE_UUIDS_128_BIT_COMPLETE:
                    parseServiceUuid(scanRecord, currentPos, dataLength, BluetoothUuid.UUID_BYTES_128_BIT, serviceUuids);
                case DATA_TYPE_LOCAL_NAME_SHORT:
                case DATA_TYPE_LOCAL_NAME_COMPLETE:
                    localName = new String(extractBytes(scanRecord, currentPos, dataLength));
                case DATA_TYPE_TX_POWER_LEVEL:
                    txPowerLevel = scanRecord[currentPos];
                case DATA_TYPE_SERVICE_DATA:
                    // The first two bytes of the service data are service data UUID in little
                    // endian. The rest bytes are service data.
                    int serviceUuidLength = BluetoothUuid.UUID_BYTES_16_BIT;
                    byte[] serviceDataUuidBytes = extractBytes(scanRecord, currentPos, serviceUuidLength);
                    ParcelUuid serviceDataUuid = BluetoothUuid.parseUuidFrom(serviceDataUuidBytes);
                    byte[] serviceDataArray = extractBytes(scanRecord, currentPos + serviceUuidLength, dataLength - serviceUuidLength);
                    serviceData.put(serviceDataUuid, serviceDataArray);
                    // The first two bytes of the manufacturer specific data are
                    // manufacturer ids in little endian.
                    int manufacturerId = ((scanRecord[currentPos + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) + (scanRecord[currentPos] & 0xFF);
                    byte[] manufacturerDataBytes = extractBytes(scanRecord, currentPos + 2, dataLength - 2);
                    manufacturerData.put(manufacturerId, manufacturerDataBytes);
                    // Just ignore, we don't handle such data type.
            currentPos += dataLength;
        if (serviceUuids.isEmpty()) {
            serviceUuids = null;
        return new ScanRecord(serviceUuids, manufacturerData, serviceData, advertiseFlag, txPowerLevel, localName, scanRecord);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "unable to parse scan record: " + Arrays.toString(scanRecord));
        // and return an empty record with raw scanRecord bytes in results
        return new ScanRecord(null, null, null, -1, Integer.MIN_VALUE, null, scanRecord);
Also used : ParcelUuid(android.os.ParcelUuid) SparseArray(android.util.SparseArray) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ArrayMap(android.util.ArrayMap)


SparseArray (android.util.SparseArray)250 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)74 ProcessState ( Parcelable (android.os.Parcelable)37 View (android.view.View)35 ServiceState ( RemoteException (android.os.RemoteException)24 Point ( ArraySet (android.util.ArraySet)17 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)17 ComponentName (android.content.ComponentName)15 ProcessStats ( UserHandle (android.os.UserHandle)14 ArrayMap (android.util.ArrayMap)14 UserInfo ( Paint ( Bitmap ( IOException ( ApplicationInfo ( SparseIntArray (android.util.SparseIntArray)11