Search in sources :

Example 21 with SparseBooleanArray

use of android.util.SparseBooleanArray in project android-topeka by googlesamples.

the class AnswerHelperAndroidTest method setCorrectAnswers.

public void setCorrectAnswers() {
    mCorrectAnswer = new SparseBooleanArray();
    mCorrectAnswer.put(0, true);
    mCorrectAnswer.put(1, true);
    mCorrectAnswer.put(2, true);
Also used : SparseBooleanArray(android.util.SparseBooleanArray) Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 22 with SparseBooleanArray

use of android.util.SparseBooleanArray in project facebook-android-sdk by facebook.

the class PermissionSelectActivity method onClick.

public void onClick(View v) {
    SparseBooleanArray checked = listView.getCheckedItemPositions();
    ArrayList<String> readPerms = new ArrayList<>();
    String writePri = null;
    ArrayList<String> publishPerms = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < checked.size(); i++) {
        // Item position in adapter
        int position = checked.keyAt(i);
        // Add perm only if checked
        if (checked.valueAt(i)) {
            String checkedItem = adapter.getItem(position);
            if (DefaultAudience.EVERYONE.toString().equals(checkedItem)) {
                writePri = "EVERYONE";
            } else if (DefaultAudience.FRIENDS.toString().equals(checkedItem)) {
                writePri = "FRIENDS";
            } else if (DefaultAudience.ONLY_ME.toString().equals(checkedItem)) {
                writePri = "ONLY_ME";
            } else if ((PUBLISH_PERMS_LIST).contains(checkedItem)) {
            } else
    String[] readPermsArr = readPerms.toArray(new String[readPerms.size()]);
    String[] publishPermsArr = publishPerms.toArray(new String[publishPerms.size()]);
    Intent intent = new Intent();
    intent.putExtra(EXTRA_SELECTED_READ_PARAMS, readPermsArr);
    intent.putExtra(EXTRA_SELECTED_WRITE_PRIVACY, writePri);
    intent.putExtra(EXTRA_SELECTED_PUBLISH_PARAMS, publishPermsArr);
    setResult(RESULT_OK, intent);
Also used : SparseBooleanArray(android.util.SparseBooleanArray) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Intent(android.content.Intent)

Example 23 with SparseBooleanArray

use of android.util.SparseBooleanArray in project XobotOS by xamarin.

the class NetworkStats method getUniqueUids.

     * Return list of unique UIDs known by this data structure.
public int[] getUniqueUids() {
    final SparseBooleanArray uids = new SparseBooleanArray();
    for (int uid : this.uid) {
        uids.put(uid, true);
    final int size = uids.size();
    final int[] result = new int[size];
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        result[i] = uids.keyAt(i);
    return result;
Also used : SparseBooleanArray(android.util.SparseBooleanArray)

Example 24 with SparseBooleanArray

use of android.util.SparseBooleanArray in project WordPress-Android by wordpress-mobile.

the class StatsSingleItemDetailsActivity method onCreate.

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar();
    if (actionBar != null) {
    // pull to refresh setup
    mSwipeToRefreshHelper = new SwipeToRefreshHelper(this, (CustomSwipeRefreshLayout) findViewById(, new SwipeToRefreshHelper.RefreshListener() {

        public void onRefreshStarted() {
            if (!NetworkUtils.checkConnection(getBaseContext())) {
    TextView mStatsForLabel = (TextView) findViewById(;
    mGraphContainer = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
    mStatsViewsLabel = (TextView) findViewById(;
    mStatsViewsTotals = (TextView) findViewById(;
    mMonthsAndYearsModule = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
    mMonthsAndYearsHeader = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
    mMonthsAndYearsList = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
    mMonthsAndYearsEmptyPlaceholder = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
    mAveragesModule = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
    mAveragesHeader = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
    mAveragesList = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
    mAveragesEmptyPlaceholder = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
    mRecentWeeksModule = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
    mRecentWeeksHeader = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
    mRecentWeeksList = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
    mRecentWeeksEmptyPlaceholder = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
    mYearsIdToExpandedMap = new SparseBooleanArray();
    mAveragesIdToExpandedMap = new SparseBooleanArray();
    mRecentWeeksIdToExpandedMap = new SparseBooleanArray();
    mOuterScrollView = (ScrollViewExt) findViewById(;
    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
        mRemoteItemID = savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_REMOTE_ITEM_ID);
        mRemoteBlogID = savedInstanceState.getLong(ARG_REMOTE_BLOG_ID, 0);
        mRemoteItemType = savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_REMOTE_ITEM_TYPE);
        mItemTitle = savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_ITEM_TITLE);
        mItemURL = savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_ITEM_URL);
        mRestResponseParsed = (PostViewsModel) savedInstanceState.getSerializable(ARG_REST_RESPONSE);
        mSelectedBarGraphIndex = savedInstanceState.getInt(ARG_SELECTED_GRAPH_BAR, -1);
        mPrevNumberOfBarsGraph = savedInstanceState.getInt(ARG_PREV_NUMBER_OF_BARS, -1);
        final int yScrollPosition = savedInstanceState.getInt(SAVED_STATS_SCROLL_POSITION);
        if (yScrollPosition != 0) {
            mOuterScrollView.postDelayed(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    if (!isFinishing()) {
                        mOuterScrollView.scrollTo(0, yScrollPosition);
            }, StatsConstants.STATS_SCROLL_TO_DELAY);
        if (savedInstanceState.containsKey(ARG_AVERAGES_EXPANDED_ROWS)) {
            mAveragesIdToExpandedMap = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(ARG_AVERAGES_EXPANDED_ROWS);
        if (savedInstanceState.containsKey(ARG_RECENT_EXPANDED_ROWS)) {
            mRecentWeeksIdToExpandedMap = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(ARG_RECENT_EXPANDED_ROWS);
        if (savedInstanceState.containsKey(ARG_YEARS_EXPANDED_ROWS)) {
            mYearsIdToExpandedMap = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(ARG_YEARS_EXPANDED_ROWS);
    } else if (getIntent() != null && getIntent().getExtras() != null) {
        Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
        mRemoteItemID = extras.getString(ARG_REMOTE_ITEM_ID);
        mRemoteBlogID = extras.getLong(ARG_REMOTE_BLOG_ID, 0);
        mRemoteItemType = extras.getString(ARG_REMOTE_ITEM_TYPE);
        mItemTitle = extras.getString(ARG_ITEM_TITLE);
        mItemURL = extras.getString(ARG_ITEM_URL);
        mRestResponseParsed = (PostViewsModel) extras.getSerializable(ARG_REST_RESPONSE);
        mSelectedBarGraphIndex = extras.getInt(ARG_SELECTED_GRAPH_BAR, -1);
    if (mRemoteBlogID == 0 || mRemoteItemID == null) {
        Toast.makeText(this, R.string.stats_generic_error, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
    if (savedInstanceState == null) {
        AnalyticsUtils.trackWithSiteId(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.STATS_SINGLE_POST_ACCESSED, mRemoteBlogID);
    // Setup the main top label that opens the post in the Reader where possible
    if (mItemTitle != null || mItemURL != null) {
        mStatsForLabel.setText(mItemTitle != null ? mItemTitle : mItemURL);
        // make the label clickable if the URL is available
        if (mItemURL != null) {
            mStatsForLabel.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

                public void onClick(View v) {
                    final Context ctx = v.getContext();
                    StatsUtils.openPostInReaderOrInAppWebview(ctx, mRemoteBlogID, mRemoteItemID, mRemoteItemType, mItemURL);
        } else {
    } else {
Also used : Context(android.content.Context) Bundle(android.os.Bundle) SwipeToRefreshHelper( View(android.view.View) GraphView(com.jjoe64.graphview.GraphView) TextView(android.widget.TextView) PostViewsModel( CustomSwipeRefreshLayout( SparseBooleanArray(android.util.SparseBooleanArray) TextView(android.widget.TextView) ActionBar(

Example 25 with SparseBooleanArray

use of android.util.SparseBooleanArray in project XobotOS by xamarin.

the class ListView method getCheckItemIds.

     * Returns the set of checked items ids. The result is only valid if the
     * choice mode has not been set to {@link #CHOICE_MODE_NONE}.
     * @return A new array which contains the id of each checked item in the
     *         list.
     * @deprecated Use {@link #getCheckedItemIds()} instead.
public long[] getCheckItemIds() {
    // Use new behavior that correctly handles stable ID mapping.
    if (mAdapter != null && mAdapter.hasStableIds()) {
        return getCheckedItemIds();
    // Fall back to it to support legacy apps.
    if (mChoiceMode != CHOICE_MODE_NONE && mCheckStates != null && mAdapter != null) {
        final SparseBooleanArray states = mCheckStates;
        final int count = states.size();
        final long[] ids = new long[count];
        final ListAdapter adapter = mAdapter;
        int checkedCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            if (states.valueAt(i)) {
                ids[checkedCount++] = adapter.getItemId(states.keyAt(i));
        // resulting in checkedCount being smaller than count.
        if (checkedCount == count) {
            return ids;
        } else {
            final long[] result = new long[checkedCount];
            System.arraycopy(ids, 0, result, 0, checkedCount);
            return result;
    return new long[0];
Also used : SparseBooleanArray(android.util.SparseBooleanArray) Paint(


SparseBooleanArray (android.util.SparseBooleanArray)235 Selection ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)25 View (android.view.View)20 Point ( ViewGroup (android.view.ViewGroup)16 Paint ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)12 Map (java.util.Map)11 SparseArray (android.util.SparseArray)7 File ( Pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern)7 Cursor (android.database.Cursor)6 SparseIntArray (android.util.SparseIntArray)6 ActionMenuChildView ( IndentingPrintWriter ( Account (android.accounts.Account)5 NonNull (android.annotation.NonNull)5 ContentValues (android.content.ContentValues)5 SQLiteDatabase (android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase)5