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Example 36 with IWindowManager

use of android.view.IWindowManager in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class Am method runInstrument.

private void runInstrument() throws Exception {
    String profileFile = null;
    boolean wait = false;
    boolean rawMode = false;
    boolean no_window_animation = false;
    int userId = UserHandle.USER_CURRENT;
    Bundle args = new Bundle();
    String argKey = null, argValue = null;
    IWindowManager wm = IWindowManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("window"));
    String abi = null;
    String opt;
    while ((opt = nextOption()) != null) {
        if (opt.equals("-p")) {
            profileFile = nextArgRequired();
        } else if (opt.equals("-w")) {
            wait = true;
        } else if (opt.equals("-r")) {
            rawMode = true;
        } else if (opt.equals("-e")) {
            argKey = nextArgRequired();
            argValue = nextArgRequired();
            args.putString(argKey, argValue);
        } else if (opt.equals("--no_window_animation") || opt.equals("--no-window-animation")) {
            no_window_animation = true;
        } else if (opt.equals("--user")) {
            userId = parseUserArg(nextArgRequired());
        } else if (opt.equals("--abi")) {
            abi = nextArgRequired();
        } else {
            System.err.println("Error: Unknown option: " + opt);
    if (userId == UserHandle.USER_ALL) {
        System.err.println("Error: Can't start instrumentation with user 'all'");
    String cnArg = nextArgRequired();
    ComponentName cn;
    if (cnArg.contains("/")) {
        cn = ComponentName.unflattenFromString(cnArg);
        if (cn == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad component name: " + cnArg);
    } else {
        List<InstrumentationInfo> infos = mPm.queryInstrumentation(null, 0).getList();
        final int numInfos = infos == null ? 0 : infos.size();
        List<ComponentName> cns = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < numInfos; i++) {
            InstrumentationInfo info = infos.get(i);
            ComponentName c = new ComponentName(info.packageName,;
            if (cnArg.equals(info.packageName)) {
        if (cns.size() == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No instrumentation found for: " + cnArg);
        } else if (cns.size() == 1) {
            cn = cns.get(0);
        } else {
            StringBuilder cnsStr = new StringBuilder();
            final int numCns = cns.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < numCns; i++) {
                cnsStr.append(", ");
            // Remove last ", "
            cnsStr.setLength(cnsStr.length() - 2);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found multiple instrumentations: " + cnsStr.toString());
    InstrumentationWatcher watcher = null;
    UiAutomationConnection connection = null;
    if (wait) {
        watcher = new InstrumentationWatcher();
        connection = new UiAutomationConnection();
    float[] oldAnims = null;
    if (no_window_animation) {
        oldAnims = wm.getAnimationScales();
        wm.setAnimationScale(0, 0.0f);
        wm.setAnimationScale(1, 0.0f);
    if (abi != null) {
        final String[] supportedAbis = Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS;
        boolean matched = false;
        for (String supportedAbi : supportedAbis) {
            if (supportedAbi.equals(abi)) {
                matched = true;
        if (!matched) {
            throw new AndroidException("INSTRUMENTATION_FAILED: Unsupported instruction set " + abi);
    if (!mAm.startInstrumentation(cn, profileFile, 0, args, watcher, connection, userId, abi)) {
        throw new AndroidException("INSTRUMENTATION_FAILED: " + cn.flattenToString());
    if (watcher != null) {
        if (!watcher.waitForFinish()) {
            System.out.println("INSTRUMENTATION_ABORTED: System has crashed.");
    if (oldAnims != null) {
Also used : IWindowManager(android.view.IWindowManager) Bundle(android.os.Bundle) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IInstrumentationWatcher( UiAutomationConnection( AndroidException(android.util.AndroidException) InstrumentationInfo( ComponentName(android.content.ComponentName)

Example 37 with IWindowManager

use of android.view.IWindowManager in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class RenderSessionImpl method init.

     * Initializes and acquires the scene, creating various Android objects such as context,
     * inflater, and parser.
     * @param timeout the time to wait if another rendering is happening.
     * @return whether the scene was prepared
     * @see #acquire(long)
     * @see #release()
public Result init(long timeout) {
    Result result = super.init(timeout);
    if (!result.isSuccess()) {
        return result;
    SessionParams params = getParams();
    BridgeContext context = getContext();
    // use default of true in case it's not found to use alpha by default
    mIsAlphaChannelImage = ResourceHelper.getBooleanThemeValue(params.getResources(), "windowIsFloating", true, true);
    mLayoutBuilder = new Layout.Builder(params, context);
    // FIXME: find those out, and possibly add them to the render params
    boolean hasNavigationBar = true;
    //noinspection ConstantConditions
    IWindowManager iwm = new IWindowManagerImpl(getContext().getConfiguration(), context.getMetrics(), Surface.ROTATION_0, hasNavigationBar);
    // build the inflater and parser.
    mInflater = new BridgeInflater(context, params.getLayoutlibCallback());
    mBlockParser = new BridgeXmlBlockParser(params.getLayoutDescription(), context, false);
    return SUCCESS.createResult();
Also used : SessionParams( BridgeInflater(android.view.BridgeInflater) LinearLayout(android.widget.LinearLayout) FrameLayout(android.widget.FrameLayout) IWindowManager(android.view.IWindowManager) IWindowManagerImpl(android.view.IWindowManagerImpl) BridgeContext( BridgeXmlBlockParser( Result(

Example 38 with IWindowManager

use of android.view.IWindowManager in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class DisplayDensityUtils method setForcedDisplayDensity.

     * Asynchronously applies display density changes to the specified display.
     * <p>
     * The change will be applied to the user specified by the value of
     * {@link UserHandle#myUserId()} at the time the method is called.
     * @param displayId the identifier of the display to modify
     * @param density the density to force for the specified display
public static void setForcedDisplayDensity(final int displayId, final int density) {
    final int userId = UserHandle.myUserId();
    AsyncTask.execute(() -> {
        try {
            final IWindowManager wm = WindowManagerGlobal.getWindowManagerService();
            wm.setForcedDisplayDensityForUser(displayId, density, userId);
        } catch (RemoteException exc) {
            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Unable to save forced display density setting");
Also used : IWindowManager(android.view.IWindowManager) RemoteException(android.os.RemoteException)

Example 39 with IWindowManager

use of android.view.IWindowManager in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class DisplayDensityUtils method clearForcedDisplayDensity.

     * Asynchronously applies display density changes to the specified display.
     * <p>
     * The change will be applied to the user specified by the value of
     * {@link UserHandle#myUserId()} at the time the method is called.
     * @param displayId the identifier of the display to modify
public static void clearForcedDisplayDensity(final int displayId) {
    final int userId = UserHandle.myUserId();
    AsyncTask.execute(() -> {
        try {
            final IWindowManager wm = WindowManagerGlobal.getWindowManagerService();
            wm.clearForcedDisplayDensityForUser(displayId, userId);
        } catch (RemoteException exc) {
            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Unable to clear forced display density setting");
Also used : IWindowManager(android.view.IWindowManager) RemoteException(android.os.RemoteException)

Example 40 with IWindowManager

use of android.view.IWindowManager in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class RotationPolicy method getRotationLockOrientation.

     * Returns the orientation that will be used when locking the orientation from system UI
     * with {@link #setRotationLock}.
     * If the device only supports locking to its natural orientation, this will be either
     * otherwise Configuration.ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED if any orientation is lockable.
public static int getRotationLockOrientation(Context context) {
    if (!isCurrentRotationAllowed(context)) {
        final Point size = new Point();
        final IWindowManager wm = WindowManagerGlobal.getWindowManagerService();
        try {
            wm.getInitialDisplaySize(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY, size);
            return size.x < size.y ? Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT : Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE;
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Unable to get the display size");
    return Configuration.ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED;
Also used : IWindowManager(android.view.IWindowManager) Point( RemoteException(android.os.RemoteException)


IWindowManager (android.view.IWindowManager)41 RemoteException (android.os.RemoteException)29 Point ( IInstrumentationWatcher ( UiAutomationConnection ( ComponentName (android.content.ComponentName)6 Bundle (android.os.Bundle)6 AndroidException (android.util.AndroidException)6 BridgeInflater (android.view.BridgeInflater)6 IWindowManagerImpl (android.view.IWindowManagerImpl)6 Result ( SessionParams ( BridgeContext ( BridgeXmlBlockParser ( InstrumentationInfo ( FrameLayout (android.widget.FrameLayout)5 LinearLayout (android.widget.LinearLayout)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 UserInfo ( Intent (android.content.Intent)2