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Example 16 with SurfaceControl

use of android.view.SurfaceControl in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class ElectronBeam method createSurface.

/* not used because it is too expensive to create / destroy contexts all of the time
    private void destroyEglContext() {
        if (mEglContext != null) {
            if (!EGL14.eglDestroyContext(mEglDisplay, mEglContext)) {
            mEglContext = null;
private boolean createSurface() {
    if (mSurfaceSession == null) {
        mSurfaceSession = new SurfaceSession();
    try {
        if (mSurfaceControl == null) {
            try {
                int flags;
                if (mMode == MODE_FADE) {
                    flags = SurfaceControl.FX_SURFACE_DIM | SurfaceControl.HIDDEN;
                } else {
                    flags = SurfaceControl.OPAQUE | SurfaceControl.HIDDEN;
                mSurfaceControl = new SurfaceControl(mSurfaceSession, "ElectronBeam", mDisplayWidth, mDisplayHeight, PixelFormat.OPAQUE, flags);
            } catch (SurfaceControl.OutOfResourcesException ex) {
                Slog.e(TAG, "Unable to create surface.", ex);
                return false;
        mSurfaceControl.setSize(mDisplayWidth, mDisplayHeight);
        mSurface = new Surface();
        mSurfaceLayout = new NaturalSurfaceLayout(mDisplayManager, mSurfaceControl);
    } finally {
    return true;
Also used : SurfaceSession(android.view.SurfaceSession) SurfaceControl(android.view.SurfaceControl) Surface(android.view.Surface) EGLSurface(android.opengl.EGLSurface)

Example 17 with SurfaceControl

use of android.view.SurfaceControl in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class WindowManagerService method reclaimSomeSurfaceMemoryLocked.

boolean reclaimSomeSurfaceMemoryLocked(WindowStateAnimator winAnimator, String operation, boolean secure) {
    final SurfaceControl surface = winAnimator.mSurfaceControl;
    boolean leakedSurface = false;
    boolean killedApps = false;
    EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.WM_NO_SURFACE_MEMORY, winAnimator.mWin.toString(), winAnimator.mSession.mPid, operation);
    if (mForceRemoves == null) {
        mForceRemoves = new ArrayList<WindowState>();
    long callingIdentity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
    try {
        // There was some problem...   first, do a sanity check of the
        // window list to make sure we haven't left any dangling surfaces
        // around.
        final int numDisplays = mDisplayContents.size();
        for (int displayNdx = 0; displayNdx < numDisplays; ++displayNdx) {
            final WindowList windows = mDisplayContents.valueAt(displayNdx).getWindowList();
            final int numWindows = windows.size();
            for (int winNdx = 0; winNdx < numWindows; ++winNdx) {
                final WindowState ws = windows.get(winNdx);
                WindowStateAnimator wsa = ws.mWinAnimator;
                if (wsa.mSurfaceControl != null) {
                    if (!mSessions.contains(wsa.mSession)) {
                        Slog.w(TAG, "LEAKED SURFACE (session doesn't exist): " + ws + " surface=" + wsa.mSurfaceControl + " token=" + ws.mToken + " pid=" + ws.mSession.mPid + " uid=" + ws.mSession.mUid);
                        if (SHOW_TRANSACTIONS)
                            logSurface(ws, "LEAK DESTROY", null);
                        wsa.mSurfaceShown = false;
                        wsa.mSurfaceControl = null;
                        ws.mHasSurface = false;
                        leakedSurface = true;
                    } else if (ws.mAppToken != null && ws.mAppToken.clientHidden) {
                        Slog.w(TAG, "LEAKED SURFACE (app token hidden): " + ws + " surface=" + wsa.mSurfaceControl + " token=" + ws.mAppToken);
                        if (SHOW_TRANSACTIONS)
                            logSurface(ws, "LEAK DESTROY", null);
                        wsa.mSurfaceShown = false;
                        wsa.mSurfaceControl = null;
                        ws.mHasSurface = false;
                        leakedSurface = true;
        if (!leakedSurface) {
            Slog.w(TAG, "No leaked surfaces; killing applicatons!");
            SparseIntArray pidCandidates = new SparseIntArray();
            for (int displayNdx = 0; displayNdx < numDisplays; ++displayNdx) {
                final WindowList windows = mDisplayContents.valueAt(displayNdx).getWindowList();
                final int numWindows = windows.size();
                for (int winNdx = 0; winNdx < numWindows; ++winNdx) {
                    final WindowState ws = windows.get(winNdx);
                    if (mForceRemoves.contains(ws)) {
                    WindowStateAnimator wsa = ws.mWinAnimator;
                    if (wsa.mSurfaceControl != null) {
                        pidCandidates.append(wsa.mSession.mPid, wsa.mSession.mPid);
                if (pidCandidates.size() > 0) {
                    int[] pids = new int[pidCandidates.size()];
                    for (int i = 0; i < pids.length; i++) {
                        pids[i] = pidCandidates.keyAt(i);
                    try {
                        if (mActivityManager.killPids(pids, "Free memory", secure)) {
                            killedApps = true;
                    } catch (RemoteException e) {
        if (leakedSurface || killedApps) {
            // We managed to reclaim some memory, so get rid of the trouble
            // surface and ask the app to request another one.
            Slog.w(TAG, "Looks like we have reclaimed some memory, clearing surface for retry.");
            if (surface != null) {
                    logSurface(winAnimator.mWin, "RECOVER DESTROY", null);
                winAnimator.mSurfaceShown = false;
                winAnimator.mSurfaceControl = null;
                winAnimator.mWin.mHasSurface = false;
            try {
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
    } finally {
    return leakedSurface || killedApps;
Also used : SparseIntArray(android.util.SparseIntArray) SurfaceControl(android.view.SurfaceControl) RemoteException(android.os.RemoteException) Point(

Example 18 with SurfaceControl

use of android.view.SurfaceControl in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class WindowManagerService method handleAppTransitionReadyLocked.

     * Extracted from {@link #performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLockedInner} to reduce size of method.
     * @param windows List of windows on default display.
     * @return bitmap indicating if another pass through layout must be made.
public int handleAppTransitionReadyLocked(WindowList windows) {
    int changes = 0;
    int i;
    int NN = mOpeningApps.size();
    boolean goodToGo = true;
        Slog.v(TAG, "Checking " + NN + " opening apps (frozen=" + mDisplayFrozen + " timeout=" + mAppTransition.isTimeout() + ")...");
    if (!mDisplayFrozen && !mAppTransition.isTimeout()) {
        // we'll unfreeze the display when everyone is ready.
        for (i = 0; i < NN && goodToGo; i++) {
            AppWindowToken wtoken = mOpeningApps.get(i);
            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS)
                Slog.v(TAG, "Check opening app=" + wtoken + ": allDrawn=" + wtoken.allDrawn + " startingDisplayed=" + wtoken.startingDisplayed + " startingMoved=" + wtoken.startingMoved);
            if (!wtoken.allDrawn && !wtoken.startingDisplayed && !wtoken.startingMoved) {
                goodToGo = false;
    if (goodToGo) {
            Slog.v(TAG, "**** GOOD TO GO");
        int transit = mAppTransition.getAppTransition();
        if (mSkipAppTransitionAnimation) {
            transit = AppTransition.TRANSIT_UNSET;
        mStartingIconInTransition = false;
        mSkipAppTransitionAnimation = false;
        // if wallpaper is animating in or out set oldWallpaper to null else to wallpaper
        WindowState oldWallpaper = mWallpaperTarget != null && mWallpaperTarget.mWinAnimator.isAnimating() && !mWallpaperTarget.mWinAnimator.isDummyAnimation() ? null : mWallpaperTarget;
        mInnerFields.mWallpaperMayChange = false;
        // The top-most window will supply the layout params,
        // and we will determine it below.
        LayoutParams animLp = null;
        int bestAnimLayer = -1;
        boolean fullscreenAnim = false;
            Slog.v(TAG, "New wallpaper target=" + mWallpaperTarget + ", oldWallpaper=" + oldWallpaper + ", lower target=" + mLowerWallpaperTarget + ", upper target=" + mUpperWallpaperTarget);
        boolean openingAppHasWallpaper = false;
        boolean closingAppHasWallpaper = false;
        final AppWindowToken lowerWallpaperAppToken;
        final AppWindowToken upperWallpaperAppToken;
        if (mLowerWallpaperTarget == null) {
            lowerWallpaperAppToken = upperWallpaperAppToken = null;
        } else {
            lowerWallpaperAppToken = mLowerWallpaperTarget.mAppToken;
            upperWallpaperAppToken = mUpperWallpaperTarget.mAppToken;
        // Do a first pass through the tokens for two
        // things:
        // (1) Determine if both the closing and opening
        // app token sets are wallpaper targets, in which
        // case special animations are needed
        // (since the wallpaper needs to stay static
        // behind them).
        // (2) Find the layout params of the top-most
        // application window in the tokens, which is
        // what will control the animation theme.
        final int NC = mClosingApps.size();
        NN = NC + mOpeningApps.size();
        for (i = 0; i < NN; i++) {
            final AppWindowToken wtoken;
            if (i < NC) {
                wtoken = mClosingApps.get(i);
                if (wtoken == lowerWallpaperAppToken || wtoken == upperWallpaperAppToken) {
                    closingAppHasWallpaper = true;
            } else {
                wtoken = mOpeningApps.get(i - NC);
                if (wtoken == lowerWallpaperAppToken || wtoken == upperWallpaperAppToken) {
                    openingAppHasWallpaper = true;
            if (wtoken.appFullscreen) {
                WindowState ws = wtoken.findMainWindow();
                if (ws != null) {
                    animLp = ws.mAttrs;
                    bestAnimLayer = ws.mLayer;
                    fullscreenAnim = true;
            } else if (!fullscreenAnim) {
                WindowState ws = wtoken.findMainWindow();
                if (ws != null) {
                    if (ws.mLayer > bestAnimLayer) {
                        animLp = ws.mAttrs;
                        bestAnimLayer = ws.mLayer;
        if (closingAppHasWallpaper && openingAppHasWallpaper) {
            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS)
                Slog.v(TAG, "Wallpaper animation!");
            switch(transit) {
                case AppTransition.TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_OPEN:
                case AppTransition.TRANSIT_TASK_OPEN:
                case AppTransition.TRANSIT_TASK_TO_FRONT:
                    transit = AppTransition.TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_INTRA_OPEN;
                case AppTransition.TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_CLOSE:
                case AppTransition.TRANSIT_TASK_CLOSE:
                case AppTransition.TRANSIT_TASK_TO_BACK:
                    transit = AppTransition.TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_INTRA_CLOSE;
            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS)
                Slog.v(TAG, "New transit: " + transit);
        } else if ((oldWallpaper != null) && !mOpeningApps.contains(oldWallpaper.mAppToken)) {
            // We are transitioning from an activity with
            // a wallpaper to one without.
            transit = AppTransition.TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_CLOSE;
            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS)
                Slog.v(TAG, "New transit away from wallpaper: " + transit);
        } else if (mWallpaperTarget != null && mWallpaperTarget.isVisibleLw()) {
            // We are transitioning from an activity without
            // a wallpaper to now showing the wallpaper
            transit = AppTransition.TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_OPEN;
            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS)
                Slog.v(TAG, "New transit into wallpaper: " + transit);
        // the lock screen.
        if (!mPolicy.allowAppAnimationsLw()) {
            animLp = null;
        AppWindowToken topOpeningApp = null;
        int topOpeningLayer = 0;
        NN = mOpeningApps.size();
        for (i = 0; i < NN; i++) {
            AppWindowToken wtoken = mOpeningApps.get(i);
            final AppWindowAnimator appAnimator = wtoken.mAppAnimator;
            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS)
                Slog.v(TAG, "Now opening app" + wtoken);
            wtoken.inPendingTransaction = false;
            appAnimator.animation = null;
            setTokenVisibilityLocked(wtoken, animLp, true, transit, false);
            wtoken.waitingToShow = false;
            final int N = wtoken.allAppWindows.size();
            for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
            mAnimator.mAnimating |= appAnimator.showAllWindowsLocked();
            if (animLp != null) {
                int layer = -1;
                for (int j = 0; j <; j++) {
                    WindowState win =;
                    if (win.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer > layer) {
                        layer = win.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer;
                if (topOpeningApp == null || layer > topOpeningLayer) {
                    topOpeningApp = wtoken;
                    topOpeningLayer = layer;
        NN = mClosingApps.size();
        for (i = 0; i < NN; i++) {
            AppWindowToken wtoken = mClosingApps.get(i);
            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS)
                Slog.v(TAG, "Now closing app " + wtoken);
            wtoken.inPendingTransaction = false;
            wtoken.mAppAnimator.animation = null;
            setTokenVisibilityLocked(wtoken, animLp, false, transit, false);
            wtoken.waitingToHide = false;
            // Force the allDrawn flag, because we want to start
            // this guy's animations regardless of whether it's
            // gotten drawn.
            wtoken.allDrawn = true;
            wtoken.deferClearAllDrawn = false;
        AppWindowAnimator appAnimator = topOpeningApp == null ? null : topOpeningApp.mAppAnimator;
        Bitmap nextAppTransitionThumbnail = mAppTransition.getNextAppTransitionThumbnail();
        if (nextAppTransitionThumbnail != null && appAnimator != null && appAnimator.animation != null) {
            // This thumbnail animation is very special, we need to have
            // an extra surface with the thumbnail included with the animation.
            Rect dirty = new Rect(0, 0, nextAppTransitionThumbnail.getWidth(), nextAppTransitionThumbnail.getHeight());
            try {
                // TODO(multi-display): support other displays
                final DisplayContent displayContent = getDefaultDisplayContentLocked();
                final Display display = displayContent.getDisplay();
                SurfaceControl surfaceControl = new SurfaceControl(mFxSession, "thumbnail anim", dirty.width(), dirty.height(), PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT, SurfaceControl.HIDDEN);
                appAnimator.thumbnail = surfaceControl;
                if (SHOW_TRANSACTIONS)
                    Slog.i(TAG, "  THUMBNAIL " + surfaceControl + ": CREATE");
                Surface drawSurface = new Surface();
                Canvas c = drawSurface.lockCanvas(dirty);
                c.drawBitmap(nextAppTransitionThumbnail, 0, 0, null);
                appAnimator.thumbnailLayer = topOpeningLayer;
                DisplayInfo displayInfo = getDefaultDisplayInfoLocked();
                Animation anim = mAppTransition.createThumbnailAnimationLocked(transit, true, true, displayInfo.appWidth, displayInfo.appHeight);
                appAnimator.thumbnailAnimation = anim;
                Point p = new Point();
                appAnimator.thumbnailX = p.x;
                appAnimator.thumbnailY = p.y;
            } catch (SurfaceControl.OutOfResourcesException e) {
                Slog.e(TAG, "Can't allocate thumbnail surface w=" + dirty.width() + " h=" + dirty.height(), e);
            } catch (Surface.OutOfResourcesException e) {
                Slog.e(TAG, "Can't allocate Canvas surface w=" + dirty.width() + " h=" + dirty.height(), e);
        // This has changed the visibility of windows, so perform
        // a new layout to get them all up-to-date.
        changes |= WindowManagerPolicy.FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_LAYOUT | WindowManagerPolicy.FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_CONFIG;
        getDefaultDisplayContentLocked().layoutNeeded = true;
        // TODO(multidisplay): IMEs are only supported on the default display.
        if (windows == getDefaultWindowListLocked() && !moveInputMethodWindowsIfNeededLocked(true)) {
        updateFocusedWindowLocked(UPDATE_FOCUS_PLACING_SURFACES, false);
        mFocusMayChange = false;
    return changes;
Also used : Rect( LayoutParams(android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams) DisplayInfo(android.view.DisplayInfo) SurfaceControl(android.view.SurfaceControl) Canvas( Point( Point( Surface(android.view.Surface) Bitmap( Animation(android.view.animation.Animation) Display(android.view.Display)

Example 19 with SurfaceControl

use of android.view.SurfaceControl in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class ColorFade method createSurface.

private boolean createSurface() {
    if (mSurfaceSession == null) {
        mSurfaceSession = new SurfaceSession();
    try {
        if (mSurfaceControl == null) {
            try {
                int flags;
                if (mMode == MODE_FADE) {
                    flags = SurfaceControl.FX_SURFACE_DIM | SurfaceControl.HIDDEN;
                } else {
                    flags = SurfaceControl.OPAQUE | SurfaceControl.HIDDEN;
                mSurfaceControl = new SurfaceControl(mSurfaceSession, "ColorFade", mDisplayWidth, mDisplayHeight, PixelFormat.OPAQUE, flags);
            } catch (OutOfResourcesException ex) {
                Slog.e(TAG, "Unable to create surface.", ex);
                return false;
            mSurfaceControl.setSize(mDisplayWidth, mDisplayHeight);
            mSurface = new Surface();
            mSurfaceLayout = new NaturalSurfaceLayout(mDisplayManagerInternal, mDisplayId, mSurfaceControl);
    } finally {
    return true;
Also used : OutOfResourcesException(android.view.Surface.OutOfResourcesException) SurfaceSession(android.view.SurfaceSession) SurfaceControl(android.view.SurfaceControl) EGLSurface(android.opengl.EGLSurface) Surface(android.view.Surface)

Example 20 with SurfaceControl

use of android.view.SurfaceControl in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class ColorFade method createSurface.

private boolean createSurface() {
    if (mSurfaceSession == null) {
        mSurfaceSession = new SurfaceSession();
    try {
        if (mSurfaceControl == null) {
            try {
                int flags;
                if (mMode == MODE_FADE) {
                    flags = SurfaceControl.FX_SURFACE_DIM | SurfaceControl.HIDDEN;
                } else {
                    flags = SurfaceControl.OPAQUE | SurfaceControl.HIDDEN;
                mSurfaceControl = new SurfaceControl(mSurfaceSession, "ColorFade", mDisplayWidth, mDisplayHeight, PixelFormat.OPAQUE, flags);
            } catch (OutOfResourcesException ex) {
                Slog.e(TAG, "Unable to create surface.", ex);
                return false;
            mSurfaceControl.setSize(mDisplayWidth, mDisplayHeight);
            mSurface = new Surface();
            mSurfaceLayout = new NaturalSurfaceLayout(mDisplayManagerInternal, mDisplayId, mSurfaceControl);
    } finally {
    return true;
Also used : OutOfResourcesException(android.view.Surface.OutOfResourcesException) SurfaceSession(android.view.SurfaceSession) SurfaceControl(android.view.SurfaceControl) EGLSurface(android.opengl.EGLSurface) Surface(android.view.Surface)


SurfaceControl (android.view.SurfaceControl)27 Display (android.view.Display)14 Surface (android.view.Surface)11 Point ( OutOfResourcesException (android.view.Surface.OutOfResourcesException)8 EGLSurface (android.opengl.EGLSurface)6 DisplayInfo (android.view.DisplayInfo)6 SurfaceSession (android.view.SurfaceSession)6 Bitmap ( Canvas ( Rect ( Animation (android.view.animation.Animation)5 Binder (android.os.Binder)4 IBinder (android.os.IBinder)4 Message (android.os.Message)4 LayoutParams (android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams)3 RemoteException (android.os.RemoteException)2 WindowManager (android.view.WindowManager)2 SparseIntArray (android.util.SparseIntArray)1 IWindowManager (android.view.IWindowManager)1