Search in sources :

Example 16 with SurfaceView

use of android.view.SurfaceView in project weex-example by KalicyZhou.

the class CaptureActivity method onResume.

protected void onResume() {
    // historyManager must be initialized here to update the history
    // preference
    historyManager = new HistoryManager(this);
    // CameraManager must be initialized here, not in onCreate(). This is
    // necessary because we don't
    // want to open the camera driver and measure the screen size if we're
    // going to show the help on
    // first launch. That led to bugs where the scanning rectangle was the
    // wrong size and partially
    // off screen.
    cameraManager = new CameraManager(getApplication());
    viewfinderView = (ViewfinderView) findViewById(;
    resultView = findViewById(;
    statusView = (TextView) findViewById(;
    handler = null;
    lastResult = null;
    SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
    //		if (prefs.getBoolean(PreferencesActivity.KEY_DISABLE_AUTO_ORIENTATION,
    //				true)) {
    //			setRequestedOrientation(getCurrentOrientation());
    //		} else {
    //			setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_LANDSCAPE);
    //		}
    Intent intent = getIntent();
    copyToClipboard = prefs.getBoolean(PreferencesActivity.KEY_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD, true) && (intent == null || intent.getBooleanExtra(Intents.Scan.SAVE_HISTORY, true));
    source = IntentSource.NONE;
    sourceUrl = null;
    scanFromWebPageManager = null;
    decodeFormats = null;
    characterSet = null;
    if (intent != null) {
        String action = intent.getAction();
        String dataString = intent.getDataString();
        if (Intents.Scan.ACTION.equals(action)) {
            // Scan the formats the intent requested, and return the result
            // to the calling activity.
            source = IntentSource.NATIVE_APP_INTENT;
            decodeFormats = DecodeFormatManager.parseDecodeFormats(intent);
            decodeHints = DecodeHintManager.parseDecodeHints(intent);
            if (intent.hasExtra(Intents.Scan.WIDTH) && intent.hasExtra(Intents.Scan.HEIGHT)) {
                int width = intent.getIntExtra(Intents.Scan.WIDTH, 0);
                int height = intent.getIntExtra(Intents.Scan.HEIGHT, 0);
                if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
                    cameraManager.setManualFramingRect(width, height);
            if (intent.hasExtra(Intents.Scan.CAMERA_ID)) {
                int cameraId = intent.getIntExtra(Intents.Scan.CAMERA_ID, -1);
                if (cameraId >= 0) {
            String customPromptMessage = intent.getStringExtra(Intents.Scan.PROMPT_MESSAGE);
            if (customPromptMessage != null) {
        } else if (dataString != null && dataString.contains("") && dataString.contains("/m/products/scan")) {
            // Scan only products and send the result to mobile Product
            // Search.
            source = IntentSource.PRODUCT_SEARCH_LINK;
            sourceUrl = dataString;
            decodeFormats = DecodeFormatManager.PRODUCT_FORMATS;
        } else if (isZXingURL(dataString)) {
            // Scan formats requested in query string (all formats if none
            // specified).
            // If a return URL is specified, send the results there.
            // Otherwise, handle it ourselves.
            source = IntentSource.ZXING_LINK;
            sourceUrl = dataString;
            Uri inputUri = Uri.parse(dataString);
            scanFromWebPageManager = new ScanFromWebPageManager(inputUri);
            decodeFormats = DecodeFormatManager.parseDecodeFormats(inputUri);
            // Allow a sub-set of the hints to be specified by the caller.
            decodeHints = DecodeHintManager.parseDecodeHints(inputUri);
        characterSet = intent.getStringExtra(Intents.Scan.CHARACTER_SET);
    SurfaceView surfaceView = (SurfaceView) findViewById(;
    SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder = surfaceView.getHolder();
    if (hasSurface) {
        // The activity was paused but not stopped, so the surface still
        // exists. Therefore
        // surfaceCreated() won't be called, so init the camera here.
    } else {
        // Install the callback and wait for surfaceCreated() to init the
        // camera.
Also used : SurfaceHolder(android.view.SurfaceHolder) SharedPreferences(android.content.SharedPreferences) HistoryManager( CameraManager( Intent(android.content.Intent) Uri( ResultPoint( Paint( SurfaceView(android.view.SurfaceView)

Example 17 with SurfaceView

use of android.view.SurfaceView in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class EGLImpl method eglCreateWindowSurface.

public EGLSurface eglCreateWindowSurface(EGLDisplay display, EGLConfig config, Object native_window, int[] attrib_list) {
    Surface sur = null;
    if (native_window instanceof SurfaceView) {
        SurfaceView surfaceView = (SurfaceView) native_window;
        sur = surfaceView.getHolder().getSurface();
    } else if (native_window instanceof SurfaceHolder) {
        SurfaceHolder holder = (SurfaceHolder) native_window;
        sur = holder.getSurface();
    } else if (native_window instanceof Surface) {
        sur = (Surface) native_window;
    long eglSurfaceId;
    if (sur != null) {
        eglSurfaceId = _eglCreateWindowSurface(display, config, sur, attrib_list);
    } else if (native_window instanceof SurfaceTexture) {
        eglSurfaceId = _eglCreateWindowSurfaceTexture(display, config, native_window, attrib_list);
    } else {
        throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("eglCreateWindowSurface() can only be called with an instance of " + "Surface, SurfaceView, SurfaceHolder or SurfaceTexture at the moment.");
    if (eglSurfaceId == 0) {
        return EGL10.EGL_NO_SURFACE;
    return new EGLSurfaceImpl(eglSurfaceId);
Also used : SurfaceHolder(android.view.SurfaceHolder) SurfaceTexture( SurfaceView(android.view.SurfaceView) Surface(android.view.Surface)

Example 18 with SurfaceView

use of android.view.SurfaceView in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class ViewManager method requestLayout.

     * This should only be called from the UI thread.
private void requestLayout(ChildView v) {
    int width = mWebView.contentToViewDimension(v.width);
    int height = mWebView.contentToViewDimension(v.height);
    int x = mWebView.contentToViewX(v.x);
    int y = mWebView.contentToViewY(v.y);
    AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams lp;
    ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = v.mView.getLayoutParams();
    if (layoutParams instanceof AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams) {
        lp = (AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams) layoutParams;
        lp.width = width;
        lp.height = height;
        lp.x = x;
        lp.y = y;
    } else {
        lp = new AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, x, y);
    // apply the layout to the view
    if (v.mView instanceof SurfaceView) {
        final SurfaceView sView = (SurfaceView) v.mView;
        if (sView.isFixedSize() && mZoomInProgress) {
            /* If we're already fixed, and we're in a zoom, then do nothing
                   about the size. Just wait until we get called at the end of
                   the zoom session (with mZoomInProgress false) and we'll
                   fixup our size then.
        /* Compute proportional fixed width/height if necessary.
             * NOTE: plugins (e.g. Flash) must not explicitly fix the size of
             * their surface. The logic below will result in unexpected behavior
             * for the plugin if they attempt to fix the size of the surface.
        int fixedW = width;
        int fixedH = height;
            if (v.width > v.height) {
                fixedW = MAX_SURFACE_DIMENSION;
                fixedH = v.height * MAX_SURFACE_DIMENSION / v.width;
            } else {
                fixedH = MAX_SURFACE_DIMENSION;
                fixedW = v.width * MAX_SURFACE_DIMENSION / v.height;
        if (fixedW * fixedH > MAX_SURFACE_AREA) {
            float area = MAX_SURFACE_AREA;
            if (v.width > v.height) {
                fixedW = (int) Math.sqrt(area * v.width / v.height);
                fixedH = v.height * fixedW / v.width;
            } else {
                fixedH = (int) Math.sqrt(area * v.height / v.width);
                fixedW = v.width * fixedH / v.height;
        if (fixedW != width || fixedH != height) {
            // if we get here, either our dimensions or area (or both)
            // exeeded our max, so we had to compute fixedW and fixedH
            sView.getHolder().setFixedSize(fixedW, fixedH);
        } else if (!sView.isFixedSize() && mZoomInProgress) {
            // just freeze where we were (view size) until we're done with
            // the zoom progress
            sView.getHolder().setFixedSize(sView.getWidth(), sView.getHeight());
        } else if (sView.isFixedSize() && !mZoomInProgress) {
            /* The changing of visibility is a hack to get around a bug in
                 * the framework that causes the surface to revert to the size
                 * it was prior to being fixed before it redraws using the
                 * values currently in its layout.
                 * The surface is destroyed when it is set to invisible and then
                 * recreated at the new dimensions when it is made visible. The
                 * same destroy/create step occurs without the change in
                 * visibility, but then exhibits the behavior described in the
                 * previous paragraph.
            if (sView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {
                // setLayoutParams() only requests the layout. If we set it
                // to VISIBLE now, it will use the old dimension to set the
                // size. Post a message to ensure that it shows the new size.
       Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
            } else {
Also used : ViewGroup(android.view.ViewGroup) AbsoluteLayout(android.widget.AbsoluteLayout) SurfaceView(android.view.SurfaceView)

Example 19 with SurfaceView

use of android.view.SurfaceView in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class EGL14 method eglCreateWindowSurface.

public static EGLSurface eglCreateWindowSurface(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, Object win, int[] attrib_list, int offset) {
    Surface sur = null;
    if (win instanceof SurfaceView) {
        SurfaceView surfaceView = (SurfaceView) win;
        sur = surfaceView.getHolder().getSurface();
    } else if (win instanceof SurfaceHolder) {
        SurfaceHolder holder = (SurfaceHolder) win;
        sur = holder.getSurface();
    } else if (win instanceof Surface) {
        sur = (Surface) win;
    EGLSurface surface;
    if (sur != null) {
        surface = _eglCreateWindowSurface(dpy, config, sur, attrib_list, offset);
    } else if (win instanceof SurfaceTexture) {
        surface = _eglCreateWindowSurfaceTexture(dpy, config, win, attrib_list, offset);
    } else {
        throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("eglCreateWindowSurface() can only be called with an instance of " + "Surface, SurfaceView, SurfaceTexture or SurfaceHolder at the moment, " + "this will be fixed later.");
    return surface;
Also used : SurfaceHolder(android.view.SurfaceHolder) SurfaceTexture( SurfaceView(android.view.SurfaceView) Surface(android.view.Surface)

Example 20 with SurfaceView

use of android.view.SurfaceView in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class EGLImpl method eglCreateWindowSurface.

public EGLSurface eglCreateWindowSurface(EGLDisplay display, EGLConfig config, Object native_window, int[] attrib_list) {
    Surface sur = null;
    if (native_window instanceof SurfaceView) {
        SurfaceView surfaceView = (SurfaceView) native_window;
        sur = surfaceView.getHolder().getSurface();
    } else if (native_window instanceof SurfaceHolder) {
        SurfaceHolder holder = (SurfaceHolder) native_window;
        sur = holder.getSurface();
    } else if (native_window instanceof Surface) {
        sur = (Surface) native_window;
    long eglSurfaceId;
    if (sur != null) {
        eglSurfaceId = _eglCreateWindowSurface(display, config, sur, attrib_list);
    } else if (native_window instanceof SurfaceTexture) {
        eglSurfaceId = _eglCreateWindowSurfaceTexture(display, config, native_window, attrib_list);
    } else {
        throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("eglCreateWindowSurface() can only be called with an instance of " + "Surface, SurfaceView, SurfaceHolder or SurfaceTexture at the moment.");
    if (eglSurfaceId == 0) {
        return EGL10.EGL_NO_SURFACE;
    return new EGLSurfaceImpl(eglSurfaceId);
Also used : SurfaceHolder(android.view.SurfaceHolder) SurfaceTexture( SurfaceView(android.view.SurfaceView) Surface(android.view.Surface)


SurfaceView (android.view.SurfaceView)137 SurfaceHolder (android.view.SurfaceHolder)65 View (android.view.View)35 SurfaceTexture ( Intent (android.content.Intent)16 FrameLayout (android.widget.FrameLayout)15 Surface (android.view.Surface)14 Button (android.widget.Button)13 TextView (android.widget.TextView)11 SharedPreferences (android.content.SharedPreferences)10 Bitmap ( ImageView (android.widget.ImageView)9 IOException ( ViewGroup (android.view.ViewGroup)8 LinearLayout (android.widget.LinearLayout)8 FileOutputStream ( AudioManager ( OnClickListener (android.view.View.OnClickListener)7 CameraManager ( IntentFilter (android.content.IntentFilter)6