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Example 11 with WindowInsets

use of android.view.WindowInsets in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class ActionBarOverlayLayout method onMeasure.

protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
    int maxHeight = 0;
    int maxWidth = 0;
    int childState = 0;
    int topInset = 0;
    int bottomInset = 0;
    measureChildWithMargins(mActionBarTop, widthMeasureSpec, 0, heightMeasureSpec, 0);
    LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) mActionBarTop.getLayoutParams();
    maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, mActionBarTop.getMeasuredWidth() + lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin);
    maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, mActionBarTop.getMeasuredHeight() + lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin);
    childState = combineMeasuredStates(childState, mActionBarTop.getMeasuredState());
    // xlarge screen layout doesn't have bottom action bar.
    if (mActionBarBottom != null) {
        measureChildWithMargins(mActionBarBottom, widthMeasureSpec, 0, heightMeasureSpec, 0);
        lp = (LayoutParams) mActionBarBottom.getLayoutParams();
        maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, mActionBarBottom.getMeasuredWidth() + lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin);
        maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, mActionBarBottom.getMeasuredHeight() + lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin);
        childState = combineMeasuredStates(childState, mActionBarBottom.getMeasuredState());
    final int vis = getWindowSystemUiVisibility();
    final boolean stable = (vis & SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE) != 0;
    if (stable) {
        // This is the standard space needed for the action bar.  For stable measurement,
        // we can't depend on the size currently reported by it -- this must remain constant.
        topInset = mActionBarHeight;
        if (mHasNonEmbeddedTabs) {
            final View tabs = mActionBarTop.getTabContainer();
            if (tabs != null) {
                // If tabs are not embedded, increase space on top to account for them.
                topInset += mActionBarHeight;
    } else if (mActionBarTop.getVisibility() != GONE) {
        // This is the space needed on top of the window for all of the action bar
        // and tabs.
        topInset = mActionBarTop.getMeasuredHeight();
    if (mDecorToolbar.isSplit()) {
        // If action bar is split, adjust bottom insets for it.
        if (mActionBarBottom != null) {
            if (stable) {
                bottomInset = mActionBarHeight;
            } else {
                bottomInset = mActionBarBottom.getMeasuredHeight();
    // If the window has not requested system UI layout flags, we need to
    // make sure its content is not being covered by system UI...  though it
    // will still be covered by the action bar if they have requested it to
    // overlay.
    if (!mOverlayMode && !stable) { += topInset;
        mContentInsets.bottom += bottomInset;
    } else { += topInset;
        mInnerInsets.bottom += bottomInset;
    applyInsets(mContent, mContentInsets, true, true, true, true);
    if (!mLastInnerInsets.equals(mInnerInsets)) {
        // If the inner insets have changed, we need to dispatch this down to
        // the app's fitSystemWindows().  We do this before measuring the content
        // view to keep the same semantics as the normal fitSystemWindows() call.
        mContent.dispatchApplyWindowInsets(new WindowInsets(mInnerInsets));
    measureChildWithMargins(mContent, widthMeasureSpec, 0, heightMeasureSpec, 0);
    lp = (LayoutParams) mContent.getLayoutParams();
    maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, mContent.getMeasuredWidth() + lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin);
    maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, mContent.getMeasuredHeight() + lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin);
    childState = combineMeasuredStates(childState, mContent.getMeasuredState());
    // Account for padding too
    maxWidth += getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight();
    maxHeight += getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom();
    // Check against our minimum height and width
    maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, getSuggestedMinimumHeight());
    maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, getSuggestedMinimumWidth());
    setMeasuredDimension(resolveSizeAndState(maxWidth, widthMeasureSpec, childState), resolveSizeAndState(maxHeight, heightMeasureSpec, childState << MEASURED_HEIGHT_STATE_SHIFT));
Also used : WindowInsets(android.view.WindowInsets) View(android.view.View)

Example 12 with WindowInsets

use of android.view.WindowInsets in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class ActionBarOverlayLayout method onMeasure.

protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
    int maxHeight = 0;
    int maxWidth = 0;
    int childState = 0;
    int topInset = 0;
    int bottomInset = 0;
    measureChildWithMargins(mActionBarTop, widthMeasureSpec, 0, heightMeasureSpec, 0);
    LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) mActionBarTop.getLayoutParams();
    maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, mActionBarTop.getMeasuredWidth() + lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin);
    maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, mActionBarTop.getMeasuredHeight() + lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin);
    childState = combineMeasuredStates(childState, mActionBarTop.getMeasuredState());
    // xlarge screen layout doesn't have bottom action bar.
    if (mActionBarBottom != null) {
        measureChildWithMargins(mActionBarBottom, widthMeasureSpec, 0, heightMeasureSpec, 0);
        lp = (LayoutParams) mActionBarBottom.getLayoutParams();
        maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, mActionBarBottom.getMeasuredWidth() + lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin);
        maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, mActionBarBottom.getMeasuredHeight() + lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin);
        childState = combineMeasuredStates(childState, mActionBarBottom.getMeasuredState());
    final int vis = getWindowSystemUiVisibility();
    final boolean stable = (vis & SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE) != 0;
    if (stable) {
        // This is the standard space needed for the action bar.  For stable measurement,
        // we can't depend on the size currently reported by it -- this must remain constant.
        topInset = mActionBarHeight;
        if (mHasNonEmbeddedTabs) {
            final View tabs = mActionBarTop.getTabContainer();
            if (tabs != null) {
                // If tabs are not embedded, increase space on top to account for them.
                topInset += mActionBarHeight;
    } else if (mActionBarTop.getVisibility() != GONE) {
        // This is the space needed on top of the window for all of the action bar
        // and tabs.
        topInset = mActionBarTop.getMeasuredHeight();
    if (mDecorToolbar.isSplit()) {
        // If action bar is split, adjust bottom insets for it.
        if (mActionBarBottom != null) {
            if (stable) {
                bottomInset = mActionBarHeight;
            } else {
                bottomInset = mActionBarBottom.getMeasuredHeight();
    // If the window has not requested system UI layout flags, we need to
    // make sure its content is not being covered by system UI...  though it
    // will still be covered by the action bar if they have requested it to
    // overlay.
    if (!mOverlayMode && !stable) { += topInset;
        mContentInsets.bottom += bottomInset;
    } else { += topInset;
        mInnerInsets.bottom += bottomInset;
    applyInsets(mContent, mContentInsets, true, true, true, true);
    if (!mLastInnerInsets.equals(mInnerInsets)) {
        // If the inner insets have changed, we need to dispatch this down to
        // the app's fitSystemWindows().  We do this before measuring the content
        // view to keep the same semantics as the normal fitSystemWindows() call.
        mContent.dispatchApplyWindowInsets(new WindowInsets(mInnerInsets));
    measureChildWithMargins(mContent, widthMeasureSpec, 0, heightMeasureSpec, 0);
    lp = (LayoutParams) mContent.getLayoutParams();
    maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, mContent.getMeasuredWidth() + lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin);
    maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, mContent.getMeasuredHeight() + lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin);
    childState = combineMeasuredStates(childState, mContent.getMeasuredState());
    // Account for padding too
    maxWidth += getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight();
    maxHeight += getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom();
    // Check against our minimum height and width
    maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, getSuggestedMinimumHeight());
    maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, getSuggestedMinimumWidth());
    setMeasuredDimension(resolveSizeAndState(maxWidth, widthMeasureSpec, childState), resolveSizeAndState(maxHeight, heightMeasureSpec, childState << MEASURED_HEIGHT_STATE_SHIFT));
Also used : WindowInsets(android.view.WindowInsets) View(android.view.View)


WindowInsets (android.view.WindowInsets)12 View (android.view.View)9 TextView (android.widget.TextView)4 ViewGroup (android.view.ViewGroup)3 ImageView (android.widget.ImageView)3 BindView (butterknife.BindView)3 Intent (android.content.Intent)2 RecyclerView ( FrameLayout (android.widget.FrameLayout)2 TargetApi (android.annotation.TargetApi)1 ActivityOptions ( ColorStateList (android.content.res.ColorStateList)1 NavigationView ( Fragment ( ActionMenuView ( GridLayoutManager ( ItemTouchHelper ( DisplayMetrics (android.util.DisplayMetrics)1 MenuItem (android.view.MenuItem)1 CompoundButton (android.widget.CompoundButton)1