Search in sources :

Example 21 with Nullable

use of androidx.annotation.Nullable in project MovieGuide by esoxjem.

the class MoviesListingAdapter method onBindViewHolder.

public void onBindViewHolder(final ViewHolder holder, int position) {
    holder.itemView.setOnClickListener(holder); = movies.get(position);;
    RequestOptions options = new RequestOptions().centerCrop().diskCacheStrategy(DiskCacheStrategy.AUTOMATIC).priority(Priority.HIGH);
    Glide.with(context).asBitmap().load(Api.getPosterPath( BitmapImageViewTarget(holder.poster) {

        public void onResourceReady(Bitmap bitmap, @Nullable Transition<? super Bitmap> transition) {
            super.onResourceReady(bitmap, transition);
            Palette.from(bitmap).generate(palette -> setBackgroundColor(palette, holder));
Also used : Context(android.content.Context) Api(com.esoxjem.movieguide.Api) RequestOptions(com.bumptech.glide.request.RequestOptions) ButterKnife(butterknife.ButterKnife) LayoutInflater(android.view.LayoutInflater) ImageView(android.widget.ImageView) BitmapImageViewTarget( ViewGroup(android.view.ViewGroup) BindView(butterknife.BindView) List(java.util.List) TextView(android.widget.TextView) Nullable(androidx.annotation.Nullable) Glide(com.bumptech.glide.Glide) Priority(com.bumptech.glide.Priority) Bitmap( Transition(com.bumptech.glide.request.transition.Transition) DiskCacheStrategy(com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DiskCacheStrategy) View(android.view.View) RecyclerView(androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView) R(com.esoxjem.movieguide.R) Palette( Movie(com.esoxjem.movieguide.Movie) Bitmap( BitmapImageViewTarget( RequestOptions(com.bumptech.glide.request.RequestOptions)

Example 22 with Nullable

use of androidx.annotation.Nullable in project fresco by facebook.

the class HierarcherImpl method buildProgressDrawable.

public Drawable buildProgressDrawable(Resources resources, ImageOptions imageOptions) {
    if (FrescoSystrace.isTracing()) {
    try {
        if (imageOptions.getProgressRes() == 0 && imageOptions.getProgressDrawable() == null) {
            return null;
        Drawable progressDrawable = imageOptions.getProgressDrawable();
        if (progressDrawable == null) {
            progressDrawable = resources.getDrawable(imageOptions.getProgressRes());
        if (progressDrawable == null) {
            return null;
        if (imageOptions.getProgressScaleType() != null) {
            return new ScaleTypeDrawable(progressDrawable, imageOptions.getProgressScaleType());
        return progressDrawable;
    } finally {
        if (FrescoSystrace.isTracing()) {
Also used : Drawable( ScaleTypeDrawable(com.facebook.drawee.drawable.ScaleTypeDrawable) NopDrawable(com.facebook.fresco.vito.core.NopDrawable) ForwardingDrawable(com.facebook.drawee.drawable.ForwardingDrawable) ScaleTypeDrawable(com.facebook.drawee.drawable.ScaleTypeDrawable) Nullable(androidx.annotation.Nullable)

Example 23 with Nullable

use of androidx.annotation.Nullable in project fresco by facebook.

the class FrescoDrawable2 method setOverlayDrawable.

public Drawable setOverlayDrawable(@Nullable Drawable drawable) {
    Drawable result = setDrawable(OVERLAY_DRAWABLE_INDEX, drawable);
    return result;
Also used : FadeDrawable(com.facebook.drawee.drawable.FadeDrawable) Drawable( TransformAwareDrawable(com.facebook.drawee.drawable.TransformAwareDrawable) ScaleTypeDrawable(com.facebook.drawee.drawable.ScaleTypeDrawable) Nullable(androidx.annotation.Nullable)

Example 24 with Nullable

use of androidx.annotation.Nullable in project Lightning-Browser by anthonycr.

the class ArticleTextExtractor method determineImageSource.

private static Element determineImageSource(@NonNull Element el, @NonNull List<ImageResult> images) {
    int maxWeight = 0;
    Element maxNode = null;
    Elements els ="img");
    if (els.isEmpty())
        els = el.parent().select("img");
    double score = 1;
    for (Element e : els) {
        String sourceUrl = e.attr("src");
        if (sourceUrl.isEmpty() || isAdImage(sourceUrl))
        int weight = 0;
        int height = 0;
        try {
            height = Integer.parseInt(e.attr("height"));
            if (height >= 50)
                weight += 20;
                weight -= 20;
        } catch (Exception ignored) {
        int width = 0;
        try {
            width = Integer.parseInt(e.attr("width"));
            if (width >= 50)
                weight += 20;
                weight -= 20;
        } catch (Exception ignored) {
        String alt = e.attr("alt");
        if (alt.length() > 35)
            weight += 20;
        String title = e.attr("title");
        if (title.length() > 35)
            weight += 20;
        String rel;
        boolean noFollow = false;
        if (e.parent() != null) {
            rel = e.parent().attr("rel");
            if (rel != null && rel.contains("nofollow")) {
                noFollow = rel.contains("nofollow");
                weight -= 40;
        weight = (int) (weight * score);
        if (weight > maxWeight) {
            maxWeight = weight;
            maxNode = e;
            score = score / 2;
        ImageResult image = new ImageResult(sourceUrl, weight, title, height, width, alt, noFollow);
    Collections.sort(images, new ImageComparator());
    return maxNode;
Also used : Element(org.jsoup.nodes.Element) Elements( SelectorParseException( Nullable(androidx.annotation.Nullable)

Example 25 with Nullable

use of androidx.annotation.Nullable in project Lightning-Browser by anthonycr.

the class ArticleTextExtractor method getBestMatchElement.

// Returns the best node match based on the weights (see getWeight for strategy)
private Element getBestMatchElement(@NonNull Collection<Element> nodes) {
    // why -200 now instead of 0?
    int maxWeight = -200;
    Element bestMatchElement = null;
    for (Element entry : nodes) {
        int currentWeight = getWeight(entry, false);
        if (currentWeight > maxWeight) {
            maxWeight = currentWeight;
            bestMatchElement = entry;
                // NOTE: This optimization fails with large pages that
                contains chunks of text that can be mistaken by articles, since we 
                want the best accuracy possible, I am disabling it for now. AP.

                // The original code had a limit of 200, the intention was that
                // if a node had a weight greater than it, then it most likely
                // it was the main content.
                // However this assumption fails when the amount of text in the 
                // children (or grandchildren) is too large. If we detect this
                // case then the limit is ignored and we try all the nodes to select
                // the one with the absolute maximum weight.
                if (maxWeight > 500){
                    ignoreMaxWeightLimit = true;
                // formerly 200, increased to 250 to account for the fact
                // we are not adding the weights of the grand children to the
                // tally.
                if (maxWeight > 250 && !ignoreMaxWeightLimit) 
    return bestMatchElement;
Also used : Element(org.jsoup.nodes.Element) Nullable(androidx.annotation.Nullable)


Nullable (androidx.annotation.Nullable)1206 View (android.view.View)207 Bundle (android.os.Bundle)118 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)104 TextView (android.widget.TextView)102 NonNull (androidx.annotation.NonNull)101 Context (android.content.Context)95 Cursor (android.database.Cursor)78 SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)74 Uri ( RecyclerView (androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView)64 List (java.util.List)63 ViewGroup (android.view.ViewGroup)60 Intent (android.content.Intent)58 Test (org.junit.Test)55 Recipient (org.thoughtcrime.securesms.recipients.Recipient)52 LayoutInflater (android.view.LayoutInflater)48 R (org.thoughtcrime.securesms.R)46 ImageView (android.widget.ImageView)45