use of androidx.media3.extractor.TrackOutput in project media by androidx.
the class FlacExtractor method handlePendingSeek.
private int handlePendingSeek(ExtractorInput input, PositionHolder seekPosition, ParsableByteArray outputBuffer, OutputFrameHolder outputFrameHolder, TrackOutput trackOutput) throws IOException {
int seekResult = binarySearchSeeker.handlePendingSeek(input, seekPosition);
ByteBuffer outputByteBuffer = outputFrameHolder.byteBuffer;
if (seekResult == RESULT_CONTINUE && outputByteBuffer.limit() > 0) {
outputSample(outputBuffer, outputByteBuffer.limit(), outputFrameHolder.timeUs, trackOutput);
return seekResult;
use of androidx.media3.extractor.TrackOutput in project media by androidx.
the class FlacExtractorSeekTest method seeking_seekTable_handlesSeekingBackward.
public void seeking_seekTable_handlesSeekingBackward() throws IOException {
String fileName = TEST_FILE_SEEK_TABLE;
Uri fileUri = TestUtil.buildAssetUri(fileName);
SeekMap seekMap = TestUtil.extractSeekMap(extractor, extractorOutput, dataSource, fileUri);
FakeTrackOutput trackOutput = extractorOutput.trackOutputs.get(0);
long firstSeekTimeUs = 1_234_000;
TestUtil.seekToTimeUs(extractor, seekMap, firstSeekTimeUs, dataSource, trackOutput, fileUri);
long targetSeekTimeUs = 987_000;
int extractedFrameIndex = TestUtil.seekToTimeUs(extractor, seekMap, targetSeekTimeUs, dataSource, trackOutput, fileUri);
assertFirstFrameAfterSeekPrecedesTargetSeekTime(fileName, trackOutput, targetSeekTimeUs, extractedFrameIndex);
use of androidx.media3.extractor.TrackOutput in project media by androidx.
the class WebvttExtractor method buildTrackOutput.
private TrackOutput buildTrackOutput(long subsampleOffsetUs) {
TrackOutput trackOutput = output.track(0, C.TRACK_TYPE_TEXT);
trackOutput.format(new Format.Builder().setSampleMimeType(MimeTypes.TEXT_VTT).setLanguage(language).setSubsampleOffsetUs(subsampleOffsetUs).build());
return trackOutput;
use of androidx.media3.extractor.TrackOutput in project media by androidx.
the class WebvttExtractor method processSample.
private void processSample() throws ParserException {
ParsableByteArray webvttData = new ParsableByteArray(sampleData);
// Validate the first line of the header.
// Defaults to use if the header doesn't contain an X-TIMESTAMP-MAP header.
long vttTimestampUs = 0;
long tsTimestampUs = 0;
// Parse the remainder of the header looking for X-TIMESTAMP-MAP.
for (String line = webvttData.readLine(); !TextUtils.isEmpty(line); line = webvttData.readLine()) {
if (line.startsWith("X-TIMESTAMP-MAP")) {
Matcher localTimestampMatcher = LOCAL_TIMESTAMP.matcher(line);
if (!localTimestampMatcher.find()) {
throw ParserException.createForMalformedContainer("X-TIMESTAMP-MAP doesn't contain local timestamp: " + line, /* cause= */
Matcher mediaTimestampMatcher = MEDIA_TIMESTAMP.matcher(line);
if (!mediaTimestampMatcher.find()) {
throw ParserException.createForMalformedContainer("X-TIMESTAMP-MAP doesn't contain media timestamp: " + line, /* cause= */
vttTimestampUs = WebvttParserUtil.parseTimestampUs(Assertions.checkNotNull(;
tsTimestampUs = TimestampAdjuster.ptsToUs(Long.parseLong(Assertions.checkNotNull(;
// Find the first cue header and parse the start time.
Matcher cueHeaderMatcher = WebvttParserUtil.findNextCueHeader(webvttData);
if (cueHeaderMatcher == null) {
// No cues found. Don't output a sample, but still output a corresponding track.
long firstCueTimeUs = WebvttParserUtil.parseTimestampUs(Assertions.checkNotNull(;
long sampleTimeUs = timestampAdjuster.adjustTsTimestamp(TimestampAdjuster.usToWrappedPts(firstCueTimeUs + tsTimestampUs - vttTimestampUs));
long subsampleOffsetUs = sampleTimeUs - firstCueTimeUs;
// Output the track.
TrackOutput trackOutput = buildTrackOutput(subsampleOffsetUs);
// Output the sample.
sampleDataWrapper.reset(sampleData, sampleSize);
trackOutput.sampleData(sampleDataWrapper, sampleSize);
trackOutput.sampleMetadata(sampleTimeUs, C.BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME, sampleSize, 0, null);
use of androidx.media3.extractor.TrackOutput in project media by androidx.
the class FragmentedMp4Extractor method readSample.
* Attempts to read the next sample in the current mdat atom. The read sample may be output or
* skipped.
* <p>If there are no more samples in the current mdat atom then the parser state is transitioned
* to {@link #STATE_READING_ATOM_HEADER} and {@code false} is returned.
* <p>It is possible for a sample to be partially read in the case that an exception is thrown. In
* this case the method can be called again to read the remainder of the sample.
* @param input The {@link ExtractorInput} from which to read data.
* @return Whether a sample was read. The read sample may have been output or skipped. False
* indicates that there are no samples left to read in the current mdat.
* @throws IOException If an error occurs reading from the input.
private boolean readSample(ExtractorInput input) throws IOException {
@Nullable TrackBundle trackBundle = currentTrackBundle;
if (trackBundle == null) {
trackBundle = getNextTrackBundle(trackBundles);
if (trackBundle == null) {
// We've run out of samples in the current mdat. Discard any trailing data and prepare to
// read the header of the next atom.
int bytesToSkip = (int) (endOfMdatPosition - input.getPosition());
if (bytesToSkip < 0) {
throw ParserException.createForMalformedContainer("Offset to end of mdat was negative.", /* cause= */
return false;
long nextDataPosition = trackBundle.getCurrentSampleOffset();
// We skip bytes preceding the next sample to read.
int bytesToSkip = (int) (nextDataPosition - input.getPosition());
if (bytesToSkip < 0) {
// Assume the sample data must be contiguous in the mdat with no preceding data.
Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring negative offset to sample data.");
bytesToSkip = 0;
currentTrackBundle = trackBundle;
if (parserState == STATE_READING_SAMPLE_START) {
sampleSize = trackBundle.getCurrentSampleSize();
if (trackBundle.currentSampleIndex < trackBundle.firstSampleToOutputIndex) {
if (! {
currentTrackBundle = null;
return true;
if (trackBundle.moovSampleTable.track.sampleTransformation == Track.TRANSFORMATION_CEA608_CDAT) {
sampleSize -= Atom.HEADER_SIZE;
if (MimeTypes.AUDIO_AC4.equals(trackBundle.moovSampleTable.track.format.sampleMimeType)) {
// AC4 samples need to be prefixed with a clear sample header.
sampleBytesWritten = trackBundle.outputSampleEncryptionData(sampleSize, Ac4Util.SAMPLE_HEADER_SIZE);
Ac4Util.getAc4SampleHeader(sampleSize, scratch);
trackBundle.output.sampleData(scratch, Ac4Util.SAMPLE_HEADER_SIZE);
sampleBytesWritten += Ac4Util.SAMPLE_HEADER_SIZE;
} else {
sampleBytesWritten = trackBundle.outputSampleEncryptionData(sampleSize, /* clearHeaderSize= */
sampleSize += sampleBytesWritten;
sampleCurrentNalBytesRemaining = 0;
Track track = trackBundle.moovSampleTable.track;
TrackOutput output = trackBundle.output;
long sampleTimeUs = trackBundle.getCurrentSamplePresentationTimeUs();
if (timestampAdjuster != null) {
sampleTimeUs = timestampAdjuster.adjustSampleTimestamp(sampleTimeUs);
if (track.nalUnitLengthFieldLength != 0) {
// Zero the top three bytes of the array that we'll use to decode nal unit lengths, in case
// they're only 1 or 2 bytes long.
byte[] nalPrefixData = nalPrefix.getData();
nalPrefixData[0] = 0;
nalPrefixData[1] = 0;
nalPrefixData[2] = 0;
int nalUnitPrefixLength = track.nalUnitLengthFieldLength + 1;
int nalUnitLengthFieldLengthDiff = 4 - track.nalUnitLengthFieldLength;
// start codes as we encounter them.
while (sampleBytesWritten < sampleSize) {
if (sampleCurrentNalBytesRemaining == 0) {
// Read the NAL length so that we know where we find the next one, and its type.
input.readFully(nalPrefixData, nalUnitLengthFieldLengthDiff, nalUnitPrefixLength);
int nalLengthInt = nalPrefix.readInt();
if (nalLengthInt < 1) {
throw ParserException.createForMalformedContainer("Invalid NAL length", /* cause= */
sampleCurrentNalBytesRemaining = nalLengthInt - 1;
// Write a start code for the current NAL unit.
output.sampleData(nalStartCode, 4);
// Write the NAL unit type byte.
output.sampleData(nalPrefix, 1);
processSeiNalUnitPayload = ceaTrackOutputs.length > 0 && NalUnitUtil.isNalUnitSei(track.format.sampleMimeType, nalPrefixData[4]);
sampleBytesWritten += 5;
sampleSize += nalUnitLengthFieldLengthDiff;
} else {
int writtenBytes;
if (processSeiNalUnitPayload) {
// Read and write the payload of the SEI NAL unit.
input.readFully(nalBuffer.getData(), 0, sampleCurrentNalBytesRemaining);
output.sampleData(nalBuffer, sampleCurrentNalBytesRemaining);
writtenBytes = sampleCurrentNalBytesRemaining;
// Unescape and process the SEI NAL unit.
int unescapedLength = NalUnitUtil.unescapeStream(nalBuffer.getData(), nalBuffer.limit());
// If the format is H.265/HEVC the NAL unit header has two bytes so skip one more byte.
nalBuffer.setPosition(MimeTypes.VIDEO_H265.equals(track.format.sampleMimeType) ? 1 : 0);
CeaUtil.consume(sampleTimeUs, nalBuffer, ceaTrackOutputs);
} else {
// Write the payload of the NAL unit.
writtenBytes = output.sampleData(input, sampleCurrentNalBytesRemaining, false);
sampleBytesWritten += writtenBytes;
sampleCurrentNalBytesRemaining -= writtenBytes;
} else {
while (sampleBytesWritten < sampleSize) {
int writtenBytes = output.sampleData(input, sampleSize - sampleBytesWritten, false);
sampleBytesWritten += writtenBytes;
@C.BufferFlags int sampleFlags = trackBundle.getCurrentSampleFlags();
// Encryption data.
@Nullable TrackOutput.CryptoData cryptoData = null;
@Nullable TrackEncryptionBox encryptionBox = trackBundle.getEncryptionBoxIfEncrypted();
if (encryptionBox != null) {
cryptoData = encryptionBox.cryptoData;
output.sampleMetadata(sampleTimeUs, sampleFlags, sampleSize, 0, cryptoData);
// After we have the sampleTimeUs, we can commit all the pending metadata samples
if (! {
currentTrackBundle = null;
return true;