use of androidx.sqlite.db.SupportSQLiteDatabase in project SeriesGuide by UweTrottmann.
the class MigrationTest method migrationFrom43To44_containsCorrectData.
public void migrationFrom43To44_containsCorrectData() throws IOException {
// First version that uses Room, so can use migration test helper
SupportSQLiteDatabase db = migrationTestHelper.createDatabase(TEST_DB_NAME, SgRoomDatabase.VERSION_43_ROOM);
RoomDatabaseTestHelper.insertShow(SHOW, db);
RoomDatabaseTestHelper.insertSeason(SEASON, db);
RoomDatabaseTestHelper.insertEpisode(EPISODE, SHOW.getTvdbId(), SEASON.getTvdbId(), SEASON.getNumber(), db);
use of androidx.sqlite.db.SupportSQLiteDatabase in project SeriesGuide by UweTrottmann.
the class MigrationTest method migrationFrom45To46_containsCorrectData.
public void migrationFrom45To46_containsCorrectData() throws IOException {
SupportSQLiteDatabase db = migrationTestHelper.createDatabase(TEST_DB_NAME, SgRoomDatabase.VERSION_45_RECREATE_SEASONS);
RoomDatabaseTestHelper.insertShow(SHOW, db);
RoomDatabaseTestHelper.insertSeason(SEASON, db);
RoomDatabaseTestHelper.insertEpisode(EPISODE, SHOW.getTvdbId(), SEASON.getTvdbId(), SEASON.getNumber(), db);
db = getMigratedDatabase(SgRoomDatabase.VERSION_46_SERIES_SLUG);
queryAndAssert(db, "SELECT series_slug FROM series", seriesQuery -> assertThat(seriesQuery.isNull(0)).isTrue());
use of androidx.sqlite.db.SupportSQLiteDatabase in project SeriesGuide by UweTrottmann.
the class MigrationTest method migrationFrom42To43_containsCorrectData.
public void migrationFrom42To43_containsCorrectData() throws IOException {
// Create the database with the initial version 42 schema and insert test data
// Re-open the database with version 43 and
// provide MIGRATION_42_43 as the migration process.
SupportSQLiteDatabase database = migrationTestHelper.runMigrationsAndValidate(TEST_DB_NAME, 43, false, /* adding FTS table ourselves */
use of androidx.sqlite.db.SupportSQLiteDatabase in project SeriesGuide by UweTrottmann.
the class SeriesGuideDatabase method rebuildFtsTable.
// Upgrading from versions older than 34 is no longer supported. Keeping upgrade code for reference.
// /**
// * See {@link #DBVER_34_TRAKT_V2}.
// */
// private static void upgradeToThirtyFour(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// // add new columns
// db.beginTransaction();
// try {
// // shows
// if (isTableColumnMissing(db, Tables.SHOWS, Shows.RELEASE_TIMEZONE)) {
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.SHOWS + " ADD COLUMN "
// + Shows.RELEASE_TIMEZONE + " TEXT;");
// }
// if (isTableColumnMissing(db, Tables.SHOWS, Shows.RATING_VOTES)) {
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.SHOWS + " ADD COLUMN "
// + Shows.RATING_VOTES + " INTEGER;");
// }
// if (isTableColumnMissing(db, Tables.SHOWS, Shows.RATING_USER)) {
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.SHOWS + " ADD COLUMN "
// + Shows.RATING_USER + " INTEGER;");
// }
// // episodes
// if (isTableColumnMissing(db, Tables.EPISODES, Episodes.RATING_VOTES)) {
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.EPISODES + " ADD COLUMN "
// + Episodes.RATING_VOTES + " INTEGER;");
// }
// if (isTableColumnMissing(db, Tables.EPISODES, Episodes.RATING_USER)) {
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.EPISODES + " ADD COLUMN "
// + Episodes.RATING_USER + " INTEGER;");
// }
// // movies
// if (isTableColumnMissing(db, Tables.MOVIES, Movies.RATING_USER)) {
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.MOVIES + " ADD COLUMN "
// + Movies.RATING_USER + " INTEGER;");
// }
// db.setTransactionSuccessful();
// } finally {
// db.endTransaction();
// }
// // migrate existing data to new formats
// Cursor query = db.query(Tables.SHOWS,
// new String[]{Shows._ID, Shows.RELEASE_TIME, Shows.RELEASE_WEEKDAY}, null, null,
// null, null, null);
// // create calendar, set to custom time zone
// Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-08:00"));
// ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
// db.beginTransaction();
// try {
// while (query.moveToNext()) {
// // time changed from ms to encoded local time
// long timeOld = query.getLong(1);
// int timeNew;
// if (timeOld != -1) {
// calendar.setTimeInMillis(timeOld);
// int hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
// int minute = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
// timeNew = hour * 100 + minute;
// } else {
// timeNew = -1;
// }
// values.put(Shows.RELEASE_TIME, timeNew);
// // week day changed from string to int
// String weekDayOld = query.getString(2);
// int weekDayNew = TimeTools.parseShowReleaseWeekDay(weekDayOld);
// values.put(Shows.RELEASE_WEEKDAY, weekDayNew);
// db.update(Tables.SHOWS, values, Shows._ID + "=" + query.getInt(0), null);
// }
// db.setTransactionSuccessful();
// } finally {
// db.endTransaction();
// query.close();
// }
// }
// /**
// * Add shows and movies title column without articles.
// */
// private static void upgradeToThirtyThree(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// /*
// Add new columns. Added existence checks as 14.0.3 update botched upgrade process.
// */
// if (isTableColumnMissing(db, Tables.SHOWS, Shows.TITLE_NOARTICLE)) {
// + " TEXT;");
// }
// if (isTableColumnMissing(db, Tables.MOVIES, Movies.TITLE_NOARTICLE)) {
// + " TEXT;");
// }
// // shows
// Cursor shows = db.query(Tables.SHOWS, new String[]{Shows._ID, Shows.TITLE}, null, null,
// null, null, null);
// ContentValues newTitleValues = new ContentValues();
// if (shows != null) {
// db.beginTransaction();
// try {
// while (shows.moveToNext()) {
// // put overwrites previous value
// newTitleValues.put(Shows.TITLE_NOARTICLE,
// DBUtils.trimLeadingArticle(shows.getString(1)));
// db.update(Tables.SHOWS, newTitleValues, Shows._ID + "=" + shows.getInt(0),
// null);
// }
// db.setTransactionSuccessful();
// } finally {
// db.endTransaction();
// }
// shows.close();
// }
// newTitleValues.clear();
// // movies
// Cursor movies = db.query(Tables.MOVIES, new String[]{Movies._ID, Movies.TITLE}, null,
// null, null, null, null);
// if (movies != null) {
// db.beginTransaction();
// try {
// while (movies.moveToNext()) {
// // put overwrites previous value
// newTitleValues.put(Movies.TITLE_NOARTICLE,
// DBUtils.trimLeadingArticle(movies.getString(1)));
// db.update(Tables.MOVIES, newTitleValues, Movies._ID + "=" + movies.getInt(0),
// null);
// }
// db.setTransactionSuccessful();
// } finally {
// db.endTransaction();
// }
// movies.close();
// }
// }
// /**
// * Add movies table.
// */
// private static void upgradeToThirtyTwo(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// if (!isTableExisting(db, Tables.MOVIES)) {
// }
// }
// // Must be watched and have an airdate
// private static final String LATEST_SELECTION = Episodes.WATCHED + "=1 AND "
// + Episodes.FIRSTAIREDMS + "!=-1 AND " + Shows.REF_SHOW_ID + "=?";
// // Latest aired first (ensures we get specials), if equal sort by season,
// // then number
// private static final String LATEST_ORDER = Episodes.FIRSTAIREDMS + " DESC,"
// + Episodes.SEASON + " DESC,"
// + Episodes.NUMBER + " DESC";
// /**
// * Add {@link Shows} column to store the last watched episode id for better prediction of next
// * episode.
// */
// private static void upgradeToThirtyOne(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// if (isTableColumnMissing(db, Tables.SHOWS, Shows.LASTWATCHEDID)) {
// + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0;");
// }
// // pre populate with latest watched episode ids
// ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
// final Cursor shows = db.query(Tables.SHOWS, new String[]{
// Shows._ID,
// }, null, null, null, null, null);
// if (shows != null) {
// db.beginTransaction();
// try {
// while (shows.moveToNext()) {
// final String showId = shows.getString(0);
// final Cursor highestWatchedEpisode = db.query(Tables.EPISODES, new String[]{
// Episodes._ID
// }, LATEST_SELECTION, new String[]{
// showId
// }, null, null, LATEST_ORDER);
// if (highestWatchedEpisode != null) {
// if (highestWatchedEpisode.moveToFirst()) {
// values.put(Shows.LASTWATCHEDID, highestWatchedEpisode.getInt(0));
// db.update(Tables.SHOWS, values, Shows._ID + "=?", new String[]{
// showId
// });
// values.clear();
// }
// highestWatchedEpisode.close();
// }
// }
// db.setTransactionSuccessful();
// } finally {
// db.endTransaction();
// }
// shows.close();
// }
// }
// /**
// * Add {@link Episodes} column to store absolute episode number.
// */
// private static void upgradeToThirty(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// if (isTableColumnMissing(db, Tables.EPISODES, Episodes.ABSOLUTE_NUMBER)) {
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.EPISODES + " ADD COLUMN "
// + Episodes.ABSOLUTE_NUMBER + " INTEGER;");
// }
// }
// /**
// * Add tables to store lists and list items.
// */
// private static void upgradeToTwentyEight(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// }
// /**
// * Add {@link Episodes} columns for storing its IMDb id and last time of edit on
// * Add {@link Shows} column for storing last time of edit as well.
// */
// private static void upgradeToTwentySeven(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.SHOWS + " ADD COLUMN " + ShowsColumns.LASTEDIT
// + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0;");
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.EPISODES + " ADD COLUMN " + EpisodesColumns.IMDBID
// + " TEXT DEFAULT '';");
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.EPISODES + " ADD COLUMN " + EpisodesColumns.LAST_EDITED
// + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0;");
// }
// /**
// * Add a {@link Episodes} column for storing whether an episode was collected in digital or
// * physical form.
// */
// private static void upgradeToTwentySix(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.EPISODES + " ADD COLUMN " + EpisodesColumns.COLLECTED
// + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0;");
// }
// /**
// * Add a {@link Shows} column for storing the next air date in ms as integer data type rather
// * than as text.
// */
// private static void upgradeToTwentyFive(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.SHOWS + " ADD COLUMN " + ShowsColumns.NEXTAIRDATEMS
// + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0;");
// }
// /**
// * Adds a column to the {@link Tables#EPISODES} table to store the airdate and possibly time in
// * milliseconds.
// */
// private static void upgradeToTwentyFour(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.EPISODES + " ADD COLUMN " + EpisodesColumns.FIRSTAIREDMS
// + " INTEGER DEFAULT -1;");
// // populate the new column from existing data
// final Cursor shows = db.query(Tables.SHOWS, new String[]{
// Shows._ID
// }, null, null, null, null, null);
// while (shows.moveToNext()) {
// final String showId = shows.getString(0);
// //noinspection deprecation
// final Cursor episodes = db.query(Tables.EPISODES, new String[]{
// Episodes._ID, Episodes.FIRSTAIRED
// }, Shows.REF_SHOW_ID + "=?", new String[]{
// showId
// }, null, null, null);
// db.beginTransaction();
// try {
// ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
// ZoneId defaultShowTimeZone = TimeTools.getDateTimeZone(null);
// LocalTime defaultShowReleaseTime = TimeTools.getShowReleaseTime(-1);
// String deviceTimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault().getID();
// while (episodes.moveToNext()) {
// String firstAired = episodes.getString(1);
// long episodeAirtime = TimeTools.parseEpisodeReleaseDate(null,
// defaultShowTimeZone, firstAired, defaultShowReleaseTime, null, null,
// deviceTimeZone);
// values.put(Episodes.FIRSTAIREDMS, episodeAirtime);
// db.update(Tables.EPISODES, values, Episodes._ID + "=?", new String[]{
// episodes.getString(0)
// });
// values.clear();
// }
// db.setTransactionSuccessful();
// } finally {
// db.endTransaction();
// }
// episodes.close();
// }
// shows.close();
// }
// /**
// * Adds a column to the {@link Tables#SHOWS} table similar to the favorite boolean, but to allow
// * hiding shows.
// */
// private static void upgradeToTwentyThree(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.SHOWS + " ADD COLUMN " + ShowsColumns.HIDDEN
// + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0;");
// }
// /**
// * Add a column to store the last time a show has been updated to allow for more precise control
// * over which shows should get updated. This is in conjunction with a 7 day limit when a show
// * will get updated regardless if it has been marked as updated or not.
// */
// private static void upgradeToTwentyTwo(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.SHOWS + " ADD COLUMN " + ShowsColumns.LASTUPDATED
// + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0;");
// }
// private static void upgradeToTwentyOne(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.SHOWS + " ADD COLUMN " + ShowsColumns.RELEASE_COUNTRY
// + " TEXT DEFAULT '';");
// }
// private static void upgradeToTwenty(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// db.execSQL(
// + " INTEGER DEFAULT 1;");
// }
// /**
// * In version 19 the season integer column totalcount was added.
// */
// private static void upgradeToNineteen(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.SEASONS + " ADD COLUMN " + SeasonsColumns.TOTALCOUNT
// + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0;");
// }
// /**
// * In version 18 the series text column nextairdatetext was added.
// */
// private static void upgradeToEighteen(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.SHOWS + " ADD COLUMN " + ShowsColumns.NEXTAIRDATETEXT
// + " TEXT DEFAULT '';");
// // convert status text to 0/1 integer
// final Cursor shows = db.query(Tables.SHOWS, new String[]{
// Shows._ID, Shows.STATUS
// }, null, null, null, null, null);
// final ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
// String status;
// db.beginTransaction();
// try {
// while (shows.moveToNext()) {
// status = shows.getString(1);
// if (status.length() == 10) {
// status = "1";
// } else if (status.length() == 5) {
// status = "0";
// } else {
// status = "";
// }
// values.put(Shows.STATUS, status);
// db.update(Tables.SHOWS, values, Shows._ID + "=?", new String[]{
// shows.getString(0)
// });
// values.clear();
// }
// db.setTransactionSuccessful();
// } finally {
// db.endTransaction();
// }
// shows.close();
// }
// /**
// * In version 17 the series boolean column favorite was added.
// */
// private static void upgradeToSeventeen(@NonNull SupportSQLiteDatabase db) {
// db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Tables.SHOWS + " ADD COLUMN " + ShowsColumns.FAVORITE
// + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0;");
// }
* Drops the current {@link Tables#EPISODES_SEARCH} table and re-creates it with current data
* from {@link Tables#SG_EPISODE}.
public static void rebuildFtsTable(Context context) {
Timber.d("Renewing FTS table");
SupportSQLiteDatabase db = SgRoomDatabase.getInstance(context).getOpenHelper().getWritableDatabase();
if (!recreateFtsTable(db)) {
use of androidx.sqlite.db.SupportSQLiteDatabase in project SeriesGuide by UweTrottmann.
the class SeriesGuideProvider method insertInTransaction.
* @param bulkInsert It seems to happen on occasion that TVDB has duplicate episodes, also
* backup files may contain duplicates. Handle them by making the last insert win (ON CONFLICT
* REPLACE) for bulk inserts.
private Uri insertInTransaction(SgRoomDatabase room, Uri uri, ContentValues values, boolean bulkInsert) {
if (LOGV) {
Timber.v("insert(uri=%s, values=%s)", uri, values.toString());
Uri notifyUri = null;
final SupportSQLiteDatabase db = room.getOpenHelper().getWritableDatabase();
final int match = sUriMatcher.match(uri);
switch(match) {
case SHOWS:
long id = tryInsert(db, Tables.SHOWS, CONFLICT_NONE, values);
if (id < 0) {
notifyUri = Shows.buildShowUri(values.getAsString(Shows._ID));
long id;
if (bulkInsert) {
id = tryInsert(db, Tables.SEASONS, CONFLICT_REPLACE, values);
} else {
id = tryInsert(db, Tables.SEASONS, CONFLICT_NONE, values);
if (id < 0) {
notifyUri = Seasons.buildSeasonUri(values.getAsString(Seasons._ID));
long id;
if (bulkInsert) {
id = tryInsert(db, Tables.EPISODES, CONFLICT_REPLACE, values);
} else {
id = tryInsert(db, Tables.EPISODES, CONFLICT_NONE, values);
if (id < 0) {
notifyUri = Episodes.buildEpisodeUri(values.getAsString(Episodes._ID));
case LISTS:
long id = tryInsert(db, Tables.LISTS, CONFLICT_REPLACE, values);
if (id < 0) {
notifyUri = Lists.buildListUri(values.getAsString(Lists.LIST_ID));
long id;
id = tryInsert(db, Tables.LIST_ITEMS, CONFLICT_REPLACE, values);
if (id < 0) {
notifyUri = ListItems.buildListItemUri(values.getAsString(ListItems.LIST_ITEM_ID));
case MOVIES:
long id = tryInsert(db, Tables.MOVIES, CONFLICT_REPLACE, values);
if (id < 0) {
notifyUri = Movies.buildMovieUri(values.getAsInteger(Movies.TMDB_ID));
long id = tryInsert(db, Tables.ACTIVITY, CONFLICT_REPLACE, values);
if (id < 0) {
notifyUri = Activity.buildActivityUri(values.getAsString(Activity.EPISODE_TVDB_OR_TMDB_ID));
case JOBS:
long id = tryInsert(db, Tables.JOBS, CONFLICT_REPLACE, values);
if (id < 0) {
notifyUri = Jobs.buildJobUri(id);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown uri: " + uri);
return notifyUri;