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Example 61 with ASPCore2Program

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class NormalizeProgramTransformation method apply.

public NormalProgram apply(ASPCore2Program inputProgram) {
    ASPCore2Program tmpPrg;
    // Remove variable equalities.
    tmpPrg = new VariableEqualityRemoval().apply(inputProgram);
    // Transform choice rules.
    tmpPrg = new ChoiceHeadToNormal().apply(tmpPrg);
    // Transform aggregates.
    tmpPrg = new AggregateRewriting(aggregateRewritingCfg.isUseSortingGridEncoding(), aggregateRewritingCfg.isSupportNegativeValuesInSums()).apply(tmpPrg);
    // Transform enumeration atoms.
    tmpPrg = new EnumerationRewriting().apply(tmpPrg);
    // Construct the normal program.
    NormalProgram retVal = NormalProgramImpl.fromInputProgram(tmpPrg);
    // Transform intervals.
    retVal = new IntervalTermToIntervalAtom().apply(retVal);
    // Rewrite ArithmeticTerms.
    retVal = new ArithmeticTermsRewriting().apply(retVal);
    return retVal;
Also used : ASPCore2Program( AggregateRewriting( NormalProgram(

Example 62 with ASPCore2Program

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class StringtemplateBasedAggregateEncoder method encodeAggregateResult.

protected ASPCore2Program encodeAggregateResult(AggregateInfo aggregateToEncode) {
    String aggregateId = aggregateToEncode.getId();
		 * Create a rule deriving a "bound" value for the core aggregate encoding.
		 * The bound is (in case of encodings for "<=" comparisons) the value that should be tested for being a lower bound, or
		 * else zero.
    Rule<Head> boundRule = null;
    if (this.needsBoundRule) {
        boundRule = this.buildBoundRule(aggregateToEncode);
    } else {
			 * Even if we don't have to create a bound rule because the aggregate encoding generates its own candidate values,
			 * we still generate a rule deriving zero as a bound, so that sums and counts over empty sets correctly return 0.
        boundRule = this.buildZeroBoundRule(aggregateToEncode);
    // Generate encoding
    ST coreEncodingTemplate = new ST(this.encodingTemplate);
    coreEncodingTemplate.add("result_predicate", aggregateToEncode.getOutputAtom().getPredicate().getName());
    coreEncodingTemplate.add("id", aggregateId);
    coreEncodingTemplate.add("element_tuple", this.getElementTuplePredicateSymbol(aggregateId));
    coreEncodingTemplate.add("bound", this.getBoundPredicateName(aggregateId));
    String coreEncodingAsp = coreEncodingTemplate.render();
    // Create the basic program
    ASPCore2Program coreEncoding = new EnumerationRewriting().apply(parser.parse(coreEncodingAsp));
    // Add the programatically created bound rule and return
    return new InputProgram(ListUtils.union(coreEncoding.getRules(), Collections.singletonList(boundRule)), coreEncoding.getFacts(), new InlineDirectivesImpl());
Also used : EnumerationRewriting( ST(org.stringtemplate.v4.ST) ASPCore2Program( Head( InlineDirectivesImpl( InputProgram(

Example 63 with ASPCore2Program

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class NaiveGrounderTest method groundRuleAlreadyGround.

 * Asserts that a ground rule whose positive body is not satisfied by the empty assignment
 * is grounded immediately.
public void groundRuleAlreadyGround() {
    ASPCore2Program program = PROGRAM_PARSER.parse("a :- not b. " + "b :- not a. " + "c :- b.");
    NormalProgram normal = NORMALIZE_TRANSFORM.apply(program);
    CompiledProgram prog = new StratifiedEvaluation().apply(AnalyzedProgram.analyzeNormalProgram(normal));
    AtomStore atomStore = new AtomStoreImpl();
    Grounder grounder = GrounderFactory.getInstance("naive", prog, atomStore, true);
    Map<Integer, NoGood> noGoods = grounder.getNoGoods(new TrailAssignment(atomStore));
    int litCNeg = Literals.atomToLiteral(atomStore.get(PROGRAM_PART_PARSER.parseBasicAtom("c")), false);
    int litB = Literals.atomToLiteral(atomStore.get(PROGRAM_PART_PARSER.parseBasicAtom("b")));
    assertExistsNoGoodContaining(noGoods.values(), litCNeg);
    assertExistsNoGoodContaining(noGoods.values(), litB);
Also used : ASPCore2Program( AtomStore( NoGood( AtomStoreImpl( NormalProgram( CompiledProgram( StratifiedEvaluation( TrailAssignment( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 64 with ASPCore2Program

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class NaiveGrounderTest method testPermissiveGrounderHeuristicTolerance_2_accept.

public void testPermissiveGrounderHeuristicTolerance_2_accept() {
    ASPCore2Program program = PROGRAM_PARSER.parse("a(1). " + "c(X) :- a(X), b(X), b(X+1). " + "b(X) :- something(X).");
    testPermissiveGrounderHeuristicTolerance(program, 0, litAX, 1, 2, true, Arrays.asList(2));
Also used : ASPCore2Program( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 65 with ASPCore2Program

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class NaiveGrounderTest method testPermissiveGrounderHeuristicTolerance_1_accept_two_substitutions.

public void testPermissiveGrounderHeuristicTolerance_1_accept_two_substitutions() {
    ASPCore2Program program = PROGRAM_PARSER.parse("a(1). " + "c(X) :- a(X), b(X,Y). " + "b(X,Y) :- something(X,Y).");
    testPermissiveGrounderHeuristicTolerance(program, 0, litAX, 1, 1, new ThriceTruth[] { ThriceTruth.TRUE, ThriceTruth.TRUE }, 2, true, Arrays.asList(0, 0));
Also used : ASPCore2Program( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)


ASPCore2Program ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)70 AnswerSet ( NormalProgram ( Alpha ( InputConfig ( AnalyzedProgram ( ProgramParserImpl ( DependencyGraph ( CompiledProgram ( Atom ( Disabled (org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled)9 SystemConfig ( AtomStoreImpl ( InputProgram ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)8 Predicate ( ComponentGraph ( SCComponent ( AtomStore (