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Example 16 with AggregateLiteral

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class AggregateLiteralSplitting method splitCombinedAggregateLiteral.

private static void splitCombinedAggregateLiteral(Literal literal, List<Literal> twoLiteralsSplitAggregates, List<ImmutablePair<Literal, Literal>> twoRulesSplitAggregates) {
    AggregateLiteral aggLit = (AggregateLiteral) literal;
    ImmutablePair<AggregateAtom, AggregateAtom> splitAggregate = splitCombinedAggregateAtom(aggLit.getAtom());
    if (literal.isNegated()) {
        // Negated aggregate require splitting in two rules.
        twoRulesSplitAggregates.add(new ImmutablePair<>(splitAggregate.left.toLiteral(false), splitAggregate.right.toLiteral(false)));
    } else {
        // Positive aggregate requires two literals in the body.
Also used : AggregateLiteral( AggregateAtom(

Example 17 with AggregateLiteral

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class AbstractAggregateEncoder method encodeAggregateLiteral.

 * Encodes the aggregate literal referenced by the given {@link AggregateInfo}.
 * @param aggregateToEncode
 * @return
public ASPCore2Program encodeAggregateLiteral(AggregateInfo aggregateToEncode) {
    AggregateLiteral literalToEncode = aggregateToEncode.getLiteral();
    if (literalToEncode.getAtom().getAggregateFunction() != this.aggregateFunctionToEncode) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Encoder " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " cannot encode aggregate function " + literalToEncode.getAtom().getAggregateFunction());
    if (!this.acceptedOperators.contains(literalToEncode.getAtom().getLowerBoundOperator())) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Encoder " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " cannot encode aggregate function " + literalToEncode.getAtom().getAggregateFunction() + " with operator " + literalToEncode.getAtom().getLowerBoundOperator());
    String aggregateId = aggregateToEncode.getId();
    ASPCore2Program literalEncoding = PredicateInternalizer.makePrefixedPredicatesInternal(encodeAggregateResult(aggregateToEncode), aggregateId);
    List<Rule<Head>> elementEncodingRules = new ArrayList<>();
    for (AggregateElement elementToEncode : literalToEncode.getAtom().getAggregateElements()) {
        Rule<Head> elementRule = encodeAggregateElement(aggregateToEncode, elementToEncode);
        elementEncodingRules.add(PredicateInternalizer.makePrefixedPredicatesInternal(elementRule, aggregateId));
    return new InputProgram(ListUtils.union(literalEncoding.getRules(), elementEncodingRules), literalEncoding.getFacts(), new InlineDirectivesImpl());
Also used : ASPCore2Program( Head( AggregateLiteral( AggregateElement( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Rule( BasicRule( InlineDirectivesImpl( InputProgram(

Example 18 with AggregateLiteral

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class AggregateRewritingRuleAnalysis method findBindingLiterals.

 * Recursively looks for literals in <code>searchScope</code> that bind the variables in the set
 * <code>varsToBind</code>, i.e. any literal lit that has any variable var in question in its
 * <code>bindingVariables</code> (i.e. lit assigns a value to var). Found binding literals are added to the set
 * <code>boundSoFar</code>. If a literal has any of the desired variables as a binding variable, but also has other
 * non-binding variables, the literals binding these are added to the set of desired variables for the next recursive
 * call. Since {@link AggregateLiteral}s cannot report their non-binding variables by themselves, this method also needs
 * a map of all aggregate literals and their global variables within the search scope.
// Note: This algorithm has potentially exponential time complexity. Tuning potential definitely exists, but
// performance optimization seems non-trivial.
private static void findBindingLiterals(Set<VariableTerm> varsToBind, Set<VariableTerm> varsBoundSoFar, Set<Literal> foundSoFar, Set<Literal> searchScope, Map<AggregateLiteral, Set<VariableTerm>> aggregatesWithGlobalVars) {
    int newlyBoundVars = 0;
    Set<VariableTerm> furtherVarsToBind = new HashSet<>();
    for (VariableTerm varToBind : varsToBind) {
        for (Literal lit : searchScope) {
            Set<VariableTerm> bindingVars = lit.getBindingVariables();
            Set<VariableTerm> nonBindingVars = (lit instanceof AggregateLiteral) ? aggregatesWithGlobalVars.get((AggregateLiteral) lit) : lit.getNonBindingVariables();
            if (bindingVars.contains(varToBind)) {
                for (VariableTerm nonBindingVar : nonBindingVars) {
                    if (!varsBoundSoFar.contains(nonBindingVar)) {
    if (newlyBoundVars == 0 && !varsToBind.isEmpty()) {
        // screaming than producing a stack overflow ;-)
        throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't find any literals binding variables: " + varsToBind + " in search scope " + searchScope);
    if (!furtherVarsToBind.isEmpty()) {
        // As long as we find variables we still need to bind, repeat with the new set of variables to bind.
        findBindingLiterals(furtherVarsToBind, varsBoundSoFar, foundSoFar, searchScope, aggregatesWithGlobalVars);
Also used : AggregateLiteral( Literal( AggregateLiteral( VariableTerm( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


AggregateLiteral ( Literal ( VariableTerm ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)7 AggregateAtom ( Term ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Rule ( BasicRule ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 ASPCore2Program ( AggregateElement ( ComparisonLiteral ( Head ( List (java.util.List)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 Set (java.util.Set)2 ComparisonOperator ( InlineDirectives ( Atom (